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China, Guizhou Province: Male 29 confirmed H5N1

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  • #31
    Re: China, Guizhou Province: Male 29 confirmed H5N1

    Guiyang has not detected the unexplained pneumonia <table bgcolor="#84b7d2" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="560"><tbody><tr><td height="1">
    </td></tr></tbody></table><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="560"><tbody><tr><td class="grayzy" align="right" height="22" width="351">
    ( 2009-02-01 09:42:59)
    (2009-02-01 09:42:59) </td><td align="right" height="22" width="209">
    Article Source:金黔在线- Guizhou Daily </td></tr></tbody></table><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="560"><tbody><tr><td height="8">
    </td></tr></tbody></table><table class="txt" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="560"><tbody><tr><td class="txt" height="304" valign="top">
    贵州商报讯(张发扬吴玉霞) 目前,贵阳市确诊的人禽流感病例周某病情稳定,精神状况较为良好。

    Guizhou Daily Newsletter (Zhang Yu-Xia Wu forward) At present, Guiyang City confirmed human avian influenza cases in stable condition Zhou, relatively good mental condition.
    在省和贵阳市相关部门的共同努力下,该市防控工作取得重大进展,贵阳市各级医疗机构对12月1日以来30多 万病例进行搜索,除周某外无不明原因肺炎病例报告。

    Guiyang City in the province and the joint efforts of relevant departments, the city has made significant progress in the prevention and control work, at all levels of medical institutions of Guiyang City on December 1 million more than 30 cases since the search, with the exception of Zhou with no report of cases of pneumonia of unknown causes .
    Chinese New Year's Eve confirmed the "avian flu"

    January 24, Guiyang City, found a case of human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza suspected cases.

    Patients Zhou, M, 30 years old, Guiyang City.

    January 15 in patients with fever on January 16 hospitalized.

    After no significant symptomatic improvement after treatment, the initial diagnosis of "pneumonia cases of unknown causes."
    1月23日,贵州省疾病预防控制中心采集患者呼吸道分泌物标本进行实验室检测,检测结果为禽流感病毒H5N 1核酸阳性。

    January 23, Guizhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention collected specimens of respiratory secretions of patients with laboratory analysis, results for the H5N1 avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive.
    1月25日(农历大年三十),中国疾病预防控制中心对患者样本进行复核检测,结果为禽流感病毒H5N1核酸 阳性。

    January 25 (Lunar New Year's Eve), China Center for Disease Control and Prevention review of patient samples for testing, the results for the H5N1 avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive.
    根据世界卫生组织人感染高致病性禽流感确诊病例定义和我国诊断标准,卫生部人禽流感防控专家组判定该病例为 人感染高致病性禽流感确诊病例。

    According to World Health Organization of human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza confirmed case definition and diagnostic criteria in our country, the Ministry of Health Expert Group on the prevention and control of human avian influenza cases to determine the human infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza confirmed cases.
    QI efforts of the provincial capital from top to bottom active prevention and control of the "avian flu"
    贵阳市政府应急办副主任王家义介绍,事件发生后,贵阳市委、市政府高度重视,省委常委、市委书记李军立即作 出批示,请相关负责同志亲自到第一线开展工作,有关信息立即上报。

    Guiyang Municipal Government Office, deputy director of emergency Wang Yi, introduced after the incident, Guiyang municipal government attached great importance to the Standing Committee of the provincial party committee, party secretary Li immediate instructions, please comrades personally responsible to the first line of work, the relevant information be immediately reported .

    And stressed that immediately is the "Spring Festival", the work to be more careful, especially to prevent the spread of infection, prevent social panic.
    贵阳市委副书记、市长袁周于1月24日、25日两次主持召开紧急会议,安排部署全市人禽流感防 控工作。

    Guiyang Municipal Committee, deputy secretary, mayor Yuan Zhou at January 24, 25, held an emergency meeting presided over twice to arrange the deployment of the city's human avian influenza prevention and control work.
    要求各相关部门和单位要密切配合,加强沟通,保持信息畅通,要根据《突发事件应对法》、《贵阳市突发公共事 件总体应急预案》要求,立即启动《贵阳市突发公共卫生事件应急预案》Ⅲ级响应,防止病源扩散和 蔓延。

    Requirements of the relevant departments and units should maintain close coordination, to strengthen communication and maintain the information flow, according to "method to deal with unexpected events", "Guiyang City general public emergency contingency plan" requirement, immediately implement the "public health emergencies in Guiyang contingency plans "Ⅲ-level response to prevent the proliferation and spread of the source of the disease.
    事件发生后,省和贵阳市卫生部门采取了必要的防控措施,立即开展全面、细致的流行病学调查,并对所有密切接 触者实行严密的医学观察。

    After the incident, the province and Guiyang City, the health sector to take the necessary prevention and control measures to immediately carry out a comprehensive, detailed epidemiological investigations, and all close contacts of the implementation of strict medical observation.
    根据医学观察要求,截止1月29日16时止,涉及本次疫情的密切接触者125人已全部解除医学观察,在观察 中均无发热、咳嗽、咽痛等异常表现。

    Medical observation in accordance with the requirements of the deadline at 16:00 on January 29 only, involving the epidemic of 125 close contacts have been the lifting of medical observation, the observation of no fever, cough, and abnormal pharyngodynia performance.

    The city's medical institutions at all levels on since December 1 log or out-patient medical admission cases to conduct searches.
    此 外,由省和贵阳市相关部门组成的联合检查组日前对贵阳市8公里范围内涉及云岩、南明、乌当区的禽类交易市场 卫生及消毒情况进行了督促检查,重点抽查了云岩 区阳关和南明区五里冲两个禽类批发市场及涉及三个区的云岩区的旭东路市场、红边门市场,南明区的新路口市场 、金宏市场,乌当区的新添市场、O83市场等六 个禽类交易市场,没有发现异常情况。

    In addition, the province and Guiyang city, composed of relevant departments of the Joint Inspection Unit recently in Guiyang City on the scope of 8 kilometers involving yunyan, Nanming, Wudang District of the poultry market of health and disinfection carried out supervision and inspection, sampling focused on the cloud Yang Guan and rock Nanming District Wulichong two poultry wholesale markets and involves three areas yunyan District Xudong Road market, red side door market, the new junction area Nanming market, Jin-Hong markets, Wudang District of New Tim market, O83 six poultry markets trading market, did not find anything unusual.
    8 hotline 24 hours a day
    记者了解到,为进一步加强人禽流感防控工作,贵阳市成立了人禽流感防控工作指挥部,在贵阳市疾控中心14楼 组建了市人禽流感防控工作指挥部办公室,实行24小时值班制度。

    This reporter learned that, in order to further strengthen avian influenza prevention and control work, Guiyang City, the establishment of a human bird flu prevention and control work in headquarters, in Guiyang City, 14th floor, CDC established the city of human avian influenza prevention and control work in the headquarters office, 24 hour system.
    同时设置应急值班(5667291、7987320、5971869、5977029、139843945 08)、疫情报告(5665490)、卫生监督举报(5667956)、咨询(5667466)等8门热线 电话。

    At the same time, set up emergency duty (5667291,7987320,5971869,5977029,13984394508), the epidemic report (5665490), health supervision reports (5,667,956), consulting (5,667,466), etc. 8 hotline.
    要求市应急办、市卫生局、市农业局等密切相关的部门24小时值班,对人禽流感防控工作实行日报告(零报告) 制度。

    Requirements of City Emergency Office, the Municipal Health Bureau, the Municipal Agricultural Bureau is closely related to the department 24 hours a day, of human bird flu prevention and control work in the implementation of its report (zero reporting) system.
    1 月26日(大年初一)一大早,贵阳市政府秘书长董兰杵到市政府应急办(市人禽流感防控工作临时指挥部)检查 指导工作,在听取了市政府应急办常务副主任魏燕 飞同志的工作汇报后,董兰杵秘书长就贵阳市人禽流感防控工作进行了安排部署.他要求各相关单位要严格按照市 委、市政府的统一安排部署,协同作战、落实防控 措施、及时报送相关信息。

    January 26 (Lunar New Year's Day) early in the morning, Guiyang city government Secretary-General to the municipal emergency DONG Lan Kitsuki do (the city of human avian influenza prevention and control work of the provisional command) inspect and guide the work, and after listening to the municipal government to do emergency executive Wei, deputy director of the work of Comrade Yanfei report, DONG Lan Kitsuki Guiyang City, the Secretary-General on bird flu prevention and control work arrangements. He called on all relevant units should be in strict accordance with the municipal government to deploy the unified arrangements, work together to implement the anti - control measures and timely submit the relevant information.
    Patients a marked improvement
    1月31日上午,贵阳市委副书记、袁周市长到云岩区旭东路农贸市场检查工作,并对有关工作提出要 求。

    The morning of January 31, Guiyang Municipal Committee, deputy secretary of the mayor to yunyan Yuan Zhou Xudong Road District farmers market inspection work, and the work request.
    一是各有关部门要继续加大工作力度,做好防控工作;二是对市场能否开市营业问题要由人禽流感防控工作指挥部 办公室商请有关专家认真评估,方便市民生活;三是云岩区人民政府要继续做好后续相关工作。

    First, the departments concerned should continue to intensify our work, do a good job in the prevention and control work; The second is whether the opening of business on the market by the issue of human avian influenza prevention and control work in the headquarters office to invite the experts careful assessment of the convenience of the public life; Third, yunyan District People's Government to continue to do follow-up relevant work.
    1月31日上午,贵阳市应急办接省人民医院病情通告:患者周某病情稳定,除诉牙痛外,无其他不适,精神状况 较为良好, 24小时内体温正常,无明显咳嗽,全肺未闻干、湿啰音,心律正常,1月31日CT检查双肺病灶 明显吸收。

    The morning of January 31, Guiyang City, the emergency operators received a notice condition Provincial People's Hospital: Zhou patients in stable condition, with the exception of v. toothache, no other discomfort, relatively good mental condition, within 24 hours the body temperature normal, no significant cough, whole lung not aware that dry and wet啰音, cardiac normal, January 31 CT lung lesions apparent absorption check.
    Replaced by semi-liquid diet & P Fresh.
    27, 28 stool specimens collected no culture and fungal pathogens.
    Conclusion: The "lung infection after treatment a marked improvement over the previous."
    Medical institutions to search the city has not detected the cases of unexplained pneumonia

    At present, Guiyang city's medical institutions have been completed unexplained pneumonia initiative search.
    共有239家医疗机构开展此项工作,对12月1日以来医疗门诊日志或出入院登记病例进行搜索,共核查370 626例病例,除周某外无不明原因肺炎病例报告、无不明原因肺炎死亡病例报告。

    A total of 239 medical institutions to carry out this work, since December 1 log or out-patient medical admission cases to search, a total of 370,626 cases of verification cases, with the exception of Zhou pneumonia of unknown causes with no reported cases of pneumonia of unknown causes no deaths report.
    截止1月30日16:00,贵阳全市有215家医疗机构进行日报告(零报告)制度,就诊人数为6157例, 无不明原因肺炎病例、不明原因肺炎死亡病例报告。

    Cut-off at 16:00 on January 30, Guiyang city there are 215 medical institutions report (zero reporting) system, the number of 6157 cases of treatment, no cases of pneumonia of unknown causes, died of unknown causes pneumonia cases have been reported.
    To at 12 o'clock on January 31, the city no inter-infected poultry of highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak.



    • #32
      Re: China, Guizhou Province: Male 29 confirmed H5N1

      Yesterday (February 2), Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital held a news conference announced that, after 18 days of careful treatment, Guiyang City confirmed one cases of human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza is no longer infectious patients are now entering the recovery treatment and observations, is expected today will be transferred to general wards.
      呼吸内科主任医师张湘燕医生告诉记者,这次能成功救治这名禽流感患者,对临床医学来说有着重要意义,对今后 禽流感管理、防控和监测都有新的启示。

      Department of Respiratory Medicine Chief Physician Dr. Zhang Xiangyan told reporters that the successful treatment of the avian flu patients, to clinical medicine of great significance for the future management of avian influenza, prevention and control and monitoring of all the new revelation.

      It is reported that Zhou patients with chills, fever treatment, has a history of exposure to poultry.

      于1月15日到省医就诊并收治入院,由于长时间持续41度高烧不退,医院高度重视,将患者收入感染科隔离病 房后,迅即组织会诊,制定诊疗方案,对患者及其排泄物等实施严格消毒隔离。

      On January 15 to the provincial medical treatment and hospital admission, as a result of prolonged high fever of 41 degrees not to reclaim, the hospital attaches great importance to patients with incomes Branch infection isolation wards immediately after the Organization of consultation, the development of treatment programs for patients and their excreta such as strict disinfection and isolation.
      1月19日患者出现咳嗽、咳粉红色痰、气促、端坐呼吸、面色发绀等成人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)表现,X 线胸片和CT提示肺部炎症进展迅速,从左下肺炎症漫延为双肺大面积炎症。

      January 19 in patients with cough, cough pink sputum, shortness of breath, sit up straight breathing, cyanosis, such as looking for adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) performance, X-ray and CT prompted the rapid progress of lung inflammation, from the lower left pneumonia disease spread a large area of inflammation for the lungs.
      几天来,在规范使用抗生素对其进行治疗,均不见任何好转,专家再次会诊一致认为该病例为?不明原因肺炎?, 立即向贵阳市南明区疾病预防控制中心报告,同时网报。

      The past few days, in standardizing the use of antibiotics in their treatment, are not any better, the experts agreed that the re-consultation cases as "pneumonia of unknown causes", immediately to the Guiyang City Nanming District Center for Disease Control and Prevention report, at the same time network reported.
      <table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>

      January 22, due to critical condition, the hospital decided to turn to ICU patients with negative pressure isolation wards for treatment of ventilator support.
      1月23日贵州省疾病预防控制中心再次呼吸道深部采样,报告高度疑似人感染高致病性禽流感A(H 5N1)。

      January 23 Guizhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention re-sampling the deep respiratory tract, the report of human infection with highly suspected highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1).
      医院即成立由院主要领导任组长的领导小组和专家组成的医疗救治组、特别护理组和院感控制组等,展开积极救治 。

      Hospital that is set up mainly by the hospital leadership headed leadership group and expert group composed of medical treatment, special care group and hospital group, such as a sense of control, active treatment.
      1月24日卫生部人禽流感医学专家抵筑,立即会诊患者病情,诊断?人感染高致病性禽流感A(H5N1),重 症肺炎,心肌损害?。

      January 24 Ministry of Health bird flu medical experts who arrived to build an immediate consultation patients, the diagnosis "of human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1), severe pneumonia, myocardial damage."
      Fully affirmed the hospital the patient's pre-processing.
      在卫生部医学专家的指导下,医院每日上午9时30多名各相关科室的医生开始会诊,根据病情调整治疗方案,经 过全体医护人员全力以赴、夜以继日的全力救治,目前患者脱离危险,进入恢复期。

      The Ministry of Health, under the guidance of medical experts, hospital daily 9:30 over the relevant sections of the doctors began to consultation, in accordance with adjustment of treatment condition, after all the medical and nursing staff work hard all day and night treatment, the current patients out of danger, to enter the recovery phase.
      在整个春节期间,参加救治的全体医护人员,在医院领导小组的领导下、在卫生部专家组的指导下,放弃与家人团 聚的传统习俗,全身心地投入该例患者的抢救工作,精心救治,挽救了患者的生命。

      Throughout the Spring Festival period, to participate in medical treatment of all health care workers in hospitals leading group under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, under the guidance of the expert group, to reunite with their families to give up traditional practices, to fully participate in the patients with the rescue work, carefully treat to save the patient's life.
      2月1日省卫生厅组织省级人禽流感防治专家会诊患者病情,认为目前患者临床症状治愈,脱离危险,已无传染性 ,现进入恢复期治疗和观察。

      February 1 Ministry of Health provincial organizations to combat human avian influenza expert consultation patients and found that clinical symptoms in patients with cured and out of danger, is no longer contagious, is now entering the recovery period for treatment and observation.
      省医院长孙兆林院长说,从此次救治的经验来看,禽流感要治愈关键在于早发现、早诊断、早治疗,同时也需要医 疗硬件条件好。

      Provincial hospital, said Dean Chang Zhao-Lin Sun, from the treatment experience, the avian flu to cure lies in early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment, but also in need of medical hardware conditions.
      (Yu-Xia Wu)


      • #33
        Re: China, Guizhou Province: Male 29 confirmed H5N1

        hat tip a friend of FT -

        Bird flu patient discharged from hospital
        Updated: 2009-02-06 22:16

        GUIYANG -- A 29-year-old man who contracted bird flu last month in southwest China's Guizhou Province has recovered and was released from the hospital Friday after 22 days of treatment.

        <TABLE style="BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(255,255,255) 0px; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(255,255,255) 0px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255); WIDTH: 80px; HEIGHT: 20px; BORDER-TOP: rgb(255,255,255) 0px; BORDER-RIGHT: rgb(255,255,255) 0px" border=0 cellSpacing=2 borderColorLight=#ffffff borderColorDark=#ffffff cellPadding=1 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255); MIN-HEIGHT: 16px" vAlign=center align=middle><CENTER> </CENTER>
        The bird flu patient surnamed Zhou poses for photograph with hospital staff before leaving the isolation ward at Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital in Guiyang, the provincial capital of southwest China's Guizhou, Feb. 3, 2009. The 29-year-old man has recovered and was released from the hospital Friday after 22 days of treatment. [Xinhua]

        </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>The patient, surnamed Zhou, no longer exhibits any symptoms and has remained in stable condition for a couple of days, said Sun Zhaolin, head of the hospital where Zhou was treated.

        Zhou was hospitalized for fever on January 15. Before that, he purchased and killed a duck from a farm product market. He began to show symptoms of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) including coughing, phlegm and skin discoloration. X-rays and CT scans showed he suffered rapid development of pneumonia.

        The hospital started emergency treatment and quarantined the patient before he tested positive for the H5N1 strain of avian influenza on January 25.

        "The disease can be prevented and cured if it is discovered at an early stage," said Gao Zhancheng, a senior doctor of Beijing sent by the Ministry of Health to treat Zhou.
        China reported eight bird flu cases this year that resulted in five deaths. The eight cases included a 19-year-old woman in Beijing on January 5, a 27-year-old woman in Shandong on January 17, a 16-year-old male student from Guizhou Province on January 19, a 31-year-old woman in Xinjiang on January 23 and an 18-year-old man in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on January 26.

        In addition to Zhou, a 3-year-old girl from Shanxi Province was discharged from hospital Tuesday and a 21-year-old woman in Hunan Province was in a stable condition. is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. The Website has channels as China, BizChina, World, Opinion, Sports/Olympics, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Culture, Citylife, Photo, Forum and Weather.
        Last edited by AlaskaDenise; February 24, 2009, 02:46 AM. Reason: remove photo


        • #34
          Re: China, Guizhou Province: Male 29 confirmed H5N1

          "The disease can be prevented and cured if it is discovered at an early stage,"

          It would be nice to know what the treatment is that they are using to "prevent and cure".


          • #35
            Re: China, Guizhou Province: Male 29 confirmed H5N1

            Originally posted by Florida1 View Post
            "The disease can be prevented and cured if it is discovered at an early stage,"

            It would be nice to know what the treatment is that they are using to "prevent and cure".

            Yes. It should be of public interest. In the past, Chinese researches sent to Medical Reviews some accounts of treatment regimen of patients with bird flu.

            The regimens varied according years, regions but were very composite: oseltamivir, amantadine, ribavirin, immune serum, and obviously an intensive resuscitation manouvres .


            • #36
              Re: China, Guizhou Province: Male 29 confirmed H5N1

              "...According to the provincial medical one person in charge at the January 15 this year, Zhou to chills, fever came to the hospital.
              Upon inquiry, Zhou has a history of exposure to poultry.
              医院高度重视,随即将其收入感染科隔离病房,迅速组织会诊,制定诊疗方案,对患者及其排泄物等实施严格消毒 隔离。

              Attaches great importance to hospital, then its revenue infection isolation wards Branch, rapid organizational consultation, the development of treatment programs for patients and their excreta, such as the implementation of strict disinfection and isolation.
              1月19日,患者出现了咳嗽、咳粉红色痰、气促、面色发绀等成人呼吸窘迫综合症表现,X线胸片和CT提示肺 部炎症进展迅速,从左下肺炎症蔓延为双肺大面积炎症。

              January 19, the patient had cough, cough pink sputum, shortness of breath, pale cyanosis adult respiratory distress syndrome, such as performance, X-ray and CT prompted the rapid progress of lung inflammation, pneumonia disease spread from the lower left for the big lungs area of inflammation.
              1月23日,省疾病预防控制中心对患者进行呼吸道深部采样,报告为高度疑似人感染高致病性禽流感A(H5N 1)。

              January 23, the provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the respiratory tract in patients with deep sampling, reports of human infection with highly suspected highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1).
              随后,医院迅速成立了由院主要领导任组长的领导小组和有关专家组成的医疗救治组、特别护理组和院感控制组等 ,对该患者展开积极救治。

              Subsequently, the hospital quickly set up mainly by the hospital leadership headed Leaders Group and the relevant experts, composed of medical treatment, special care group and hospital, such as a sense of control group, the patients with active treatment.
              1月24日,卫生部人禽流感医学专家抵达贵阳,立即会诊患者病情,诊断为“人感染高致病性禽流感A(H5N 1),重症肺炎,心肌损害”。

              January 24, the Ministry of Health human avian influenza medical experts arrived in Guiyang, the immediate consultation patients, diagnosed as "human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1), severe pneumonia, myocardial damage."
              精心救治后,2月1日,省卫生厅组织省级人禽流感防治专家会诊该患者病情,认为目前患者临床症状已治愈,脱 离了危险,已无传染性,进入了恢复期治疗和观察。

              After careful hospital treatment after the February 1, provincial organizations, provincial Health Department to combat human avian influenza expert consultation of the patients that present clinical symptoms have been cured, out of danger, is no longer infectious, has entered a recovery phase for treatment and observation.

              February 3, patients from the ICU into the negative pressure respiratory isolation rooms in general wards.

              After three days of observation after treatment, the patient eventually recovered and were discharged yesterday. ..."

