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China - Many children in emergency department received care for high fever due to herpetic pharyngitis, Zhumadian, Henan province - May 22, 2024

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  • China - Many children in emergency department received care for high fever due to herpetic pharyngitis, Zhumadian, Henan province - May 22, 2024

    High fever of 40℃! Highly contagious! Doctor: Recently, the incidence is high

    Zhumadian Today

    2024-05-22 15:50
    Source: The Paper ·

    Li Chenxi, a reporter for the newspaper
    The child suddenly had a fever, and the temperature reached 40℃...Recently, many parents reported that their children suffered from herpetic pharyngitis, with high fever that wouldn't go away, herpes ulcers in the throat, and unbearable pain, which made them very anxious.
    On May 21, the reporter went to the emergency pediatric department of Zhumadian Central Hospital and found that many children were receiving treatment in the hospital for herpetic pharyngitis.
    "These children all have high fevers that won't go away or have recurring fevers. Their conditions are quite serious and they can only be treated with intravenous infusions in the hospital. Recently, there are a lot of children suffering from herpangina, and more than 60% of the children who come to see a doctor have been diagnosed with the disease. Generally, we treat the symptoms and there is no specific medicine." Wang Fengquan, director of the emergency pediatrics department of the Municipal Central Hospital, told reporters.
    What is herpetic pharyngitis?
    How to prevent it?
    1. What is herpetic pharyngitis?
    Herpangina is an acute infectious pharyngitis caused by enterovirus, characterized by acute fever and herpes ulcers in the pharyngeal isthmus.
    1. Transmission route
    It is mainly transmitted by contact and is highly contagious. The most common way of infection is through close contact with the patient's secretions or contaminated supplies.
    2. High incidence season
    April to July.
    3. Susceptible population
    It is more common in children under 6 years old, but others with weakened immunity can also be infected.
    Symptoms of herpetic pharyngitis
    1. Main symptoms
    Fever, herpes in the pharyngeal isthmus, sore throat, drooling, and sore throat affecting eating. A few severe patients may also have complications such as high fever convulsions and encephalitis.
    2. Characteristics of disease
    Incubation period (3 to 5 days): There may be no symptoms, but the virus will replicate in large quantities in the body.
    Prodromal period (1 to 2 days): Sudden persistent high fever or recurrent high fever, which may reach 38°C to 40°C, accompanied by symptoms such as redness and swelling of the throat and loss of appetite.
    Blister stage (2-3 days): In addition to high fever, blisters appear on the oral palate mucosa.
    Ulcer stage (3-4 days): low fever or fever subsides, blisters rupture to form shallow ulcers, drooling and even refusal to eat due to the pain of the ulcers.
    If your child is infected, don't be too nervous.
    Herpetic pharyngitis is a self-limiting disease
    Most patients will recover within 4 to 6 days.
    There is no cure for this disease
    If there is no concurrent bacterial infection
    No need for antibiotics

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