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Costa Rica - Preliminary results rule out an unknown case of influenza in the country (MOH, February 05, 2024)

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  • Costa Rica - Preliminary results rule out an unknown case of influenza in the country (MOH, February 05, 2024)

    Translation Google

    Health authorities monitor case of influenza A, of course unknown subtype
    • Patient sample was sent to the CDC Reference Laboratory (United States) to confirm the result.
    • Viruses are detected as part of routine epidemiological surveillance.
    Thursday, February 1, 2024. Authorities from the Ministry of Health and the Costa Rican Social Security Fund alerted this morning about a suspicious case with a new subtype of the Influenza A virus, which until now had not been identified in humans.

    The warning is issued as part of the surveillance process that must be implemented in any country if the presence of a new subtype of influenza virus is suspected, with the aim of generating actions aimed at prevention.

    In this regard, the Ministry of Health points out that variants of this type of Influenza A Virus have been detected over several years, without generating any major problems because there has been no effective transmission between one person and another.

    We are currently awaiting confirmation or ruling out from the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the outcome of this suspected case.


    The Ministry of Health is emphatic in reinforcing the measures that have already proven to be widely effective in preventing this type of virus and others that circulate in the country such as:
    • Wash your hands with soap and water or use alcohol solutions for hand hygiene.
    • Sneeze or cough into your forearm.
    • If you have cold symptoms, it is recommended to use a mask if you go to closed public places or if you visit a health center.
    • If you leave the country, do not visit farms or have contact with sick farm animals and check that your vaccination schedule is up to date.
    • Be attentive to new information that Health authorities may generate through official pages and media.

    El Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica en su rol de Rector de Salud coloca a disposición de la población nacional e internacional la información referente a los temas que se refieren a la salud del país.


    Preliminary results rule out an unknown case of influenza in the country.

    Monday, February 5, 2024. After receiving a report on a possible case of a new type of Influenza A virus, the Ministry of Health shares the results of the research carried out by the Incense Genomics Laboratory. The conclusion of the investigation confirms that it is a seasonal human Influenza A(H3N2) virus, that is, a type of common flu that is already known in the country.Principle of the form

    End of form

    Despite this, the Ministry of Health is still awaiting the result provided by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on this suspicious case.

    Within the framework of the measures implemented, during the course of this weekend, contacts were made by the teams of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund and the Ministry of Health with the passengers who were on board the related flights. with the suspected case, as well as with family members who showed symptoms. The purpose of these actions was to rule out the presence of possible secondary cases. To date, it is important to highlight that no new cases have been recorded.

    Furthermore, as part of our obligation with the International Health Regulations, this result has been communicated to the national health authorities of the USA and to the IHR office of PAHO/WHO.

    El Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica en su rol de Rector de Salud coloca a disposición de la población nacional e internacional la información referente a los temas que se refieren a la salud del país.
