Middle-aged high-risk population of tuberculosis into the province
Ben Wang Comprehensive: A reporter yesterday from Shijiazhuang City, CDC was informed that, from 2000 to 2009, a total of 10 years, Shijiazhuang City, registration of new smear-positive patients found that three thousand people.
Registered with the registration rate of male patients was significantly higher than females.
In terms of age distribution of the 15 to-54 age group accounted for 70% to a high incidence of TB populations.
At present, Shijiazhuang City, tuberculosis was roughly three main characteristics: the prevention and control situation is still grim; 16-year-old to 40-year-old middle-aged is a high risk of TB; rural and migrant population is the focus of prevention and control.
City, director of CDC TB Zhu Jianliang analysts believe that young people are the main social labor, frequent social interaction, mobility, infection opportunities, as a source of infection was great danger to society.
From 1991 to 2009, Shijiazhuang City has implemented the "World Bank loan of TB Control Project", "World Bank loan / UK tuberculosis project grants."
The projects currently being implemented are the first round of the Global Fund, the fourth round, fifth round, the eighth round, the central transfer payments, etc., which for the city's TB control provides an effective financial and technical support.
Especially for patients free of charge examination and treatment, an effective solution to the difficult problem of patients for medical treatment.
From 2000 to 2009, the city a total of five thousand cases of providing free TB diagnosis and treatment of more than 90% of the patients, the Steering chemotherapy, reaching more than 85% of the high cure rate.
- 新闻来源: 本网综合News source: Ben Wang Comprehensive
- 点击数:Hits: 11
- 日期:2010年03月25日Date: March 25, 2010
本网综合:记者昨天从石家庄市疾控中心获悉,从2000年至2009年,10年间石家庄市共发现登记新涂阳 病人3万余人。
Ben Wang Comprehensive: A reporter yesterday from Shijiazhuang City, CDC was informed that, from 2000 to 2009, a total of 10 years, Shijiazhuang City, registration of new smear-positive patients found that three thousand people.
Registered with the registration rate of male patients was significantly higher than females.
In terms of age distribution of the 15 to-54 age group accounted for 70% to a high incidence of TB populations.
目前,石家庄市结核病疫情大致呈三大特点:防控形势依然严峻;16岁到40岁中青年是结核病的高发人群;农 村和流动人口是防控重点。
At present, Shijiazhuang City, tuberculosis was roughly three main characteristics: the prevention and control situation is still grim; 16-year-old to 40-year-old middle-aged is a high risk of TB; rural and migrant population is the focus of prevention and control.
市疾控中心结核病防治所所长朱建良分析认为,中青年人群是主要社会劳动力,社会交往频繁,流动性大,感染机 会多,作为传染源对社会危害性也大。
City, director of CDC TB Zhu Jianliang analysts believe that young people are the main social labor, frequent social interaction, mobility, infection opportunities, as a source of infection was great danger to society.
From 1991 to 2009, Shijiazhuang City has implemented the "World Bank loan of TB Control Project", "World Bank loan / UK tuberculosis project grants."
目前正在实施的项目还有全球基金第一轮、第四轮、第五轮、第八轮、中央转移支付项目等,这为全市的结核病控 制工作提供了有效的资金和技术支持。
The projects currently being implemented are the first round of the Global Fund, the fourth round, fifth round, the eighth round, the central transfer payments, etc., which for the city's TB control provides an effective financial and technical support.
Especially for patients free of charge examination and treatment, an effective solution to the difficult problem of patients for medical treatment.
自2000年至2009年,全市共为5万余例结核病患者提供了免费诊治,90%以上的病人进行了督导化疗, 达到了85%以上的高治愈率。
From 2000 to 2009, the city a total of five thousand cases of providing free TB diagnosis and treatment of more than 90% of the patients, the Steering chemotherapy, reaching more than 85% of the high cure rate.