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Shanghai World Expo - Mass casualty drill

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  • Shanghai World Expo - Mass casualty drill

    Great quarter, passenger traffic at the test temperature to bring aid to build the Expo, "three concentric circles"

    At 13:32 on March 23, 2010

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    Photo caption: Recently, Shuguang Hospital, emergency treatment at the Expo mass casualty drill

     在5.2平方公里的世博园区里,每天少则三四十万游客,多则六七十万,发生各种医疗救援的概率可能会明显 增加。

    In the 5.2 square kilometers of the Expo area, the day varies from Sansishiwan tourists, as many as Liuqishiwan, the probability of occurrence of various medical relief may be significantly increased.

    历 时半年的世博会期间要经历梅雨、高温等春、夏、秋不同季节,如何进行公共卫生和医疗保障非常关键……今天上 午,上海市卫生局局长徐建光在第三届“民生访 谈”中透露,在世博医疗保障中,将构建“三个同心圆”的医疗救治体系,全市500辆救护车将分三个梯队严阵 以待,积极防控传染病,应对各类突发公共卫生事 件,确保世博会成功举办。

    Lasted for half a year during the World Expo to go through rainy season and high temperature spring, summer, autumn and different seasons, how to carry out critical public health and medical care ... ... This morning, the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau, XU Jian-guang at the third "people's livelihood Interview" revealed , in the medical care in the Expo, will establish the "three concentric circles" of the medical treatment system, the city's 500 ambulances will be divided into three echelons of combat readiness, and actively prevent and control infectious diseases, cope with various types of public health emergencies to ensure the success of the Expo held.

    徐建光还透露,世博会期间,全市72所二甲以上医院将为市民提供人性化便民措施,这些便民举措将成为一种常 态服务模式,辐射长三角地区,展示全世界,把世博作为一次契机,整体提升医疗卫生的服务水平,让上海更宜居 。

    XU Jian-guang also revealed that during the World Expo, the city's 72 hospitals will provide the public with more than dimethyl human convenience measures, these initiatives will become a normal convenience service model, radiation Yangtze River Delta region, showing the whole world, the World Expo as an opportunity for the whole enhance the medical and health services, so that Shanghai is more livable.

      记者:世博场馆人流密集,万一有游客出现不适、突然晕倒、突发疾病,甚至发生踩踏等意外事故,医疗急救网络和12 0救护系统将如何开展现场急救和保障?
    Expo zone Construction careful medical treatment network

    Reporter: Expo venues flow-intensive, in case there are not tourists, suddenly collapsed, sudden illness, or even a stampede and other accidents, medical first-aid network and the 120 ambulance system how it will conduct on-site first-aid and protection?


    XU Jian-guang: In the Expo area, established a sophisticated network of medical treatment.

    世博园区内共分5个展区,每个展区设置1个医疗站,每个医疗站配备1辆医疗巡视车,提供现场急救和先期处置 。

    Expo area is divided into five galleries, each booth set up a medical station, each medical station is equipped with a medical inspection vehicles, provide on-site first aid and pre-disposition.


    The park is also equipped with seven ambulances, is responsible for critically wounded and transported to designated hospitals for first aid.

    在世博周边区定点医院提供院内医疗服务,指定仁济医院东院、曙光医院东院、华山医院东院、瑞金医院、第九人 民医院、东方医院、长征医院、长海医院等8家医院作为定点医院,各定点医院均设立专用诊区和绿 色通道。

    Expo designated hospitals in the surrounding area to provide hospital medical services, designated Yan Chai Hospital, Eastern Hospital, Shuguang Hospital, Eastern Hospital, Huashan Hospital, Eastern Hospital, Ruijin Hospital, Ninth People's Hospital, Eastern Hospital, Changzheng Hospital, Changhai Hospital 8 Hospital as fixed-point Hospital, the designated hospitals set up a dedicated clinic area and the green channel.

    园区内医疗站的人员都由定点医院直接派出,一旦发生问题可与定点医院直接对接,现场医疗站有病人需要转运, 在病人还未转运前,后方医院就已做好准备。

    Park staff health posts sent directly by the designated hospitals, if a problem occurs with designated hospitals for the direct docking, on-site medical station need to transfer a patient, the patient has not pre-shipment, rear hospital had been prepared.

    在城市运行区,考虑到在应急医疗救援保障中,一旦发生大批量、群体性需要医疗救援时,不单定点医院可发挥作 用,还组织全市三级医院或二级医院都做好相应救援准备。

    Running in the city area, taking into account the protection of the emergency medical rescue in the event of large-volume, mass in need of medical assistance, not designated hospitals can play a role, also organized the city's three hospitals and two hospitals are prepared to make the appropriate relief.

    全市33个临床医学中心主要分布在大的医疗单位,这也是全市医疗水平最高的临床中心,这些临床中心的专家队 伍也作为定点医院的强大后盾,一旦需要就可动员全市医疗救治力量应急救援。

    The city's 33 clinical centers are mainly located in large medical institutions, which is the highest level of the city's medical and clinical center, an expert team of clinical centers and as a powerful backing for designated hospitals as soon as the need to mobilize the city's medical treatment could force emergency rescue.

    世博会期间,全市500辆救护车还将严阵以待,分为三个梯队运转:第一梯队位于世博园区,第二梯队分布于世 博周边地区的急救站,第三梯队将联动市和区县120的急救资源,协同保障城市各类医疗急救需要 。

    During the Expo, the city's 500 ambulances will be vigilant, be divided into three-tier operation: the first tier in the expo area, the second-tier distributed in the surrounding areas Expo aid station, the third-tier cities and counties will be linkage of 120 first-aid resources, coordinated to protect city needs all kinds of medical emergencies.

    市120指挥中心配备了GIS电子地图系统、大屏幕信息显示系统,所有救护车确保信息畅通和及 时调度。

    City, 120 command center is equipped with GIS electronic map system, large-screen information display system, all the ambulances to ensure information flow and timely scheduling.


    In addition, pre-hospital emergency treatment with neighboring provinces and cities by working in collaboration to establish inter-provincial first aid and support network.

    记者:世博会预计有7000多万人次游客,在人流量大增的背景下,我们提供公共医疗卫生服务的难度是否也会增大, 出现问题意外的机率同样也可能增加?

    Reporter: The World Expo is expected to have more than 7000 million tourists, the background of significant increase in the flow of people, we provide public health services, whether it will be difficult to increase the chances of unexpected problems also may increase?

    徐建光:世博会期间有高温天,有些年龄较大的参观者,在园区有限的区域内人流增多的情况下,意外发生率 肯定会上升。

    XU Jian-guang: Expo during the hot days, and some older visitors, in the park increased flow of people within the region limited circumstances, the accident rate would almost certainly rise.


    Once the visitors in need of emergency medical rescue, medical personnel and medical rescue forces should be in place in time.

    当出现个体问题时比较容易处理,一旦量较多、且需集体医疗救援时,这就要考验我们的应急救援能 力和水平。

    When relatively easy to deal with individual problems, once the amount of more, and take a collective medical assistance, this will test our ability and level of emergency rescue.

    作为上海世博会的东道主,我们对医疗卫生和食品安全保障提出“四个确保”的要求,即:确保世博园区饮用水卫 生安全,确保世博园区食品卫生安全,确保世博园区不发生重大传染病疫情,确保医疗救援及时有效 。

    As the host of the Shanghai World Expo, we are health and food safety, ensuring that the proposed "four to ensure that" requirements, namely: to ensure the health and safety of drinking water expo area to ensure the World Expo area of food hygiene and safety to ensure the World Expo zone is a major infectious disease epidemic, to ensure the timely and effective medical assistance.

    卫生部门已对世博园区医疗保障人员开展现场应急救护培训,组织指导各定点医院开展应急队伍拉动演练和批量伤 员救治演练,还计划在世博试运行期间在园区内组织两场医疗卫生保障实战演练。

    Expo area health departments have conducted on-site medical support personnel, emergency response, training, organizing and guiding the conduct of designated hospitals for emergency team exercises and mass casualty treatment driven exercises planned test run at the World Expo Park during the two health insurance organizations, combat exercise.

    全市二级以上综合性医院还组建了96支医疗应急医疗救援队伍,所有人员均接受了现场急救技能和应急处置流程 方面的培训。

    Above the city's two general hospitals has also formed 96 medical and emergency medical rescue teams, all staff were trained in first aid skills and emergency response on-site disposal of process training.

      记者:除了在世博园区里做好医疗保障,在世博会举行的半年中,“健康世博”的理念将如何传入普通市民的日常生活中 ?

    "Health Expo" concept into the daily life of

    Reporter: In addition to the Expo area where good medical care, Expo, held in six months, "Health Expo" How will the concept of the daily life of ordinary citizens in the incoming ?

    徐建光:今年世博年,全市800余万户市民家庭中将收到“健康两件宝”——一本《市民健康管理手册》和一根健康皮尺 。

    XU Jian-guang: This year the Expo, the city's more than 800 million people of the family will receive a "healthy two treasure" - a "Public Health Management Handbook" and a health tape.

    通过这样实用型的健康宣传品、最简便易行的方法,让市民掌握健康生活的知识和技能,时刻了解自己体重和健康 状况,采取及时有效的自我管理措施予以调整和改善。

    Through such practical health promotion materials, the most simple way to provide the public with the knowledge and skills of healthy living, always aware of their weight and health status, to take timely and effective self-management measures to be adjusted and improved.


    In fact, last year, we have full implementation of universal health behavior and health of the public life of self-management team.


    A control salt spoon, an oil control pots, have passed on the public health care, as well as low salt low fat healthy life new ideas.

    Last year, for issuing oil control pot, for example, members of the public oil control knowledge (25 g / person / day) bottle of awareness before their release from the oil control 46.3%, a month later increased to 85.1%.

    全市首批试点的高血压健康自我管理小组当时仅几十个小组,在各级爱卫部门和社区组织的推动下,呈几何级数增 加,目前已有6100多个小组,10万余市民参加,参加对象也从慢性病患者扩大到普通人群。

    The first trial of hypertension in the city's health self-management group at that time only a few dozen groups, at all levels of Ai Wei departments and community organizations, driven by exponentially increasing, there are already more than 6100 groups, 10 thousand people attended to participate in an object from the chronically ill be extended to the general population.

    此外还加强指导社区医生培训、组建名医讲师团,通过他们来帮助更多市民掌握防治疾病、维护健康的知识和技能 。

    In addition, the guidance the community has also strengthened the training of doctors, the formation of famous doctors speaking groups to help more people through their grasp combat disease, maintain health, knowledge and skills.


    These health self-management members of the group receiving guidance, access to health, it is also to serve as a way to repay society in healthy volunteers.


    Passenger traffic at high temperature JI threat to public health security

    记者:这次世博会横跨春、夏、秋三个季节,是高温季和传染病高发期,再加上有7000多万人次参观,卫生部门将如 何预防并确保不发生重大传染病疫情?

    Reporter: The Expo will be across the spring, summer, autumn three seasons, is a high season and the period of high incidence of infectious diseases, plus there are more than 7000 million people visited the Ministry of Health and to ensure that no goalkeeper on how to prevent major infectious diseases?

    XU Jian-guang: does such a big movement to bring about a great threat to public health security.

    现在专家有一个风险评估报告,考虑到世博会跨春、夏、秋三季,展会期间大量人员聚集和流动,本市呼吸道、肠 道传染病等公共卫生风险较高,输入性传染病发生的可能性增加。

    Now experts have a risk assessment report, taking into account cross-Expo spring, summer, and autumn, large numbers of people gather during the exhibition and flow of the city respiratory, intestinal infectious diseases, public health, a higher risk, the likelihood of importation of sexually transmitted diseases增加.

    在 进一步开展重点人群甲流和季节性流感疫苗接种的基础上,针对包括新发和输入性传染病在内的各类重点传染病, 卫生部门已组织制定世博会传染病防控工作方案, 全面落实传染病防控措施,在园区内确保不发生重大传染病疫情,在全市范围内不发生重大传染病爆发或流行,努 力实现输入性和新发传染病及时发现、报告、控 制,将疫情控制在萌芽状态。

    A key target groups in the further development of flow and seasonal influenza vaccination, based on the response, including the new hair and the importation of sexually transmitted diseases, including various types of major infectious diseases, public health departments have been organized to develop prevention and control of infectious diseases Expo program of work, the full implementation of communicable diseases prevention and control measures in the park to ensure that no major outbreaks of infectious diseases, in the city does not occur within the framework of a major infectious disease outbreak or epidemic, efforts to achieve the input and the timely detection of emerging infectious diseases, reporting, control, control the epidemic situation bud.


    Reporter: Last year, the global outbreak of a stream, and recently reported: A spring flows likelihood of relapse.


    During the Expo, in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, how to make proper assessments, targeted to prepare?

    徐建光:目前卫生部门做了非常详尽的工作预案,把世博会期间,世界各地可能发生的各种传染病都记录在案,并进行详尽 的研究和研判,做到心中有数。

    XU Jian-guang: At present, the health sector has done a very detailed work plans, the Expo period, may occur around the world are on the record a variety of infectious diseases and carry out detailed studies and judged, be aware of.

    一旦发现参观者发生传染病情况,马上就可提示这个患者来自什么地方、在什么时段、可能会带来什么传染病,在 第一时间做出判断。

    Once a visitor on infectious diseases occur as soon as you can prompt the patient can come from anywhere, at any time, you may bring any infectious disease, in the first instance judge.


    According to our detailed program of work can be said that the Expo this time, from around the world of infectious diseases that may occur all of them.

    像北美、非洲出现的一些传染病,在亚洲国家很少发现,这也要让医务人员知道,切实提高临床医生早期发现、早 期甄别、早期处治的能力。

    Like North America, Africa, the emergence of some infectious diseases, rarely found in Asian countries, which also let medical staff know, and effectively improve clinicians Early detection, early screening, early Treatment capacity.

    目前组织权威专家编写的涉及15种高风险输入性罕见传染病的培训教材,已在全市所有二级甲等以上医疗机构全 覆盖培训。

    Prepared by experts of organizational authority is currently involved in 15 kinds of rare diseases in high-risk imported training materials have been two first class all over the city-wide coverage of training in medical institutions.

    此外,还新增了包括世博园区内就诊异常(包括发热、皮疹等症状)情况监测预警与快速响应工作方案、全市学校 因病缺课缺勤监测等6项监测方案,调整完善了霍乱和高致病性禽流感职业暴露人群等20项监测方案,力争做到 早期发现,科学有效预警。

    In addition, new areas, including treatment Expo abnormalities (including fever, rash and other symptoms) situation monitoring and early warning and rapid response to the work program, the city's schools, absenteeism due to sickness absence monitoring, six monitoring programs, adjustment and perfection of cholera and high-induced occupational exposure to avian influenza disease crowd 20 monitoring programs, and strive to achieve early detection, scientific and effective early warning.

    组织专家制定了包括园区突发公共卫生事件应急预案在内的10项应急预案,调整完善了鼠疫、高温中暑、饮用水 污染等10项应急预案,第一时间将各类疫情控制在萌芽状态。

    Expert has developed, including a public health emergency contingency plans for parks, including 10 emergency plan, adjust and improve the plague, high-temperature heat, water pollution, 10 contingency plans, the first time all kinds of epidemic control in the bud.


    For a stream, the Ministry of Health recently issued a circular saying that at present China is still a flow of low-fat period.

    专家估计,我国近期不会出现大范围暴发流行,但不排除在局部地区和人口集中场所出现小范围的聚 集性疫情。

    Experts estimate that China's recent large-scale outbreak does not appear, but does not rule out the population is concentrated in the local area and places these clusters of small-scale outbreak.


    City sentinel surveillance showed that influenza A virus in patients with flow ratio decreased significantly.

    通过预防接种,截至目前本市已基本完成对总计310万重点人群(包括园区内部分工作人员)的流感疫苗接种, 基本形成了重点人群的免疫屏障。

    By being vaccinated, as of now the city has basically completed the focus of a total of 3.1 million people (including some of the park staff) of the influenza vaccination, the basic shape of the focus of population immune barrier.

    记者:卫生部门对防控传染病疫情做了充足的预案,那对于普通参观者,该如何做好自我预防和自我保健呢 ?

    Reporter: prevention and control of infectious diseases on the health sector has done a sufficient plan, that for ordinary visitors, how to do a good self-prevention and self-care then?


    XU Jian-guang: From now on, we should further strengthen the health education campaigns.


    Last year, the Shanghai A stream in the prevention and control has been very effective, largely due to the health of our missionary, so that the public have knowledge of the disease.


    The next step will be to continue to do missionary Expo disease control.

    目前有关部门正在组织编制《世博会旅行健康提示》,届时市民可通过在宾馆、驻沪领事馆和机场港口等地供来沪 游客获取卫生信息。

    At present departments are organizing the preparation of "World Expo Travel Health Tips", when members of the public through the hotels, consulates and airport and port in Shanghai and other places for the tourists coming to Shanghai to obtain health information.

    从4月起,卫生部门将每月定期通过媒体主渠道向市民发布主要疾病预防提示,市民可加强自我防护 。

    From April onwards, the Ministry of Health goalkeeper on a monthly basis to the public through the media, the main channel to release the key disease prevention tips, the public can strengthen self-protection.


    In addition, public health, public welfare hotline 12320 will provide the public with public health advisory services.

      记者:有市民担心,在世博会召开后,投入那么多的医生和专家力量全力保障世博园区内的公共卫生和医疗服务保障,上 海市民的正常就医会不会受到影响呢?

    Convenient for human services, medical care measures will be the norm

    Reporter: Some people worry that the Expo was convened put so many efforts with the support of doctors and specialists to protect the exposition area to protect public health and medical services, the Shanghai people's Normal medical treatment will be affected?


    XU Jian-guang: This year's health work, or medical services to protect the Expo or Special emphasis on "two advancements is correct."


    One is to make every effort to protect the World Expo is very effective and rational organization of work.

    面上的工作是为社会大众提供医疗服务保障,不能因为世博保障受到影响,这方面已经做了充分准备,对各级医疗 机构16万医务人员进行广泛思想动员,希望大家全力以赴做好世博保障,另一方面也要做好面上为大众市民提供 医疗服务和医疗保障。

    Surface of the work is to provide medical services to protect the community and can not be affected because of the Expo protection, which has made full preparations, for all levels of medical institutions 16 million medical professionals to mobilize broad thinking I hope you go all out to the Expo security, but we also need good surface for the public medical services and health care.


    There is no need to worry too much, we will make every effort to.


    Reporter: In the Shanghai hospital, the patient is often more queuing a long time.

    世博会期间,不乏有外地游客来沪就医,这一情况是否会有所改善,医疗系统将如何通过文明窗口服务,在候诊、 服务、就医等各方面全方位提供人性化便民措施?

    During the Expo, there is no lack of foreign tourists coming to Shanghai for medical treatment, the situation will improve, health care system will be how civilized window service, waiting, service, medical care and other areas to provide comprehensive user-friendly convenience measures?

    徐建光:在卫生系统原有窗口规范服务要求的基础上,按照服务设施、品质、水平和环境等“四个一流”标准,深入推进优 化管理服务、优化就医环境活动,提出10项活动要求和10项便民举措。

    XU Jian-guang: the original window in the health system, based on the standard service requirements, in accordance with service facilities, quality, level and the environment, "four-class" standards, in-depth services to promote optimal management, optimize the medical treatment of environmental activities, 10 activities proposed requirements and 10 convenient entry initiatives.

    目 前全市72所二甲以上医院在人性化便民措施上实现了5个100%和5个90%,即100%的医院设立便民服 务中心、100%的医院开设用药咨询服务窗口、 100%的医院开展健康教育进社区活动、100%的医院开展门诊病人温馨候诊活动、100%的医院进行出院 病人问卷调查或电话回访;90%以上的医院已实 行挂号收费通柜服务,使用电子叫号系统,大大缓解看病挂号排长队现象,优化候诊秩序;90%以上的医院已实 施病房责任护士护送病人到手术室;90%以上的 医院输液室为大输液病人代保管输液瓶;90%以上的医院已实行简易门诊服务,减少慢性病患者的就诊等候时间 ;90%以上的医院已实行“错峰服务”等措施, 调整服务时间。

    At present the city for more than 72 hospitals in humanity dimethyl convenience measures to achieve the 5 100% and 5 90%, or 100% of the hospitals to establish a convenient service center, 100% of hospital drug advisory services to open the window, 100% of the hospitals carrying out health education into community activities, 100% of hospital outpatients warm and waiting to carry out the activities, 100% of the patients discharged from hospital for a return visit or telephone questionnaire; more than 90% of hospitals have implemented the registration fee pass counter services, the use of electronic calling system, greatly ease the long queues phenomenon of a doctor registered, optimize waiting order; more than 90% of the hospitals have the responsibility of the implementation of ward nurses to escort patients to the operating room; more than 90% of the hospital room for large infusion infusion infusion bottles of depositary on behalf of patients; more than 90% of the hospital simple out-patient services has been implemented to reduce the waiting time for treatment of patients with chronic diseases; more than 90% of hospitals have implemented the "peak load shifting services" and other measures to adjust their operating hours.

    据国家统计局上海调查总队在迎世博服务文明社会公众满意评价前五次调查中,卫生系统迎世博服务文明指数始终 居全市生活服务类行业前三位。

    According to the National Bureau of Statistics Survey Corps in World Expo Shanghai service of civil society assessment of public satisfaction with the previous five surveys, health systems, the World Expo Services civilization index ranks the city's life has always been the top three service types of trades.

    像龙华医院的专家预约惠百姓、瑞金医院门诊的人性化候诊模式、新华医院的便民服务中心等多个项目,均获得卫 生系统世博服务品牌奖。

    Longhua Hospital, appointment of experts as the benefits the people and the humanization of Ruijin hospital outpatient waiting mode, Xinhua Hospital, convenient service centers and many other projects, which have received the health system Expo Services Brand Award.

    记者:世博会期间,将有许多外国游客来沪,他们十分青睐传统的中医文化,届时如何展现中医文化的博大 精深?

    Reporter: During the Expo, there will be many foreign tourists coming to Shanghai, they are in favor of traditional Chinese culture, and then show how extensive and profound Chinese culture?


    At the same time as an international metropolis, Shanghai will be how the health system for the delivery of health services for foreign tourists?


    XU Jian-guang: We want to help the Expo an opportunity to carry forward traditional Chinese culture very well.

    在中国馆内,将有一个中医药的展区,通过针灸小铜人、瓷制脉枕、博山熏香炉、《本草纲目》这四件古代文物, 体现中医的伟大成就与悠久历史。

    In China the museum, there will be an exhibition of Chinese medicine through acupuncture small bronze porcelain clock pillows, Boshan smoked incense, "Compendium of Materia Medica" It's four ancient artifacts, reflecting the great achievements of Chinese medicine with a long history.


    There is also the dawn of the designated hospitals for the hospital, so that foreign visitors to take this opportunity to receive medical preventive services also understand the Chinese culture.


    At present the city for expatriates in Chinese-foreign joint cooperative medical institutions have been more than 10 and nearly 10 are in their returns.

    本市部分医院早已注重对医护人员的英语培训,重点强化礼仪问候、询问病史、系统查体、临床护理、心理安慰等 方面的学习。

    In some hospitals the city has long been focused on the medical and nursing staff of the English language training, focusing on enhancing ritual greetings, asked about the history, systems checkup, clinical care, psychological comfort and other aspects of learning.


    Foreign nationals through the Expo this window, more and more to experience the convenience and high-quality health Shanghai.

    记者:世博会期间,人性化的服务措施将大大方便市民就医,但市民更期望的是,通过世博会能否长久获得温馨、优质的 医疗服务,改善提高今后整个医疗卫生服务行业水平?

    Reporter: During the Expo, human-oriented service measures would greatly facilitate the public to seek medical treatment, but the public's expectation is that by the World Expo can be warm and long-term, high-quality health care services, and improving the medical and health services to improve in the future industry standard?

    徐建光:这10项便民措施将一直延续到世博会举办后,成为全市500多家医疗单位医务工作者共同的服务规范,确保人 性化便民措施成为就医服务常态。

    XU Jian-guang: This 10 convenience measures will be until after the World Expo will be held into the city's more than 500 medical workers, medical units common service standards to ensure the humane medical treatment services, convenience measures become the norm.

    如努力简化服务环节,方便病人,减少往返,在就诊高峰开足服务窗口,按需设分层收费点,探索错时服务和弹性 工作制。

    As part of efforts to streamline services, more convenient for patients to reduce the round-trip, in the open full service window treatment the peak-demand charges based hierarchical point, to explore the wrong time services and flexible work system.

    按科室、病区布局设置统一、醒目、规范的指示标识,方便、引导病人就医,并加强导医和巡视力量 。

    According to departments, ward layout set up a unified, eye-catching, standardized instructions identified to facilitate and guide the patient for medical treatment, and to strengthen the power and inspected Vaccine Immunol.
    配强门急诊力量,减少病人等候时间,缩短患者检查预约和取报告时间,同时增设专家门诊,满足病 人需求。

    Strong doors with emergency power, reduce patient waiting time and shorten the patient checks the time the reservation and admission, taking out additional experts to meet patient needs.

    尊重保护病人的隐私,做到病人身体隐私部位、注射等检查治疗项目有遮隔措施,病史、检查资料妥善保管,不得 随意公开。

    Respect the protection of patient privacy and ensure privacy of the patient's body parts, injection examination and treatment projects cover every other measures, medical history, checking information on the proper custody, not free to the public.


    The attitude of medical staff to be cordial and warm and earnest implementation of the civilized norms of medical services terms 100, the patient warm and courteous hospitality.

    对医疗收费要规范公开,主要收费项目公示,实行门急诊收费明细帐单制和住院费用“一日清单制”,方便病人查 询,服务全程体现细节管理的特点,体现与国际接轨的服务理念。

    Of medical fees is necessary to regulate the public, the main charges publicity, the implementation of the emergency gate fee ledger system and hospitalization costs alone "one-day list of system" to facilitate the patient information, services, reflect the full details of the management features, reflects the service concept with international standards.


    The warm service will play a "post-World Expo" effect, has been retained in the future continue to become the norm for medical treatment services.

    To meet the Expo, from March 1, the city began 13 categories total ban on smoking in public places, but in restaurants and cafes are still visible, "puff" persons; high-oil high-fat meals, "in cars "lack of movement was also a lot of people; the public readily littering, spitting, or when those who see ... ... how to get into the 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be" healthy "element, and effectively to benefit the people of Shanghai every one, to enhance public of life satisfaction and happiness, this is the "Shanghai World Expo, Health Expo," Action has been working to pursue.

    我 们每一位市民都是城市的主人,更是建设“健康城市”的推进者和美好生活的创造者,从戒烟、劝烟开始,从举手 投足清洁环境的小事做起,减少烟草烟雾对身体健 康的危害,营造良好的公共卫生环境,提高城市的整体文明水平,掌握保护自己健康的基本技能,真正明白:“健 康的金钥匙在自己手中”!

  • #2
    Re: Shanghai World Expo - Mass casualty drill

    Shanghai World Expo Park will work to ensure that the non-occurrence of major infectious diseases

    2010年03月23日14:02 來源:新華網 仇逸
    At 14:02 on March 23, 2010 Source: Xinhua Chou Yi

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    Shanghai World Expo will be cross-spring, summer, and autumn, during the exhibition there will be large numbers of people gather and mobility.
    根據專家風險評估結果,上海世博會期間公共衛生風險較高,輸入性傳染病發生的可能性增加,上海已經成立了? 世博會傳染病防控工作小組?,將全面落實防控措施,確保園區內不發生重大傳染病疫情,在全市範圍內不發生重 大傳染病爆發或流行。

    According to expert risk assessment, public health risks during the Shanghai World Expo will be a higher likelihood of importation of sexually transmitted diseases increase, Shanghai has set up a "World Expo infectious disease prevention and control of the working group" will fully implement the prevention and control measures to ensure that the park is not a major infectious diseases, in the city does not occur within the framework of a major infectious disease outbreak or epidemic.

    上 海市衛生局局長徐建光在?2010上海民生訪談?中說,上海已組織專家對可能影響世博會舉辦的傳染病進行了 風險等級評估,在評估的基礎上組織權威專家編寫 了涉及15種高風險輸入性罕見傳染病的培訓教材,並在全市所有二級甲等以上醫療機構進行了全覆蓋培訓,切實 提高臨床醫生的發現能力。

    Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau, XU Jian-guang in the "2010 Shanghai people's livelihood and an interview," said Shanghai has organized experts to the World Expo will be held that may affect the risk of infectious diseases rating assessment, the organization based on an assessment prepared by leading experts covering 15 kinds of high-risk type Rare sexually transmitted diseases training materials, and in the entire city's two first class medical institutions for more than a full coverage of the training to effectively improve the capacity of clinicians found.

    上 海市衛生局新增了世博園區內就診異常情況監測預警與快速響應工作方案、全市學校因病缺勤等6項監測方案,調 整完善了高致病禽流感職業暴露人群等20項監測 方案,全市共梳理完善47項監測方案,力爭做到對可能疫情的早期發現,科學有效進行預警;同時制定調整各項 應急預案,力爭第一時間將各類疫情控制在萌芽狀 態。

    Shanghai Health Bureau has added the exposition area anomalies treatment monitoring and early warning and rapid response to the work program, the city's schools, absenteeism due to illness, etc. 6 monitoring programs, adjustment and perfection of the highly pathogenic avian influenza crowd 20 occupational exposure monitoring program, the city's carding a total of 47 perfect monitoring programs, and strive to achieve the early detection of possible outbreaks, scientific and effective early warning; the same time adjust the various contingency plans developed, and strive to control the first time all kinds of disease in the bud.

    截至目前,上海已基本完成了對310萬重點人群的流感疫苗接種,其中包括部分世博園區工作人員,基本形成了 對重點人群的免疫屏障。

    Up to now, Shanghai has basically completed the focus of the 3.1 million population of influenza vaccination, including some world expo area staff, basically forming a barrier on key population immunity.

    上海的監測哨點結果也顯示,上海甲型H1N1流感在流感患者中的比例明顯下降,3月8日至14日的周監測數 據已經降至2.9%。

    Shanghai's sentinel surveillance results also showed that Shanghai Influenza H1N1 influenza in the proportion of influenza patients decreased significantly, March 8 to 14 weeks of the monitoring data has fallen to 2.9%.

