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China - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: African swine fever situation still complex and grim - 100 day special crackdown action implemented - May 13, 2020

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  • China - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: African swine fever situation still complex and grim - 100 day special crackdown action implemented - May 13, 2020

    Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Increased risk of introduction of African swine fever outbreak

    May 13, 2020 12:12 CCTV
      Original title: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Increased risk of introduction of African swine fever outbreak

      On May 12, the national African swine fever joint prevention and control mechanism video conference was held in Beijing. The meeting pointed out that through joint efforts, the national African swine fever prevention and control warfare has achieved staged results, but the current prevention and control situation is still complex and grim, the African swine fever virus pollution is large, the risk of the introduction of overseas epidemics increases, and some local measures There are weak links in the implementation, and the epidemic situation occurs from time to time. All localities should face up to the problems existing in their work, overcome war exhaustion, paralyzed thinking, and luck psychology, and go all out to do a good job in prevention and control.

      The meeting requested that all relevant departments around the country should optimize the epidemic situation investigation mechanism on the basis of the implementation of the current effective measures, do a good job in sampling and testing in key areas and sites, establish a weekly epidemic situation reporting system, and improve the epidemic situation report reward and punishment mechanism. Strengthen the normalized prevention and control measures, guide and urge large-scale farms to implement the "four early" requirements, get quarantine clearance well, strengthen the supervision of slaughter and harmless treatment links, and further expand the scope of the regional prevention and control pilot. Carry out a "100-day special crackdown action", pay close attention to the main entrances and exits within the county and between provinces, and strictly investigate the illegal transfer of pigs. It is necessary to give full play to the role of animal epidemic prevention system, further strengthen the construction of animal epidemic prevention system, accelerate the implementation of the special appointment plan of animal epidemic prevention commissioner, and consolidate the grassroots work force.

  • #2
    Cela existe une pr?sentation neutre de la situation, sur le su dans les populations sauvages et surtout du fait ? Il a ?t? ?voqu? l'usage de x vaccins, par exemple ?

    Donc en r?sum?: quid de la g?nomique de ce qui se passe en Chine ?


    • #3
      Ayant beaucoup appr?ci? ceci :
      ? Dans leur culture hi?rarchique, un chercheur qui fait une mauvaise manipulation risque de ne pas la signaler pour ?viter de perdre la face. Or, ces accidents sont fr?quents et les protocoles de s?curit? sont mal fichus. ?

      il estimait que la crise du coronavirus est le ? Tchernobyl de la Chine ? et que son pr?sident ? Xi Jinping tente de le cacher ?

      Vu le comportement anormal des chinois, il faut certainement faire cela plus vite :

      Des porcs transg?niques test?s pour arr?ter la r?plication du virus ASF

      On pourrait se passer de cela , mais, vu le niveau de bien des acteurs ...

