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China - 14 confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Five fatalities March 31 - April 4

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: China - 14 confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Five fatalities March 31 - April 4

    This thread is now closed.

    Please post new cases and suspected cases to the daily thread. Today's thread is here.

    Our case list is here:

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  • NS1
    Re: China - 7 confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities - March 31 +

    The H7N9 human cases are related at the polymorphism level to widely circulating human virus patterns including pH1N1, sH3N2 and human H5N1. Each component of the H7N9 human cases carries sub-segment genetics that have seen mammalian adaptation, including the external proteins, Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase.

    A comprehensive evaluation for each HA polymorphism found on the 3 human H7N9 sequences was provided yesterday, demonstrating the Cross Serotype Homology details.

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: China - Seven confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

    Originally posted by Giuseppe Michieli View Post
    [Source: Ifeng, full text in Chinese: (LINK). Automatic translation.]
    More on H7N9 avian influenza human cases in Nanjing

    Apr. 03, 2013 02:17 Source: Beijing News

    The Beijing News confirmation hearing Nanjing, the first patient was a 45-year-old female Xu. She lives in Jiangning District, a district in a place not far from her home, a farmers market, the sale of poultry, eight years ago, Xu rent a stall in the market, and began to engage in live poultry slaughtered.

    Apparently customers have left this market due to the woman's illness. She is #4 on our chart here.

    Nanjing poultry reported that the hospital was sealed market frozen
    2013-04-04 01:44 China Times [Blue Siaowei / Nanjing reported]
    Jiangsu outgoing critically ill cases of four cases of avian flu in the 2nd, which Nanjing patients TIANJIN TRADE UNION ADMINISTRATORS rushed to the Drum Tower Hospital, the hospital yesterday to block the ICU, strictly prevent media interviews, patients would not elaborate. Before her diseased chickens, the market wants to come, the mountain of vegetables wilt rot, pork nobody cares, traders were hurt in the Nanjing East New farmers market stall.


     Reporter taxi visited is located in Jiangning District, TIANJIN TRADE UNION ADMINISTRATORS original work of the new farmers' markets in the East, the driver is an alert to say, "This is the place of outgoing avian flu now!" When he drove to a nearby driver excuse for traffic jam, want reporters to get off to go past.


     Heart Jisi dishes are not sell! "Greengrocers Ms. Chen said angrily, was seen wilted leaves, actually indiscriminate white false grounds," your market is too toxic, not even vegetables can be infected with avian flu ! "

     The greengrocers Mr. Zhang said, seven days before TIANJIN TRADE UNION ADMINISTRATORS ill news exposure, health units had to sterilize, "then we all know the answer. He stressed market traders after blood testing, everyone is very healthy, but helpless guests did not dare come, the business slump Jiucheng.

     Yesterday, the market has also become the focus of an interview. Morning, several Hong Kong television reporter, wearing masks, interviews, butcher dissatisfaction Miss Lee said, "What do you mean it? Implied toxic this? I simply ignore them if you just wear a mask, I was not with you talking. "

     Vendors emphasized TIANJIN TRADE UNION ADMINISTRATORS an infected, others are very healthy, and her long-term kill a chicken-related. But now hot head, people did not dare to buy food, business is to make ends meet, but to continue to bullet waiting for this wave of avian flu thunder past.


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  • Catbird
    Re: China - 7 confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities - March 31 +

    This story has been floating around for a couple of days but those version lacked direct attribution of sources. But this article, although a little sensationalized, cites family members and friends as having been interviewed.

    The family of patient Wu, age 27, pork vendor, deceased (FT case #2) believes that he was infected with H7N9 while he was hospitalized with a case of "normal" pneumonia.

    We show an onset date of Feb. 19th, but wasn't hospitalized until March 3rd, when a diagnosis of "normal" pneumonia was made. He was then admitted to the same ward as the Li family (87 yr. old man and 2 sons, FT case #1), with no isolation precautions taken. On March 6, he was declared "critically ill", and died on March 10.

    Excerpts of machine translation of [URL=""]original article[/URL

    "Avian influenza virus suspected the Shanghai Youth Hospital pleasant descendant infected insider appalling


    Wu Xiaoya husband fever are available on a first small clinic by the end of February, but repeated illness, on January (NOTE from Cb: translation issue - should be March) 3 to hospitals for treatment, diagnosed as ordinary pneumonia, Hu the suction Road Branch Wu Xiaoya's father, Wu Demao refers Check the next day, son-in-law Wu Liang Liang is in hospital infection fatal, son-in-law and two deceased did not know, nor dealings before his death did not come into contact with live chickens poultry was suspected swine transmission of avian flu, but he and his daughter are selling pork is also all right, so the son-in-law is likely to be hospitalized infected. Another relatives said: "he (Wu shiny) died in hospital infection die too injustice!" Wu Xiaoya also questioned, March 6 issued by the hospital in critical condition after the doctor personally told of her husband's illness " infectious, no protective isolation.

    "We think he is hospitalized are infected with the official confirmed youth suffering from H7N9 avian flu deaths Wu Liang Liang, his family yesterday to the" Apple ", said Wu pneumonia Check Shanghai Fifth People's Hospital, initially only in the general ward, but admitted to hospital the same day same ward of a family of three in two deaths, one of them officially confirmed infected with H7N9 where he died; Wu family means the hospital did not do a good job of segregation, infected and caused the death of Wu. The hospital has so far not announced the source of infection, the mainland authorities rare deadly avian flu completely off guard.

    As the official two H7N9 avian influenza dead live the Minhang District of Shanghai, the "Apple" reporter yesterday visited the the multiple grocer, chicken stall owners in the area said business is greatly reduced. Wu Liang Liang, a 27-year-old dead, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, only two months ago to the chilled pork father-in-law opened in Minhang Jingchuang market stalls helper, final dye avian influenza doing nothing human. During his hospitalization, his wife Wu Xiaoya every day to go to the hospital to accompany but not infected, has been back to the Jiangsu countryside; when her telephone interview yesterday to accept the "Apple" reporter, from time to time to weep.

    Wu Xiaoya husband fever are available on a first small clinic by the end of February, but repeated illness, on January 3 to hospitals for treatment, diagnosed as ordinary pneumonia, Hu suck Road Branch Check the next day. She was referring to, the husband stay ward with the same H7N9 avian influenza dead, surnamed Li Arbour, on the same floor, separated by several rooms, am her husband hospitalized, surnamed Li, a family of three in the afternoon he died two questioned her husband, she and her family The hospitalization infected.

    Wu Xiaoya's father, Wu Demao means, son-in-law Wu Liang Liang is in hospital infection fatal, son-in-law and two deceased did not know, nor dealings before his death did not contacting live poultry was suspected swine transmission of avian flu, but he and his daughter are selling The pork also all right, so the son-in-law is likely to be hospitalized are infected. The other relatives, said: "he (Wu shiny) died in hospital infection die too injustice!"

    Wu Xiaoya also questioned, March 6 issued by the hospital in critical condition, the doctor personally told of her husband's illness "contagious" no isolation protection, sent to the isolation of the intensive care unit, the same ward, there are three, four elderly patients. March 10 after her husband's death, she and her family to the hospital theory, but the hospital refused to recognize the responsibility not tell the source of the disease in the end where they come from; trouble after 17 days, the hospital had just grounds of "humanitarian grants, payment of their families 13 million yuan.

    "The people are dead, they (the hospital) out of a death certificate or pneumonia, see until the day before the notification of the Ministry of Health, we came to realize that the H7N9 avian influenza." Wu means they sell chilled meat supply by large companies, Shanghai tube very strict, it is impossible to sell the dead pigs. " In another report, Mr Lee and his son's death, within the hospital once cause SARS panic, but the hospital blocked messages. The healthcare private call friends and relatives account, be sure to wear a mask if to the hospital...".

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  • Laidback Al
    Re: China - 2 new confirmed H7N9 human cases in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province (China News, April 3 2013) - 1 death

    While these two cases are reported from Zhejiang Province, it seems that Mr. Hong was infected in Jiangsu Province where he worked as a cook.

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  • Giuseppe
    Re: China - 2 new confirmed H7N9 human cases in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province (China News, April 3 2013) - 1 death

    [Source: Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong PRC SAR, full text: (LINK). Edited.]
    Two human cases of Influenza A (H7N9) in Zhejiang verified by NHFPC

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) tonight (April 3) verified with the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) two confirmed human cases of Influenza A (H7N9) in Zhejiang, involving two men, aged 38 and 67 respectively. The 38-year-old man has passed away.

    Laboratory tests on the patients' specimens by the Mainland health authorities yielded positive results for H7N9.

    According to the Department of Health of Zhejiang, no epidemiological links were identified among the two cases at this stage.

    So far, the 183 close contacts of the two patients are asymptomatic.

    A spokesman for DH stressed that the CHP is closely monitoring the situation, will continue to maintain close liaison with the Mainland health authorities for more case information as well as keep a close eye on the advice from the World Health Organization.

    The spokesman also advised travellers especially those returning from Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang with respiratory symptoms to wear facial masks and seek medical attention and reveal their travel histories to doctors. Health-care professionals should also pay special attention to those travellers who might have contact with birds or poultry in the four places.

    Members of the public are reminded to take heed of the following preventive advice against avian influenza:
    • Wash hands frequently;
    • Avoid direct contact with poultry and birds or their droppings; if contacts have been made, they should wash hands thoroughly with soap and water;
    • Poultry and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before eating;
    • Cover the nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing, hold the spit with tissue and put it into covered dustbins;
    • Avoid crowded places and contact with fever patients;
    • Wear a mask when respiratory symptoms develop or you need to take care of fever patients; and
    • When you have fever and influenza-like illnesses during a trip or returning to Hong Kong, promptly consult doctors and reveal your travel history.
    The public may visit the Avian Influenza page of the CHP ( for further information.
    Ends/Wednesday, April 3, 2013
    Issued at HKT 21:31

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: China - Seven confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

    We are now posting the H7N9 cases into their respective threads by province. Please see today's new thread:

    China - 2 new confirmed H7N9 human cases in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province (China News, April 3 2013)

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  • Shiloh
    Re: China - 2 new confirmed H7N9 human cases in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province (China News, April 3 2013)


    New birdflu death in Zhejiang province

    A man in the province of Zhejiang has died of the H7N9 strain of bird flu, bringing the total deaths attributed to the virus to three since the first human cases. According to mainland media reports, the latest fatality was a 38-year-old man who worked as a chef... while the other case was a 67-year-old retiree who was being treated in hospital...

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  • Treyfish
    Re: China - Seven confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

    (H7N9 watch) Chef, 38, dies, scientists suggest testing birds in markets to trace silent killer
    (41 mins ago)

    He was one of two more H7N9 avian influenza infections reported in Zhejiang, in the east of the country, Xinhua news agency said citing local authorities. This brings the total number of cases to nine.
    The latest fatality was a 38-year-old man who worked as a chef, Zhejiang media reported. The province's other case was a 67-year-old retiree being treated in hospital, the Zhejiang Daily newspaper said.
    Meanwhile, scientists said that based on information from genetic data and lab tests in China, the H7N9 virus appears to infect some birds without triggering noticeable symptoms, AP reported.
    ?We speculate that when this virus is maintained in poultry the disease will not appear, and similar in pigs, if they are infected, so nobody recognizes the infection in animals around them, then the transmission from animal to human may occur,'' said Dr Masato Tashiro, director of the World Health Organization's influenza research center in Tokyo and one of the specialists who studied the genetic data. ?In terms of this phenomenon, it's more problematic.??
    This behavior is unlike the virulent H5N1 strain, which set off warnings when it began ravaging poultry across Asia in 2003. H5N1 has since killed 360 people worldwide.
    ?In that sense, if this continues to spread throughout China and beyond China, it would be an even bigger problem than with H5N1 in some sense, because with H5N1 you can see evidence of poultry dying, but here you can see this would be more or less a silent virus in poultry species that will occasionally infect humans,'' said University of Hong Kong microbiologist Dr Malik Peiris, a Sri Lankan expert who also examined the information.
    Dr Peiris praised Chinese health authorities for being forthcoming with data and information, but said animal health agencies needed to step up and act quickly. He urged China to widely test healthy birds in live animal markets in the parts of the country where the human infections have been reported to find out what bird species might be hosting the virus and stop the spread.
    ?If you don't stamp it out earlier now, there won't be any chance of stamping it out in the future,'' Dr Peiris said. ?It already may be too late, but this is the small window of opportunity that really one has to grasp, as quickly as possible.''
    ...undergoing changes that allowed it to adapt more easily, though not fully, to human hosts, WHO's Tashiro said. One change has allowed it to lodge onto the surfaces of cells of mammals, making it easier to infect humans.
    ?The tentative assessment of this virus is that it may cause human infection or epidemic. It is still not yet adapted to humans completely, but important factors have already changed,'' Tashiro said.

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  • hawkeye
    Re: China - Seven confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

    HANGZHOU, April 3 (Xinhua) -- Two more infections of the H7N9 bird flu, involving one death, were reported in east China's Zhejiang Province, bringing total number of the infected people in the country to nine, local authorities said Wednesday.

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  • penguinsix
    Re: China - 2 new confirmed H7N9 human cases in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province (China News, April 3 2013)

    South China Morning Post just updated their totals, citing the Beijing newspapers.

    3 dead
    9 infected

    The national health commission said the source of infection remained unknown, but listed poultry workers or people who had been in contact with poultry a week before the emergence of symptoms as a high-risk group.

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: China - 2 new confirmed H7N9 human cases in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province (China News, April 3 2013)

    All these news sources are reliable but I do not see this information on the provincial website yet.


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  • Giuseppe
    Re: China - 2 new confirmed H7N9 human cases in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province (China News, April 3 2013)

    [Source: China Eastday, in Chinese: Automatic translation.]

    Zhejiang Province found two cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza have died

    April 2013 at 18:17

    April 3: Zhejiang Provincial Health Department Bulletin, April 3, Zhejiang Province, confirmed two cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza cases, including one death.

    Patients Mr. Hong, male, 38 years old, Hangzhou Jiande, cook, work in Taicang, Jiangsu.

    Incidence or about March 7, back to the 18th Jiande a hospital; 20 transferred to a hospital in Xiaoshan treatment. 24, 2009, the patient's condition worsened after she died on the morning of the 27th.

    In the afternoon of April 1, Zhejiang Province Center for Disease Control reports the patient's specimen test results for the H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive .

    April 3, China CDC Influenza Center Laboratory review of the H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive. Provincial Health Department expert group based on the performance of the clinical, laboratory and epidemiological findings, the diagnosis of the cases of human infection of H7N9 avian influenza confirmed cases.

    The patient province first case of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza.

    After investigation, the close contacts of the cases of 125 people. Up to now, all close contacts of the cases were not found to have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

    Patients Yang, male, 67 years old, Hangzhou, a retirement home. On March 25 because of cough, fever and other symptoms to stay at a hospital in Hangzhou, go to the Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine; April 2 rescue. In the afternoon of April 2, Zhejiang Province Center for Disease Control reports the patient's specimen test results for the H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive.

    April 3, the patient specimens were the China CDC influenza central laboratory for review of the H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive.

    Provincial Health Department organized experts, based on the performance of the clinical, laboratory and epidemiological findings, the diagnosis of the cases of human infection of H7N9 avian influenza confirmed cases.

    After investigation, the close contacts of the cases a total of 58 people. Up to now, all close contacts of the cases were not found to have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

    After the outbreak, the provincial government leaders attach great importance to, Xia Baolong secretary, Li Qiang, governor made ​​a special instructions, pay close attention to the progress of the epidemic, and quickly launched the emergency response plan seriously study the problems that may occur, a really good job in the prevention and control work .

    The provincial government held a special meeting in the afternoon, emergency, made ​​arrangements for the prevention and control work: First, with reference to the Ministry of Health National Influenza pandemic contingency plans "to start emergency response grade Ⅳ. Second, health departments should earnestly implement the norms at the national prevention and control and clinics to treat the patient, do a good job in the active surveillance and prevention and control work. Third, agriculture, education, industry and commerce departments should strengthen communication and coordination in accordance with the contingency requirements, and jointly improve the prevention and control work. Fourth is to strengthen the public health-oriented education, combined with the Patriotic Health Month activities, take the initiative to do a good job of prevention and health care.

    Currently, an epidemiological association was not found between the two cases.

    The experts have warned that the current season of high incidence of influenza and other respiratory diseases, for the prevention of influenza, should wash their hands, indoor ground ventilation, attention to nutrition, to maintain a good physique;, use a tissue when sneezing, coughing and other symptoms of respiratory tract infection , handkerchiefs Cover your mouth and nose to prevent infection of others; once the fever, coughing and other symptoms of acute respiratory infections, especially high fever, difficulty breathing, should seek immediate medical attention; avoid contact and edible disease (dead) poultry, livestock.


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  • Giuseppe
    Re: China - 2 new confirmed H7N9 human cases in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province (China News, April 3 2013)

    [Source: IFeng, full text in Chinese: (LINK). Automatic translation.]
    Zhejiang 2 of human infection with the H7N9 avian flu patient died


    [Zhejiang two cases of human infection with avian influenza]
    patients, Mr. Hong, male, 38 years old, Hangzhou Jiande man, in Jiangsu Taicang work. Onset, 18 back Zhejiang March 7, the 20th transferred to Xiaoshan a hospital for treatment, after she died on the morning of the 27th. April 3, China CDC influenza center laboratory for review of the H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive. Currently, all close contacts of the cases were not found to have a fever or respiratory symptoms. Reporter Dong Ying

    [Zhejiang] two cases of human infection with avian influenza patients Yang, male, 67 years old, Hangzhou, retirement home. On March 25 because of cough, fever and other symptoms to stay at a hospital in Hangzhou, April 2 go to a subsidiary of Zhejiang University School of Medicine Hospital.

    April 3, China CDC Influenza Center Laboratory review of the H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive. The close contacts of the cases of 58 people, were not found to have a fever or respiratory symptoms. Reporter Dong Ying
    According to CCTV microblogging

    # CCTV News # [Hangzhou confirmed two cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza cases, 1 death] According to government sources, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou two cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian flu cases have been confirmed in two patients have died, and one is for medical treatment. (CCTV reporter pectinata)

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  • Giuseppe
    China - 2 new confirmed H7N9 human cases in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province (China News, April 3 2013) - 1 death

    Source: China News, full text in Chinese: itter. Automatic translation.

    2013 04 03, 2010 18:25 Source: China News Network  

    BEIJING, Hangzhou, April 3 (Reporter Zhao Ye Jiao) 3, the Zhejiang Provincial Health Department issued notification, the province confirmed two cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian flu cases in which patients died. The two cases were male. (End)


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