<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=670 align=center border=0 valign="top"><TBODY><TR><TD class=texttitleblack width=490>http://www.mediafax.ro/english/artic...-472757-9.html
400 Chinese Students Hospitalized With Unknown Flu
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BEIJING, Apr 2</TD></TR><TR><TD class=textnormal vAlign=top>
Over 400 students at a university in central China''s Henan province were hospitalized with high fevers linked to an unknown flu virus, state press and a school official have said, AFP reports. The outbreak began on March 26 when 22 students were hospitalized with high fevers. The next day the number of sick students at the Henan University of Science and Technology in Luoyang city rose to 88, and on March 28 there were 208 sick students in the university''s infirmary.
400 Chinese Students Hospitalized With Unknown Flu
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BEIJING, Apr 2</TD></TR><TR><TD class=textnormal vAlign=top>
Over 400 students at a university in central China''s Henan province were hospitalized with high fevers linked to an unknown flu virus, state press and a school official have said, AFP reports. The outbreak began on March 26 when 22 students were hospitalized with high fevers. The next day the number of sick students at the Henan University of Science and Technology in Luoyang city rose to 88, and on March 28 there were 208 sick students in the university''s infirmary.