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China - Wuxing, Zhejiang, Huzhou hold joint avian influenza prevention and control exercise

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  • China - Wuxing, Zhejiang, Huzhou hold joint avian influenza prevention and control exercise

    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10"><tbody><tr><td>
    City's major animal disease prevention and control exercise held
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td height="20">
    2010-1-1 9:31:11
    2010-1-1 9:31:11    Huzhou online news site
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    湖州在线讯昨天,市防治动物疫病指挥部、吴兴区防治动物疫病指挥部、浙江广东温氏畜牧有限公司联合开展了防 控高致病性禽流感实战演练。

    Huzhou online hearing yesterday, city animal disease prevention and control headquarters, Wuxing animal disease prevention and control headquarters, Zhejiang and Guangdong Wen's Livestock Co., Ltd. jointly launched a prevention and control of highly pathogenic avian influenza combat exercise.
    据悉,这是继2007年初市指挥部与德清县指挥部进行重大动物疫病防控联合演练后的又一次演练 。
    It is the beginning of 2007 following the city of command and the command of Deqing County, a major animal disease prevention and control of joint exercises exercise after another.
    市防治动物疫病指挥部指挥长、副市长杨建新坐镇指挥,其它县区指挥部有关负责人、成员单位相关人员等观摩了 演练。
    City animal disease prevention and control headquarters commander, took command of Vice-Mayor Yang Jianxin, and other county in charge of the command-member unit of the relevant personnel to observe the exercise.

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