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China - 14 confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Five fatalities March 31 - April 4

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  • #31
    Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

    Originally posted by sharon sanders View Post
    It might be possible that some cases in Shanghai were hospitalized as early as February 26?

    China - 2 family members died of pneumonia, 1 hospitalized in stable condition - Government denies SARS, H5N1, NCoV and H1N1pdm09 - Shanghai
    machine translation

    Minhang currently unknown death "? Department of health departments to identify rumors
    March 8, 2013 08:52

    Source: LONDON author: white feather election is issued: intern Gu Yiqin
      LONDON, March 8: i Times newspaper reported yesterday net transfer to Minhang now unexplained deaths, rumors verification department by the health department.   Microblogging yesterday said the sudden onset of Minhang District, "a family of four, just two days from discovery to respiratory failure, respiratory failure associated with circulatory failure death of two, in the end is so far not clear what kind of flu".   In response, the city health department verification microblogging preaching wrong. According to reports, the city and five hospitals from 14 to 24, has a family of three admitted due to fever, cough treatment, the hospital started in the early morning of the 26th plan reported Minhang District Center for Disease Control sampling and epidemiological investigation. After consultation, the three patients are pneumonia, inspection by the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, exclude SARS, bird flu, novel coronavirus and swine flu and other infectious diseases.

    Experts believe that two people died (age 87,57 years old) suffering from a number of basic diseases, and lung of severe infections caused by. Another patient (69 years old) is still hospitalized in stable condition. Health care workers in close contact with the patient and family members had no disease.

    hat tip Michael Coston

    More Details Emerge On Shanghai H7N9 Case

    Site of recent H7N9 infections

    # 7046

    A few more details are beginning to emerge regarding at least one of the fatal H7N9 cases in Shanghai.
    The two identified cases are an 87-year-old (Li) who fell ill on February 19 and died on March 4, and a 27-year-old (Wu) who fell ill on February 27 and died on March 10.
    At the time, two sons in the Li family were also hospitalized with similar symptoms. One died, while the other one recovered.

    FluTrackers carried the story back on March 8th.
    SARS ruled out in death cases

    By Cai Wenjun | 2013-3-8
    HEALTH authorities have ruled out SARS, bird flu or a new SARS-like virus in the deaths of two people from the same family at Shanghai No. 5 People's Hospital.

    The hospital said three members of the Li family had been admitted between February 14 and 24 for symptoms including a high fever and coughing.
    All three, aged 55, 69 and 87, were diagnosed as having pneumonia.

    Since they were from the same family, the hospital reported the case to the Minhang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention for investigation. The pneumonia diagnosis was confirmed.

    Now we learn that the 87 year-old in the above story is one of the two men that have tested positive for H7N9 in Shanghai.
    While suspicious, there are no confirmatory lab tests on the other family members, so they are not currently considered as part of this cluster.
    This from the Shanghai Daily.
    New bird flu strain kills 2 patients in Shanghai

    By Cai Wenjun
    TWO men suffering from a lesser-known type of bird flu have died in Shanghai and a woman in eastern Anhui Province is in a critical condition, health authorities said yesterday.

    The three cases of H7N9 avian influenza infection are the first time the virus has been detected in humans, the National Health and Family Planning Commission said yesterday.

    The 87-year-old's two sons have gone to hospital with similar symptoms.

    According to Shanghai No. 5 People's Hospital, the three members of the Li family were admitted between February 14 and 24 for symptoms including a high fever and coughing.

    All three were diagnosed as having pneumonia.

    The 69-year-old son recovered and was discharged but the 55-year-old died from severe pneumonia and respiratory failure in late February. The father died of multi-organ failure.

    Neither son had the H7N9 virus, the bureau said.

    It has ordered local hospitals to step up monitoring and supervision on cases involving flu, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.

    Experts say there is no evidence to indicate the virus is spreading but patients with symptoms such as fever, coughing and breathing difficulties are being urged to visit their doctors, ensure good hygiene, such as by washing their hands, and avoid contact with diseased poultry and livestock.
    Posted by Michael Coston at <a class="timestamp-link" href="" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" title="2013-03-31T14:07:00-04:00">2:07 PM</abbr>


    • #32
      Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

      machinetranslation from Chinese

      Jiangsu, Anhui transferred to treat the cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian flu cases 2013-03-31 22:54:43 China Youth Network

      Jiangsu Province, is to treat the organizational strength into by Anhui cases of human infection of H7N9 avian influenza.

      Nanjing, Xinhua, March 31

      (Reporter Zhu Xudong) reporter learned from the Jiangsu Provincial Health Department on the evening of 31, Jiangsu Province, is to treat the organizing forces transferred from Anhui cases of human infection of H7N9 avian influenza. At present, the critical condition of the patient.

      It is understood that, on March 20, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, admitted one cases by of Chuzhou turn to severe cases of pneumonia. Patients Mr. Han, female, 35 years old. March 25, detected by the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control, the cases of specimens for influenza virus nucleic acid positive. On March 30, the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the diagnosis of the cases of human infection of H7N9 avian influenza confirmed cases.
      Jiangsu Provincial Health Department immediately set up a human infection with the H7N9 avian flu prevention and control work leading group and the group of experts, organized several expert consultation province Department of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases and ICU, emergency rescue operations. 31, 2009, the National Health and Family Planning Commission sent a group of experts to guide clinical treatment work to the Nanjing site.

      Currently, the Jiangsu provincial health department has started a related contingency plan, and orderly conduct of the health emergency response work, continue to organize experts to rescue the patients, their best efforts to save the lives of patients; starts in the province-wide emergency monitoring, early detection of suspected cases; development of Jiangsu Province, people infected with H7N9 avian influenza monitoring the investigation and management solutions, to strengthen business training and emergency supplies reserve, to carry out a risk assessment of the public health; strengthen the hospital infection prevention and control, to prevent cross-infection in hospitals.

      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #33
        Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

        Machine translation


        The Mainland which an infected cases, 27-year-old man from Shanghai dead pork stall tenants, can not be ruled out in patients infected with the virus in poultry meat stalls near Ho Pak-leung said, while earlier the Shanghai Huangpu River found a large number of dead pigs floating, He believes that the mainland authorities have a responsibility to investigate the case whether it is related with the avian flu cases.


        • #34
          Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

          Originally posted by Diane Morin View Post
          Machine translation


          The Mainland which an infected cases, 27-year-old man from Shanghai dead pork stall tenants, can not be ruled out in patients infected with the virus in poultry meat stalls near Ho Pak-leung said, while earlier the Shanghai Huangpu River found a large number of dead pigs floating, He believes that the mainland authorities have a responsibility to investigate the case whether it is related with the avian flu cases.

          [Source: Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong PRC SAR, full text: (LINK).]
          Notification of three human cases of H7N9 in Shanghai and Anhui

          The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health received notification from the National Health and Family Planning Commission (the Commission) today (March 31) concerning three confirmed human cases of influenza A (H7N9).

          A CHP spokesman said the two cases in Shanghai were two men aged 87 and 27, who passed away on March 4 and 10 respectively.

          As regards the case in Anhui, the 35-year-old female patient is now in critical condition.

          Laboratory tests on the three patients' specimens by the Mainland health authorities yielded a positive result for H7N9.

          According to the Commission, the 27-year-old man was a butcher while the 35-year-old woman had exposure history to poultry before the onset of symptoms.



          • #35
            Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

            hat tip Crof

            March 31, 2013

            A rough chronology of H7N9 so far

            From the very sketchy information we have, and drawing on information from Mike Coston and FluTrackers, I've cobbled together a chronology of the three cases. Here's what I get:

            Thursday, February 14: First of three admissions to Shanghai No. 5 Hospital of men in the Li family in Shanghai. Two are sons aged 55 and 69; one is their father, aged 87, who reportedly falls ill on Tuesday, February 19. All three are diagnosed with pneumonia. The younger of the two sons dies in late February; the other recovers. Neither son tests positive for H7N9.

            Wednesday, February 27: A 27-year-old Shanghai butcher, Mr. Wu, falls ill.

            Monday, March 4: Mr. Li, the 87-year-old, dies 14 days after falling ill.

            Saturday, March 9: A 35-year-old woman in Chuzhou City, Anhui province, falls ill. Chuzhou is 322 km (200 miles) from Shanghai.

            Sunday, March 10: Mr. Wu, the butcher, dies 11 days after falling ill.

            Sunday, March 31: The woman in Chuzhou City is in critical condition but still alive after 23 days. News of the H7N9 cases is made public and goes worldwide.

            I'll update this chronology as more information becomes available.

            March 31, 2013 at 03:53 PM


            • #36
              Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

              A bit of new (ETA: I think) data:

              Machine translation of original article:

              "The shocking H7N92 dead a crisis


              ...The H7N9 bird flu cases were frightening, three patients were from China, two male deceased in Shanghai, and in critical condition female patients who are in Anhui. 87-year-old surnamed Li male deceased in February found that the number of H7N9 symptoms, was sent to Shanghai Fifth People's Hospital for treatment, the hospital said the cause of death was "old age appears to multiple organ failure, where he died March 4 killed; living with his two sons, aged 55 and 69 years old respectively likewise treated, the former due to "severe pneumonia, respiratory failure, and to rescue invalid passed away on February 28, the latter being the diagnosis, there in stable condition, the unknown has been infected...".

              "What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it." - Herbert Simon

              "The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free government." - Sam Houston


              • #37
                Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities


                [Authoritative released]

                Wei Planning Commission: three cases of patients diagnosed with a specific source of infection is unclear

                The Guardian Planning Commission website announced on March 31, to respect the people infected with the H7N9 avian flu Question and Answer.

                Q: patients from the means by which the people infected with the H7N9 avian influenza infection?

                Answer: the people infected with the H7N9 influenza virus from the virus biology belonging to the avian influenza virus, previously found in the international human infection H7 subtypes of influenza virus are mostly from birds, but so far, three cases of diagnosed patients The specific source of infection is not clear.

                According to the relevant provisions of unexplained pneumonia Management, Shanghai, Anhui and Jiangsu, the health sector (1 patient in Anhui where Nanjing) all close contacts of patients implemented under medical observation. The Shanghai patients diagnosed patients before the onset of its two family members with severe pneumonia, the cause is still under investigation and detection. 3 patients the incidence of the family association, pending further investigation. In addition, Shanghai, Anhui diagnosed patients of all close contacts were not found in similar cases.

                Q: two cases diagnosed patients died in early March, and why the state Health and Family Planning Commission, released March 31, the epidemic?

                A: The people infected with the H7N9 avian influenza virus, is the world's first discovery of a new subtype of influenza virus, has not been included in our infectious disease surveillance reporting system.

                Discovery of the above cases, the medical and health institutions in Shanghai to carry out the relevant laboratory screening, has ruled out the infected with seasonal H1N1 and H3N2 influenza, H1N1 flu, people infected with the highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) and SARS, new coronavirus The virus might be. On March 22, the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center patients may be infected with the H7 influenza, after specimens were sent to the China Disease Prevention and Control Center. On the afternoon of March 29, the Chinese Center for Disease Control three H7N9 avian influenza virus isolated from the submission of cases specimens. Wei Planning Commission the experts further verification, the determination of the patients with human infection of H7N9 avian influenza virus. National Health and Family Planning Commission, in accordance with the law to the public on March 31.

                Q: Earlier media reported that a family of three infection pneumonia of unknown causes, two of whom died, whether related to the reported cases?

                A: February 20-25, in a hospital in Shanghai has treated three people suffering from severe pneumonia, surnamed Li and his son, and two died. Mr Lee, his father was diagnosed with the H7N9 avian influenza virus infection, the diagnosis of two patients in progress.

                Q: H7N9 virus and past H1N1, H5N1 and other seasonal influenza cases compared to its virulence and infectious?

                A: Because the virus caused disease research data is limited, experts are of the virulence of the virus and the human ability to spread further judgment.

                Q: If the infection early symptoms seek immediate medical attention if you can get effective treatment?

                A: The gene sequence analysis showed that the drug-sensitive virus neuraminidase inhibitor class of anti-influenza virus. Experience other type influenza antiviral treatment after the onset of the early use of the neuraminidase inhibitor class of anti-influenza virus drugs may be effective remains to be seen, but the means of specific treatment of newly discovered human H7N9 avian influenza virus infection research. At home and abroad there is no vaccine against the H7N9 avian influenza virus.

                Q: how to prevent H7N9 avian flu? Are there any other special precautions?

                A: According to the the China CDC report found no recent nationwide influenza activity level is abnormally elevated. Experts believe that, according to who is in close contact with medical observation, the virus has not prompted a strong human-to-human transmission.

                Experts suggest that the event of fever, cough and other symptoms of acute respiratory infections, especially high fever, breathing difficulties, you should seek immediate medical attention.
                Maintaining wash their hands, cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing and other personal hygiene habits, can effectively prevent the transmission of influenza and other respiratory diseases. Should also avoid contact and edible disease (dead), poultry, livestock.


                • #38
                  Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

                  Thank you everyone for all of the work today.

                  A Great Team.


                  • #39
                    Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

                    The Hong Kong based Wen Wei Po News website is reporting some different info from "informed sources", namely that the death of one of the sons is now included in the case count, making it 4.

                    Machine translation from original article:

                    "The the first now people in the world is dyed H7N9 avian flu Shanghai emblem, 2 dead 1 crisis


                    Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po News (Reporter Ge Chong, Chapter Luolan, Xu of Di Wen Jing Huning, connection reports) the world's first human infection of H7N9 avian influenza cases. National Health and Family Planning Commission (National Health Committee) informed yesterday (31 May), Shanghai and Anhui Province, found three cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza. Death in patients with two Shanghai, Anhui membership in patients in critical condition, in Nanjing to stay in the hospital for rescue. However, informed sources told this newspaper revealed that a total of four patients died, including a father and son from the same family...

                    The notification from the National Health Committee, said the Shanghai patients Lee, male, 87 years old, 19 February onset actively rescue died on March 4. Patients Shanghai Wu, male, 27 years old, 27 February onset actively rescue died March 10. Patients with Chuzhou City, Anhui Province Mr. Han, female, 35 years old, incidence March 9, is currently in critical condition, Nanjing, Jiangsu active treatment. It is reported that the three cases the clinical manifestations are the early symptoms of respiratory tract infection such as fever, cough, and then developed severe pneumonia and breathing difficulties.

                    Informed sources told us that, so far, Shanghai has a total of four patients with similar symptoms to death, four dead were in the period from February to March this year, admitted in the Fifth People's Hospital of Shanghai Minhang District, Shanghai. The hospital internal sources, before and after the Lunar New Year, one surnamed Li patients to the hospital, since there are two named Li patients to see a doctor, the three patient relationship as father and son, respectively a doctor's time apart from each other two or three days. 3 among the oldest 87-year-old (communications consistent with the National Health Committee), the other two are 69 years old and 55 years old. Since then, the hospital has admitted another 27-year-old Wu, patients (in line with the National Health Committee communications), but not a kinship with the foregoing surnamed Li.

                    Allegedly, several patients initially are fever, cough, but her condition all the way to nosedive until the final due to severe pneumonia, respiratory failure and death. The basis of this one surnamed Li family of three all sick to death of this argument is different from the official statement yesterday.

                    During the several patients sick, the hospital and the Health Bureau, the CDC and other organizations the many consultation, but the test results are not pointing to a known infectious diseases. Hospitals to deal with SARS level measures for insurance purposes, these isolated several patients in the hospital, all the access of health care workers, are armed to prevent infection. That time, the hospital is up and down, the atmosphere was very tense.

                    The aforementioned hospital insiders, these four patients are ordinary Shanghai native, surnamed Li, a family of three who have retired. As for the patients with the death of a 27-year-old Wu, rumored career pork street vendors...".

                    "What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it." - Herbert Simon

                    "The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free government." - Sam Houston


                    • #40
                      Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

                      Another article from Wen Wei Po News. It reports that there is a crackdown on any info being given to the media. It also describes the situation at Shanghai Hospital #5.

                      Machine translation of original article:

                      "Watch the scene: on-site interviews with the five branches of the academy tight-lipped


                      Official Journal of the three cases have been confirmed infected with the H7N9 bird flu cases, including two cases occurred in Shanghai Fifth People's Hospital (hereinafter referred to as the "Court"). Reporters yesterday came the five branches located in the Minhang District of Shanghai, Quanyuanshangxia almost all staff, are tight-lipped about the matter.

                      Reporter first came to the office of the five branches of the administration building, I saw Dean's Office closed the door to questions from reporters, the duty officer in the medical office with a few emphatic "no knowledge", he gave the reporter "please" out of the office .

                      The cashier then command sealing

                      In desperation, the reporter had to staff all sight of "cotton", in order to get the word mentioned "intelligence", but all population Wind tight unexpectedly. Emergency counter the nurse on duty to answer: "This thing that I do not know, specifically, you can find the office to ask" skillfully reporter "kick" back to the official channels. Even the hospital nurses, cleaning staff are quite alert to "inquire" message, and have sent reporters "do not know", "heard".

                      The hospital no raise alert

                      Hard to find a small supermarket cashier in the hospital, before opening events chatted avian flu, The cashier's phone suddenly rang, and then she said apologetically: "Excuse me, just received competent phone, let us not The external many people talking about the matter. "

                      The the hardware protection level view of the hospital seems to have been from an alert "mode. At the entrance, there is no medical staff for the patient to measure the body temperature, and there is no sign of the temperature screening at. Reporters noticed in the emergency room, the hospital's medical staff did not strengthen disinfection and isolation measures. In addition, the emergency hall duty staff dress no special protection. Open five emergency room, only an emergency doctor in the treatment of patients wear masks, hats and gloves. The nurse on duty in the emergency counter only two wearing masks, the rest of the medical staff and some masks **** around the neck, and most of the medical staff, no hats and masks."

                      "What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it." - Herbert Simon

                      "The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free government." - Sam Houston


                      • #41
                        Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

                        [Source: Department of Health, Hong Kong PRC SAR, full text: (LINK).]
                        DH closely monitors confirmed human cases of H7N9 in the Mainland

                        In view of the confirmed human cases of H7N9 in the Mainland, a spokesman for the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) said today (April 1) that the CHP will enhance surveillance for suspected H7 cases in Hong Kong.

                        Influenza A (H7) is a statutorily notifiable infectious disease in Hong Kong. The CHP will send letters to doctors to inform them of the latest situation as well as to remind them to report any suspected cases.

                        "We will heighten our vigilance and continue to maintain stringent port health measures in connection with this development," the spokesman said.

                        "The CHP is maintaining close liaison with the Mainland health authorities and will closely monitor the advice from the World Health Organization,?the spokesman added.

                        The spokesman reminded members of the public to remain vigilant against avian influenza infection and to observe the following measures:
                        • Avoid direct contact with poultry and birds or their droppings; if contacts have been made, they should wash hands thoroughly with soap and water;
                        • Poultry and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before eating;
                        • Wash hands frequently;
                        • Cover nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing, hold the spit with tissue and put it into covered dustbins;
                        • Avoid crowded places and contact with sick people with fever;
                        • Wear a mask when you have respiratory symptoms or need to take care of patients with fever; and
                        • When you have fever and influenza-like illnesses during a trip or when coming back to Hong Kong, you should consult doctors promptly and reveal your travel history.
                        For further information on avian influenza, please visit the CHP's website (

                        Ends/Monday, April 1, 2013
                        Issued at HKT 13:41


                        • #42
                          Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

                          [Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China PRC, full page in Chinese: (LINK). Automatic translation.]
                          The H7N9 deadly avian flu virus in China for the first time, but medical observations suggest that the virus did not show a strong human-to-human transmission. Experts reminded the public - and to be alert to deal with H7N9 No panic

                          2013 -04-01

                          Health News 2013-04-01:

                          Following the H5N1 avian influenza in the world within a series of human cases caused death yesterday, China's first reported human infection with the H7N9 avian flu incidence of death.

                          This new discovery of the epidemic, the threat be?

                          On the same day, China CDC (Center for Disease Control) experts said in an interview with this reporter, the current understanding of the virus is still very limited, but closely monitored by National Influenza activity levels are abnormally elevated yet found. 88 close contacts under medical observation, the result is not suggesting that the virus has a strong human-to-human transmission capacity. The public for the new outbreaks should be on high alert, but no need to panic.

                          Spread of power is the strength can not be determined

                          Virus Disease Control and Prevention of China CDC deputy director, director of the National Influenza Center, Shu Yuelong researcher, influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses. The influenza virus can be divided into A (A), (B), C III (C). Influenza can be divided according to the characteristics of the influenza virus HxNx 135 subtypes, the H7N9 subtype of avian influenza virus is one of them, the past is found only in poultry between No extraordinary infections found.

                          Shu Yuelong said, the people infected with the H7N9 influenza virus, belonging to the avian influenza virus from the virus biology. Found on previous international human infection H7 subtypes of influenza virus from birds and more. But so far, three patients diagnosed with the specific source of the infection is unclear.

                          Compared with the previous highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1, A stream H1N1 and other seasonal influenza, the virulence of the H7N9 virus found how?

                          The ability to circulate what? Shu Yuelong said confirmed cases of the virus just isolated and found only three cases of the diseases caused data is very limited. How, further study is needed to answer the virulence of the virus, and interpersonal communication skills.

                          Monitoring system in time to capture the epidemic

                          Confirmed three cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza virus is found?

                          Ping Zijian researcher, director of the China CDC health emergency center, Anhui Province of the confirmed cases found in the unexplained pneumonia monitoring systems, and Shanghai, two patients were found in the major national communicable disease surveillance system. The people infected with the H7N9 avian influenza virus, is the world's first discovery of a new subtype of influenza A virus, have not been included in our statutory report infectious disease monitoring and reporting system. After SARS, China established a unexplained pneumonia monitoring system, and in recent years has established a major national communicable disease surveillance system, which allows the epidemic to discover.

                          According to reports, medical and health institutions in Shanghai found that the above-mentioned cases, in a timely manner to carry out the relevant laboratory screening, has ruled out the seasonal flu virus H3N2, influenza A H1N1 influenza, people infected with the highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) and SARS novel coronavirus infection might.

                          In further testing, the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center patients may be infected with the H7 influenza, after specimens were sent to CDC viral disease Control and Prevention, the National Influenza Center, timely separation to the H7N9 avian influenza virus.

                          Severe pneumonia need to be vigilant

                          The new discovery of the epidemic, which is relatively dangerous? How should guard against?

                          Ping Zijian said, according to the epidemiological investigation, the three confirmed human infection with H7N9 avian influenza virus in patients prior to the onset of Anhui One patient with history of contact with poultry, Shanghai patients with market slaughter trafficking animal activities contact another Shanghai patients without a history of contact with animals.

                          Earlier media reported that a family of three infection pneumonia of unknown causes, two of whom died, whether related to the reported cases?

                          Ping Zijian said, this year from February 20 to 25, 2009, in a hospital in Shanghai has admitted to suffering from severe pneumonia, surnamed Li and his son, the two men after she died. Father surnamed Li was diagnosed with the H7N9 avian influenza virus infection, the diagnosis of two patients in progress.
                          Shu Yuelong said three confirmed human infection of avian influenza virus H7N9 occurred in patients with severe pneumonia. Clinicians for these patients should attach great importance to pay attention to the screening.

                          Ping Zijian also suggest that patients with acute respiratory infectious disease doctor, to take the initiative to the doctor made it clear that if they are in contact with animals, and to help doctors determine timely.

                          Especially need the protection of medical personnel

                          If infected with the H7N9 avian influenza virus, seek immediate medical attention early to the possibility of effective treatment? Shu Yuelong gene sequence analysis showed that the virus neuraminidase inhibitor class of anti-influenza virus drug sensitivity. Experience other type influenza antiviral treatment after the onset of the early use of the neuraminidase inhibitor class of anti-influenza virus drugs may be effective remains to be seen, but the means of specific treatment of newly discovered human H7N9 avian influenza virus infection research.

                          Ping Zijian suggest that the public should pay special attention to avoid direct contact with sick or dead poultry, livestock. Medical staff opportunities for patients suffering from infectious diseases than the average person contact, so in the process of the treatment of the patients to pay attention and take the necessary protective measures.

                          Admissions with suspected or confirmed H7N9 bird flu cases, with particular attention to the standard precautions against airborne droplets and contact transmission.

                          Home and abroad there is no vaccine against the H7N9 avian flu virus.

                          Taken from:



                          • #43
                            Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

                            Source: China CDC

                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

                              [Source: South China. com, full text in Chinese: (LINK). Automatic translation.]
                              Shanghai and Anhuin residents infected with avian influenza H7N9

                              2013-04-01 15:04:39

                              According to Voice of China "aspect News" reported yesterday (March 31), the National Health and Family Planning Commission informed the three cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza cases, there are two deaths, one in critical condition. According to reports, these 3 cases clinical manifestations are the early symptoms of respiratory tract infection such as fever, cough, and on to develop severe pneumonia and breathing difficulties.

                              April 1: According to Voice of China "aspect News" reported yesterday (March 31), the State Health and Family Planning Commission informed the three cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza cases, there are two deaths One person is in critical condition. According to the introduction, which is the world's first discovery of a new subtype of influenza A virus, at home and abroad is no vaccine against the H7N9 avian influenza virus.

                              According to the Bulletin of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, three cases of human infection with the H7N9 avian flu cases in Shanghai and Anhui Province. Two Shanghai patients were male, is 87 years old and 27 years old, has died, the other patients in Anhui Province, is a woman, 35 years old this year, is currently in critical condition, Nanjing, Jiangsu active treatment.

                              According to reports, these 3 cases clinical manifestations are the early symptoms of respiratory tract infection such as fever, cough, and on to develop severe pneumonia and breathing difficulties. Shu Yuelong introduction according to the National Influenza Center, which is also the world's first discovery of a new influenza virus subtype is not clear, for the virulence of the virus, and interpersonal communication force.

                              Shu Yuelong:

                              ??This virus is characterized by a new reassortant virus, As for its biological characteristics, its pathogenic spread of power, we currently do not have the basis of analysis and judgment. This is the global reported for the first time such a reassortant virus causes severe pneumonia, it is hard to evaluate the toxicity of the virus.??
                              According to the introduction, previously found in the international human infection H7 subtypes of influenza viruses and more from poultry, the H7N9 influenza virus infection from the virus biology also belong to the avian influenza virus, but so far, three cases of diagnosed patients The specific source of infection is not clear, also found no epidemiological association between them.

                              Shu Yuelong said, will also do further judgment for the virulence of the virus, and interpersonal communication.
                              Shu Yuelong: ??the next step is the most important work of confirmed cases of the three cases, we have to investigate its source, it is not possible human-to-human spread of its harm in the end how much, we do not know these So we need further research.??

                              The national CDC Emergency Management Office Director Feng Zaijian said, found that the possibility of more cases of health and disease control departments will soon take more control measures still exist in the near future.
                              However, so far, none of the 88 close contacts of cases found abnormal situation, Feng Zijian, said the public need not panic too much.

                              Ping Zijian: ??the number of cases now see not many, from the limited evidence, interpersonal communication ability of this disease is not very strong, so the general public is not high risk of infection, so the public need not panic. On the one hand, we deal with the technical capabilities of emerging infectious diseases has been greatly strengthened, on the other hand, attaches great importance to all levels of government and health departments for the epidemic, and has taken a series of measures, policies, good prevention and control work.??

                              Currently, the state Health and Family Planning Commission has sent a group of experts rushed to the local guidance and assistance to carry out the clinical treatment and epidemic emergency response work.

                              At present, Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu health sector are being taken to clinical treatment, close contact tracing and medical observation, epidemic monitoring and emergency response measures.

                              Experts suggest that the event of fever, cough and other symptoms of acute respiratory infections, especially high fever, breathing difficulties, you should seek immediate medical attention.

                              Maintaining wash their hands, cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing and other personal hygiene habits, can effectively prevent the transmission of influenza and other respiratory diseases. Should also avoid contact and consumption of poultry, livestock died.

                              Shu Yuelong the same time, found that patients with respiratory symptoms should prompt the doctor whether there is a history of poultry contact:

                              Shu Yuelong: ??we want a high degree of vigilance, pneumonia and respiratory symptoms should promptly inform the doctor if there is a history of animal contact, because the overwhelming majority of emerging infectious diseases of animal origin, let the doctor vigilance good for everyone.??

                              National Health and Family Planning Commission said that will continue to pay close attention to the epidemic progress, based on the epidemic situation and take timely and effective measures, the effective protection of public health. And cases have been timely notification to the World Health Organization, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions and countries concerned.

                              Edit: Jia Ru


                              • #45
                                Re: China - Three confirmed cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza - Two fatalities

                                will we see serology of the 88 contacts ?
                                I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                                my current links: ILI-charts:

