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China - Reported seasonal surge in pediatric pneumonia patients at Jieyang City People's Hospital in Guangdong province - May 31, 2017

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  • China - Reported seasonal surge in pediatric pneumonia patients at Jieyang City People's Hospital in Guangdong province - May 31, 2017

    Qingfeng repeated incidence of surge to guard against children with pneumonia several major errors

    2017-05-31 14:21 Source: Jieyang Daily Chen Xingxing
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      Pneumonia occurs in the cold winter season or the sudden change in climate. Recent warm and alternating weather, sunny rain repeatedly, the incidence of pneumonia in children surge. Nearly 2 months, Jieyang City People's Hospital pediatric treatment will be more than 400 cases of pneumonia in children. Zhu Yongbin, director of the Division to remind the children's respiratory system, the immune system is not perfect, the defense of the pathogen is weak, coupled with poor indoor ventilation, air pollution, more pathogenic microorganisms, many children susceptible to pneumonia. Prevention of pneumonia, parents should strengthen the scientific care of children, according to climate change in a timely manner to increase or decrease clothing, indoor ventilation, try not to bring children to crowded, air dirty place. At the same time, pay attention to diet balanced, appropriate children to participate in physical exercise, enhance the body immunity.
      Suffering from pneumonia, mostly children first fever, runny nose, cough and other "cold" symptoms, followed by cough gradually increased, and the emergence of shortness of breath. As the initial symptoms of pneumonia similar to the "cold", some parents easily "pneumonia" as a "cold" simple treatment. In the treatment of pneumonia, many parents still have many errors:


