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Iraq - Unconfirmed reports regarding Ebola cases in Mosul

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  • Iraq - Unconfirmed reports regarding Ebola cases in Mosul


    First Ebola cases in Mosul

    4:33 AM ADMIN

    Nineveh/ Iraq TradeLink: Health sources in Mosul hospital reported the first cases of Ebola disease among Da'ish members in the province.

    The sources added that the cases were among Da'ish gunmen of African origins.

    They warned of spreading the disease in Mosul city and then to other Iraqi provinces.

    According to world statistics, the number of infected people reached to 16.000 persons, where 7000
    died of this disease.

    No confirmation was given by Baghdad health authorities.

    Posted in: Nineveh,Variety

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    URGENT: Two Ebola cases confirmed in Mosul

    December 31, 2014 by Abdelhak Mamoun No Comments

    ( On Wednesday, an official newspaper revealed, that two Ebola cases and 26 AIDS cases have been reported and registered in Mosul.

    The Iraqi official newspaper ?Al-Sabah? said in its today?s issue, ?Many diseases and epidemics have spread among residents of the city of Mosul,? and added, ?Two Ebola and 26 HIV AIDS cases were registered.?

    The newspaper quoted medical sources in the city,?These diseases moved to Nineveh by terrorists and expats from different countries, especially Africa.?

    On November 23, 2014, the Parliamentary Committee of Health and Environment warned from the entry of the Ebola into Iraq by the Islamic State (IS), while confirming that the Commission had taken the necessary measures to prevent the entry and spread of this disease in the country.
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3

      Cases of Ebola recorded in Iraq
      • Wednesday, 31 December 2014 09:28
      Shafaq News / A medical source in Mosul hospital revealed diagnosing the infection with Ebola virus of elements belonging to ISIS.

      The Ebola virus (EVD) or Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) is a human diseases that occur due to infection with the virus.

      The symptoms usually begin to appear after two days to three weeks of HIV infection, represented by fever, sore throat, muscle aches and headache. Usually followed by nausea, vomiting , diarrhea, accompanying with decline in liver function and kidney. Some people begin with exposure to the problems of bleeding at this stage.

      There are four places can be distinguished by Ebola virus which are south of Sudan, Zaire, Gabon and Ivory Coast. fever spread in these areas. And about 50% to 90% of patients of Ebola fever die.

      The source, who asked not to be identified told “Shafaq News", that “the cases were recorded on foreign fighters of African descent.

      The medical source warned from the spread of the disease within the city of Mosul and its transmission to other Iraqi cities.
      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        From Al-Sabah newspaper

        12/31/2014 0:00
        BAGHDAD - morning Tariq al-Ali Mowaffak
        revealed health information from inside Mosul, said in a statement singled out the "morning" for the spread of many diseases and epidemics among the inhabitants of the city, certain recording two goals disease "Ebola" dangerous, as well as 26 cases with HIV, "AIDS "indicating that these diseases moved to Nineveh by terrorists and arrivals from several countries, especially Africa.
        This comes at a time when managed through the security forces and the heroes of the popular crowd cleared the container area south of the city of Tikrit, as well as control of the four villages belonging to the hand Mutassim Southeast Samarra, while the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement "League of the Righteous," Sheikh Hassan Salem said that the next stop in the liberation of Salahuddin province, a series will be SHIRQAT spend.
        In Anbar, the police and security forces killed al-Anbar province sniper "Daashaa" in the city Haouz as well About 26 others from "Daash" and cut off their supply western Anbar ways.

        machine translation


        • #5
          There is a question about how reliable these reports are, and basically, we have no idea, hence the title of the thread. Thanks Gert.

          Iraq and Mosul are unstable. Any news is suspect. There are many conflicting factions there. We will monitor the situation and post here.


          • #6
            I have two issues with this report. First, I don't think there is laboratory capability to detect Ebola (by PCR?) in Iraq. I think the best they might be able to determine is that a patient has a hemorrhagic fever of unknown origin, by blood counts, and there are at least a few more common hemorrhagic fevers in Iraq. Secondly, there may be strong political motivations for a false report, blaming one group or another for spreading Ebola. After all, the reports are connecting the Ebola cases to 26 HIV/AIDS cases, something that might seem scary locally, but wouldn't be that surprising or concerning.

            If this report is correct, it's an absolute disaster, though.


            • #7
              Ebola in Iraq, in Mosul 3 jihadists Isis have contracted virus

              Written by FTH | TMNews -

              Rome, December 31 (Askanews) - The Ebola also affects men of the "Caliph" Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Three jihadists of the Islamic State (Isis) would contract the Ebola virus in the Iraqi city of Mosul.

              The news came this morning from the capital of Nineveh province, a stronghold of the Caliphate black, through a local doctor quoted by the pan-Arab daily "Al Quds al Arabi".

              "In hospitals al Salam and Jamhoury Mosul were recorded three cases of infection with Ebola virus," said the doctor Akram Mahmoud, adding that "all three elements are infected Isis".

              The same doctor has therefore launched an appeal: "We warn all the inhabitants of Mosul by the spread of infections throughout a city."

              computertranslation -
              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


              • #8


                • #9
                  Translation Google

                  Health Ministry denies registration disease Ebola injuries in Mosul

                  Date: 12/31/2014 14:14
                  Information / special / ..

                  denied the Ministry of Health, on Wednesday, reports that indicated the registration disease Ebola infections in the province of Mosul, indicating that the diagnostic capacity in Mosul will enable them to diagnose injuries.

                  The ministry's spokesman, Ahmed Rudaini told / information / that " diagnostic capabilities of the disease Ebola there is only in the capital, Baghdad laboratory of the Central Public Health. "

                  He added Rudaini that "reports that indicated registration disease Ebola infections in the province of Nineveh is incorrect and unfounded in addition to the health of Nineveh alternative administration in Dohuk did not send any suspected cases . "

                  The official newspaper "morning" revealed on Wednesday, recording two goals disease "Ebola" and 26 injured disease "AIDS" in Mosul. Finished / 25


                  • #10
                    Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola

                    dec 31 2014

                    Reports that Islamic State militants in Mosul have contracted Ebola swirled though Iraqi media sources on Wednesday. World Health Organization officials said they haven't confirmed the cases, but the organization has reached out to offer assistance.

                    Three outlets reported that Ebola showed up at a hospital in Mosul, a city 250 miles north of Baghdad that's been under ISIS control since June 2014. The reports, however, have perpetuated mostly in pro-government and Kurdish media.

                    "We have no official notification from [the Iraqi government] that it is Ebola," Christy Feig, WHO's director of communications told Mashable.

                    Feig added that WHO is in the process of reaching out to government officials in Iraq to see if they need help investigating the cases, a task that could be a challenge, given the restrictions that would come with operating in ISIS-controlled territory.

                    It's unclear if any disease experts or doctors in Mosul are even able to test for the Ebola virus. A Kurdish official, who was convinced the cases are Ebola, told the Kurdish media outlet Xendan that the militants' symptoms were similar to those of the Ebola virus.

                    While ISIS has recruited foreign fighters, very few of them — if any at all — are believed to have traveled from West Africa.

                    The majority of the Islamic State's African fighters came from Tunisia, according to a Washington Post report. Others came from Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Sudan and Somalia — none of which reported any Ebola cases in 2014.

                    If the cases in Mosul turn out to be Ebola — a scenario that, at this point, seems highly unlikely — it would mark the first time the virus had been detected in an area controlled by ISIS, a group that doesn't embrace science and modern medicine.

                    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                    • #11
                      ProMED today has picked up the story in its Ebola summary, and raises the possibility of malaria. It is not clear to me, even, that anyone is actually ill at all:

                      Published Date: 2014-12-31 20:33:54
                      Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola virus disease - ex Africa (59): cost of outbreak, IMF, susp. cases
                      Archive Number: 20141231.3065139


                      Iraq: This brief report does not state whether or how the Ebola cases have been confirmed, and whether they are being treated at a hospital in Iraq. We await further news on confirmation of the etiology and the condition of the individuals, and information on their country of origin prior to entering Iraq. It is more likely that these Ebola "cases" are malaria relapses.


                      • #12
                        Translation Google

                        Security and Policy 01/01/2015 16:33 GMT

                        Mosul doctors declare 5 injuries disease Ebola in Mosul

                        BAGHDAD - and babysit - "doctors humpback" group announced injuring five gunmen from the terrorist gangs Daash disease Ebola virus, indicating that the races of this disease, which was diagnosed are among the most dangerous and deadliest.

                        According to a statement issued by the group and the news agency public opinion has received a copy of it, that "the doctors belonging to bring us together and working in hospitals Republican and peace diagnosed 5 infected with Ebola between terrorist Daash guerrilla fighters disease, noting that" perhaps the races this disease that has been diagnosed and is the Ebola Zaire virus and Sudan Ebola virus of the most dangerous races this disease and Avckha, with a fatality incidence of this disease, the rate of 50%, according to World Health Organization statistics. "

                        The statement added: "We call on the sons of our province failure propagation mixing with strangers, wear gloves and wash your hands constantly, especially for workers in hospitals in the province


                        موقع انجزلي يهتم ببيع حلول ذكية لحياة عصرية


                        • #13

                          Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul

                          The two biggest news stories of 2014 collided Wednesday when Iraqi media outlets reported that members of the Islamic State group -- also known as ISIS -- had contracted the deadly virus Ebola. But later updates from the World Health Organization and Iraq's Ministry of Health indicate the stories may be just rumors.
                          "We have no official notification ... that it is Ebola," Christy Feig, director of communications for WHO, told Mashable, though WHO has contacted Iraqi officials to offer help.
                          Iraq's Ministry of Health also denied that anyone in Mosul had contracted the Ebola virus, which broke out in March in West Africa. Spokesman Ahmed Rudaini told news site Al-Maalomah that Mosul doesn't even have the technological capability to diagnose Ebola cases -- only Baghdad does. Therefore, he said, the reports that Ebola has infected anyone in Mosul are "incorrect" and "unfounded."



                          • #14
                            Translation Google

                            Ebola invades Daash areas of influence

                            Science and Technology
                            Since 18 minutes

                            The World Health Organization has announced that it will open an investigation into press reports indicated the presence of cases of Ebola in areas under the control of state regulation in Iraq.

                            A spokesman for the organization Christie Vaag The reports published in the Iraqi government newspapers indicate that Daash may need help the organization in the face of the Ebola virus, but he added that the organization has not yet been any confirmation from the Iraqi government received that there are already cases of "Ebola" in this areas.

                            Several media outlets reported that the Ebola virus spread in the city of Mosul, which is controlled by the organization because of "terrorists coming from African countries."

                            Although none of these reports have not been ascertained yet, but the WHO pointed out that if the news is true, these results would be disastrous for the region, especially in light of the lack of doctors in areas controlled by the organization and its rejection of modern medicine.

                            On the other hand, it was reported, citing an official in the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul, that the organization of the state's oldest ornaments burning the bodies of five militants belonging to him because of doubts infected with plague, pointing out that the epidemic diseases have become a threat to the connector.


                            • #15
                              Translation Google

                              Plague? appears in Mosul and ?Daash? burn corpses

                              Source:BAGHDAD agencies
                              History:January 2, 2015

                              Caused the administration failed to organize Daash in the civilian side, except for the military setbacks, the signs of health disasters in Mosul, with reports confirming the spread of diseases in which, including the plague and the resort of regulation to burn the bodies of its members suspected their deaths as a result of the disease.

                              Revealed media official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul, happy Mmousine, for the organization Daash burn the bodies of the five elements of skepticism infected with the plague, pointing out that the infectious disease began to spread significantly in the city.


                              Mmousine said that the organization ?burned the bodies of five of its elements in a hospital in Mosul to doubt infected with plague?, indicating that ?the cremation was a measure to curb the spread of the disease?.

                              He added that ?there is information we received indicates that the spread of the bodies and the contamination of water and food caused the spread of disease plague?, adding that ?has referred more than 200 people yesterday to hospitals in Mosul because of water pollution, after running out of supplies disinfectant?.

                              The newspaper ?morning? the official, yesterday reported for the registration of two cases of illness ?Ebola? as well as the 26 infected with ?AIDS? in Mosul, and an Iraqi doctor earlier revealed that the health departments in the province of Nineveh, recorded three virus infections ?Ebola?, noting that these three belong to al Daash.

                              Denied ?Ebola?

                              However, the Iraqi Health Ministry denied news injuries ?Ebola?, confirming that it is just ?rumors?. A spokesman for the ministry said Ahmed Rudaini ?Ebola virus could reach the area in the world, including Mosul, but there is no diagnostic capabilities to detect this virus?. Rudaini He added that he ?has not been any injury Register or suspected case of the virus so far

