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Taiwan CDC H7N9 reports 5-May 2013+

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  • Taiwan CDC H7N9 reports 5-May 2013+

    Summer is approaching, the command center want to remind people planning to H7N9 flu cases have occurred in the region, should maintain good health habits, do not touch the birds and to avoid the traditional live bird markets (2013-05-26)
    Command Center appeal: Summer is approaching, people planning travel to mainland China, such as H7N9 influenza epidemic areas should be kept wash their hands, wearing masks health habits, do not touch any of the feeding birds, to avoid the traditional live poultry markets and the environment , be sure to eat cooked poultry and eggs; After returning such symptoms as fever, cough, please wear a mask doctor immediately and inform the physician travel history. Command Center for Disease Prevention and Control Center via the Chinese mainland verification confirmed yesterday morning 8 am today (5/26) day 8:00 no new cases. Mainland China is known as the cumulative number of confirmed cases in 130 cases, including 36 deaths (14 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, eight cases, nine cases of Zhejiang Province, Anhui Province, two cases, one case of Jiangxi Province, one case of Henan, Hunan 1 cases). Currently H7N9 flu cases have occurred in China region, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Henan, Beijing, Shandong, Jiangxi, Fujian Province and Hunan Province. Domestic since yesterday (5/25) at 8 am today (5/26) 8:00 received four suspected cases were notified, including two cases from the airport evacuation; 2 cases notified by the medical institutions were excluded H7N9 infection . Yesterday (5/25) day of each local government inspectors illegal slaughter, display / show / sell live poultry of the case of a vendor audit 283 (fully qualified). Since the "ban illegal slaughter of live poultry, display / show / sell" policy implementation so far, the local government has a vendor audit 3,643 points, including 25 illegal. Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    Attachment Downloads:
    • Annex I H7N9 cases reported statistics (statistics to at 8:00 on May 26). Doc
    • The results of the joint investigation of Annex II prohibits live poultry slaughtering and selling statistics 0526.doc

    • The draft date :2013-05-26
    • Update Date :2013-05-26
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Continental added one case of H7N9 flu deaths, appealed to mainland China for sightseeing or business people should not get near the birds and to maintain good health habits (2013-05-28)
    After the command center for disease prevention and control center in China verification confirmed yesterday morning 8 am today (5/28) day 8:00 no new cases. Mainland China is known as the cumulative number of confirmed cases 130 cases, 37 deaths (14 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, eight cases, nine cases of Zhejiang Province, Anhui Province, one case of two cases, one case of Jiangxi, Henan, Hunan 1 example, add the date of deaths previously confirmed cases, provinces confirmation). Currently H7N9 flu cases have occurred in China region, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Henan, Beijing, Shandong, Jiangxi, Fujian Province and Hunan Province. Domestic since yesterday (5/27) at 8 am today (5/28) 8:00 5 cases were received notification of suspected cases, including one case of port evacuation from the airport (inspection); 4 cases notified by the medical institutions , were excluded from H7N9 infection (one case detected H1N1, I have tested negative). Yesterday (5/27) day of each local government inspectors illegal slaughter, display / show / sell live poultry of the case of a vendor audit 212, an illegal (New Taipei City). Since the "ban illegal slaughter of live poultry, display / show / sell" policy implementation so far, the local government has a vendor audit 4,127 points, including 27 illegal. Work ongoing investigation command center, called on industry not luck. Command Center appeal: Please industry and the public be sure to support and coordinate government policies in order to avoid H7N9 flu public health threat, in addition, such as travel to mainland China H7N9 influenza epidemic areas should be kept wash their hands, wearing masks health habits, not arbitrary touching and feeding birds, to avoid the traditional live poultry markets and the environment, be sure to eat cooked poultry and eggs; After returning such symptoms as fever, cough, please wear a mask immediate medical attention and inform the physician Tourism History. Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line
    Attachment Downloads:
    • Annex I H7N9 cases reported statistics (statistics to at 8:00 on May 28). Doc
    • The results of the joint investigation of Annex II prohibits live poultry slaughtering and selling statistics 0528.doc

    • The draft date :2013-05-28
    • Update date :2013-05-28
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China confirmed a new human infection with H7N9 influenza epidemic command center with the need to revise the definition of H7N9 flu travel advisory proposal is scheduled for 6/1 from the implementation (2013-05-29)
    After the command center for disease prevention and control center in China verification confirmed yesterday morning 8 am today (5/2, 9 ) on the morning of August when the new one example H7N9 confirmed cases of influenza ( Beijing ) . Mainland China is known as the cumulative number of confirmed cases 13 a case ( Shanghai 33 cases, Jiangsu Province, 27 cases, Zhejiang 46 cases, Anhui 4 patients, Henan 4 cases in Beijing two cases, Shandong Province, two cases, Jiangxi Province 6 cases, Fujian Province, five cases, Hunan 2 patients ) , of which 3 7 deaths ( Shanghai 14 cases, Jiangsu Province, eight cases, Zhejiang nine cases, Anhui 2 cases, Jiangxi an example, Henan one example, Hunan Province, one example , and another one deaths, as previously confirmed cases, provinces confirmation ) . Currently in China H7N9 flu cases have occurred region Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Henan, Beijing, Shandong, Jiangxi, Fujian Province and Hunan Province.
    Domestic since yesterday morning 8 am today (5/29) on the morning of 8 received when two suspected cases notified ( by medical institutions notification ) , were excluded from H7N9 infection ( both tested negative ) .
    In line with the needs and strengthen the implementation of epidemic surveillance and epidemic prevention work readiness, through 5/28 Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee on Influenza Prevention Group 27 meeting of scheduled 6/1 from the revised H7N9 influenza case definitions. Where "clinical condition" because of H7N9 flu confirmed cases of rare mild, and low sensitivity of the initial specimen collection, will be amended to "require compliance with pneumonia performance"; "epidemic areas" expanded "Mainland China ( provinces, excluding Hong Kong and Macao ) , "and added," had history of exposure to poultry or poultry related to epidemiological conditions of the workplace ";" incubation period "is also amended to 14 days. Travel Alert propose that the "Mainland China ( provinces, excluding Hong Kong and Macao ) , "full inclusion travel outbreak suggested the first stage: Note (Watch) ; while the current second tier: Alert (Alert) of the eight provinces and two cities, in addition to Beijing outside the city, were cut from the second level to the first level.
    Command Center said the statistics to 5/26 ended, total sampling and monitoring of chicken 394 screenings, ducks 178 screenings, geese 61 screenings, pet birds 496 pieces, farms 39 sessions, a vendor monitoring of live poultry chicken 75 screenings and migratory birds excrement 2,497 pieces, totaling 16,613 pieces were not detected H7N9 subtype of avian influenza antibodies or viruses. And to strengthen epidemic surveillance and disinfect visit Kinmen, Matsu and Penghu islands, the investigation has been visits 329 screenings, monitoring of migratory birds excrement 213 pieces, collected seized 10 screenings and disinfection 399 sessions, were not found or seized the H7N9 subtype of avian influenza.
    Yesterday (5/28) day of each local government inspectors illegal slaughter, display / show / sell live poultry of the situation of inspectors 523 booths providers, 2 pieces of illegal ( Kinmen County 1 piece, Taitung 1 piece ). Since the "ban illegal slaughter of live poultry, display / show / sell "policy implementation so far, the local government has Examiner 4,650 booths providers, including 29 pieces of the law. Work ongoing investigation command center, called upon the industry and the public support and cooperation is important to avoid the H7N9 flu health threat.
    Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not dial short code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.

    Attachment Downloads:
    • The draft date :2013-05-29
    • Update Date :2013-05-29
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office
    • Annex I H7N9 cases reported statistics (statistics to at 8:00 on May 29). Doc
    • The results of the joint investigation of Annex II prohibits live poultry slaughtering and selling statistics 0529.doc

    Command Center continued H7N9 influenza surveillance, animal disease surveillance, illegal slaughter inspection, display / show / sell live poultry, to safeguard public health (2013-06-04)
    After the command center for disease prevention and control center in China verification confirmed that 5/31 to yesterday (6/3) Date added one case H7N9 influenza deaths, as previously confirmed cases in Shanghai. Mainland China is known as the cumulative number of confirmed cases in 131 cases (33 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, 27 cases, 46 cases of Zhejiang, Anhui 4 cases, 4 cases of Henan Province, Beijing two cases, two cases of Shandong Province, Jiangxi 6 cases, five cases of Fujian Province, Hunan Province, two cases), of which 38 deaths (15 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, eight cases, nine cases of Zhejiang Province, Anhui Province, two cases, one case of Jiangxi, Henan one case, Hunan one cases, including one death cases, as previously confirmed cases, provinces confirmation). Now known to occur everywhere family clusters, does not rule out the limitations of human to human transmission case, then there is no evidence of sustained human to human phenomenon. Chinese mainland birds like virus monitoring the situation in mainland China in live animal markets, poultry and pig slaughterhouses, poultry farms, pig farms, wild bird habitat and environmental sampling and other sampling points, ending June 3 were detected 899,758 pieces of samples, namely the detection of avian influenza virus H7N9 53 positive samples, including those from 9 provinces and 18 live bird markets, a pigeon family, a region, the rest of the submission of samples were not detected. Domestic since April 3 this year until June 3 a cumulative total of 423 cases of reported cases (36 cases in mainland China to Taiwan people), one case of confirmed cases, 421 cases of H7N9 infection exclusion (of which 53 cases of H1N1 flu detection, 36 cases of H3N2 flu detected in 6 cases detected influenza B); 5/31 to 6/3 received a total of three cases during the H7N9 influenza notification of suspected cases, including one case of port evacuation from the airport (inspection); 2 cases notified by the medical institutions were excluded H7N9 infections (both tested negative). About H7N9 animal disease surveillance, monitoring a total of 18,609 domestic animals susceptible parts, ended the (102) to June 3, 473 meter sampling and monitoring sessions chicken, duck 183 sessions, 65 sessions geese, pet birds 552, pig Field 47 screenings, chicken live poultry stalls are monitored 75 sessions and 2,557 pieces of migratory bird excrement, were not detected H7N9 subtype of avian influenza antibodies or viruses. China May 17-June 3 local government investigation "to prohibit the illegal slaughter of live poultry, exhibition / display / sell" execution cases, providers have been seizing 6,662 booths, including 33 illegal. Work ongoing investigation command center, called on industry not luck. Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    • The draft date :2013-06-04
    • Update Date :2013-06-04
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Public recognition command center at National Taiwan University Hospital medical team "H7N9 flu vaccination active," and urged the people to implement good hygiene habits, away from the threat of avian influenza (2013-06-25)
    Command Center at news conference at National Taiwan University Hospital public recognition H7N9 influenza prevention and uphold high alert, informing the first case of imported cases, effectively preventing the spread of the epidemic, as well as medical teams work together to successfully cure the patient; Deputy Director of Health Lam outs extension said exchanges between Taiwan and the international frequent infectious diseases greatly increased risk of cross-border challenges epidemic is also more severe and more to rely on all the medical team continued to work closely with the public health agencies together to combat a variety of infectious diseases, to maintain national health efforts. Chinese mainland from June 18 to June 24 or no new confirmed H7N9 flu deaths, the cumulative number of cases known as 131 cases (46 cases in Zhejiang Province, Shanghai, 33 cases, 27 cases of Jiangsu Province, Fujian Province, five cases Jiangxi six cases, four cases of Henan, Anhui four cases, two cases of Shandong Province, Hunan Province, two cases in Beijing two cases), including 39 deaths. Tourism epidemic command center suggested the Chinese mainland, in addition to Beijing market is still listed as the second-stage "Alert" (Alert), taken to strengthen the protection of the local proposal, the rest of the region as a first-class Jie Jiang "Note" (Watch), reminding compliance with local general preventive measures. Animal disease status of mainland China to collect: from 3 April to early May completed a total of 899,758 copies of sample testing, which serological samples were 702,369 copies, 197,389 copies of the etiology of samples. Samples covering the country's 31 provinces, 42,107 field monitoring sampling points were found in 35 parts of H7N9 avian influenza serum antibody positive, 53 copies of H7N9 avian influenza virus positive. Antibody positive rate was 0.005%, 0.027% virus-positive rate, where simultaneous presentation of three samples and virus antibody positive. Another Chinese mainland for Hong Kong's exports of chickens (746,212 only) also detected before execution output, total 51,876 pieces of detection, the results were not detected H7N9 subtype of avian influenza virus. Hong Kong, mainland China synchronization input chickens daily sampling of 120, the results also were not detected H7N9 subtype of avian influenza virus. Domestic since June 18 to June 24 JCP received four cases of H7N9 flu suspected cases notified, informed by hospitals, three cases tested negative, one case of inspection. The "H7N9 flu" as from April 3 this year, the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 432 cases so far reported cases, including one infectious cases, more than 430 cases of H7N9 infection have been excluded (where 55 cases detected H1N1 flu, H3N2 flu detected in 38 cases, six cases detected influenza B), one case of inspection. Relevant domestic H7N9 susceptible animals monitored until June 24 meter sampling and monitoring 582 screenings chicken, duck 214 sessions, 75 sessions geese, pet birds 664, 48 sessions pig, chicken live poultry stalls are 76 screenings and monitoring migratory bird excrement 2,857 pieces, total 22,041 pieces were not detected H7N9 subtype of avian influenza antibodies or viruses. Since the "ban illegal slaughter of live poultry, display / show / sell" policy implementation so far, the local government has a vendor audit 11,552 points, where 47 illegal. Work ongoing investigation command center, called on industry not luck. Command Center appeal: stay away from the threat of avian flu, inviting the public to implement good hygiene habits, and do not touch any of feeding birds, be sure to eat poultry and eggs cooked, usually routinely wash their hands with soap, cough, please wear masks; If you go cases occur regions or countries, after returning, such symptoms as fever, cough, please wear a mask doctor immediately and inform the physician travel history. Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline 1922 epidemic.
    • The draft date :2013-06-25
    • Update Date :2013-06-25
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Continental added one case of H7N9 flu deaths, the command center appealed to mainland China for sightseeing or business people should not get near the birds and to maintain good health habits (2013-07-02)
    After the command center and the center of disease control and prevention in China verification confirmed that since 6 months 25 days to 7 months 1 day Shanghai Added 1 deaths for 4/11 confirmed the 56 -year-old man, a couple of cases of outbreak in Shanghai Sir, on 6/26 died. Mainland China is known as the cumulative number of confirmed cases in 131 patients ( Zhejiang Province, 46 cases in Shanghai 33 cases, Jiangsu Province, 27 cases of Fujian 5 cases, Jiangxi 6 patients, Henan 4 cases, Anhui 4 cases, Shandong Province 2 cases, Hunan 2 cases, Beijing 2 patients ) , including 40 deaths. Now known to occur everywhere family clusters, does not rule out the limitations of human to human transmission case, then there is no evidence of sustained human to human phenomenon, but can not rule out the possibility that the virus may continue to adapt and can result in the spread between humans.
    Domestic since 6 months 25 days to 7 months a JCP received two cases of H7N9 flu suspected cases notified, informed by medical institutions, both inspection. Since this year, 4 months 3 from the date of the " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, has so far accumulated a total of 434 cases of reported cases, including one infectious cases, 431 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection ( of which 55 cases were found to A type - H1N1 flu, 38 cases were found to A type - H3N2 influenza, 6 cases were found to B -type influenza ) , 2 cases of inspection.
    Relevant domestic H7N9 susceptible animals monitored to 7 May 1, ending date of sampling and monitoring of chicken 640 screenings, ducks 267 screenings, geese 77 screenings, pet birds 846 pieces, farms 48 screenings, chicken live poultry stalls are monitored 76 sessions and migratory bird excrement 2,857 pieces, total 24,483 pieces were not detected H7N9 subtype avian influenza virus or antibodies .
    Since the "ban illegal slaughter of live poultry, display / show / sell "policy implementation so far, the local government has inspectors 12,650 booths providers, including 49 pieces of the law. Work ongoing investigation command center, called on industry not luck.
    Command Center appeal: stay away from the threat of avian flu, inviting the public to implement good hygiene habits, and do not touch any of feeding birds, be sure to eat poultry and eggs cooked, usually routinely wash their hands with soap, cough, please wear masks; If you go cases occur regions or countries, after returning, such symptoms as fever, cough, please wear a mask doctor immediately and inform the physician travel history. Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call toll-free 1922 epidemic prevention hotline.

    • The draft date :2013 -07-02
    • Update Date :2013 -07-02
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Hebei Province, mainland China added one case H7N9 flu cases, Hebei Province, mainland China has raised its recommendations for the second tour epidemic levels: Warning (Alert). Command Center continued to strengthen airport and port quarantine, calling attention to prevent people going abroad, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-07-21)
    Command Center said , received a notice in the World Health Organization this morning, Hebei Province, mainland China's first briefing on October 20 confirmed cases of H7N9 flu . Hebei Province, mainland China has raised its recommendations for the second tour epidemic levels: Warning (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macao) remains the first level: Note (Watch), plans to remind people to maintain good health habits to avoid contact with poultry.
    Case is living in Langfang City, Hebei Province 61 -year-old woman, on July 10 cough, fever and other symptoms, medical procedure due to disease progression, July 18 referred to the Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, is currently in critical condition, being active treatment hospital the. After preliminary investigation, the case go before the Beijing doctor, never leave the residence, near 6/30-7/9 day to have the home of live poultry stalls in the vegetable market to buy food, the current nine patients had no close contact abnormal symptoms. Mainland China has accumulated a total of 133 confirmed cases, including 43 cases of death, mortality rate of about 32%.
    Domestic H7N9 influenza surveillance, since 4 months 3 days so far, " H7N9 flu "cases reported were 435 cases, including one confirmed cases, 434 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection (where 55 cases were found to H1N1 , 39 cases were found to H3N2 , 6 cases of seizure the B -type) ; border quarantine since 6 months 1 so far, have symptoms from the date of the epidemic when travelers return home in the immigration area has 423 cases, of which two patients required evacuation.
    Command Center pointed out that this is the Chinese mainland since the end of May , the first example of re-notification of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, indicating H7N9 influenza virus persists in the environment, H7N9 flu threat has not been lifted, should remain vigilant. In addition to continuing to strengthen national implementation and monitoring of mainland China as a quarantine for 14 days after the fever and had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, quarantine officers will be sent to the hospital to help carry out the treatment. Also today, the medical community will once again issued a circular to remind physicians inform patients that meet the definition of H7N9 flu, health authorities should be notified promptly, and to strengthen infection control measures in hospitals. In addition, the COA continued to strengthen monitoring of domestic birds, and the other for the May announcement of the traditional ban on slaughter of live poultry markets and prohibition trafficking policy, the command center will also continue to carry out supervision and inspection.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. Such as when returning fever or influenza symptoms should inform airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor travel history, doctors will serve to provide appropriate medical services.
    Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.

    • The draft date :2013-07-21
    • Update Date :2013-07-21
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China's first confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, the Guangdong Provincial Tourism command center has been promoted to the second level epidemic recommendations: Alert (Alert), and continue to strengthen the airports, ports and quarantine, another appeal to the people to go abroad pay attention to prevention, physicians vigilant ( 2013-08-10)
    Guangdong Province, mainland China added this month confirmed the first case of H7N9 flu cases on the 10th, the command center has been in mainland China Disease Prevention and Control Center window to complete the verification task, and the Guangdong Provincial Tourism epidemic has been promoted to the second stage proposal: alert ( Alert). Currently, Hebei Province, mainland China, the Guangdong Provincial Tourism epidemic recommendations are second-class: Warning (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macao) remains the first level: Note (Watch), plans to remind people to maintain good health habits, Avoid contact with birds.
    The subcontinent is a case occurred in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, 51-year-old woman, poultry slaughter work, now in critical condition, are in active treatment hospital; currently known close contact with 36 people, has not yet confirmed cases of obvious abnormalities. Mainland China has accumulated a total of 134 confirmed cases, including 44 cases of death.
    Domestic H7N9 influenza surveillance, from April 3 to date, "H7N9 flu" cases reported were 443 cases, including one case of confirmed cases, 441 cases of H7N9 infection exclusion (of which 55 cases detected H1N1, 40 cases were found to H3N2, 6 daily check the B-type), one case of inspection; border quarantine so far, since the epidemic area for guests returning immigrants have symptoms in 599 cases since June 1, in which two cases of H7N9 infection were excluded evacuation.
    Command Center pointed out that this is the Chinese mainland since July Hebei Province case, again new H7N9 influenza cases notified, and the first confirmed cases in Guangdong province, showing H7N9 influenza virus persists in the environment, H7N9 flu threat is still there, still must remain vigilant. In addition to continuing to strengthen national implementation and monitoring of mainland China as a quarantine for 14 days after the fever and had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, quarantine officers will be sent to the hospital to help carry out the treatment. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities and to strengthen infection control measures in hospitals. In addition, the COA continued to strengthen monitoring of domestic birds, and the other for the May announcement of the traditional ban on slaughter of live poultry markets and prohibition trafficking policy, the command center will also continue to carry out supervision and inspection.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. Such as when returning fever or influenza symptoms should inform airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor travel history, doctors will serve to provide appropriate medical services.
    Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.

    • The draft date :2013-08-10
    • Update Date :2013-08-10
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China added one case H7N9 flu cases, Zhejiang Tourism epidemic has been promoted to the second stage proposal: Alert (Alert), the command center called on people to go abroad to get medical attention to prevention and vigilance (2013-10-15)
    Health Department of Zhejiang Province in China today (10/15) released new one case confirmed cases of influenza H7N9, H7N9 influenza Central Epidemic Command Center has been in mainland China Disease Prevention and Control Center window verification confirmed that the epidemic has been suggested tune Zhejiang Tourism promoted to second grade: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macao) remains the first level: Note (Watch), reminding people planning to travel, be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds. New cases living in Shaoxing County, 35-year-old male company employee, October 8 treatment, is currently hospitalized in serious condition due to its history of contact birds is unknown. Mainland China has accumulated a total of 135 confirmed cases, including 45 cases of deaths, cases were distributed in 12 provinces and cities. Domestic H7N9 influenza surveillance, from April 3 to date, H7N9 influenza cases reported were 446 cases, of which 1 infectious cases, 445 cases rule out infection; border quarantine so far since June 1, returning from epidemic areas of There are 1,218 cases of symptomatic passengers at the time of entry, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center noted that the case is in mainland China, Guangdong Province since August case, again informed of new cases, and in Zhejiang Province since the end of April this year, the first case of new cases. Show H7N9 influenza virus persists in the environment, H7N9 flu threat has not been lifted, should remain vigilant. In addition to continuing to strengthen the domestic implementation of quarantine and monitoring as mainland China, and continued for 14 days after the fever had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. At present, H7N9 flu outbreak continued operation of the command center, the ministries will continue to be epidemic preparedness, and also completed the relevant planning level need to upgrade when the epidemic, including: raised level command center, medical and inspection capacity expansion, procurement of vaccines and vaccination meter painting, social activities restricted norms. Another command center also determine if the detection of domestic poultry with China highly homologous H7N9 bird flu virus, the occurrence of farm animals will be culled and cleared away, to enhance human avian management interface specification. In addition, the COA continued strengthening of domestic birds and birds monitored. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. Such as when returning fever or influenza symptoms should inform airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor travel history, doctors will serve to provide appropriate medical services. Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    • The draft date :2013-10-15
    • Update Date :2013-10-16
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China and then add one case H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-10-23)
    Health Department of Zhejiang Province in mainland China today (10/23) released another new one case confirmed cases of influenza H7N9, H7N9 influenza Central Epidemic Command Center has been in mainland China Disease Prevention and Control Center window verification to confirm and maintain Zhejiang Tourism epidemic second grade: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), plans to remind people infected, be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds. The new cases living in Jiaxing City, 67-year-old male, occupation farming, October 16 disease, is currently hospitalized due to serious illness in poultry exposure history is unknown. Mainland China has accumulated a total of 136 confirmed cases, distributed in 10 provinces and 2 cities, including 45 known cases of death. Domestic H7N9 influenza surveillance, from April 3 to date, H7N9 influenza cases reported were 447 cases, of which 1 infectious cases, 446 cases rule out infection; border quarantine so far since June 1, returning from epidemic areas of There are 1,277 cases of symptomatic passengers at the time of entry, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that, following the year 10/15 Chinese mainland since the autumn of Shaoxing County, Zhejiang Province appear after one case of H7N9 flu cases in neighboring Jiaxing City once again found within a week to determine the cases of H7N9 flu virus persistence display environment, H7N9 flu threat has not been lifted, should remain vigilant. In addition to continuing to strengthen the domestic implementation of quarantine and monitoring as mainland China, and continued for 14 days after the fever had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. At present, H7N9 flu outbreak continued operation of the command center, the ministries will continue to be epidemic preparedness, such as when the epidemic level of promotion, prevention strategies to be taken include: raised level command center, medical and inspection capacity expansion, procurement of vaccines and vaccination meter painting, social activities restricted norms. Another command center also determine if the detection of domestic poultry with China highly homologous H7N9 bird flu virus, the occurrence of farm animals will be culled and cleared away, to enhance human avian management interface specification. In addition, the COA continued strengthening of domestic birds and birds monitored. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. Such as when returning fever or influenza symptoms should inform airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor travel history, doctors will serve to provide appropriate medical services. Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    • The draft date :2013-10-23
    • Update Date :2013-10-23
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China added one case of H7N9 flu cases, the command center has upped the Guangdong Provincial Tourism epidemic recommended level for the second stage: Alert (Alert), also called public attention to prevention abroad, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-11 - 05)
    Reproductive health programs in China and the Guangdong Provincial Committee today (11/5) released new one case confirmed cases of influenza H7N9, H7N9 influenza Central Epidemic Command Center Guangdong Provincial Tourism epidemic has upped the recommended level is the same as the first in Zhejiang Province two: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind people planning to travel to affected areas, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases as a resident in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, three-year-old five-month-old boy, on November 4 regular flu monitoring found no cases of fever, the symptoms are mild, stable disease was observed in the current isolation , but a history of exposure is unknown. The other seven were in close contact with three people appear flu-like symptoms, seven test results are negative for H7 subtype of avian influenza. Mainland China has accumulated a total of 137 confirmed cases, distributed in 10 provinces and 2 cities, including 45 known cases of death. Domestic H7N9 influenza surveillance, from April 3 to date, H7N9 influenza cases reported were 448 cases, of which 1 infectious cases, 447 cases rule out infection; border quarantine so far since June 1, returning from epidemic areas of There are 1,406 cases of symptomatic passengers at the time of entry, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that since the H7N9 outbreak this year, Guangdong Province on 8/10 Bulletin first case, this case is the province's first two cases, for the autumn after the first case, showing H7N9 influenza virus persistence environment, H7N9 Flu threat has not been lifted, should remain vigilant. In addition to continuing to strengthen the domestic implementation of quarantine and monitoring as mainland China, and continued for 14 days after the fever had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. At present, H7N9 flu outbreak continued operation of the command center, the ministries will continue to be epidemic preparedness, such as when the epidemic level of promotion, prevention strategies to be taken include: raised level command center, medical and inspection capacity expansion, procurement of vaccines and vaccination meter painting, social activities restricted norms. Another command center also determine if the detection of domestic poultry with China highly homologous H7N9 bird flu virus, the occurrence of farm animals will be culled and cleared away, to enhance human avian management interface specification. In addition, the COA continued strengthening of domestic birds and birds monitored. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. Such as when returning fever or influenza symptoms should inform airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor travel history, doctors will serve to provide appropriate medical services. Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    • The draft date :2013-11-05
    • Update Date :2013-11-05
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China and then add one case H7N9 flu, epidemic recommended level to maintain the province's tourism Level: Warning (Alert), the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-11-06)
    Mainland China Disease Prevention and Control Center yesterday (11/5) evening to the H7N9 influenza Central Epidemic Command Center reported one case of H7N9 influenza, Zhejiang, new confirmed cases, Guangdong Province, also confirmed the same day, a 3-year-old five-month-old boy was infected with H7N9 flu. Tourism currently recommended level outbreaks in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces to maintain for the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind people planning to travel to affected areas, Be sure to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases living in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, a 64-year-old farm woman, with a history of exposure to live poultry markets. 10/30 disease, 11/4 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jiaxing, inspection confirmed that the current serious condition, hospital treatment. Mainland China has accumulated a total of 138 confirmed cases, distributed in 10 provinces and 2 cities, including 45 known cases of death. Domestic H7N9 influenza surveillance, from April 3 to date, H7N9 influenza cases reported were 448 cases, of which 1 infectious cases, 447 cases rule out infection; border quarantine so far since June 1, returning from epidemic areas of There are 1,406 cases of symptomatic passengers at the time of entry, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that this new cases of Zhejiang Province in China since the first three cases of H7N9 autumn flu, H7N9 flu virus persistence display environment, H7N9 flu threat has not been lifted, should remain vigilant. In addition to continuing to strengthen national implementation and monitoring of mainland China as quarantine for 14 days after the fever and had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. Another command center to strengthen the management of human avian interface also determine if the detection of domestic poultry with China highly homologous H7N9 bird flu virus, the occurrence of farm animals will be culled and clear canceled. In addition, the COA continued strengthening of domestic birds and birds monitored. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. Such as when returning fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor travel history, doctors will serve to provide appropriate medical services. Tourist information on the latest outbreaks of infectious diseases such as can be found with the CDC website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    • The draft date :2013-11-06
    • Update Date :2013-11-06
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China and then add one case H7N9 flu, epidemic recommended level to maintain the province's tourism Level: Warning (Alert), the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-11-28)
    Command Center was the (11/28) completed the afternoon Disease Prevention and Control Center window to verify the Chinese mainland, mainland China, Zhejiang Province, added one case of H7N9 flu confirmed cases in Zhejiang Province since November 5 after notification H7N9 influenza cases, re new cases. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province remained as the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind people planning to travel to affected areas, Be sure to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. . The new cases living in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, 57-year-old male, was 11/20 disease, 11/22 treatment, 11/25 hospitalized, 11/27 diagnosed, now at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University therapy, in critical condition. Mainland China has accumulated a total of 139 confirmed cases, distributed in 10 provinces and 2 cities, including 45 known cases of death. Domestic H7N9 influenza surveillance, from April 3 to date, H7N9 influenza cases reported were 453 cases, of which 1 infectious cases, 451 cases rule out infection, one case of inspection; border quarantine so far since June 1, since the epidemic travelers returning endemic areas have 2,247 cases of symptomatic at entry were excluded H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that this new case is the first in mainland China, Zhejiang Province, four cases of H7N9 since the autumn flu, H7N9 flu virus persistence display environment, H7N9 flu threat has not been lifted, should remain vigilant. In addition to continuing to strengthen the domestic implementation of quarantine and monitoring as mainland China, and continued for 14 days after the fever had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. Another command center to strengthen the management of human avian interface also determine if the detection of domestic poultry with China highly homologous H7N9 bird flu virus, the occurrence of farm animals will be culled and clear canceled. In addition, the COA continued strengthening of domestic birds and birds monitored. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When returning, such as fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor travel history to the physician to provide appropriate medical services. Tourist information on the latest outbreak of communicable diseases and illnesses such as can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    • The draft date :2013-11-28
    • Update Date :2013 -11-29
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Hong Kong announced the first human H7N9 influenza confirmed cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-12-03)
    H7N9 influenza Central Epidemic Command Center, said in Hong Kong yesterday (12/2) the first case of H7N9 flu announced confirmed cases, a preliminary assessment of immigration cases from China Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to the Chinese mainland since the autumn with the first six cases. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, China, and maintained for the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind people planning to travel to affected areas Be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds. The patient is a 36-year-old Indonesian maid borrow, and employers a six living in Tuen Mun, on 17 November with a friend to Shenzhen, live poultry was slaughtered. November 21 fever, was the 25th and the 26th twice for medical treatment, November 27 due to shortness of breath and fever hospitalization was due to lung shadows H7N9 test was performed twice, but were negative; subsequently disease turn evil, and transferred on 30 November, for the first three tests, only on December 2 evening confirmed infected with H7N9 avian influenza virus. Employers have switched a six hospitalized isolation and treatment, including four minor upper respiratory symptoms, is currently investigating the source of infection, and patients with a positive track to Shenzhen with friends. Because the patients had a clear history, a preliminary assessment of possible immigration cases in mainland China. Hong Kong influenza pandemic contingency plan has been upgraded to level "severity" and immediately stop the importation of live poultry farms in Shenzhen. The hospital will implement a number of control precautions, including limiting visiting hours, triage patients at high risk, and strengthening the monitoring of patients with suspected H7N9 infection. Meanwhile strict implementation of "chickens clear day" measures to strengthen inspections of poultry farms and live bird markets, continued random testing of wild birds and poultry carcasses for virus monitoring. Domestic H7N9 influenza surveillance, from April 3 to date, H7N9 influenza cases reported were 453 cases, of which 1 infectious cases, 452 cases rule out infection; border quarantine so far since June 1, returning from epidemic areas of There are 2,305 cases of symptomatic passengers at the time of entry, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that this new case is the first case in Hong Kong, indicating the persistence of H7N9 avian influenza virus has spread of the environment and the possible threat of the epidemic has not been lifted, must remain vigilant. In addition to continuing to strengthen the domestic implementation of the monitoring and quarantine as mainland China, and continued for 14 days after the fever had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. Another command center to strengthen the management of human avian interface, implemented and sustained implementation of the traditional ban on slaughter live poultry market policies also determine if other domestic birds when detection of H7N9 avian influenza virus, the COA will be culled animals related operations; addition, will continuous monitoring of migratory birds and domestic poultry outbreaks. Command Center once again reminds the people, should avoid contact with infected birds to class, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When returning, such as fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor travel history to the physician to provide appropriate medical services. Tourist information on the latest outbreak of communicable diseases and illnesses such as can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    • The draft date :2013 -12-03
    • Update Date :2013 -12-03
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China soared to one case of H7N9 flu, epidemic recommended level to maintain the province's tourism Level: Warning (Alert), the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-12-06)
    Health Department of Zhejiang Province in China released in the (12/6) afternoon added one case of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases, verification operations command center has been completed, this is the province since the 11/28 Bulletin H7N9 influenza cases, new cases again . Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province remained as the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind people planning to travel to affected areas, Be sure to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases living in Zhejiang Province, 30 year-old male, 12/5 diagnosis, treatment in a hospital in Hangzhou now, I epidemiological investigation has yet to confirm the information. So far, China accumulated a total of 140 confirmed cases, distributed in ten provinces and two cities, including 47 known cases of death; another Hong Kong one case, the preliminary conclusion that the Department of the Guangdong infection. Country since April 3 this year will be "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 454 cases so far reported cases, including one infectious cases, 453 cases of H7N9 infection excluded. Border quarantine so far, since the epidemic area for guests returning immigrants have symptoms in 2,305 cases since June 1, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that this new cases of China and Hong Kong since the autumn the first seven cases of H7N9 flu cases, indicating the persistence of H7N9 influenza virus, the epidemic threat is still there, reminding people should remain vigilant. China continued to implement quarantine measures on the border in mainland China for 14 days after the fever and had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. In addition, to effectively prevent the H7N9 flu epidemic, the Council of Agriculture has completed the domestic poultry farms in response to the detection process and guidelines with China is highly homologous H7N9 virus contracts. Ministry of Health, Welfare and COA will closely monitor humans and domestic poultry outbreaks. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor contact history and travel history to physicians provide appropriate medical services. Tourist information on the latest outbreak of communicable diseases and illnesses such as can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.

    • The draft date :2013-12-06
    • Update Date :2013 -12-09
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Hong Kong announced the first two cases of human H7N9 influenza confirmed cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-12-07)
    H7N9 influenza Central Epidemic Command Center, said in Hong Kong yesterday (12/6) announced the first two cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, according to the existing epidemiological data assessment should be tied to China Guangdong infection. Tourism currently recommended level outbreaks in Guangdong Province and Zhejiang Province in China remained as the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to the affected areas to remind plan people, be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds. The new cases of 80-year-old male, long-term residence in Shenzhen, 12/3 due to chronic disease treatment to Tuen Mun Hospital in Hong Kong, 12/6 a fever, nasal swabs were tested positive for H7N9 flu are being treated in isolation in stable condition; 3, accompanied by their family visits hospitalized so far no signs, carved investigating other contacts. So far, China accumulated a total of 140 confirmed cases, distributed in ten provinces and two cities, including 47 known cases of death; another Hong Kong a total of two cases, the preliminary conclusion were infected in Guangdong. Country since April 3 this year will be "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 454 cases so far reported cases, including one infectious cases, 453 cases of H7N9 infection excluded. Border quarantine so far, since the epidemic area for guests returning immigrants have symptoms in 2,305 cases since June 1, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that this autumn new cases in Hong Kong since the first two cases of H7N9 flu cases, do not exclude the possibility of the spread of the epidemic has been to the south, indicating the persistence of H7N9 influenza virus, the epidemic threat is still there, reminding people should remain alert. China continued to implement quarantine measures on the border in mainland China for 14 days after the fever and had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. Another valid attempts to prevent the H7N9 flu epidemic, the Council of Agriculture has completed the process and guidelines in response to domestic poultry farms detected in mainland China is highly homologous H7N9 virus contracts. Ministry of Health, Welfare and the COA will also closely monitor humans and domestic poultry outbreaks. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor contact history and travel history to physicians provide appropriate medical services. Tourist information on the latest outbreak of communicable diseases and illnesses such as can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    • The draft date :2013 -12-07
    • Update Date :2013 -12-09
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Timing has entered the winter, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong have been incidents of H7N9 flu, the Central Epidemic Command Center to remind the public, be sure to pay attention to prevention (2013-12-12)
    Timing has entered the winter, is in the south and avian migratory good season, plus since the autumn Mainland China and Hong Kong have started to add eight cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, including Hong Kong continuously added in the last week, two cases , H7N9 influenza Central Epidemic Command Center to remind the public, be sure to pay attention to prevention, maintaining good personal hygiene habits. Judged in accordance with the existing epidemiological data, add two cases this week in Hong Kong are from mainland China, Guangdong Province, the Department shifted. In addition, the Guangdong authorities on examination of environmental samples revealed that some samples of live bird markets, Longgang District, presents H7N9 bird flu positive, indicating the persistence of H7N9 influenza virus, and about 6 to determine a history of exposure to poultry cases differ from live bird markets to remind people to mainland China, especially in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, should be avoided out of the live bird markets and Bird City Bird Street, and avoid contact with birds and bird carcasses. Currently H7N9 influenza Central Epidemic Command Center continues preparations and closely monitor possible outbreaks abroad, for each new case in mainland China after the autumn, all in the first time after confirmation, the area immediately released epidemic levels, to remind people to be vigilant and urging physicians to strengthen the Bulletin, while continuing to strengthen border quarantine measures to implement the traditional ban on slaughter live poultry market policies, actively promote influenza vaccination program, stockpiling, procurement, ensuring infection control and health care system can be variable and depend Please ministries prepare contingency plans for the handling of nuclear command center drills to prepare the implementation of the whole work. Command Center will continue to closely monitor the epidemic virus mutates and development. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should seek medical advice as soon as possible to wear masks, and tell your doctor contact history and travel history to physicians provide appropriate medical services. Tourist information on the latest outbreak of communicable diseases and illnesses such as can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call toll-free public Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 contact, such as the phone can not make simple code phone number, please dial 0800-001922 vaccination line.
    • The draft date :2013-12-12
    • Update Date :2013-12-12
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Following the Hong Kong appears two from Guangdong province in mainland China moved into the H7N9 influenza cases, Dongguan and then add one case, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention (2013-12-16)
    Reproductive health programs in China and the Guangdong Provincial Committee yesterday (12/15) afternoon released new one case of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, verification operations command center has been completed, this is the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong since the autumn the first nine cases of H7N9 flu cases, indicating increased risks and threats of epidemic diseases. Tourism currently recommended level outbreaks in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces to maintain for the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center plan to remind people infected Be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds. The new cases living in Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, the 39-year-old man, diagnosed on December 15, is currently hospitalized in critical condition, Dongguan City, CDC has close contacts of the 53 medical observation and given antiviral agent prophylaxis is not currently found abnormalities, immune modulation information than confirmation. So far, China accumulated a total of 141 confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, distributed in ten provinces and two cities, including 47 known cases of death; another Hong Kong has two confirmed cases, the preliminary conclusion were moved to Shenzhen from China mainland. Country since April 3 this year will be "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 455 cases so far reported cases, including one infectious cases, 454 cases of H7N9 infection excluded. Border quarantine so far, since the epidemic area for guests returning immigrants have symptoms in 2,384 cases since June 1, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that Hong Kong's new two recent cases, the preliminary conclusion is in Guangdong infection. In addition, the Guangdong provincial government inspection found that some environmental samples of live poultry markets, Longgang District, presents H7N9 bird flu positive, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand; genetic analysis showed that the virus has the potential to efficiently from person to person, showing H7N9 flu threat persists, and approximately 60% of confirmed cases of discrepancy, such as history of exposure to poultry live bird markets, reminding people to mainland China, especially in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, should be avoided out of the live bird markets and Bird City Bird Street and contact with birds and bird carcasses. Also, remind physicians that meet the definition of H7N9 influenza informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese (including eggs) should pay attention to is completely cooked; and personal hygiene, such as washing hands should implement measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2013-12-16
    • Update Date :2013-12-16
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, mainland China and then add one case of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-12-17)
    Reproductive health programs in China and the Guangdong Provincial Committee yesterday (12/16) evening released new one case of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases, verification operations command center has been completed, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong since the autumn of the first 10 cases of H7N9 flu cases , showing the risks and increase the threat of epidemic diseases. Tourism currently recommended level outbreaks in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces to maintain for the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center plan to remind people infected Be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds. The new cases living in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, a 65-year-old retired woman JiangCheng have contact with live poultry history, December 16 diagnosed, currently hospitalized in critical condition, the relevant epidemiological investigation has been launched. (10/1 onwards) after the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong autumn Cumulative Bulletin 10 cases, including five cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province three cases, two cases of Hong Kong (Guangdong Province shifted). Another so far this year on March 31, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 144 cases, 47 deaths. Country since April 3 this year will be "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 457 cases so far reported cases, including one infectious cases, 454 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, two cases of inspection. Border quarantine so far, since the epidemic area for guests returning immigrants have symptoms in 2,499 cases since June 1, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that Guangdong and Hong Kong autumn after five successive appearance confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong provincial authorities test found in environmental samples, Longgang District, part of the live poultry markets showed positive H7N9 bird flu, does not exclude Mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand the epidemic alert to the people in China, especially in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, should avoid the bird out of the live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also, remind the physician should ask the patient to strengthen the travel history and contact history, in line with the definition of the H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authorities. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2013-12-17
    • Update Date :2013-12-17
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, mainland China again added one case H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-12-18)
    Reproductive health programs in China and the Guangdong Provincial Committee today (12/18) evening once again released new one case of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases in mainland China and Hong Kong since the autumn of the first 11 cases of H7N9 flu cases, showing the risks and threats of epidemic diseases increased. Tourism currently recommended level outbreaks in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces to maintain for the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center plan to remind people infected Be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds. The 65-year-old woman with new cases of avian influenza H7N9 cases identified on December 16, as residing in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province JiangCheng, as a 62 year old man, is currently hospitalized in critical condition, other epidemiological data under investigation. Mainland China and Hong Kong after the autumn (10/1 onwards) Cumulative Bulletin 11 cases, including five cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, four cases, two cases in Hong Kong (Guangdong Province shifted). Another so far this year on March 31, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 145 cases, 47 deaths. Country since April 3 this year will be "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 457 cases so far reported cases, including one infectious cases, and the rest were excluded from H7N9 infection. Border quarantine date, time travelers from epidemic areas in returning immigrants have 2,499 patients with symptoms since June 1, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that Guangdong and Hong Kong autumn after six successive appearance confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong provincial authorities test found in environmental samples, Longgang District, part of the live poultry markets showed positive H7N9 bird flu, does not exclude Mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand the epidemic alert to the people in China, especially in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, should avoid the bird out of the live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also, remind the physician should be strengthened ask the patient history and history of exposure to tourism, such as the H7N9 flu found in compliance with the definition of informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2013-12-18
    • Update Date :2013-12-25
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Shenzhen, Guangdong Province in China again added one case H7N9 flu cases, travel outbreak in Guangdong Province maintain recommended level for the second stage: Alert (Alert), the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-12 -19)
    Reproductive health programs in China and the Guangdong Provincial Committee today (12/19) evening re-release added one case of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases, the command center has completed verification operations in mainland China and Hong Kong since the autumn of the first 12 cases of H7N9 flu cases , showing the risks and increase the threat of epidemic diseases. The current outbreak of avian flu travel suggestions grade Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces remained for the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind plan Go infected people, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases living in Longgang District Nanling 38-year-old male, 12/9 due to fever and cough symptoms go Nanling clinic, 12/12 to South Bay Hospital emergency department visits, 12 / 12 and 12/16 collecting throat swab, two samples showed negative for Influenza A virus nucleic acid. 12/17 patients with alveolar Shenzhen CDC draw fluid for testing, the sample was positive for H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid. 12/18 by the CDC to review the results of Guangdong Province is consistent, the day the case was income Shenzhen Third People's Hospital, is currently in critical condition. Mainland China and Hong Kong after the autumn (10/1 onwards) H7N9 human cases of avian influenza cumulative notified 12 cases, including five cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, five cases, two cases in Hong Kong (Shenzhen, Guangdong shifted). Another so far this year on March 31, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 146 cases, 47 deaths. Country since April 3 this year will be "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 457 cases so far reported cases, including one infectious cases, and the rest were excluded from H7N9 infection. Border quarantine date, time travelers from epidemic areas in returning immigrants have 2,499 patients with symptoms since June 1, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that Guangdong and Hong Kong after seven successive appearance autumn confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong provincial authorities test found in environmental samples, Longgang District, part of the live poultry markets showed positive H7N9 bird flu, does not exclude Mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand the epidemic alert to the people in China, especially in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, should avoid the bird out of the live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authorities. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2013-12-19
    • Update Date :2013-12-19
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Command Center confirmed influenza A H7N9 confirmed cases in China are imported (2013-12-31)
    Command Center today (12/31) evening to confirm an imported H7N9 influenza cases. Case was a resident in mainland China, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province 86 year old male, 12/17 inbound tourism in Taiwan, 12/19 began to loss of appetite, 12/23 chest tightness, 12/24 am to hospital emergency medical care, because both sides of the day pneumonia and ventilator ICU stay, 12/26 administered Tamiflu, 12/27 physicians reported to the Centers for Disease Control Department for examination and specimen collection, test results today to determine the present continuous treatment in the intensive care ward. To the press release time deadline, the command center has confirmed the patient group with 25 people who were 12 and 22/24 return to the mainland, their two daughters continued to stay in Taiwan to take care of patients, they no symptoms. Command Center said the patient during the journey to Taiwan, visited included Taoyuan County, Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, Chiayi City, Kaohsiung, Taitung, Hualien County and other counties of the famous attractions, patients in the journey in no fever or cough, detailed travel history and had hotel accommodation information, command centers are engraved with a detailed guide to confirm, to facilitate contacts grasp travel period. Now through the district control center, local health officers launched against people travel during the time of investigation, and strive to really grasp all possible close contacts and inventoried tube, other health care hospital for the treatment of patients and other related contacts, has been investigated and inventoried, appropriate protection for those who are not, will be given prophylaxis. Public health workers for all close contacts caught giving full health education and H7N9 influenza independent health management notice and actively track to lift the tube, if contact occurs with fever, cough, influenza-like symptoms, please wear a mask for medical treatment, and initiative to inform the physician contact history. WHO also sync command center informed and notified the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong and Macao contact window through IHR contact window. In response to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong continued to appear since the autumn H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemics and the threat increases. Present, except in Guangdong Province and Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, will travel epidemic upgraded to second level: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to alert plan infected people, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Also, once again reminded the people, to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    Command center to keep track of mainland China imported the H7N9 flu case confirmed cases and their associated contacts (2014-01-01)
    About the command center yesterday (12/31) day recognized in China, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province 86 year old man imported H7N9 bird flu, is currently ongoing at the hospital for treatment, condition stable. Though initially judged by the circumstances and some laboratory evidence of close contacts remain asymptomatic, the possibility of infection is not high, but the command center as a precautionary measure, still relevant contact tracing. Close contacts, including two families, tour guides, drivers, medical staff and patients with the disease of a total of 149 rooms, of which there are three health care workers have upper respiratory tract symptoms, have adopted seized for examination. Who having been given to those who need prophylaxis, and invited its self health management 14 days.
    During the tour of patients in Taiwan, visited the county's famous attractions, restaurants and hotels, the number of patients who may have been in contact with a total of 499 investigations, including six who had upper respiratory tract symptoms, three symptoms have eased. Medical personnel will continue to proactively track to maturity, if the contacts fever, cough, influenza-like symptoms, please wear a mask for medical treatment, and the initiative to inform the physician contact history.
    In response to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong continued to appear since the autumn H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemics and the threat increases. Currently the Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and Tourism epidemic as a Class II: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to the epidemic alert plan people, be sure to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Also, once again reminded the people, to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-01
    • Update Date :2014-01-03
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    The second case of H7N9 flu in mainland China imported close contacts of confirmed cases, six were influenza specimens tested negative (2014-01-02)
    About mainland China, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province 86 year old man imported H7N9 bird flu, although the preliminary conclusion that the possibility of infection is not high, but the command center as a precautionary measure, still relevant contact tracing. Close contacts, including two families, tour guides, medical staff and patients with the disease of a total of 163 rooms, of which there are three health care workers have upper respiratory tract symptoms, has taken submit the experience flu test was negative; another the patient specimen test results two asymptomatic family members and tour the flu was also found negative for Disease Control Department will continue to be concerned about their health. These close contacts who having been given to those who need prophylaxis, and invited its self health management 14 days. During the tour of patients in Taiwan, visited the county's famous attractions, restaurants and hotels, the number of patients who may have contact with the investigation until last night, a total of 500 people, including six who had upper respiratory tract symptoms, the symptoms have been alleviated 3 . Medical personnel will continue to proactively track to maturity, if the contacts fever, cough, influenza-like symptoms, please wear a mask for medical treatment, and the initiative to inform the physician contact history. In response to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong continued to appear since the autumn H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemics and the threat increases. Currently the Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and Tourism epidemic as a Class II: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to the epidemic alert plan people, be sure to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Also, once again reminded the people, to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-02
    • Update Date :2014-01-02
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Hunan Province in China appear one case of human H9N2 avian influenza confirmed cases, the Agency will closely control disease outbreaks message and remind people to be vigilant abroad (2014-01-02)
    Disease Control Department today (1/2) afternoon CDC received notification mainland China, Hunan Province, found one case of H9N2 bird flu confirmed cases, seven-year-old children living in Yongzhou City, has a history of exposure of live poultry . On November 19 children with fever, runny nose and other symptoms in to (102), the next day went to Yongzhou city center hospital, after outpatient treatment after November 24 has been recovered. Today (103) On January 1 Hunan Provincial Health Department confirmed by experts as confirmed cases of human H9N2 avian influenza, following the recent Hong Kong is one case occurred after Shenzhen, Guangdong imported cases, again monitored cases. Disease Control Department will closely monitor and control the epidemic message, which reminded people to go abroad, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Disease Control Department said, H9N2 avian influenza virus may be present in poultry in mainland China. First human cases in Hong Kong in 1999 found that in 2009 only to mainland China and Hong Kong confirmed cases were reported in six cases, aged 1 year to 5 years old children. Also in 2011, Bangladesh has also reported 51-year-old woman identified cases. Symptoms are fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat. So far, the clinical manifestations of human cases are mild, were successfully restored, not severe and fatal cases. By this stage, evidence suggests, H9N2 avian influenza virus in poultry bird flu virus is low, but there are sporadic human cases still need to closely monitor the evolution of the virus and the epidemic situation. Disease Control Department from 88 onwards, in addition to the statutory infectious diseases (influenza complications) patient monitoring tests, but also for the community recurring influenza patients and hospitalized patients with pneumonia of unknown causes influenza viruses collected specimen testing, system of influenza virus activity monitoring domestic situations and clinical practice conditions. Number of samples tested from about 1 to 20,000 per year, has accumulated more than 25 million pieces of identification and separation of approximately 86,000 strains of influenza virus, human physical body has not been detected since the H9N2 subtype influenza A viruses. Another COA pointed out that China's inter habitat for migratory birds and poultry in the past has not been detected in H9N2 avian influenza virus. Illness pipe department said bird flu in winter a good season, mainland China and Hong Kong after a series of autumn H7N9, H10N8 and human influenza H9N2 confirmed cases of avian flu threat continues to increase. Remind physicians from suspected cases found in China back to Taiwan, the inquiry should be strengthened travel history and contact history, and quickly notify health authorities. Illness again reminded people the Agency, to mainland China should avoid the bird out of live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked; and should implement handwashing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 (or 0800-001922) contact consultation.
    • The draft date :2014-01-02
    • Update Date :2014-01-02
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Add one case in mainland China, Shanghai, confirmed cases of human H7N9 influenza, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2014-01-04)
    Command Center confirmed this morning with the health authorities in mainland China, the Shanghai new one case of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases in mainland China and Hong Kong since the autumn of the first 13 cases of H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemics and the threat increases. At present, except Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu province, the Shanghai Municipal Tourism epidemic upgraded to second level: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind plan to the people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds.
    The new cases living in Shanghai 86 year-old male, 1/3 of the diagnosis, the city is still in hospital receiving treatment. H7N9 flu human cases in mainland China and Hong Kong after the autumn (102/10/1 from) Cumulative Bulletin 13 cases, including five cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, five cases, two cases in Hong Kong (Shenzhen, Guangdong shifted), and the Shanghai 1 cases. Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 147 cases, of which 48 were fatal. Another of accumulated two infectious cases.
    Command Center pointed out that successive emergence of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong autumn after H7N9 flu confirmed cases, plus inspection by the Guangdong authorities found that some environmental samples of live poultry markets, Longgang District, presents H7N9 bird flu positive reaction, Taiwan recently diagnosed with another A case from Jiangsu Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has a tendency to expand south, to remind the people in mainland China should avoid the bird out of live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-04
    • Update Date :2014-01-06
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China added one case H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-05)
    Command Center is recognized in the evening with the Chinese mainland health authorities, today (1/5) day added one case of influenza confirmed cases of H7N9, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong since the autumn of the first 14 cases of H7N9 flu cases, showing the risks and threats continued epidemic exist. In addition to tour epidemic currently Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai is the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to alert plan people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases of Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, Shaoxing people, 34-year-old women, the incidence of December 29, 1/4 diagnosed, is still receiving treatment at the hospital in Hangzhou, not yet out of danger. H7N9 flu human cases in mainland China and Hong Kong after the autumn (102/10/1 from) Cumulative Bulletin 14 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, five cases, one case of Shanghai, and Hong Kong two cases (Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province shifted ). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 148 cases, of which 48 were fatal. Another country since April 3, 2013 as the H7N9 flu fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 475 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 472 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, one case of inspection. Command Center pointed out that successive emergence of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong autumn after H7N9 flu confirmed cases, another Taiwan recently diagnosed case and one from Jiangsu Province and Shanghai also announced 1 new confirmed cases yesterday, did not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern widening to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and Bird Street and out, as well as contact with birds and bird market poultry carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-05
    • Update Date :2014-01-06
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China added two cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-06)
    Command Center today (1/6) evening Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed two cases in Guangdong Province new confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, the province continue to (102) and was again added after December 19 H7N9 flu cases, indicating the disease Popular risks and threats persist. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai remain second-class: Warning (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind plan Go to the people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Guangdong Province, this new two cases, the first a case of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 47-year-old man, engaged in the sale and transport of poultry, the incidence of December 25 last year, the (103) On January 3 to Guangzhou First Affiliated Hospital for treatment; first two cases of Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, 71-year-old male farmer, without a clear history of exposure to live birds, the incidence of this year, January 1 night, 2 January went to the city People's Hospital therapy, January 4 exacerbations admitted to hospital; 2 cases have switched administered Tamiflu, but is in critical condition. Guangzhou province for the two cases have been in close contact with a total of 125 medical observation, were not unusual. Mainland China and Hong Kong last year after October 1 autumn H7N9 flu human cases so far accumulated notified 16 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, seven cases, one case of Shanghai, and Hong Kong two cases (Shenzhen, Guangdong shifted). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 150 cases, of which 48 were fatal. 102 years since the country on April 3 as the H7N9 flu fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 477 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 473 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, two cases of inspection. Since 102 years from June 1 up passengers in Hong Kong and Macao has a total of 2,835 cases of fever, infections were excluded. Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets Inspection of the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-01-06
    • Update Date :2014-01-06
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China added one case of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-07)
    Command Center today (1/7) evening with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed one case of H7N9 in Guangdong Province new confirmed cases of influenza, the province following yesterday (1/6) again after new H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemic and threats persist. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai remain second-class: Warning (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind plan Go to the people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, 31-year-old man, without a clear history of exposure to live poultry, to (102) in the pathogenesis of December 30, the (103) received in Bao'an District People's Hospital in January 3 Lives admission, has been administered Tamiflu, the patient's condition is currently stable. Shenzhen City Health Department has on 35 close contacts under medical observation, and collecting swab samples for correlation detection, were negative. Human cases of H7N9 flu so far after mainland China and Hong Kong last October 1 autumn cumulative notified 17 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, eight cases, one case of Shanghai, and Hong Kong two cases (Shenzhen, Guangdong shifted). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 151 cases, 49 deaths. 102 years since the country on April 3 as the H7N9 flu fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 477 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 473 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, two cases of inspection. Since 102 years from June 1 up passengers in Hong Kong and Macao has a total of 2,835 cases of fever, infections were excluded. Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets Inspection of the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-07
    • Update Date :2014 -01-07
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Guangdong Province and Jiangsu Province each added one case of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-08)
    Command Center today (1/8) Day and Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed that the Guangdong Province and Jiangsu Province, one case each new confirmed cases of influenza H7N9, including Guangdong Province, following the first two (1/6 and 1/7) again a new future H7N9 flu cases increase, while Jiangsu Province was the first case since the autumn display epidemic risks and threats persist. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of human bird flu in China, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hunan, Jiangxi and Shanghai to maintain the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first Grade: Note (Watch), the command center plan to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases in two cases, one case of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 51-year-old woman, with a history of exposure to live poultry, to (102) On December 31 the disease, the (103) section in Foshan City in January 3 a People's Hospital admitted to hospital, has been administered Tamiflu, currently seriously ill patients; Foshan city health department has 21 close contacts under medical observation, were not unusual. Another example is in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 54 year-old female, on January 7 this year diagnosed with H7N9 influenza cases, treatment is currently in a hospital in Nanjing, the relevant authorities are still investigating the epidemiological data. Mainland China and Hong Kong last year after October 1 autumn H7N9 flu human cases so far accumulated notified 19 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, nine cases, one case of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, one case and two cases in Hong Kong (Shenzhen, Guangdong Province City shifted). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 153 cases, 49 deaths. Command Center pointed out that Guangdong Province after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, the other a few days ago, Taiwan's second infectious cases that come from Jiangsu Province, mainland China does not rule out the tendency to expand the South epidemic alert to people in mainland China, should be avoided Birds out of live poultry markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-08
    • Update Date :2014 -01-08
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Hong Kong announced autumn after three cases of human H7N9 influenza confirmed cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2014-01-09)
    Command Center yesterday (January 8) days and today (January 9) after another after receiving notice of the Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection autumn appear first three cases of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases in Hong Kong continue to (102) 12 Added 6 months after H7N9 flu cases once again, showing the risks and the threat of epidemic persists. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hunan, Jiangxi and Shanghai remain second-class: Warning (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch) , the command center plan to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases in Hong Kong 65 year-old male, presented with fever in the (103) On January 3, coughing and shortness of breath, and on Jan. 7 to Queen Mary Hospital emergency room for treatment, is currently in the ICU isolation and treatment, in critical condition; According to the Centre for Health Protection of Hong Kong initial investigation, the case was 1 to 2 January with his family to Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, on January 1 had access to traditional markets in Shenzhen. The survey also revealed cases a close contact so that no symptoms will accept quarantine isolation period from the date of last contact with the patient within 10 days. For other contacts, track work in progress with the case, including Queen Mary Hospital the same ward patients, and health care and related persons visiting the Queen Mary Hospital, the CHP will be monitored for their health. Another CHP said the Hong Kong Government has activated the Serious Response Level "Influenza Pandemic Plan". Mainland China and Hong Kong last year after October 1 autumn H7N9 flu human cases so far accumulated notified 20 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, nine cases, one case of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, one case and Hong Kong three cases (two cases in Guangdong Shenzhen province shifted in one case investigation). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 154 cases, 49 deaths. Command Center pointed out that this new cases since the first three cases of H7N9 in Hong Kong autumn flu cases, patients had to Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. In addition to the Guangdong authorities, Longgang District, and recently in poultry and environmental samples Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry market test the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand. China will continue to implement measures for the mainland Chinese border quarantine for 14 days after the fever and had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Command Center to remind doctors to be vigilant and to strengthen ask travel and contact history of patients that meet the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify health authorities and cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-09
    • Update Date :2014 -01-09
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China added one case H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-09)
    Command Center today (1/9) evening with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed one case of H7N9 influenza, Zhejiang, new confirmed cases, once again add to the province following the case after January 5, showing the risks and the threat of epidemic persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak suggested travel, China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing is the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macao ) remains the first level: Note (Watch), the command center plan to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases as a 51 year old woman in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the (103) diagnosed in January 8, currently in critical condition at a hospital in Hangzhou treatment. Epidemiological data are still under investigation. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 21 cases, including seven cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, nine cases, one case of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, one case and three cases in Hong Kong (2 cases moved to Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, one case of the survey). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 155 cases, 49 deaths. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 482 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 477 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, three cases of inspection. Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets Inspection of the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-09
    • Update Date :2014 -01-09
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong, Zhejiang Province, mainland China and two cases of H7N9 flu each new case, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-10)
    Command Center today (1/10) evening with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang and Guangdong each added two cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), another Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The new cases of the four cases, the first one was 79-year-old woman in Pinghu, Zhejiang Province, is now in critical condition, the first two cases of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, 30-year-old man, also in critical condition, the first three cases of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 42-year-old woman engage in wholesale sales of live poultry, the (103) in the pathogenesis of January 5, January 8 to locals H7N9 infection fever outpatient hospitals, giving antiviral therapy, January 9 admitted to the hospital, the current have fever, mild symptoms, 20 close contacts found no abnormalities; first four cases in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 59-year-old woman, no live poultry exposure history, go to (102) in the pathogenesis of December 29, January 2003 H7N9 avian influenza infection in the local hospital on the 2nd point, given antiviral therapy, mild, five close contacts found no abnormalities. Cases 3 and 4 cases, no epidemiological link.

    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 25 cases, 9 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 11 cases, one case of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province and Hong Kong three cases one case (Guangdong Province shifted). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 159 cases, 49 deaths.
    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 483 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 477 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, four cases of inspection.

    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets Inspection of the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-10
    • Update Date :2014-01-10
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Jiangsu, Fujian and one case each new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-11)
    Command Center today ( 1 month 11 days) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Fujian Province and Jiangsu Province each added one case H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China ( excluding Hong Kong and Macau ) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), another addition to Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai , outside Beijing, Fujian Province today also added to the column is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The additions to two cases cases cases of Fujian Province, 38 -year-old man, with a history of chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, living in Quanzhou, in the (103) in 1 month 3 days of onset, 1 month 8 days hospitalized exacerbations, 2 days (1 month 10 days ) death, this case is the first case since the autumn of Fujian Province; while cases of Jiangsu Province, 54 -year-old man, living in Nanjing, in to (102) On 12 May 28, onset date, 1 January 5 day of hospitalization, serious illness.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day autumn so far after H7N9 human cases of influenza notified cumulative 27 cases, 3 deaths, Zhejiang Province, nine cases, Guangdong 11 cases, the Shanghai 1 patients, Jiangsu 2 cases , Fujian Province, one case and Hong Kong 3 patients (Guangdong Province shifted). Another last 3 months 31 days so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong confirmed a total of 161 cases, including 50 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 483 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases, 477 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, four cases of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after a series of autumn H7N9 flu confirmed cases, is also found cases in Fujian Province, together with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market alive poultry and poultry market test environmental samples the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, as well as contact with poultry birds and poultry market Birds corpses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as a match is found H7N9 flu patients defined notification shall promptly notify the health authorities and cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-11
    • Update Date :2014 -01-11
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China, Shanghai and Zhejiang Province, a total of seven cases of new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-12)
    Command Center today ( 1 month 12 days) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang Province, Shanghai and Guangdong Province of New 7 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China ( excluding Hong Kong and Macau ) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The new cases of the seven cases, including two cases of new cases in Guangdong Province, 29-year-old and 76-year-old male, were living in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Guangzhou cases in the city market operators tofu business on January 3 this year disease, January 9 Income hospital, in serious condition; Shenzhen cases have been found living in the environment of H7N9 avian influenza virus in Longgang District of positive samples, case no history of exposure to live poultry, the incidence of this year, January 3, January the 9th income hospital, in stable condition; Shanghai add two cases involved a 58-year-old daughter and 56-year-old male, had history of exposure to poultry, the incidence of this year, respectively January 1 and 6, and 8 and 9 respectively daily income of Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Xinhua Hospital, are currently in critical condition treatment; another three cases of new cases of Zhejiang Province, Zhuji city is divided into 75-year-old woman, hospitalized in a hospital in Hangzhou, due to a very critical condition has died; Yiwu City, 78-year-old man, diagnosed 11 January, now is critically ill in a hospital in Hangzhou treatment; Ningbo City, 34-year-old male, temporary Yinzhou District, January 12 was infected with H7N9 bird flu confirmed human cases now are severe, In Ningbo, a hospital for treatment.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 34 cases of autumn, four patients died, including 12 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 13 cases, 3 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases Fujian one case, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 168 cases were identified, of which 51 were fatal.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 486 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases, 481 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, 3 cases of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after a series of autumn H7N9 flu confirmed cases, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples tested in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as a match is found H7N9 flu patients defined notification shall promptly notify the health authorities and cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-12
    • Update Date :2014-01-14
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province in China each added two cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-13)
    Command Center today (January 13) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang and Guangdong each added two cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new four cases cases, of which the first one case and 2 cases of 41-year-old woman, Cixi City, Zhejiang Province, and 59-year-old woman Koto, both in the (103) diagnosed in January 13, are as severe, Ningbo treatment in a hospital. The first three cases of Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 28-year-old female, professional sales staff for the birds, the incidence of this year, January 8, January 9 to sixth Nanhai District People's hospital, outpatient treatment given antiviral agents, Jan. the 12th designated H7N9 infection admitted to the local hospital, the patient's condition is currently stable, close contact with the local health department for medical observation and found no abnormalities. The first four cases of Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 46-year-old male career as a driver, the home of live poultry rearing, the incidence of this year, January 6, designated H7N9 infection admitted to the local hospital on January 9, giving antiviral therapy , the current patient in critical condition, local health departments in close contact with medical observation and found no abnormalities. The first three cases, although third four cases were Nanhai District of Foshan City, who, except for sporadic cases, no epidemiological link. Government of Nanhai District of Foshan City, decided January 13, January 14 region live bird markets are closed two days. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 38 cases of autumn, four deaths, Zhejiang Province, 14 cases, 15 cases in Guangdong Province, Shanghai 3 cases, 2 cases of Jiangsu Province Fujian one case, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Another date, a total of 172 cases confirmed since last March 31, including 51 deaths. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 487 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 485 cases of H7N9 infection excluded. Command Center pointed out that mainland China confirmed cases of influenza H7N9 occurred one after another after autumn, Guangzhou City, a restaurant kitchen recently detected in three H7N9 avian influenza virus positive specimens (chopping and sewage), as of now, the restaurant employees were Not found to have abnormal reactions; moment, apart from Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuhai, Shantou City, Long North Market also detected eight lanes environmental samples positive for H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind Go to Chinese mainland citizens should avoid live bird markets and Bird Street and out, as well as contact with birds and bird market poultry carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact
    • The draft date :2014-01-13
    • Update Date :2014-01-13
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province and Fujian Province in mainland China added a total of three cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-14)
    Command Center today (January 14) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang and Fujian province added three cases of H7N9 influenza were confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The new cases in three cases, one case in which the first and second two cases were Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 29-year-old male farmer and 58-year-old Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, male workers, 2 per capita in the (103) On January 13 diagnosed cases are severe, are currently in Hangzhou, a hospital for treatment. The first three cases of Quanzhou, Jinjiang, Fujian Province, 58-year-old man, diagnosed this year January 14, is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Quanzhou hospitalization.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin autumn 41 cases and 5 deaths, including Zhejiang Province, 16 cases, 15 cases in Guangdong Province, Shanghai 3 cases, 2 cases of Jiangsu Province , two cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 175 cases were identified, of which 52 were fatal.
    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 490 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 485 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, three cases of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-14
    • Update Date :2014-01-14
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China, Guangdong and Shanghai, added a total of four cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-15)
    Command Center today (January 15) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shanghai, added a total of four cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.

    The new four cases cases where the first cases of Xu Hang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 41-year-old male farmer in the (103) On January 14 diagnosed with severe cases, is currently in Hangzhou, a hospital for treatment. The first two cases and 3 patients were of Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, Dongguan City, aged 48 males and males aged 55, 2 per capita on January 15 this year, confirmed, both for severe cases, there were a Foshan and Shenzhen hospital for treatment. The first four cases for the 35-year-old man in Shanghai, household Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, confirmed on January 4 this year, is currently in a Shanghai hospital for treatment.

    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 45 cases of autumn five deaths, 17 cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 17 cases, 4 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases , two cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 179 cases were identified, of which 52 were fatal.

    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 491 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 488 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, one case of inspection.

    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.

    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-15
    • Update Date :2014 -01-16
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shanghai, a total of seven cases of new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-16)
    Command Center today (January 16) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shanghai, added a total of seven cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.

    The new seven cases cases where the first cases of Quanzhou, Fujian Province, 60-year-old man Luojiang for individual businesses, the (103) diagnosed in January 16, the current serious condition, a hospital in Quanzhou, isolation and treatment. The second case was 30-year-old man Nanan Quanzhou, Fujian Province, engaged in stone processing, January 15 confirmed that the current condition is more critical in Quanzhou, a hospital for treatment. The first three cases of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 20-year-old female farmer, January 15 diagnosed, currently in critical condition at a hospital in Hangzhou treatment. The first four cases in Zhejiang Province JIAOJIANG 58-year-old male farmer, January 16 diagnosed, currently in critical condition, a hospital for treatment in Taizhou. The first five cases of Haizhu District of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 59-year-old male retirees, January 16 diagnosed, currently in a stable condition in Guangzhou City, the designated hospital admission. The first six cases of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 76-year-old female retiree, January 16 diagnosed, currently in critical condition, in Foshan City, the designated hospital admission. 7 cases of domicile 54 year old man, Wuhu, Anhui, January 15 in Shanghai diagnosed, the city is now a hospital for treatment. Another Shanghai, according to state regulations, from the go (102) On November 1 start of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza has been included in Category B infectious disease management.

    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 52 cases of autumn, 6 deaths, of which 19 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 19 cases, five cases of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases , 4 cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 186 cases were identified, of which 53 were fatal.

    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 491 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 489 cases of H7N9 infection were excluded.

    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.

    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800 - 001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-16
    • Update Date :2014 -01-16
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, mainland China and then add one case of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-12-17)
    Reproductive health programs in China and the Guangdong Provincial Committee yesterday (12/16) evening released new one case of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases, verification operations command center has been completed, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong since the autumn of the first 10 cases of H7N9 flu cases , showing the risks and increase the threat of epidemic diseases. Tourism currently recommended level outbreaks in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces to maintain for the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center plan to remind people infected Be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds. The new cases living in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, a 65-year-old retired woman JiangCheng have contact with live poultry history, December 16 diagnosed, currently hospitalized in critical condition, the relevant epidemiological investigation has been launched. (10/1 onwards) after the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong autumn Cumulative Bulletin 10 cases, including five cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province three cases, two cases in Hong Kong (Guangdong Province shifted). Another so far this year on March 31, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 144 cases, 47 deaths. Country since April 3 this year will be "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 457 cases so far reported cases, including one infectious cases, 454 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, two cases of inspection. Border quarantine so far, since the epidemic area for guests returning immigrants have symptoms in 2,499 cases since June 1, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that Guangdong and Hong Kong autumn after five successive appearance confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong provincial authorities test found in environmental samples, Longgang District, part of the live poultry markets showed positive H7N9 bird flu, does not exclude Mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand the epidemic alert to the people in China, especially in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, should avoid the bird out of the live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also, remind the physician should ask the patient to strengthen the travel history and contact history, in line with the definition of the H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authorities. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    Jiangxi Province in mainland China the world's first human infection appears H10N8 fatal cases of bird flu, avian flu outbreaks recommended level of the province's tourism is the second stage: Alert (Alert), the Agency will closely control disease outbreaks message and remind people to be vigilant abroad (2013-12-18)
    Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare yesterday (12/17) evening received Chinese mainland Disease Prevention and Control Center notified the world's first human infections occur in Jiangxi H10N8 fatal cases of bird flu , is a 73 -year-old female, live bird markets contact history, clinical diagnosis of severe pneumonia; 11 months 27 days of onset, 11 months 30 days hospitalized, 12 May 6 date of death. Cases of hypertension, diabetes and a history of myasthenia gravis and underwent enucleation thymus, immune dysfunction. Family members who were not in contact with the onset of symptoms, the local has not found other similar cases. The current outbreak of avian influenza is recommended grade of Jiangxi tourism is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Centers for Disease Control and the Department will continue to strengthen the case closely and virus surveillance and control epidemic message. The department reminds people to go abroad, be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds.
    Disease Control Department said, H10N8 avian influenza virus in the past worked for migratory birds, poultry and environmental samples with live bird markets, Guangdong, China Dongting Lake wetland, as well as Japan, South Korea, the United States, Italy and Sweden, found in, but never found the human confirmed cases of infection. Another of the Council of Agriculture in 2005 was also the year in waterfowl habitat excrement samples were detected, but has not been detected in poultry. Based on animal experiments showed that the virus in poultry bird flu virus is low, but with the ability to cause severe infection in mammals and, the need to closely monitor the evolution of the virus and the epidemic situation.
    Disease Control Department from 1999 onwards, in addition to the statutory infectious diseases (influenza complications) patient monitoring tests, but also to the community recurring influenza patients and patients with unexplained pneumonia hospitalization specimen collection influenza virus testing, system of influenza virus activity monitoring domestic situations and clinical practice conditions. Number of samples tested annually approximately 1 to 2 million pieces, has accumulated more than 25 million pieces of identification and separation of influenza virus about 86,000 strains from human physical body was never detected in H10N8 subtype A influenza virus.
    Illness pipe department said bird flu in winter a good season, mainland China and Hong Kong after the autumn series of 10 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, now there H10N8 human bird flu confirmed cases of avian flu threat continues to increase. Remind physicians from suspected cases found in China back to Taiwan, the inquiry should be strengthened travel history and contact history, and quickly notify health authorities.
    Illness again reminded people the Agency, to mainland China should avoid the bird out of live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked; and should implement handwashing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2013-12-18
    • Update Date :2013-12-18
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, mainland China again added one case H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2013-12-18)
    Reproductive health programs in China and the Guangdong Provincial Committee today (12/18) evening once again released new one case of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases in mainland China and Hong Kong since the autumn of the first 11 cases of H7N9 flu cases, showing the risks and threats of epidemic diseases increased. Tourism currently recommended level outbreaks in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces to maintain for the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center plan to remind people infected Be sure to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds. The 65-year-old woman with new cases of avian influenza H7N9 cases identified on December 16, as residing in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province JiangCheng, as a 62 year old man, is currently hospitalized in critical condition, other epidemiological data under investigation. Mainland China and Hong Kong after the autumn (10/1 onwards) Cumulative Bulletin 11 cases, including five cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, four cases, two cases in Hong Kong (Guangdong Province shifted). Another so far this year on March 31, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 145 cases, 47 deaths. Country since April 3 this year will be "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 457 cases so far reported cases, including one infectious cases, and the rest were excluded from H7N9 infection. Border quarantine date, time travelers from epidemic areas in returning immigrants have 2,499 patients with symptoms since June 1, were excluded from H7N9 infection. Command Center pointed out that Guangdong and Hong Kong autumn after six successive appearance confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong provincial authorities test found in environmental samples, Longgang District, part of the live poultry markets showed positive H7N9 bird flu, does not exclude Mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand the epidemic alert to the people in China, especially in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, should avoid the bird out of the live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also, remind the physician should be strengthened ask the patient history and history of exposure to tourism, such as the H7N9 flu found in compliance with the definition of informed patient should promptly notify health authorities. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    Hong Kong has experienced one case of confirmed cases of human H9N2 avian influenza imported from Guangdong, Shenzhen, and the Agency will closely control disease outbreaks message and remind people to be vigilant abroad (2013-12-30)
    Disease Control Department today (12/30) afternoon received notice of the Hong Kong Government, the Hong Kong found one case of confirmed cases of H9N2 avian influenza imported, the 86-year-old man, living in Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. Patients appear on December 28, chills, cough and phlegm and other symptoms, the same day in Hong Kong via Lo Wu Control Point to the hospital for treatment, hospital isolation ward is now receiving treatment in stable condition. After testing the samples from patients at December 30 confirmed human infections of influenza A (H9N2). The rest epidemiological data are still under investigation. Disease Control Department will closely monitor the epidemic and continue to grasp the message, which reminded people to go abroad, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Disease Control Department said, H9N2 avian influenza virus may be present in poultry in mainland China. First human cases in Hong Kong in 1999 found that in 2009 only to China and Hong Kong confirmed cases were reported in six cases, aged 1 year to 5 years old children. Also in 2011, Bangladesh has also reported 51-year-old woman identified cases. Symptoms are fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat. So far, the clinical manifestations of human cases are mild, were successfully restored, not severe and fatal cases. By this stage, evidence suggests, H9N2 avian influenza virus in poultry bird flu virus is low, but there are sporadic human cases still need to closely monitor the evolution of the virus and the epidemic situation. Disease Control Department from 88 onwards, in addition to the statutory infectious diseases (influenza complications) patient monitoring tests, but also for the community recurring influenza patients and hospitalized patients with pneumonia of unknown causes influenza viruses collected specimen testing, system of influenza virus activity monitoring domestic situations and clinical practice conditions. Number of samples tested from about 1 to 20,000 per year, has accumulated more than 25 million pieces of identification and separation of approximately 86,000 strains of influenza virus, human physical body has not been detected since the H9N2 subtype influenza A viruses. Another COA pointed out that China's inter habitat for migratory birds and poultry in the past has not been detected in H9N2 avian influenza virus. Illness pipe department said bird flu in winter a good season, mainland China and Hong Kong after a series of autumn H7N9, H10N8 and human influenza H9N2 confirmed cases of avian flu threat continues to increase. Remind physicians from suspected cases found in China back to Taiwan, the inquiry should be strengthened travel history and contact history, and quickly notify health authorities. Illness again reminded people the Agency, to mainland China should avoid the bird out of live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked; and should implement handwashing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2013-12-30
    • Update Date :2013-12-30
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Command Center confirmed influenza A H7N9 confirmed cases in China are imported (2013-12-31)
    Command Center today (12/31) evening to confirm an imported H7N9 influenza cases. Case was a resident in mainland China, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province 86 year old male, 12/17 inbound tourism in Taiwan, 12/19 began to loss of appetite, 12/23 chest tightness, 12/24 am to hospital emergency medical care, because both sides of the day pneumonia and ventilator ICU stay, 12/26 administered Tamiflu, 12/27 physicians reported to the Centers for Disease Control Department for examination and specimen collection, test results today to determine the present continuous treatment in the intensive care ward. To the press release time deadline, the command center has confirmed the patient group with 25 people who were 12 and 22/24 return to the mainland, their two daughters continued to stay in Taiwan to take care of patients, they no symptoms. Command Center said the patient during the journey to Taiwan, visited included Taoyuan County, Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, Chiayi City, Kaohsiung, Taitung, Hualien County and other counties of the famous attractions, patients in the journey in no fever or cough, detailed travel history and had hotel accommodation information, command centers are engraved with a detailed guide to confirm, to facilitate contacts grasp travel period. Now through the district control center, local health officers launched against people travel during the time of investigation, and strive to really grasp all possible close contacts and inventoried tube, other health care hospital for the treatment of patients and other related contacts, has been investigated and inventoried, appropriate protection for those who are not, will be given prophylaxis. Public health workers for all close contacts caught giving full health education and H7N9 influenza independent health management notice and actively track to lift the tube, if contact occurs with fever, cough, influenza-like symptoms, please wear a mask for medical treatment, and initiative to inform the physician contact history. WHO also sync command center informed and notified the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong and Macao contact window through IHR contact window. In response to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong continued to appear since the autumn H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemics and the threat increases. Present, except in Guangdong Province and Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, will travel epidemic upgraded to second level: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to alert plan infected people, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Also, once again reminded the people, to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    Command center to keep track of mainland China imported the H7N9 flu case confirmed cases and their associated contacts (2014-01-01)
    About the command center yesterday (12/31) day recognized in China, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province 86 year old man imported H7N9 bird flu, is currently ongoing at the hospital for treatment, condition stable. Though initially judged by the circumstances and some laboratory evidence of close contacts remain asymptomatic, the possibility of infection is not high, but the command center as a precautionary measure, still relevant contact tracing. Close contacts, including two families, tour guides, drivers, medical staff and patients with the disease of a total of 149 rooms, of which there are three health care workers have upper respiratory tract symptoms, have adopted seized for examination. Who having been given to those who need prophylaxis, and invited its self health management 14 days.
    During the tour of patients in Taiwan, visited the county's famous attractions, restaurants and hotels, the number of patients who may have been in contact with a total of 499 investigations, including six who had upper respiratory tract symptoms, three symptoms have eased. Medical personnel will continue to proactively track to maturity, if the contacts fever, cough, influenza-like symptoms, please wear a mask for medical treatment, and the initiative to inform the physician contact history.
    In response to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong continued to appear since the autumn H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemics and the threat increases. Currently the Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and Tourism epidemic as a Class II: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to the epidemic alert plan people, be sure to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Also, once again reminded the people, to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-01
    • Update Date :2014-01-03
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    The second case of H7N9 flu in mainland China imported close contacts of confirmed cases, six were influenza specimens tested negative (2014-01-02)
    About mainland China, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province 86 year old man imported H7N9 bird flu, although the preliminary conclusion that the possibility of infection is not high, but the command center as a precautionary measure, still relevant contact tracing. Close contacts, including two families, tour guides, medical staff and patients with the disease of a total of 163 rooms, of which there are three health care workers have upper respiratory tract symptoms, has taken submit the experience flu test was negative; another the patient specimen test results two asymptomatic family members and tour the flu was also found negative for Disease Control Department will continue to be concerned about their health. These close contacts who having been given to those who need prophylaxis, and invited its self health management 14 days. During the tour of patients in Taiwan, visited the county's famous attractions, restaurants and hotels, the number of patients who may have contact with the investigation until last night, a total of 500 people, including six who had upper respiratory tract symptoms, the symptoms have been alleviated 3 . Medical personnel will continue to proactively track to maturity, if the contacts fever, cough, influenza-like symptoms, please wear a mask for medical treatment, and the initiative to inform the physician contact history. In response to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong continued to appear since the autumn H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemics and the threat increases. Currently the Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and Tourism epidemic as a Class II: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to the epidemic alert plan people, be sure to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Also, once again reminded the people, to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-01-02
    • Update Date :2014-01-02
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Hunan Province in China appear one case of human H9N2 avian influenza confirmed cases, the Agency will closely control disease outbreaks message and remind people to be vigilant abroad (2014-01-02)
    Disease Control Department today (1/2) afternoon CDC received notification mainland China, Hunan Province, found one case of H9N2 bird flu confirmed cases, seven-year-old children living in Yongzhou City, has a history of exposure of live poultry . On November 19 children with fever, runny nose and other symptoms in to (102), the next day went to Yongzhou city center hospital, after outpatient treatment after November 24 has been recovered. Today (103) On January 1 Hunan Provincial Health Department confirmed by experts as confirmed cases of human H9N2 avian influenza, following the recent Hong Kong is one case occurred after Shenzhen, Guangdong imported cases, again monitored cases. Disease Control Department will closely monitor and control the epidemic message, which reminded people to go abroad, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Disease Control Department said, H9N2 avian influenza virus may be present in poultry in mainland China. First human cases in Hong Kong in 1999 found that in 2009 only to China and Hong Kong confirmed cases were reported in six cases, aged 1 year to 5 years old children. Also in 2011, Bangladesh has also reported 51-year-old woman identified cases. Symptoms are fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat. So far, the clinical manifestations of human cases are mild, were successfully restored, not severe and fatal cases. By this stage, evidence suggests, H9N2 avian influenza virus in poultry bird flu virus is low, but there are sporadic human cases still need to closely monitor the evolution of the virus and the epidemic situation. Disease Control Department from 88 onwards, in addition to the statutory infectious diseases (influenza complications) patient monitoring tests, but also for the community recurring influenza patients and hospitalized patients with pneumonia of unknown causes influenza viruses collected specimen testing, system of influenza virus activity monitoring domestic situations and clinical practice conditions. Number of samples tested from about 1 to 20,000 per year, has accumulated more than 25 million pieces of identification and separation of approximately 86,000 strains of influenza virus, human physical body has not been detected since the H9N2 subtype influenza A viruses. Another COA pointed out that China's inter habitat for migratory birds and poultry in the past has not been detected in H9N2 avian influenza virus. Illness pipe department said bird flu in winter a good season, mainland China and Hong Kong after a series of autumn H7N9, H10N8 and human influenza H9N2 confirmed cases of avian flu threat continues to increase. Remind physicians from suspected cases found in China back to Taiwan, the inquiry should be strengthened travel history and contact history, and quickly notify health authorities. Illness again reminded people the Agency, to mainland China should avoid the bird out of live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked; and should implement handwashing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 (or 0800-001922) contact consultation.
    • The draft date :2014-01-02
    • Update Date :2014-01-02
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Add one case in mainland China, Shanghai, confirmed cases of human H7N9 influenza, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2014-01-04)
    Command Center confirmed this morning with the health authorities in mainland China, the Shanghai new one case of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases in mainland China and Hong Kong since the autumn of the first 13 cases of H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemics and the threat increases. At present, except Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu province, the Shanghai Municipal Tourism epidemic upgraded to second level: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind plan to the people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good health habits, avoid contact with birds.
    The new cases living in Shanghai 86 year-old male, 1/3 of the diagnosis, the city is still in hospital receiving treatment. H7N9 flu human cases in mainland China and Hong Kong after the autumn (102/10/1 from) Cumulative Bulletin 13 cases, including five cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, five cases, two cases in Hong Kong (Shenzhen, Guangdong shifted), and the Shanghai 1 cases. Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 147 cases, of which 48 were fatal. Another of accumulated two infectious cases.
    Command Center pointed out that successive emergence of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong autumn after H7N9 flu confirmed cases, plus inspection by the Guangdong authorities found that some environmental samples of live poultry markets, Longgang District, presents H7N9 bird flu positive reaction, Taiwan recently diagnosed with another A case from Jiangsu Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has a tendency to expand south, to remind the people in mainland China should avoid the bird out of live bird markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-04
    • Update Date :2014-01-06
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China added one case H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-05)
    Command Center is recognized in the evening with the Chinese mainland health authorities, today (1/5) day added one case of influenza confirmed cases of H7N9, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong since the autumn of the first 14 cases of H7N9 flu cases, showing the risks and threats continued epidemic exist. In addition to tour epidemic currently Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai is the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to alert plan people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases of Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, Shaoxing people, 34-year-old women, the incidence of December 29, 1/4 diagnosed, is still receiving treatment at the hospital in Hangzhou, not yet out of danger. H7N9 flu human cases in mainland China and Hong Kong after the autumn (102/10/1 from) Cumulative Bulletin 14 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, five cases, one case of Shanghai, and Hong Kong two cases (Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province shifted ). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 148 cases, of which 48 were fatal. Another country since April 3, 2013 as the H7N9 flu fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 475 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 472 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, one case of inspection. Command Center pointed out that successive emergence of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong autumn after H7N9 flu confirmed cases, another Taiwan recently diagnosed case and one from Jiangsu Province and Shanghai also announced 1 new confirmed cases yesterday, did not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern widening to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and Bird Street and out, as well as contact with birds and bird market poultry carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-05
    • Update Date :2014-01-06
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China added two cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-06)
    Command Center today (1/6) evening Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed two cases in Guangdong Province new confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, the province continue to (102) and was again added after December 19 H7N9 flu cases, indicating the disease Popular risks and threats persist. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai remain second-class: Warning (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind plan Go to the people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. Guangdong Province, this new two cases, the first a case of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 47-year-old man, engaged in the sale and transport of poultry, the incidence of December 25 last year, the (103) On January 3 to Guangzhou First Affiliated Hospital for treatment; first two cases of Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, 71-year-old male farmer, without a clear history of exposure to live birds, the incidence of this year, January 1 night, 2 January went to the city People's Hospital therapy, January 4 exacerbations admitted to hospital; 2 cases have switched administered Tamiflu, but is in critical condition. Guangzhou province for the two cases have been in close contact with a total of 125 medical observation, were not unusual. Mainland China and Hong Kong last year after October 1 autumn H7N9 flu human cases so far accumulated notified 16 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, seven cases, one case of Shanghai, and Hong Kong two cases (Shenzhen, Guangdong shifted). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 150 cases, of which 48 were fatal. 102 years since the country on April 3 as the H7N9 flu fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 477 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 473 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, two cases of inspection. Since 102 years from June 1 up passengers in Hong Kong and Macao has a total of 2,835 cases of fever, infections were excluded. Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets Inspection of the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-01-06
    • Update Date :2014-01-06
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China added one case of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-07)
    Command Center today (1/7) evening with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed one case of H7N9 in Guangdong Province new confirmed cases of influenza, the province following yesterday (1/6) again after new H7N9 flu cases, indicating the risk of epidemic and threats persist. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai remain second-class: Warning (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), the command center to remind plan Go to the people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, 31-year-old man, without a clear history of exposure to live poultry, to (102) in the pathogenesis of December 30, the (103) received in Bao'an District People's Hospital in January 3 Lives admission, has been administered Tamiflu, the patient's condition is currently stable. Shenzhen City Health Department has on 35 close contacts under medical observation, and collecting swab samples for correlation detection, were negative. Human cases of H7N9 flu so far after mainland China and Hong Kong last October 1 autumn cumulative notified 17 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, eight cases, one case of Shanghai, and Hong Kong two cases (Shenzhen, Guangdong shifted). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 151 cases, 49 deaths. 102 years since the country on April 3 as the H7N9 flu fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 477 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 473 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, two cases of inspection. Since 102 years from June 1 up passengers in Hong Kong and Macao has a total of 2,835 cases of fever, infections were excluded. Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets Inspection of the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-07
    • Update Date :2014 -01-07
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Guangdong Province and Jiangsu Province each added one case of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-08)
    Command Center today (1/8) Day and Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed that the Guangdong Province and Jiangsu Province, one case each new confirmed cases of influenza H7N9, including Guangdong Province, following the first two (1/6 and 1/7) again a new future H7N9 flu cases increase, while Jiangsu Province was the first case since the autumn display epidemic risks and threats persist. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of human bird flu in China, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hunan, Jiangxi and Shanghai to maintain the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first Grade: Note (Watch), the command center plan to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases in two cases, one case of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 51-year-old woman, with a history of exposure to live poultry, to (102) On December 31 the disease, the (103) section in Foshan City in January 3 a People's Hospital admitted to hospital, has been administered Tamiflu, currently seriously ill patients; Foshan city health department has 21 close contacts under medical observation, were not unusual. Another example is in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 54 year-old female, on January 7 this year diagnosed with H7N9 influenza cases, treatment is currently in a hospital in Nanjing, the relevant authorities are still investigating the epidemiological data. Mainland China and Hong Kong last year after October 1 autumn H7N9 flu human cases so far accumulated notified 19 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, nine cases, one case of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, one case and two cases in Hong Kong (Shenzhen, Guangdong Province City shifted). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 153 cases, 49 deaths. Command Center pointed out that Guangdong Province after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, the other a few days ago, Taiwan's second infectious cases that come from Jiangsu Province, mainland China does not rule out the tendency to expand the South epidemic alert to people in mainland China, should be avoided Birds out of live poultry markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-08
    • Update Date :2014 -01-08
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Hong Kong announced autumn after three cases of human H7N9 influenza confirmed cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad pay attention to prevention, and calls on physicians to be vigilant (2014-01-09)
    Command Center yesterday (January 8) days and today (January 9) after another after receiving notice of the Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection autumn appear first three cases of influenza H7N9 confirmed cases in Hong Kong continue to (102) 12 Added 6 months after H7N9 flu cases once again, showing the risks and the threat of epidemic persists. Tourism epidemic currently recommended level of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hunan, Jiangxi and Shanghai remain second-class: Warning (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch) , the command center plan to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases in Hong Kong 65 year-old male, presented with fever in the (103) On January 3, coughing and shortness of breath, and on Jan. 7 to Queen Mary Hospital emergency room for treatment, is currently in the ICU isolation and treatment, in critical condition; According to the Centre for Health Protection of Hong Kong initial investigation, the case was 1 to 2 January with his family to Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, on January 1 had access to traditional markets in Shenzhen. The survey also revealed cases a close contact so that no symptoms will accept quarantine isolation period from the date of last contact with the patient within 10 days. For other contacts, track work in progress with the case, including Queen Mary Hospital the same ward patients, and health care and related persons visiting the Queen Mary Hospital, the CHP will be monitored for their health. Another CHP said the Hong Kong Government has activated the Serious Response Level "Influenza Pandemic Plan". Mainland China and Hong Kong last year after October 1 autumn H7N9 flu human cases so far accumulated notified 20 cases, including six cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, nine cases, one case of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, one case and Hong Kong three cases (two cases in Guangdong Shenzhen province shifted in one case investigation). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 154 cases, 49 deaths. Command Center pointed out that this new cases since the first three cases of H7N9 in Hong Kong autumn flu cases, patients had to Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. In addition to the Guangdong authorities, Longgang District, and recently in poultry and environmental samples Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry market test the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand. China will continue to implement measures for the mainland Chinese border quarantine for 14 days after the fever and had to travel in China, especially those with a history of contact with poultry, after quarantine officers will be assisted to the hospital clinic. Command Center to remind doctors to be vigilant and to strengthen ask travel and contact history of patients that meet the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify health authorities and cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    Zhejiang Province in China added one case H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-09)
    Command Center today (1/9) evening with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed one case of H7N9 influenza, Zhejiang, new confirmed cases, once again add to the province following the case after January 5, showing the risks and the threat of epidemic persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak suggested travel, China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing is the second stage: Alert (Alert), the remaining provinces (excluding Hong Kong and Macao ) remains the first level: Note (Watch), the command center plan to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases as a 51 year old woman in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the (103) diagnosed in January 8, currently in critical condition at a hospital in Hangzhou treatment. Epidemiological data are still under investigation. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 21 cases, including seven cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, nine cases, one case of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, one case and three cases in Hong Kong (2 cases moved to Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, one case of the survey). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 155 cases, 49 deaths. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 482 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 477 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, three cases of inspection. Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets Inspection of the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-09
    • Update Date :2014 -01-09
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong, Zhejiang Province, mainland China and two cases of H7N9 flu each new case, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-10)
    Command Center today (1/10) evening with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang and Guangdong each added two cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), another Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The new cases of the four cases, the first one was 79-year-old woman in Pinghu, Zhejiang Province, is now in critical condition, the first two cases of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, 30-year-old man, also in critical condition, the first three cases of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 42-year-old woman engage in wholesale sales of live poultry, the (103) in the pathogenesis of January 5, January 8 to locals H7N9 infection fever outpatient hospitals, giving antiviral therapy, January 9 admitted to the hospital, the current have fever, mild symptoms, 20 close contacts found no abnormalities; first four cases in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 59-year-old woman, no live poultry exposure history, go to (102) in the pathogenesis of December 29, January 2003 H7N9 avian influenza infection in the local hospital on the 2nd point, given antiviral therapy, mild, five close contacts found no abnormalities. Cases 3 and 4 cases, no epidemiological link.

    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 25 cases, 9 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 11 cases, one case of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province and Hong Kong three cases one case (Guangdong Province shifted). Also on March 31 last year so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were confirmed 159 cases, 49 deaths.
    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 483 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 477 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, four cases of inspection.

    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets Inspection of the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-10
    • Update Date :2014-01-10
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Jiangsu, Fujian and one case each new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-11)
    Command Center today ( 1 month 11 days) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Fujian Province and Jiangsu Province each added one case H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China ( excluding Hong Kong and Macau ) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), another addition to Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai , outside Beijing, Fujian Province today also added to the column is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The additions to two cases cases cases of Fujian Province, 38 -year-old man, with a history of chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, living in Quanzhou, in the (103) in 1 month 3 days of onset, 1 month 8 days hospitalized exacerbations, 2 days (1 month 10 days ) death, this case is the first case since the autumn of Fujian Province; while cases of Jiangsu Province, 54 -year-old man, living in Nanjing, in to (102) On 12 May 28, onset date, 1 January 5 day of hospitalization, serious illness.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day autumn so far after H7N9 human cases of influenza notified cumulative 27 cases, 3 deaths, Zhejiang Province, nine cases, Guangdong 11 cases, the Shanghai 1 patients, Jiangsu 2 cases , Fujian Province, one case and Hong Kong 3 patients (Guangdong Province shifted). Another last 3 months 31 days so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong confirmed a total of 161 cases, including 50 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 483 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases, 477 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, four cases of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after a series of autumn H7N9 flu confirmed cases, is also found cases in Fujian Province, together with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market alive poultry and poultry market test environmental samples the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, as well as contact with poultry birds and poultry market Birds corpses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as a match is found H7N9 flu patients defined notification shall promptly notify the health authorities and cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-11
    • Update Date :2014 -01-11
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Jiangsu, Fujian and one case each new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-11)

    Command Center today ( 1 month 11 days) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Fujian Province and Jiangsu Province each added one case H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China ( excluding Hong Kong and Macau ) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), another addition to Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai , outside Beijing, Fujian Province today also added to the column is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The additions to two cases cases cases of Fujian Province, 38 -year-old man, with a history of chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, living in Quanzhou, in the (103) in 1 month 3 days of onset, 1 month 8 days hospitalized exacerbations, 2 days (1 month 10 days ) death, this case is the first case since the autumn of Fujian Province; while cases of Jiangsu Province, 54 -year-old man, living in Nanjing, in to (102) On 12 May 28, onset date, 1 January 5 day of hospitalization, serious illness.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day autumn so far after H7N9 human cases of influenza notified cumulative 27 cases, 3 deaths, Zhejiang Province, nine cases, Guangdong 11 cases, the Shanghai 1 patients, Jiangsu 2 cases , Fujian Province, one case and Hong Kong 3 patients (Guangdong Province shifted). Another last 3 months 31 days so far, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong confirmed a total of 161 cases, including 50 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 483 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases, 477 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, four cases of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after a series of autumn H7N9 flu confirmed cases, is also found cases in Fujian Province, together with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market alive poultry and poultry market test environmental samples the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, as well as contact with poultry birds and poultry market Birds corpses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as a match is found H7N9 flu patients defined notification shall promptly notify the health authorities and cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-11
    • Update Date :2014 -01-11
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China, Shanghai and Zhejiang Province, a total of seven cases of new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-12)
    Command Center today ( 1 month 12 days) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang Province, Shanghai and Guangdong Province of New 7 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China ( excluding Hong Kong and Macau ) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The new cases of the seven cases, including two cases of new cases in Guangdong Province, 29-year-old and 76-year-old male, were living in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Guangzhou cases in the city market operators tofu business on January 3 this year disease, January 9 Income hospital, in serious condition; Shenzhen cases have been found living in the environment of H7N9 avian influenza virus in Longgang District of positive samples, case no history of exposure to live poultry, the incidence of this year, January 3, January 9 Income hospital, in stable condition; Shanghai added two cases involved a 58-year-old daughter and 56-year-old male, had history of exposure to poultry, the incidence of this year, respectively January 1 and 6, and 8, and 9, respectively daily income of Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Xinhua Hospital, are currently in critical condition treatment; another three cases of new cases of Zhejiang Province, Zhuji city is divided into 75-year-old woman, hospitalized in a hospital in Hangzhou, due to a very critical condition has died; Yiwu City, 78-year-old man, diagnosed 11 January, now is critically ill in a hospital in Hangzhou treatment; Ningbo City, 34-year-old male, temporary Yinzhou District, January 12 was infected with H7N9 bird flu confirmed human cases now are severe, In Ningbo, a hospital for treatment.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 34 cases of autumn, four patients died, including 12 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 13 cases, 3 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases Fujian one case, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 168 cases were identified, of which 51 were fatal.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 486 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases, 481 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, 3 cases of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after a series of autumn H7N9 flu confirmed cases, coupled with the Guangdong authorities except Longgang District, and recently poultry and environmental samples tested in Zengcheng City, Guangzhou and Zhuhai City, south tide market live poultry markets the H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as a match is found H7N9 flu patients defined notification shall promptly notify the health authorities and cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-12
    • Update Date :2014-01-14
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province in China each added two cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-13)
    Command Center today (January 13) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang and Guangdong each added two cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new four cases cases, of which the first one case and 2 cases of 41-year-old woman, Cixi City, Zhejiang Province, and 59-year-old woman Koto, both in the (103) diagnosed in January 13, are as severe, Ningbo treatment in a hospital. The first three cases of Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 28-year-old female, professional sales staff for the birds, the incidence of this year, January 8, January 9 to sixth Nanhai District People's hospital, outpatient treatment given antiviral agents, Jan. 12, designated H7N9 infection admitted to a local hospital, the patient's condition is currently stable, close contact with the local health department for medical observation and found no abnormalities. The first four cases of Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 46-year-old male career as a driver, the home of live poultry rearing, the incidence of this year, January 6, designated H7N9 infection admitted to the local hospital on January 9, giving antiviral therapy , the current patient in critical condition, local health departments in close contact with medical observation and found no abnormalities. The first three cases, although third four cases were Nanhai District of Foshan City, who, except for sporadic cases, no epidemiological link. Government of Nanhai District of Foshan City, decided January 13, January 14 region live bird markets are closed two days. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 38 cases of autumn, four deaths, Zhejiang Province, 14 cases, 15 cases in Guangdong Province, Shanghai 3 cases, 2 cases of Jiangsu Province Fujian one case, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Another date, a total of 172 cases confirmed since last March 31, including 51 deaths. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 487 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 485 cases of H7N9 infection excluded. Command Center pointed out that mainland China confirmed cases of influenza H7N9 occurred one after another after autumn, Guangzhou City, a restaurant kitchen recently detected in three H7N9 avian influenza virus positive specimens (chopping and sewage), as of now, the restaurant employees were Not found to have abnormal reactions; moment, apart from Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuhai, Shantou City, Long North Market also detected eight lanes environmental samples positive for H7N9 avian influenza virus, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind Go to Chinese mainland citizens should avoid live bird markets and Bird Street and out, as well as contact with birds and bird market poultry carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-01-13
    • Update Date :2014-01-13
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province and Fujian Province in mainland China added a total of three cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-14)
    Command Center today (January 14) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang and Fujian province added three cases of H7N9 influenza were confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The new cases in three cases, one case in which the first and second two cases were Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 29-year-old male farmer and 58-year-old Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, male workers, 2 per capita in the (103) On January 13 diagnosed cases are severe, are currently in Hangzhou, a hospital for treatment. The first three cases of Quanzhou, Jinjiang, Fujian Province, 58-year-old man, diagnosed this year January 14, is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Quanzhou hospitalization.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin autumn 41 cases and 5 deaths, including Zhejiang Province, 16 cases, 15 cases in Guangdong Province, Shanghai 3 cases, 2 cases of Jiangsu Province , two cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 175 cases were identified, of which 52 were fatal.
    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 490 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 485 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, three cases of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-14
    • Update Date :2014-01-14
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China, Guangdong and Shanghai, added a total of four cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-15)
    Command Center today (January 15) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shanghai, added a total of four cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.

    The new four cases cases where the first cases of Xu Hang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 41-year-old male farmer in the (103) On January 14 diagnosed with severe cases, is currently in Hangzhou, a hospital for treatment. The first two cases and 3 patients were of Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, Dongguan City, 48-year-old man and 55-year-old male, 2 per capita on January 15 this year, confirmed, both for severe cases, there were some Foshan and Shenzhen hospital for treatment. The first four cases for the 35-year-old man in Shanghai, household Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, confirmed on January 4 this year, is currently in a Shanghai hospital for treatment.

    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 45 cases of autumn five deaths, 17 cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 17 cases, 4 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases , two cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 179 cases were identified, of which 52 were fatal.

    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 491 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 488 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, one case of inspection.

    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.

    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-15
    • Update Date :2014 -01-16
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shanghai, a total of seven cases of new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-16)
    Command Center today (January 16) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shanghai, added a total of seven cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.

    The new seven cases cases where the first cases of Quanzhou, Fujian Province, 60-year-old man Luojiang for individual businesses, the (103) diagnosed in January 16, the current serious condition, a hospital in Quanzhou, isolation and treatment. The second case was 30-year-old man Nanan Quanzhou, Fujian Province, engaged in stone processing, January 15 confirmed that the current condition is more critical in Quanzhou, a hospital for treatment. The first three cases of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 20-year-old female farmer, January 15 diagnosed, currently in critical condition at a hospital in Hangzhou treatment. The first four cases in Zhejiang Province JIAOJIANG 58-year-old male farmer, January 16 diagnosed, currently in critical condition, a hospital for treatment in Taizhou. The first five cases of Haizhu District of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 59-year-old male retirees, January 16 diagnosed, currently in a stable condition in Guangzhou City, the designated hospital admission. The first six cases of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 76-year-old female retiree, January 16 diagnosed, currently in critical condition, in Foshan City, the designated hospital admission. 7 cases of domicile 54 year old man, Wuhu, Anhui, January 15 in Shanghai diagnosed, the city is now a hospital for treatment. Another Shanghai, according to state regulations, from the go (102) On November 1 start of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza has been included in Category B infectious disease management.

    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 52 cases of autumn, 6 deaths, of which 19 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 19 cases, five cases of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases , 4 cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 186 cases were identified, of which 53 were fatal.

    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 491 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 489 cases of H7N9 infection were excluded.

    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.

    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800 - 001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-16
    • Update Date :2014 -01-16
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China added four cases H7N9 influenza cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-17)
    Command Center today (January 17) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed four cases of H7N9 influenza, Zhejiang, new confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds. The new cases of the four cases are the (103) On January 16 confirmed the first cases of a 38 year old man in Guizhou domicile, infected workers during Wenzhou, Zhejiang, by the local hospital for treatment after January 3 Day return, January 8 and then into a hospital in Guizhou treatment, January 9 deaths. The first two cases of Huzhou Wuxing 66-year-old retired man, now in critical condition in a hospital in Hangzhou treatment. The first three cases of Huzhou Wuxing 54-year-old male farmer, is now in critical condition at a hospital in Huzhou treatment. The first four cases of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou 62 year old man farmer, is in critical condition at a hospital in Hangzhou treatment. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 56 cases of autumn, seven deaths, 23 cases of Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 19 cases, five cases of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases , 4 cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 190 cases were identified, of which 54 were fatal. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 491 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 489 cases of H7N9 infection were excluded. Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-01-17
    • Update Date :2014-01-17
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Guangdong, Zhejiang and Fujian provinces were nine cases of H7N9 influenza cases new command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-18)
    Command Center today (January 18) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Fujian Province, nine cases of new confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, epidemic risk and threat display persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The new cases in nine cases, including the first cases of Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 5-year-old girls, 14 January disease, January 18 confirmed cases of human infection of H7N9 avian influenza, patients with mild symptoms currently in Guangzhou City designated admitted to hospital; first two cases of Liwan District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 83-year-old female retiree, January 2 disease, January 18 confirmed cases of human infection of H7N9 avian influenza, the patient is currently in critical condition in the Guangzhou City designated hospital inpatient; first three cases of Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, 62-year-old male retiree, January 6 disease, the patient's condition is currently stable in Shenzhen designated hospital inpatient; first four cases in Cixi, Ningbo, Zhejiang City, 35-year-old male farmer, 16 January confirmed, is in critical condition at a hospital in Ningbo treatment; first five cases of Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 72-year-old female retiree, January 17 confirmed cases of human infection of H7N9 avian influenza, is now in critical condition in a hospital in Hangzhou treatment; 6 cases of Shaoxing Paojiang 69 year-old male farmer, 17, diagnosed, are in critical condition, a hospital for treatment in Shaoxing; Chapter 7 cases Fujian Quanzhou Jinjiang City 38-year-old woman individual businesses, currently in critical condition in a hospital isolation and treatment Jinjiang; 8 cases of Gutian County, Fujian Ningde live 54 year old man is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Fuzhou, isolation and treatment; 9 cases of Yongning Town, Shishi City, Fujian Province, Quanzhou 55-year-old male driver, currently in critical condition in a hospital isolation lions treatment.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 human cases of influenza autumn after October 1, the cumulative notified 65 cases, 7 deaths, including 26 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 22 cases, five cases of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases, 7 cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 199 cases were identified, of which 54 were fatal.
    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 491 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 489 cases of H7N9 infection were excluded.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-01-18
    • Update Date :2014-01-18
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China added three cases H7N9 influenza cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-19)
    Command Center today (January 19) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed three cases of H7N9 influenza, Zhejiang, new confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds.
    The three cases of new cases in Zhejiang Province, where the first cases of Zhuji City, 53-year-old man, January 18 confirmed; 2 Hangzhou Xiaoshan District, 54-year-old man, January 18 confirmed; first three cases of Hangzhou Binjiang District 61-year-old male, 19 January confirmed. This three cases cases in critical condition, were in Hangzhou hospital.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 human cases of influenza autumn after October 1, the cumulative notified 68 cases, 8 deaths, including 29 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 22 cases, five cases of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases, 7 cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 202 cases were identified, of which 55 were fatal.
    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 493 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 490 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, one case of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-19
    • Update Date :2014 -01-19
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Zhejiang Province and Shanghai added five cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-20)
    Command Center today (January 20) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang Province and Shanghai added five cases of H7N9 influenza were confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds; and invites physicians when treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The additional five cases of cases were in the (103) was confirmed on January 19, where the first cases of Yuhang District, 71-year-old female farmer, is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Hangzhou treatment; first two cases Zhejiang Province Longyou 63-year-old male farmer, the current condition is severe, treatment in a hospital in Hangzhou; first three cases Ningbo Yinzhou 55-year-old male farmer, is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Ningbo treatment; first four cases in Shanghai 31 years male medical personnel, on January 18 died, are still checking for the cause in the case of Shanghai; first five cases of Shanghai, 77-year-old male farmer, on January 18 died. Shanghai this year, seven cases were reported confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza, are sporadic cases, close contacts of all cases, have been observed to implement health measures, the current situation is no exception.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 human cases of influenza autumn after October 1, the cumulative notified 73 cases, 10 deaths, including 32 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 22 cases, seven cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, two cases, 7 cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 207 cases were identified, of which 57 were fatal.
    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 495 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 491 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, two cases of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-20
    • Update Date :2014 -01-20
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    The first two cases of H7N9 flu cases imported because of severe pneumonia complicated by septic shock, died on January 20 (2014-01-21)
    Command Center announced to (102) imported the first two cases of H7N9 influenza cases in the December 31 was confirmed yesterday (1/20) evening due to severe pneumonia and septic shock and death, the case for the Chinese mainland, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, 86 year-old male, diagnosed at the onset and during late December to Taiwan tourism. The case was later hospitalized, after repeated sputum collection, extracts, etc. throat swabs and bronchoscopy specimens, H7N9 influenza virus tests were negative, then on Jan. 14 released from quarantine treatment, except for pneumonia duration of symptoms, hospitalization, death yesterday. Command Center, said after the case diagnosed, health units that for the general contacts and close contacts to keep track of which close contacts (including family members, tour guides, drivers, and other health care professionals and patients in the same ward) has appeared in the relevant The test results were negative symptoms, to track where they are not found to have an infected person.

    • The draft date :2014-01-21
    • Update Date :2014-01-21
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province in China a total of six cases of new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-21)
    Command Center today (January 21) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces were added six cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history. The new cases in six cases, the first cases of Linhai City, Zhejiang Province, 57-year-old male farmer, the (103) diagnosed in January 19, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; first two cases of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 49-year-old male farmer, 20 January confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; first three cases of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, the bridge district 70 year-old male farmer, 20 January confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; 4 cases of Longgang District, 39-year-old female commercial service personnel, 21 January confirmed, is in stable condition, hospital treatment; first five cases of Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, 59-year-old female retiree, January 13 onset , Jan. 21 diagnosed, now in critical condition, hospital treatment; 6 cases of Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, 76-year-old male retirees, January 9 onset, is in critical condition, hospital treatment. Also yesterday (1/20) Posted disease deaths in Shanghai, MD, Department of onset of January 11, January 15 and the administration of antiviral agents medical treatment, died January 18, January 19 to determine, according to the city's health authorities to investigate cases of January 4th stay at home parents (neighbor feeding pigeons), hospital services, diagonally opposite the door to another home with a live poultry market transactions, no history of direct contact ILI within 10 days prior to the onset; patients of all current close contacts and had no contact with patients have an abnormal condition, the Shanghai health authorities judged that the case was sporadic cases of avian-human transmission. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 human cases of influenza autumn after October 1, the cumulative notified 79 cases and 10 deaths, Zhejiang Province, 35 cases, 25 cases in Guangdong Province, Shanghai, seven cases, two cases of Jiangsu Province, 7 cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). So far, 213 cases were confirmed another since last March 31, of which 57 were fatal. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 498 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases, 492 cases of H7N9 infection ruled out, four cases of inspection. Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-01-21
    • Update Date :2014-01-21
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Jiangsu and Zhejiang in China added a total of four cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-22)
    Command Center today (January 22) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province to add four cases were confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, epidemic risk and threat display persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history. The new four cases cases, the first one was 71-year-old man in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, retirees, the (103) in the pathogenesis of Jan. 10, the 16th Hospital of the treatment of income, Jiangsu Province, has history of exposure to poultry, 21 diagnosed, are in critical condition, the full treatment in; first two cases of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 53-year-old male farmer, 21 January confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; first three cases of Taizhou, Zhejiang Jiaojiang 71 years male farmers, Jan. 21 confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; first four cases of Wenling City, Zhejiang Province 63 year-old female farmer, January 21 confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment. The other six cases in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province yesterday announced the cases, investigations by health authorities in mainland China, there are livestock exposure history or history of exposure to live poultry markets. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 human cases of influenza autumn after October 1, the cumulative notified 83 cases and 10 deaths, Zhejiang Province, 38 cases, 25 cases in Guangdong Province, Shanghai 7 cases, 3 cases of Jiangsu Province, 7 cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 217 cases were identified, of which 57 were fatal. China will "H7N9 flu" as since last April 3 fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 498 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (1 death), 494 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, 2 cases inspection. Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, China Southern has a tendency to expand the epidemic alert to people in mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, as well as contact with poultry birds and poultry market Birds corpses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-01-22
    • Update Date :2014-01-22
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Shanghai, Guangdong and Zhejiang add seven cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-23)
    Command Center today (January 23) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Shanghai Municipality, Guangdong Province and Zhejiang Province to add seven cases were confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, epidemic risk and threat display persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history. The new seven cases cases, the first one was 61-year-old woman in Shanghai, the (103) diagnosed in January 22, is now in active treatment; first two cases of Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, 34-year-old woman, in January 23, diagnosed, are in critical condition, hospital treatment; first three cases of Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, 66-year-old female retiree, January 22 confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; first four cases in Zhejiang Province Hangzhou Riverside District 71-year-old female retiree, January 22 confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; first five cases of 71-year-old man in Cangnan County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang farmers, Jan. 22 confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; Section 6 cases of Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, 59-year-old male worker, 22 January confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; 7 cases of Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, Huzhou 63-year-old female farmer, January 22 diagnosed, now in critical condition inpatient treatment. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 90 cases of autumn, 10 deaths, including 43 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 26 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, three cases , 7 cases of Fujian Province, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 224 cases were identified, of which 57 were fatal. China will "H7N9 flu" as since last April 3 fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 500 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (1 death), 496 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, 2 cases inspection. Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the tendency to expand the South epidemic, disease severity is still high and live bird markets and history of contact with birds most alert to people in mainland China should avoid live bird markets and Bird Street and out, as well as contact with birds and bird market poultry carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-23
    • Update Date :2014 -01-23
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province and Beijing were added 10 cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-24)
    Command Center today ( 1 month 24 days) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Beijing, added a total of 10 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls on physicians in patient diagnosis and treatment of respiratory tract infection, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The additional 10 cases of cases, Zhejiang Province, seven cases of cases of Yuyao City 76 -year-old female retiree, Ningbo Yinzhou District 44 -year-old female staff, Xiaoshan District 23 -year-old woman, Hangzhou City on 82 -year-old female retiree, Shaoxing YuechengDowntown 73 -year-old male retirees, Shaoxing Bridge District 62 -year-old female farmer, and Shaoxing Paojiang 33 -year-old male farmer, all in the (103) In a January 23 date confirmed, are currently in critical condition, hospital treatment; Guangdong Province two cases of Huizhou City, 58 -year-old woman and Meizhou Xingning 52 -year-old man, were in a January 24 date confirmed, are currently in critical condition, hospital treatment; Beijing a case of men, there is history of exposure to poultry, Pigeons and had purchased before the onset of eating, at 1 month 23 days diagnosed, the treatment is now hospitalized.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day after the autumn so far H7N9 human cases of influenza notified cumulative 100 cases, 10 deaths, Zhejiang Province, 50 cases in Guangdong Province 28 cases, Shanghai eight cases, Jiangsu Province, three cases Fujian 7 cases in Beijing a case, the Hong Kong 3 patients (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 234 cases, including 57 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 days will be "from H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 506 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases ( one died), 498 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, 6 cases inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the tendency to expand the South epidemic, disease severity is still high and live bird markets and history of contact with birds most alert to people in mainland China should avoid live bird markets and Bird Street and out, as well as contact with birds and bird market poultry carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as a match is found H7N9 flu patients defined notification shall promptly notify the health authorities and cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-24
    • Update Date :2014 -01-24
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Fujian Province, Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province, a total of five cases of new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-25)
    Command Center today ( 1 month 25 days) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces were added 5 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The additional five cases cases are 1 month 24 days diagnosed, Fujian Province, an example case of Quanzhou Hui'an 46 -year-old female farmer, is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Hoi An isolation and treatment. Zhejiang Province, three cases of the cases, the first one cases of Huzhou Deqing County 49 -year-old male worker, is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Hangzhou treatment. The first two cases of Ningbo area 60 -year-old female farmer, is currently in critical condition, a hospital for treatment in Ningbo. The first three cases of Ningbo Cixi 48 -year-old female farmer, is currently in critical condition, a hospital for treatment in Ningbo. Jiangsu Province, one case involved a 57 -year-old man is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Suzhou treatment.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day after the autumn so far H7N9 human cases of influenza notified cumulative 105 cases, 10 deaths, Zhejiang Province, 53 cases in Guangdong Province 28 cases, Shanghai eight cases, Jiangsu Province, four cases Fujian eight cases in Beijing one example, the Hong Kong 3 patients (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 239 cases, including 57 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 days will be "from H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 509 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases ( one died), 503 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, 4 cases inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the tendency to expand the South epidemic, disease severity is still high and live bird markets and history of contact with birds most alert to people in mainland China should avoid live bird markets and Bird Street and out, as well as contact with birds and bird market poultry carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as a match is found H7N9 flu patients defined notification shall promptly notify the health authorities and cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-25
    • Update Date :2014 -01-25
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Jiangxi Province in China added one case H10N8 influenza cases, the Agency will closely control disease outbreaks message and remind people to be vigilant abroad (2014-01-26)
    Disease Control Department (yesterday 1/25 ) day health authorities confirmed with China, Jiangxi add one example H10N8 influenza confirmed cases, this case is the world's first 2 cases H10N8 cases, also in the province since last ( 2013 ) in 11 Since January the first two cases. Currently the Agency for human disease avian influenza outbreaks travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The new cases as a 55 year old woman, Jiangxi, 1 month 8 days of onset, 1 month 15 days hospitalization, clinical diagnosis of severe pneumonia, is currently in a stable condition, the case was a January 4 to a local live poultry markets, close contacts of cases family members were not symptoms. Gene analysis showed that the virus strain of avian-borne genes are among the signs of human recombinant influenza virus is not found, H10N8 influenza virus risk to the population is still low.
    Illness tubes Department said, H10N8 avian influenza virus in the past worked in migratory birds, poultry and environmental samples with live bird markets, Guangdong, China Dongting Lake wetland, as well as Japan, South Korea, the United States, Italy and Sweden, found in, but never found the human confirmed cases of infection. Another of the Council of Agriculture in 2005 was also the year in waterfowl habitat excrement samples were detected, but has not been detected in poultry. Based on animal experiments showed that the virus in poultry bird flu virus is low, but with the potential to cause severe infection in mammals and, the need to closely monitor the evolution of the virus and the epidemic situation.
    Illness from the Agency in 1999 onwards, in addition to the statutory infectious diseases (influenza complications) patient monitoring tests, but also to the community recurring influenza patients and patients with unexplained pneumonia hospitalization specimen collection influenza virus testing, system of influenza virus activity monitoring domestic situations and clinical practice conditions. Number of samples tested annually approximately 1 to 2 million pieces, has accumulated more than 25 million pieces of identification and separation of influenza virus about 86,000 strains from human physical body was never detected in H10N8 subtype A influenza virus.
    Illness pipe department said bird flu in winter a good season, mainland China and Hong Kong continued to appear H7N9 , H10N8 and H9N2 flu human cases, recently found to have travel history of the Canadian mainland China H5N1 influenza deaths in Southeast Asia H5N1 avian influenza has continued occurred, indicating the persistence of the threat of bird flu. If suspicious cases to remind physicians from abroad back to Taiwan, the inquiry should be strengthened travel history and contact history, and quickly notify health authorities.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-26
    • Update Date :2014 -01-26
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Done below!

    Chinese mainland Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces were added four cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-26)
    Command Center today ( 1 month 26 days ) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces were added 4 cases H7N9 flu confirmed cases, showing the risks and threats of epidemic persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The new four cases cases, the first one cases of Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, 82 -year-old males, 1 month 24 days confirmed; Section 2 cases of Yuhang District of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 40 -year-old males, 1 month 25 days confirmed; Section 3 cases Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, Huzhou 65 -year-old male worker, 1 month 25 days confirmed; first four cases of Jiangsu Province, 76 -year-old males, 1 month 26 days in Wuxi City confirmed; 4 cases and cases of the disease were hospitalized in critical.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day after the autumn so far H7N9 human cases of influenza notified cumulative 109 cases, 10 deaths, Zhejiang Province, 55 cases in Guangdong Province 29 cases, Shanghai eight cases, Jiangsu Province, five cases Fujian eight cases in Beijing one example, the Hong Kong 3 patients (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 243 cases, including 57 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 days will be "from H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, has so far accumulated a total of 512 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases ( one died), 506 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, 4 cases inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the tendency to expand the South epidemic, disease severity is still high and live bird markets and history of contact with birds most alert to people in mainland China should avoid live bird markets and Bird Street and out, as well as contact with birds and bird market poultry carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as a match is found H7N9 flu patients defined notification shall promptly notify the health authorities and cautious response.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -01-26
    • Update Date :2014 -01-26
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan Province and Jiangsu Province, a total of six cases of new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-27)
    Command Center today (January 27) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan Province and Jiangsu Province, a total of six cases of new confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, epidemic risk and threat display persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.

    New cases of the day six cases, including two cases were Haicang District, Xiamen, Fujian, 69-year-old man and 72-year-old woman Sanming ShaXian are diagnosed in January 27, were in critical condition, is now hospitalized in; first three cases Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, for the 77-year-old woman, diagnosed on January 26, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; first four cases of Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province JiangHai 68 years old male farmer, died Jan. 25, the 26th confirmed; The first five cases of Yueyang City, Hunan Miluo 58-year-old woman, was the first confirmed case in Hunan autumn, January 27 diagnosed with live poultry exposure history, is now hospitalized in close contacts found no abnormalities; Section 6 cases of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, 74-year-old woman, January 27 diagnosed, the treatment is now hospitalized.

    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin autumn 115 cases and 11 deaths, including 55 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 31 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, six cases , Fujian Province, 10 cases, one case in Beijing, Hunan Province, one case, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 249 cases were identified, of which 58 were fatal.

    China will "H7N9 flu" as since last April 3 fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 513 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (1 death), 508 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, three cases inspection.

    Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has expanded south trend, the majority of cases, history of contact with live bird markets and poultry. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.

    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-27
    • Update Date :2014-01-27
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province eight cases of H7N9 influenza were new cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-28)
    Command Center today (January 28) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, a total of eight cases of H7N9 flu confirmed new cases of epidemic risk and threat display persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The new eight cases cases were diagnosed in January 27, and were hospitalized, where the first cases of Jiangsu Province, 53-year-old man; the first two cases of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 43-year-old female farmer; first three cases Changxing County, Zhejiang Huzhou 81-year-old male farmer; first four cases of Deqing County, Zhejiang Huzhou 63-year-old female farmer; first five cases of Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, 57-year-old man; 6 cases Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, 43 years old Women; Section 7 cases and 8 patients were in Guangdong Province, Longgang District, 41-year-old and 31-year-old woman. Another case status, in addition to the first two cases and 5 cases were mild, and the first seven cases in stable condition, the other cases are in critical condition.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after 1 October autumn cumulative 123 cases notified, 11 deaths, including 59 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 34 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, seven cases , Fujian Province, 10 cases, one case in Beijing, Hunan Province, one case, Hong Kong 3 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 257 cases were identified, of which 58 were fatal.
    China will "H7N9 flu" as since last April 3 fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 515 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (1 death), 511 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, 2 cases inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has expanded south trend, the majority of cases, history of contact with live bird markets and poultry. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -01-28
    • Update Date :2014 -01-28
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Hong Kong added a total of six cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-29)
    Command Center today (January 29) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Hong Kong added a total of six cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history. The new cases in six cases, the first cases of Xiamen Xiang'an District 2 Suiyu boy, found cases of routine influenza surveillance in hospitals, confirmed on January 29, is currently hospitalized in mild disease. The first two cases, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 17-year-old male high school student, confirmed on January 29, is hospitalized in stable condition; paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 cases were Wencheng County of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, 37-year-old male farmer, Hangzhou Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, 60-year-old man and 63-year-old man on the city retirees, were diagnosed in the Jan. 28, are now hospitalized in critical condition. The first six cases of 75-year-old man in Hong Kong, on January 28 diagnosed cases in a variety of chronic diseases, on January 26 in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, cough with phlegm, January 28 due to fever and breathing difficulties to Tuen Mun Hospital emergency room doctor, was subsequently transferred to the isolation ward, in the morning of Jan. 29 death, the Centre for Health Protection for further investigation found cases in 20 to 26 January alone visited Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, local friends and relatives during the temporary There residence, near a live poultry market; their five home contacts in Hong Kong are classified as close contacts, so that no symptoms will be taken to hospital for tests and observation; other contacts, including four who stay with the patient Tuen Mun Hospital ward same person, as well as health care professionals, health authorities in Hong Kong Tuen Mun Hospital and ambulance service will track their observations. Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, another appeared before a trio of cases suffering from H7N9 flu, according to Chinese mainland before the onset of the investigation that they have a common environmental exposure, but also in close contact with each other, but the exact cause of infection in mainland China health units under investigation. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 129 cases, 12 deaths, including 62 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 35 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, seven cases , 10 cases of Fujian Province, Beijing, one case, one case in Hunan Province, Hong Kong 4 cases. So far, 263 cases were confirmed another since last March 31, of which 59 were fatal. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 518 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 513 cases of H7N9 test negative 3 cases of inspection. Command Center noted that the World Organization for Animal Health announced Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, mainland China adopted two agricultural markets seized 185 birds in the two samples were positive, and Quanzhou an agricultural market on January 26 adopted seized 220 birds and environmental specimens, two lanes of positive environmental samples. Another Chinese mainland after the autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has expanded south trend, the majority of cases, history of contact with live bird markets and poultry. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case. Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-01-29
    • Update Date :2014-01-29
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Jiangsu Province, Guangxi Province, Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, a total of seven cases of new H7N9 flu cases, the inclusion of Guangxi new human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations of the second stage: Alert (Alert), the command center called on citizens to go abroad Always pay attention to prevention ( 2014-01-30)
    Command Center today (January 30) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Jiangsu, Guangxi Province, Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, a total of seven cases of new confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, epidemic risk and threat display persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), added Guangxi today, and with Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu Province , Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province as a Grade II: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history. The new seven cases cases, the first one was 75-year-old woman in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, retirees, live poultry market exposure history, January 18 disease, the 25th hospitalized, in critical condition; first two cases of Guangxi Hezhou City Babu District 56-year-old female farmer, January 29 diagnosed after the first case of human infection of Guangxi autumn H7N9 bird flu; Section 3-6 cases were Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, the 75-year-old male farmer, Ningbo Zhenhai District 76-year-old retired man, 78-year-old man Yuhang District of Hangzhou farmers, as well as Ningbo Jiangbei District, 64-year-old male retirees were diagnosed in January 29, had history of exposure to live birds are now hospitalized in critical condition; 7 cases of Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, 67-year-old female patient, 24 January disease, died Jan. 28. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 136 cases, 14 deaths, including 66 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 36 cases, one case of Guangxi, Shanghai, 8 cases , Jiangsu Province, eight cases, 10 cases of Fujian Province, Beijing, one case, one case in Hunan Province, Hong Kong 4 cases. Also since last March 31 date, 270 cases were identified, of which 61 were fatal. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 518 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 513 cases of H7N9 test negative 3 cases of inspection. Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has expanded south trend, the majority of cases, history of contact with live bird markets and poultry. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case. Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact
    • The draft date :2014-01-30
    • Update Date :2014-01-30
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Hunan and Guangdong Province in mainland China added a total of five cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-01-31)
    Command Center today (January 31) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Hunan and Guangdong provinces were added 5 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, including one death, showing epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing City, Fujian Province and Guangxi Province as a Grade II: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The additional five cases cases were diagnosed in January 30, the first cases of Yongzhou 38 year old man in the hospital for treatment, the correlation was less close contact so far found no abnormalities. The first two cases of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, Huaiji County 28 year old man bamboo material processing industries, in critical condition, hospital treatment; first three cases of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 82-year-old retired man, in critical condition, hospital treatment; Section 4 cases of Liwan District of Guangzhou City, 59-year-old man, was diagnosed with the early morning death; first five cases of Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, 81-year-old woman in a stable condition, hospital treatment.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after 1 October autumn cumulative 141 cases notified, 15 deaths, including 66 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 40 cases, 11 cases of Fujian Province, Shanghai, 8 cases , Jiangsu Province, eight cases, one case in Beijing, Hunan two cases, one case of Guangxi, Hong Kong 4 cases. Also since last March 31 date, 275 cases were identified, of which 62 were fatal.
    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 526 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 522 cases of H7N9 test negative two cases of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has expanded south trend, the majority of cases, history of contact with live bird markets and poultry. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-01-31
    • Update Date :2014-02-01
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Guangxi Province, 1 new cases of H5N1 flu cases, Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces were added four cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-01)
    Command Center today ( 2 February 1 day) and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Guangxi add one example of H5N1 flu confirmed cases, the province's first appearance on the H5N1 influenza cases in 2009 was 1 month. Another Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province were added 4 cases H7N9 flu confirmed cases, showing the risks and threats of epidemic persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak suggested travel, China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province and Guangxi provinces for the second stage: Alert ( Alert ); Other municipalities (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    Guangxi Province, the new H5N1 influenza cases was 75 -year-old man with a history of exposure to poultry, 1 month 29 days hospitalized because of severe pneumonia, 2 months 1 day diagnosis is now in critical condition, said health authorities in mainland China as sporadic cases of the case, before and after the onset of travel history and no history of contact with foreigners, there are no close contacts of cases and no signs of the onset of the spread. Another of the day to add four cases of H7N9 flu cases, the first one in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Fuyang, cases of 80 -year-old male farmer, 1 month 31 days confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; Section 2 cases of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, 54 -year-old man Workers, 1 month 31 days confirmed, is in critical condition, hospital treatment; first three cases of Longgang District 6 -year-old boy, 2 months 1 day diagnosed mild, stable condition; first four cases in Guangdong Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Province, 5 -year-old boy, 2 months 1 day diagnosed, currently in a stable condition, hospital treatment.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day after the autumn so far H7N9 human cases of influenza notified cumulative 145 cases, 16 deaths, Zhejiang Province, 68 cases in Guangdong Province 42 cases, Fujian Province, 11 cases in Shanghai 8 cases , Jiangsu Province, eight cases in Beijing one example, Hunan 2 cases, Guangxi Province, an example, Hong Kong 4 cases. Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 279 cases, including 63 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 days will be "from H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 529 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 522 patients with negative test, 5 Example inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has expanded south trend, the majority of cases, history of contact with live bird markets and poultry. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-02-01
    • Update Date :2014-02-01
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Mainland China, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan and Zhejiang add five cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-02)
    Command Center today ( 2 months 2 days) Day and Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan and Zhejiang Province were added 5 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, of which one died, showing the risks and threats continued epidemic exist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing City, Fujian Province and Guangxi Province as a Grade II: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    Section 1 cases of Fujian Province, Xiamen City 35 -year-old male chef, 2 months 1 day diagnosed in critical condition, hospital treatment; Section 2 cases of Triangle Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, 37 -year-old male, 2 months 1 day diagnosed in critical condition inpatient treatment; Section 3 cases of Longgang District, 63 -year-old male, 2 months 1 day confirmed, the day she died; Section 4 cases Jiangyong County, Hunan Yongzhou 8 -year-old female student, have contact with live poultry History, in stable condition, hospital treatment; Section 5 cases of Taizhou, Zhejiang Huangyan 44 -year-old male farmer, 2 months 1 day diagnosed in critical condition, hospital treatment.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day after the autumn so far H7N9 human cases of influenza notified cumulative 150 cases, 17 deaths, Zhejiang Province, 69 cases in Guangdong Province 44 cases, Fujian Province, 12 cases in Shanghai 8 cases , Jiangsu Province, eight cases in Beijing one example, Hunan three cases, Guangxi an example, Hong Kong 4 cases. Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 284 cases, including 64 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 532 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 529 cases of H7N9 test negative a case of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has expanded south trend, the majority of cases, history of contact with live bird markets and poultry. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -02-02
    • Update Date :2014 -02-02
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Buji Town, Long Gang District
    Triangle Town, Zhongshan City

    Mainland China Hunan, Fujian and Guangdong provinces were four cases of H7N9 flu cases new command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-03)
    Command Center today (February 3) Day and Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Hunan, Fujian and Guangdong Provinces were added four cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, including one death, showing epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel advice: China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province and Guangxi Province as a Class II: Alert (Alert) ; The remaining provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    New cases of the day, the first cases of Loudi City, Hunan Province Louxing 59-year-old man with a history of exposure to live poultry, ineffective treatment due to critical condition, died on February 3;
    first two cases of Zhangzhou City, Fujian Zhangzhou Pu County, 27-year-old man stone workers, patients in Hangzhou from January 10 to be responsible for the farmers market to buy food every day, the 21st paroxysmal cough, the 24th symptoms, January 26 from Hangzhou back Zhangpu, currently critical condition, hospital treatment;
    3 and 4 cases were Triangle Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, two and a half girls and Huizhou City, Guangdong Province Boluo Yuanzhou 76-year-old woman, were confirmed on February 2, are currently stable condition, hospital treatment.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) 154 cases of human H7N9 influenza cases after October 1 date cumulative incidence of autumn, of which 19 died; case distribution area of Zhejiang Province, 69 cases, Guangdong Province, 46 cases, 13 cases of Fujian Province, eight cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu eight cases, one case in Beijing, Hunan four cases, one case of Guangxi, Hong Kong 4 cases. Another date, a total of 288 cases confirmed since last March 31, of which 66 were fatal.
    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 532 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 529 cases of H7N9 test negative one case of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, with a live bird markets in most cases history of contact with birds. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-02-03
    • Update Date :2014-02-03
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and Guangdong Province eight cases of H7N9 influenza were new cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-04)
    Command Center today ( 2 months 4 days) Day and Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang , Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces were added eight cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, including two deaths, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel advice: China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province and Guangxi Province as a Class II: Alert ( Alert ) ; The remaining provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The new date of August were the cases were in 2 months 3 days diagnosed, the first 1 cases to 400 cases, respectively, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 42 -year-old man, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, 84 -year-old man, Wu Jinhua city 56 -year-old man, and Shaoxing Bridge District 51 -year-old man, were in critical condition, hospital treatment; Section 5 cases of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, 59 -year-old female patient before illness went to the vegetable market to buy live chickens 2 only after the slaughter of home cleaning cooking by the market, now critical condition, hospital treatment; Section 6 cases of Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, four year-old girl, now hospitalized in stable condition; Section 7 cases of Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province Hailing 76 -year-old male farmer, 2 February 3 date of death ; first eight cases in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province Boluo 52 -year-old male farmer, 2 February 3 date of death.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day after autumn date cumulative incidence of 162 cases of H7N9 flu human cases, including 21 deaths; case distribution area of Zhejiang Province, 73 cases, Guangdong Province, 49 cases, Fujian Province, 13 cases, Shanghai 8 cases, Jiangsu Province, nine cases in Beijing one example, Hunan 4 patients, Guangxi an example, Hong Kong 4 cases. Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 296 cases, including 68 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 532 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 530 cases of H7N9 test negative.
    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, with a live bird markets in most cases history of contact with birds. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-02-04
    • Update Date :2014-02-04
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Zhejiang Province in China, Guangdong, Fujian and Guangxi added a total 11 cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-05)
    Command Center today (February 5) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian and Guangxi added a total of 11 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel advice: China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province and Guangxi as a Grade II: Alert (Alert); The remaining provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history. Day 11 of the new cases, one case to the first four cases were Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, 67-year-old man, 35-year-old woman Pingyang, Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Fuyang City, 59-year-old woman, and Gongshu 49 year old male, were confirmed on February 4, are now hospitalized in serious condition; first five cases to eight cases were Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, 5-year-old girls, Zhaoqing Huaiji County 42 year-old male worker, Foshan City Gaoming District 49 year-old male self-employed, and 56-year-old unemployed Longhua New men were diagnosed on February 4, in which 5-year-old girls and 49-year-old self-employed man, hospitalized in stable condition, and the other 42-year-old man and 56-year-old unemployed male workers, disease treatment of critically ill hospitalized; 9 cases of Yongchun County, Fujian Province, Quanzhou 36-year-old mechanic, is hospitalized in critical condition; Chapter 10 cases in Guangxi Heng Tao Xu Zhen 41 year old woman, on January 27 from Guangdong Province Zhongshan City, flu symptoms, January 28 back Heng, February 3 due to the hospital for treatment of exacerbations, February 4 diagnosed, according to the history of health units in China Case epidemiology, clinical manifestations and laboratory test results judged to imported cases; first 11 cases in Guangxi Heng Xu Zhen Tao 5-year-old boy, the first 10 cases for the child's case, the evening of 3 February cough, fever and other flu-like symptoms, February 5 confirmed that the current awareness clearly stable condition, may be the source of infection is being used by their health unit under investigation.   Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) 173 cases of H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 date cumulative incidence, of which 22 were fatal; case distribution area of Zhejiang Province, 76 cases, 53 cases in Guangdong Province, Fujian Province, 14 cases ( One patient Zhejiang input), four cases, three cases in Guangxi (including one case in Guangdong input), Guizhou Province, Jiangsu Province, 9 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Hunan Province, one case (Zhejiang input), one case of Beijing, Hong Kong, four cases (including three deaths, are Guangdong input). Also since last March 31 date, 307 cases were identified, of which 69 were fatal. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 532 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 530 cases of H7N9 test negative. Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, with a live bird markets in most cases history of contact with birds. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case. Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact

    • The draft date :2014 -02-05
    • Update Date :2014 -02-05
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangsu and Beijing were added seven cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-06)
    Command Center today (February 6) Day and Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangsu and Beijing added seven cases were confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, epidemic risk and threat display persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel advice: China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province and Guangxi as a Grade II: Alert (Alert); the rest of mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The new cases of the seven cases, the first cases of Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, the self-employed 36-year-old woman, diagnosed Feb. 5, now hospitalized in critical condition. The first two cases and 3 patients were Deqing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang, 39-year-old man and 64-year-old man, Anji County, Huzhou, were confirmed on February 5, and were hospitalized in critical condition. The first four cases of Yueyang City, Hunan Miluo 61-year-old woman with a history of contact with live poultry, confirmed on February 6, is now hospitalized in. The first five cases and six cases were Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, 66-year-old man and 63-year-old man in Xuzhou City, there are contact history live birds were confirmed on February 6, and were hospitalized in critical condition. 7 cases of Huairou District, 73-year-old man, diagnosed on Feb. 5, in critical condition, is hospitalized, the cases in the hospital from home using caged chickens poultry rearing methods, sale and slaughter of live poultry and other activities ; close contacts of cases of another 35 people are currently no abnormal symptoms, Beijing health authorities now live in and around the patient and the hospital environment related areas and collecting environmental samples disinfected.   Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) 180 cases of H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 date cumulative incidence, 23 deaths; case distribution area of Zhejiang Province, 78 cases, 54 cases in Guangdong Province, Fujian Province, 14 cases ( One patient Zhejiang input), Jiangsu Province, 11 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Hunan five cases, Guangxi three cases (including one case in Guangdong input), Guizhou Province, one case (Zhejiang input), two cases in Beijing, Hong Kong 4 cases (including three cases of death, are Guangdong input). Also since last March 31 date, 314 cases were identified, of which 70 were fatal. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 533 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 530 cases of H7N9 test negative one case of inspection. Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, but an addition to today Yancheng , Xuzhou, Beijing cases were distributed over the north of this wave of other cases, the majority of patients with history of exposure to live bird markets and poultry. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case. Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -02-06
    • Update Date :2014 -02-06
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Zhejiang, Fujian and Hunan provinces were added four cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-07)
    Command Center today ( 2 months 7 days) Day and Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Zhejiang, Fujian and Hunan provinces were added four cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, of which one died, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel advice: China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province and Guangxi as a Grade II: Alert ( Alert ); The remaining provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The additions to four cases of the cases, the first one and second cases 2 cases were Jianggan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 54 -year-old man and Taizhou Luqiao 76 -year-old woman, both at 2 months 6 days diagnosed, are now hospitalized in critical condition ; first three cases of Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, 81 -year-old man, on 2 February 7 days diagnosed was 2 February 6, the date of death; first four cases of bimodal District Loudi City, Hunan Province 21 -year-old woman, on 2 February 7 Day diagnosed with live poultry contact history, is hospitalized in.  
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months a day after the date cumulative incidence autumn 184 cases of H7N9 flu human cases, including 24 deaths; case distribution area of Zhejiang Province, 80 cases, Guangdong Province, 54 cases, Fujian Province, 15 cases ( where a case of Zhejiang input ) , Jiangsu Province, 11 cases in Shanghai eight cases, Hunan six cases, Guangxi 3 cases ( where a case of Guangdong input ) , Guizhou Province, a case ( Zhejiang input ) , Beijing, 2 cases in Hong Kong 4 cases (of which three patients died, are Guangdong input). Also since last 3 months 31 date, the date of confirmation of 318 cases, including 71 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 536 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 533 cases of H7N9 test negative a case of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, with a live bird markets in most cases history of contact with birds. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -02-07
    • Update Date :2014 -02-07
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Guangdong, Zhejiang and Hunan Province to add five cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-08)
    Command Center today ( 2 months 8 days) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Hunan provinces were added 5 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel advice: China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province and Guangxi as a Grade II: Alert ( Alert ); The remaining provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The additions to five cases of the cases, the first one cases to three cases were Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, 48 -year-old male worker, 62 -year-old unemployed man , and Guangzhou Baiyun District 59 -year-old retired woman, both on 2 February 6 Day diagnosed, hospitalization, except two cases before the cases in stable condition, the first three patients in critical condition; first four cases of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 61 -year-old male, 2 months 7 days diagnosed, now hospitalized in critical condition; Section 5 cases Suining County of Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, 38 -year-old male, 2 months 8 days diagnosis, hospital treatment.
      Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months a day after the date cumulative incidence autumn 189 cases of H7N9 flu human cases, including 25 deaths;
    case distribution area of
    Zhejiang Province, 81 cases
    Guangdong Province, 57 cases
    Fujian Province, 15 cases ( where a case of Zhejiang input )
    Jiangsu Province, 11 cases
    Shanghai eight cases
    Hunan Province, seven cases
    Guangxi 3 cases ( where a case of Guangdong input ) ,
    Guizhou Province, a case ( Zhejiang input ) ,
    Beijing, 2 cases in
    Hong Kong 4 cases (of which three patients died, are Guangdong input).
    Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 323 cases, including 72 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 536 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 534 cases of H7N9 test negative.

    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, with a live bird markets in most cases history of contact with birds. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-02-08
    • Update Date :2014-02-08
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Chinese mainland Guangdong, Zhejiang and Hunan Province to add five cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-08)
    Command Center today ( 2 months 8 days) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Hunan provinces were added 5 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel advice: China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province and Guangxi as a Grade II: Alert ( Alert ); The remaining provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The additions to five cases of the cases, the first one cases to three cases were Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, 48 -year-old male worker, 62 -year-old unemployed man , and Guangzhou Baiyun District 59 -year-old retired woman, both on 2 February 6 Day diagnosed, hospitalization, except two cases before the cases in stable condition, the first three patients in critical condition; first four cases of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 61 -year-old male, 2 months 7 days diagnosed, now hospitalized in critical condition; Section 5 cases Suining County of Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, 38 -year-old male, 2 months 8 days diagnosis, hospital treatment.
      Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months a day after the date cumulative incidence autumn 189 cases of H7N9 flu human cases, including 25 deaths; case distribution area of Zhejiang Province, 81 cases, Guangdong Province, 57 cases, Fujian Province, 15 cases ( where a case of Zhejiang input ) , Jiangsu Province, 11 cases in Shanghai eight cases, Hunan Province, seven cases, Guangxi 3 cases ( where a case of Guangdong input ) , Guizhou Province, a case ( Zhejiang input ) , Beijing, 2 cases in Hong Kong 4 cases (of which three patients died, are Guangdong input). Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 323 cases, including 72 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 date will " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 536 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 534 cases of H7N9 test negative.

    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, with a live bird markets in most cases history of contact with birds. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-02-08
    • Update Date :2014-02-08
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Jiangsu Province, mainland China, Guangdong, Anhui and Zhejiang were five cases of H7N9 flu cases new, new tourism Anhui outbreak of the second stage, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-09)
    Command Center today ( 2 February 9 days ) Day and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Anhui and Zhejiang were added 5 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, of which one died, and since the autumn of Anhui Province as for the first time, showing the risks and threats of epidemic persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak suggested that in addition to add Anhui Tourism for tourism epidemic second stage, the Chinese mainland Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province and Guangxi also continued as a Grade II: Alert ( Alert ); remaining provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The additions to five cases of the case, except for the first five cases diagnosed in the day, the remaining four patients were on 2 February 8 June confirmed the first one cases of Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, 53 -year-old man, sick ago to help transport feathers, now hospitalized in critical condition; Section 2 cases of Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, 81 -year-old female, 2 months 7 days died; first three cases of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, Huaiji County 11 -year-old male student, is hospitalized in stable condition ; first four cases of Susong County 66 -year-old man, is hospitalized in critical condition; Section 5 cases of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, the bridge 68 -year-old man, is hospitalized in critical condition.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months a day after the date cumulative incidence autumn 194 cases of H7N9 flu human cases, including 26 deaths; case distribution area of Zhejiang Province, 82 cases, Guangdong Province, 59 cases, Fujian Province, 15 cases ( where a case of Zhejiang input ) , Jiangsu Province, 12 cases in Shanghai eight cases, Hunan Province, seven cases, Guangxi 3 cases ( where a case of Guangdong input ) , Guizhou Province, a case ( Zhejiang input ) , Beijing two cases, Anhui 1 example, Hong Kong 4 cases (including three deaths and are Guangdong input). Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 328 cases, including 73 deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 days from the " H7N9 flu "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, so far a total of 536 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases (including one death cases), 534 cases of H7N9 test negative.
    Command Center pointed out that the Chinese mainland autumn H7N9 flu cases are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, with a live bird markets in most cases history of contact with birds. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-02-09
    • Update Date :2014-02-09
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China, Anhui and Zhejiang add five cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-10)
    Command Center today (February 10) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Guangdong, Anhui and Zhejiang were added 5 cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, including one death, showing epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel advice: China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi and Anhui as a Grade II: alert ( Alert); remaining provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The new cases of the five cases, the first cases of Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 5-year-old girl diagnosed Feb. 8, has been cured; first two cases of Anhui Linquan 56 year old male, February 9 diagnosed, February 7 deaths; first 3-5 cases of Jiaxing, Haining City, Zhejiang Province 67 year old man, 47-year-old woman in Wenzhou Yueqing City, and Lishui Jinyun County, 62-year-old man, were confirmed on February 10, now have the disease critically ill, hospitalized treatment.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) 199 cases of H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 date cumulative incidence, 27 deaths; case distribution area of Zhejiang Province, 85 cases, 60 cases in Guangdong Province, Fujian Province, 15 cases ( One patient Zhejiang input), Jiangsu Province, 12 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Hunan seven cases, Guangxi three cases (including one case in Guangdong input), Guizhou Province, one case (Zhejiang input), two cases in Beijing, Anhui 2 example, Hong Kong 4 cases (3 cases of death, are Guangdong input). So far, 333 cases were confirmed another since last March 31, of which 74 were fatal.

    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 538 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 535 cases of H7N9 test negative one case of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, with a live bird markets in most cases history of contact with birds. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-02-10
    • Update Date :2014-02-10
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Hunan Province and Zhejiang Province in China added two cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014-02-11)
    Command Center today (February 11) days with the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Hunan and Zhejiang add two cases were confirmed cases of H7N9 influenza, epidemic risk and threat display persists. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel advice: China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi and Anhui as a Grade II: alert ( Alert); remaining provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to avoid contact with birds, to maintain good health habits, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.

    The new cases of the two cases, the first cases of Jiande City, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 70-year-old man, diagnosed Feb. 11, is hospitalized in critical condition; first two cases of Loudi Shuangfeng 23 year old man , Feb. 10 diagnosed, the treatment is now hospitalized.

    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) 201 cases of H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 date cumulative incidence, 28 deaths; case distribution area of Zhejiang Province, 86 cases, 60 cases in Guangdong Province, Fujian Province, 15 cases ( One patient Zhejiang input), Jiangsu Province, 12 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Hunan eight cases, Guangxi three cases (including one case in Guangdong input), Guizhou Province, one case (Zhejiang input), two cases in Beijing, Anhui 2 example, Hong Kong 4 cases (3 cases of death, are Guangdong input). Also since last March 31 date, 335 cases were identified, of which 75 were fatal.

    The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 538 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 535 cases of H7N9 test negative one case of inspection.

    Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, near the Golden Gate Fujian Xiamen, Quanzhou and also a number of cases have occurred, does not exclude the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, with a live bird markets in most cases history of contact with birds. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.

    Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014 -02-11
    • Update Date :2014 -02-11
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    67-year-old female passenger land H7N9 flu detected in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Hunan, Zhejiang, Guangdong and continue to confirm the number of people infected with H7N9 influenza, the command center called for doctors to be vigilant, and please be sure to pay attention to prevent people going abroad (2014-02-13)
      Malaysia announced a 67-year-old female passenger from mainland China's Guangdong Province in Malaysia detected H7N9 influenza virus, judged as imported cases. In addition, the command center also yesterday (February 12), Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection has received notification added one case imported cases, and confirm with the health authorities in mainland China, Hunan, and Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, a total of 7 new cases display epidemic risks and threats persist. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.   Malaysia is the first case of H7N9 flu cases imported from mainland China, Guangdong Province, 67-year-old female tourists, on January 30 cases have appeared in the Chinese mainland fever, cough, runny nose, joint pain and general malaise and other symptoms and received initial treatment, after on February 3 arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sabah and other places on the 6th to travel, the 7th due to a local hospital for treatment of symptoms intensified, the 11th confirmed infected with H7N9 flu, the current treatment in the ICU in stable condition. Malaysian Ministry of Health in the country to assess the possibility of spread of the disease is low. Hong Kong imported cases of a new 65-year-old man, with a history of chronic diseases, was January 24 to February 9 visited Kaiping, Guangdong Province, during his family on January 29 have been purchased from a village in Kaiping slaughtering chickens, cough, fever, and was admitted to Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong, and subsequently was transferred to the isolation ward for further treatment, currently in critical condition, the relevant contacts are under medical observation since February 8 appears.   Chinese mainland New cases of seven cases, including the first cases of Loudi City, Hunan Lianyuan 19-year-old man; the first two cases of Jinhua Wucheng 84-year-old male farmer; first three cases of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 58-year-old man farmers; first four cases of Yuhang District of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 46-year-old male farmer; first five cases of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province Huaiji County 8-year-old boy; 6 cases of Nansha District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 46-year-old male farmer; Chapter 7 cases Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 65-year-old male farmer, in addition to the first example of cases that are diagnosed on February 11, and the other case status, in addition to the first five cases of stable disease, the other cases are in critical condition.   Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 209 cases notified autumn accumulated 28 deaths, including 89 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 63 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province 12 cases , 15 cases of Fujian Province, Beijing two cases, two cases in Anhui, Guangxi, three cases (including one case in Guangdong shifted), 9 cases in Hunan, Guizhou one case (Zhejiang shifted), Hong Kong 5 cases (Guangdong Province shifted). So far, 343 cases were confirmed another since last March 31, of which 75 were fatal.   The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 538 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (1 death), 536 cases of H7N9 infection excluded.   Command Center noted that the World Organization for Animal Health announced on February 11 Guigang City, Guangxi Province, mainland China, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province and Zhuhai City, Hunan Yueyang City on January 17 to 28 day notification 5 from H7N9 bird flu, live bird markets in five specimen collection collected 819 samples of which 11 takes the shape of birds and environmental samples positive for H7N9 influenza virus. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.   Command Center to remind physicians should be strengthened asked history and history of exposure to the patient travel, such as found in line with H7N9 influenza informed patient is defined, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response; and to remind people, travel to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry classes and access live Street markets and poultry birds, bird market, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -02-13
    • Update Date :2014 -02-13
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Jiangxi Province in China added one case H10N8 influenza deaths, Guangdong new H7N9 flu cases two cases, the command center called for doctors to be vigilant, and please be sure to pay attention to prevent people going abroad (2014-02-14)
    Command Center and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Jiangxi add a case H10N8 confirmed cases of influenza, as well as Guangdong Province added two cases of H7N9 flu confirmed cases, of which H10N8 influenza cases and one case of H7N9 flu have died, showing the risks and epidemic continuing threat. Currently the Agency for human disease avian influenza outbreaks travel recommendations provinces in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note ( Watch ), which Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Anhui Province, is the second stage: Alert ( Alert ). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The new H10N8 influenza cases as Nanchang, 75 -year-old man, was the world's first three cases, also in the province since last ( 2013 ) in 12 months since the first three cases, cases due to fever, fatigue and other symptoms, in 2 months 4 days hospitalized, 2 May 5 May aggravate lung infection, 2 months 8 days died, 2 months 13 days confirmed. Guangdong Province added another two cases of H7N9 influenza cases, all in 2 months 13 days diagnosed, of which one example of Panyu District, Guangzhou City, 78 -year-old male retiree, was 2 months 14 days of death, and the other one cases of Jiangmen City, 66 -year-old woman , is hospitalized in critical condition.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to ( 102 ) in 10 months 1 day after the autumn so far H7N9 human cases of influenza notified cumulative 211 cases, 29 deaths, Zhejiang Province, 89 cases in Guangdong Province 65 cases, Shanghai eight cases, Jiangsu Province, 12 cases , Fujian Province, 15 cases in Beijing two cases, Anhui 2 cases, Guangxi 3 cases ( where a case of Guangdong shifted ) , Hunan 9 patients, Guizhou one case ( Zhejiang shifted ) , Hong Kong, 5 patients (Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last 3 months 31 days so far, a total of confirmed 345 cases, including 76 deaths. Another Jiangxi Province since last 12 months has so far accumulated three cases H10N8 influenza cases, including two deaths.
    The country since last 4 months 3 will "from the date of H7N9 influenza "as the fifth class of infectious diseases, has so far accumulated a total of 540 cases of reported cases, including two infectious cases ( one died), 536 cases of exclusion of H7N9 infection, 2 cases inspection.
    Command Center noted that the World Organisation for Animal Health on 2 February 11 announced Guigang City, Guangxi Province, mainland China, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province and Zhuhai City, Hunan Yueyang City on 1 January 17 to 28 day notification 5 from H7N9 bird flu, in five of the live bird markets of mining specimen collecting 819 pieces of samples, including 11 pieces of poultry and environmental samples lanes H7N9 influenza virus positive. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Illness again reminded people the Agency, to mainland China, should avoid contact with poultry category, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked; and personal hygiene, such as washing hands should implement measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the " H7N9 flu Corner "and" International Travel Information "area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact
    • The draft date :2014-02-14
    • Update Date :2014-02-14
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Guangdong Province, mainland China, Anhui, Hunan, Jiangsu Province, added eight cases of H7N9 flu cases, the command center called for doctors to be vigilant, and please be sure to pay attention to prevent people going abroad (2014-02-18)
    Command Center and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Anhui, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangsu Province, a total of eight cases of new confirmed cases of influenza H7N9, which first appeared as Hefei, Anhui cases. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak suggested travel, China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Anhui Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert) , the rest of mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history. The eight new cases in four people diagnosed on February 14, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 4-year-old girl in stable condition; Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 79-year-old male farmer in critical condition; Huaining County, Anhui Province 14-year-old woman in a stable condition; Loudi City, Hunan Lianyuan 46 year old man; February 15, Longgang District, confirmed a 44-year-old man named worker in critical condition; February 16 diagnosed two named Jiangsu Province Huai'an City, 83-year-old man with a history of exposure to poultry, in critical condition; Hefei, 63 year-old male farmer, had history of exposure to poultry, February 9 onset, February 13 for medical treatment, in critical condition; February 17 confirmed 1, for the Shaoyang City Shaodong 64 year old man. Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) H7N9 flu human cases so far after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 219 cases autumn, has acquired 31 cases of deaths, Zhejiang Province, 89 cases, 68 cases in Guangdong Province, Fujian Province, 15 cases (one case Zhejiang shifted), Jiangsu Province, 13 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Hunan Province, 11 cases, Guizhou Province, one case (Zhejiang shifted), Beijing two cases, four cases in Anhui, Guangxi, three cases (one case of Guangdong shifted), Hong Kong 5 Example (3 deaths, are Guangdong shifted). So far, 353 cases were confirmed another since last March 31, of which 78 were fatal. The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 542 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (1 death), 540 cases of H7N9 infection excluded. Command Center pointed out that according to the data released in mainland China Ministry of Agriculture, 103 were found in three years seropositive, 14 positive for H7N9 avian influenza virus, the virus-positive samples were from Shanghai, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian Province, Hebei, Hunan and Guangxi provinces 12. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case. Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-02-18
    • Update Date :2014-02-18
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Jilin Province, mainland China's first case of H7N9 influenza cases, as recommended by the Second Tourism epidemic levels: warning, another in Hunan, Guangdong, Anhui Province, a total of seven cases of new H7N9 flu cases, the command center called on citizens to go abroad is important to note prevention (2014 -02-21)
      Command Center and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed, Hunan, Guangdong, Anhui and Jilin add eight cases were confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, which first appeared in Jilin Province of cases. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak suggested travel, China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Anhui, Jilin (The New) second grade: Alert (Alert), the rest of mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.   The eight new cases, except one case of death, the remainder were hospitalized, the first mayor of Changsha, Hunan Province, Sha County cases of 29-year-old female, 18, diagnosed; the first two cases to six cases of Foshan in Guangdong Province Gaoming City, 79-year-old man, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, 81-year-old man, Zhaoqing Sihui 46-year-old woman, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, 64-year-old man (dead), and Jiangmen Kaiping 69 year old man, respectively, in 18 to the 20th confirmed; 7 cases of Jing County, Anhui Province, 60-year-old man, on the 19th confirmed; 8 cases of Changchun City, Jilin Province, 50-year-old man who poultry industry, the 21st diagnosis, history of exposure to poultry have died, is currently in a stable condition.   Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) so far H7N9 flu cases in humans autumn after October 1 Cumulative Bulletin 227 cases, 33 cases of death have been mastered, including 89 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 73 cases, 15 cases of Fujian Province (where 1 Example Zhejiang shifted), Jiangsu Province, 13 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Hunan Province, 12 cases, 2 cases in Beijing, Anhui five cases, Guangxi three cases (including one case in Guangdong shifted), Guizhou Province, one case (Zhejiang shifted), Jilin one case, the Hong Kong five cases (3 deaths, are Guangdong shifted). Another date, a total of 361 cases confirmed since last March 31, of which 80 were fatal.   The country since last April 3 to "H7N9 flu" as the fifth class of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 545 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 543 cases of H7N9 test negative.   Command Center pointed out that according to the data released in mainland China Ministry of Agriculture, 103 were found in three years seropositive, 14 positive for H7N9 avian influenza virus, the virus-positive samples were from Shanghai, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian Province, Hebei, Hunan and Guangxi provinces 12. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.   Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014 -02-21
    • Update Date :2014 -02-21
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Changsha, Hunan Province in China added one case of H5 influenza-positive cases, and the other five cases, Guangdong Province, new cases of H7N9 influenza, the command center called for doctors to be vigilant, and please be sure to pay attention to prevent people going abroad (2014-02-25)
      Command Center and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed that the Chinese mainland, Changsha, Hunan add one case of influenza H5 positive cases, and the other five cases, Guangdong Province, new cases of H7N9 influenza. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak suggested travel, China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Anhui, Jilin Province, is the second stage: warning (Alert), the rest of mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.   The new case is one case of H5 influenza Changsha, Hunan Children 5 years and a half, 17 February fever phenomenon, Changsha Central Hospital for treatment, 21 were cured, and on the same day the detection of influenza A H5 positive. Guangdong Province added another five cases of influenza H7N9 cases, including one case to the first three cases were diagnosed on February 21, respectively, Haizhu District, Guangzhou 76-year-old man, Liwan District, Guangzhou City, 55-year-old woman, and Tianhe District, Guangzhou City 75-year-old woman, were in critical condition; first four cases diagnosed on February 22, as Jiangmen 31 year old man, is in stable condition; first five cases diagnosed on February 23, Shunde District, Foshan City, 33-year-old man critical condition.   Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) after 1 October autumn cumulative confirmed 232 cases of H7N9 so far, including 89 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 78 cases, 15 cases of Fujian Province (including one case in Zhejiang Province shifted), Jiangsu Province, 13 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Hunan Province, 12 cases, 2 cases in Beijing, Anhui five cases, Guangxi three cases (including one case in Guangdong Province shifted), Guizhou Province, one case (Zhejiang province shifted), one case of Jilin Province, Hong Kong 5 cases (both in Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 366 cases were confirmed, WHO and published in the Feb. 24 death of 116 cases.   China will "H7N9 flu" as from April 3, 2013 Fifth infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 546 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 543 cases of H7N9 test negative , one case of inspection.   Command Center pointed out that according to the data released in mainland China Ministry of Agriculture, 103 were found in three years seropositive, 14 positive for H7N9 avian influenza virus, the virus-positive samples were from Zhejiang province, Guangdong, Fujian, Hebei, Hunan and 5 Guangxi Province. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.   Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.
    • The draft date :2014-02-25
    • Update Date :2014 -02-26
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Changsha, Hunan Province in China added one case of H5 influenza-positive cases, and the other five cases, Guangdong Province, new cases of H7N9 influenza, the command center called for doctors to be vigilant, and please be sure to pay attention to prevent people going abroad (2014-02-25)

      Command Center and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed that the Chinese mainland, Changsha, Hunan add one case of influenza H5 positive cases, and the other five cases, Guangdong Province, new cases of H7N9 influenza. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak suggested travel, China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Anhui, Jilin Province, is the second stage: warning (Alert), the rest of mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.   The new case is one case of H5 influenza Changsha, Hunan Children 5 years and a half, 17 February fever phenomenon, Changsha Central Hospital for treatment, 21 were cured, and on the same day the detection of influenza A H5 positive. Guangdong Province added another five cases of influenza H7N9 cases, including one case to the first three cases were diagnosed on February 21, respectively, Haizhu District, Guangzhou 76-year-old man, Liwan District, Guangzhou City, 55-year-old woman, and Tianhe District, Guangzhou City 75-year-old woman, were in critical condition; first four cases diagnosed on February 22, as Jiangmen 31 year old man, is in stable condition; first five cases diagnosed on February 23, Shunde District, Foshan City, 33-year-old man critical condition.   Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) after 1 October autumn cumulative confirmed 232 cases of H7N9 so far, including 89 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 78 cases, 15 cases of Fujian Province (including one case in Zhejiang Province shifted), Jiangsu Province, 13 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Hunan Province, 12 cases, 2 cases in Beijing, Anhui five cases, Guangxi three cases (including one case in Guangdong Province shifted), Guizhou Province, one case (Zhejiang province shifted), one case of Jilin Province, Hong Kong 5 cases (both in Guangdong Province shifted). Also since last March 31 date, 366 cases were confirmed, WHO and published in the Feb. 24 death of 116 cases.   China will "H7N9 flu" as from April 3, 2013 Fifth infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 546 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 543 cases of H7N9 test negative , one case of inspection.   Command Center pointed out that according to the data released in mainland China Ministry of Agriculture, 103 were found in three years seropositive, 14 positive for H7N9 avian influenza virus, the virus-positive samples were from Zhejiang province, Guangdong, Fujian, Hebei, Hunan and 5 Guangxi Province. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.   Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    The draft date :2014-02-25
    Update Date :2014 -02-26
    Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

    Last edited by Biological; March 1, 2014, 04:24 AM. Reason: update the last one!

  • #2
    Re: Taiwan CDC H7N9 reports 5-May 2013+

    Chinese mainland Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu Province, Hunan Province, added a total of 10 cases of H7N9 flu cases, including two deaths, the command center called for doctors to be vigilant, and please be sure to pay attention to prevent people going abroad (2014-03-04)
    Command Center and the Chinese mainland health authorities confirmed in Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu Province, Hunan Province, added a total of 10 cases of H7N9 flu cases, including two deaths. Currently the command center for human bird flu outbreak suggested travel, China Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Anhui, Jilin Province, is the second stage: Alert (Alert) , the rest of mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) as the first stage: Note (Watch). Command Center plans to remind people in mainland China, it is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with birds, and calls upon physicians treating patients with pneumonia, be sure to ask the patient's travel history.
    The 10 new cases, 1 to 3 cases of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 71-year-old males (23 February diagnosed, February 25 deaths), Liwan District, Guangzhou City, 65-year-old woman (24 February diagnosed, the disease critically ill, hospitalized in), and Hong Carolina District of Zhuhai City 59-year-old man (March 2 confirmed, with the date of death); 4 to 6 cases of gold Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province 2-year-old girls (25 February diagnosis, symptoms minor), 7-year-old girls (27 February diagnosed in critical condition), and 6-year-old girls (27 February diagnosed in critical condition); 7 to 9 cases of Yongzhou 77 year old man (26 February diagnosis) and 41-year-old man (26 February confirmed), and Jiahe County, Chenzhou City, 32-year-old males (28 February diagnosed), were hospitalized in; 10 cases of 42-year-old man in Jiangsu Province, Feb. 26 confirmed There chickens contact history, is in critical condition.
    Mainland China and Hong Kong to (102) in the autumn after October 1 cumulative confirmed 242 cases of H7N9 so far, including 92 cases in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, 81 cases, 15 cases of Fujian Province (including one case in Zhejiang Province shifted), Jiangsu Province, 14 cases, 8 cases in Shanghai, Hunan Province, 15 cases, 2 cases in Beijing, Anhui five cases, Guangxi three cases (including one case in Guangdong Province shifted), Guizhou Province, one case (Zhejiang province shifted), one case of Jilin Province, Hong Kong 5 cases (both in Guangdong Province shifted). 102 years since the world's 379 confirmed cases so far, WHO at 3/1 released 115 cases of death.
    China will "H7N9 flu" as 102 years since April 3 fifth category of infectious diseases, a cumulative total of 554 cases so far reported cases, including two infectious cases (including 1 death cases), 551 cases of H7N9 test negative , one case of inspection.
    Command Center pointed out that according to the data released in mainland China Ministry of Agriculture, 103 from January to mid-February, 67 serum samples were found positive for H7 subtype antibodies, the 16 H7N9 bird flu virus-positive, virus-positive samples were from Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, Fujian Province, Hebei, Hunan and Guangxi provinces, five. Currently H7N9 influenza transmission to humans mainly from poultry, but there may be a limited, non-sustained human to human transmission case.
    Command Center once again reminds people went to the Chinese mainland, the class should avoid contact with birds, especially not to pick up dead birds; eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs to be cooked;, and should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website ( ) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800-001922) contact.

    • The draft date :2014-03-04
    • Update Date :2014-03-04
    • Maintenance Unit: Public Relations Office

