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Resource: Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council

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  • Resource: Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council

    Many Alaskans with experience in large oil spills are helping with the GOM mess. The following site is a collection of information/resources that should provide information relevent to the GOM spill.


    About the council

    The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens? Advisory Council was formed after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989 to provide a voice for communities affected by oil industry decisions in Prince William Sound, the Gulf of Alaska, and Cook Inlet.

    The council is an independent non-profit organization whose mission is to promote environmentally safe operation of Alyeska Pipeline?s Valdez Marine Terminal and associated oil tankers.
    BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

    Selected Resources

    This is a collection of links to materials that we believe could be useful to reporters, citizens, agencies, organizations, companies, and communities dealing with BP?s Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Much of the information linked here resides on the citizen?s council?s main website. However, some of it is posted on other websites and has not been verified by PWSRCAC.

    Visit the Questions and Feedback page to leave a comment or ask a question on any topic on this website.


    Community Impacts

    Based on several years of socioeconomic research, our council developed resources to explain what a technological disaster is, how it differs from a natural disaster, and what to expect during a technological disaster and in the years afterward. It provides lessons learned and information on where to get help. these resources include links to our community guidebook and peer listener training video.

    Community Impacts

    Oil Spill Prevention and Response

    See this page for links to information on best practices for oil spill response, near-shore spill response tactics, contingency plans, best available technology and spill equipment.

    Oil Spill Prevention and Response

    Incident Command Systems/Unified Command

    What is an ?Incident Command System? or a ?Unified Command?? This is a standardized structure used to manage all types of emergencies and incidents. Find an explanation of these terms and what information should be publicly available for major incidents:

    Incident Command Systems/Unified Command

    Environmental Monitoring

    See this page for information about post-Exxon Valdez environmental monitoring of Prince William Sound?s waters.

    Environmental Monitoring


    Dispersants have been used extensively in the response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Our council has studied dispersants in great detail, including commissioning extensive research.


    Citizen Oversight

    Find out how our council was formed, how it works, and what the rationale for such councils, and take a look at the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, the federal legislation that created the citizens? council.

    Citizen Oversight


    (the above is just a small portion of the available information - see the whole site for more)

    "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation