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Canada: 2022 - 2023 Mpox

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  • Experts concerned about possible further spread of monkeypox in Canada as U.S., WHO declare emergencies

    Glen McGregor
    CTV National News Senior Political Correspondent

    Michael Lee Writer

    Updated Aug. 6, 2022 6:18 a.m. CST
    Published Aug. 6, 2022 6:00 a.m. CST

    Monkeypox infections continue to rise in Canada as the U.S. and the WHO declare the outbreak an emergency, leaving some experts concerned about the risk of further outbreaks.

    There have been fewer than 1,000 confirmed cases in Canada since May, as of Friday. But on a per capita basis, the number of monkeypox cases in total in Canada has surpassed the United States.

    On July 27, Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam encouraged those at highest risk from monkeypox to get vaccinated, saying an "urgent" response is needed to address the outbreak.

    But even though monkeypox has spread primarily among men who have sex with men, Dr. Donald Vinh, an infectious disease specialist at McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, tells CTV National News that there is a strong chance the infection could spread outside of that community.

    "I'm not saying that we have to panic. I think we just need to be prepared that there's a possibility that this virus could spread to the larger general public, and so we shouldn't be surprised of that possibility," he said.
    And while the smallpox vaccine does protect against monkeypox, questions remain over whether those who were inoculated decades ago will still be protected from the disease today.

    "And so this is something else that we need to learn, and learn pretty quickly," Vinh said.


    • Monkeypox: Outbreak update


      Current situation


      The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is working with provincial and territorial public health partners to investigate cases of monkeypox in Canada. As the investigation evolves, it is anticipated that additional cases will be reported in Canada. Provinces and territories have publicly reported 957 cases of monkeypox as of August 5, 2022 at 1:00 pm EDT.

      Jurisdictions in Canada with confirmed cases

      Province or Territory Confirmed cases

      Yukon 2
      British Columbia 81
      Alberta 16
      Saskatchewan 2
      Ontario 449
      Quebec 407
      Total 957
      PHAC is continuing to collect and analyze epidemiological information reported by the provinces and territories to help define the national scope of the investigation and to determine if there are any increased health risks to people in Canada. Going forward, case numbers may change as provinces and territories continue to receive confirmatory testing results from PHAC's National Microbiology Laboratory. On an ongoing basis, provinces and territories are reviewing case data in their jurisdictions and those that meet the case definition will be reported to PHAC to be included in the national investigation.

      This webpage will be updated with the latest case numbers each week.


      • Source:


        The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is working with provincial and territorial public health partners to investigate cases of monkeypox in Canada. As the investigation evolves, it is anticipated that additional cases will be reported in Canada. Provinces and territories have publicly reported 1008 cases of monkeypox as of August 10, 2022 at 1:00 pm EDT.
        Yukon 2
        British Columbia 85
        Alberta 16
        Saskatchewan 2
        Ontario 478
        Quebec 425
        Total 1008
        PHAC is continuing to collect and analyze epidemiological information reported by the provinces and territories to help define the national scope of the investigation and to determine if there are any increased health risks to people in Canada. Going forward, case numbers may change as provinces and territories continue to receive confirmatory testing results from PHAC's National Microbiology Laboratory. On an ongoing basis, provinces and territories are reviewing case data in their jurisdictions and those that meet the case definition will be reported to PHAC to be included in the national investigation.

        This webpage will be updated with the latest case numbers each week.


        • Translation Google

          Monkey pox: more infections in Ontario than in Quebec

          QMI Agency| Published on August 12, 2022 at 1:33 PM

          Ontario has overtaken Quebec in the number of total monkeypox infections, a first since the virus arrived in Canada in May.

          Of the 1,059 cases reported across the country as of Thursday, 511 have been listed in Ontario, while Quebec has recorded 426.

          In the first months and until very recently, the majority of confirmed cases in the country were in Quebec, more specifically in the Montreal region.

          Previously concentrated in Montreal and Toronto, cases are on the rise in the Vancouver area. British Columbia is on track to surpass 100 cases.

          According to Dr. Theresa Tam, chief administrator of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), it is too early to know if the number of cases has already started to plateau, even if the pace of the spread has slightly increased. slow motion.

          Since 99% of people with the virus in Canada are men who have had sex with men, provinces such as Quebec and Ontario have changed their strategy to focus vaccination efforts on populations at higher risk.

          Three vaccination sites are present on the territory of Montreal, including one in the Village which offers vaccines without an appointment.

          At the end of July, Ottawa granted $150,000 to the RÉZO organization to carry out awareness and prevention activities in the neighbourhood.

          By now, the disease has spread to more than 70 countries, with nearly 35,000 confirmed cases worldwide, according to the Our World in Data portal, owned by the University of Oxford.


          Monkeypox: Outbreak update

          Current situation


          The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is working with provincial and territorial public health partners to investigate cases of monkeypox in Canada. As the investigation evolves, it's anticipated that additional cases will be reported in Canada. Provinces and territories have publicly reported 1059 cases of monkeypox as of August 12, 2022 at 11:30 am EDT.
          Yukon 2
          British Columbia 98
          Alberta 19
          Saskatchewan 3
          Ontario 511
          Quebec 426
          Total 1059
          Refer to the full monkeypox epidemiology update.

          PHAC is continuing to collect and analyze epidemiological information reported by the provinces and territories to help define the national scope of the investigation and to determine if there are any increased health risks to people in Canada. Going forward, case numbers may change as provinces and territories continue to receive confirmatory testing results from PHAC's National Microbiology Laboratory. On an ongoing basis, provinces and territories are reviewing case data in their jurisdictions and those that meet the case definition will be reported to PHAC to be included in the national investigation.

          This webpage will be updated with the latest case numbers each week.

          Links to monkeypox (orthopoxvirus simian) information for Canadians including current situation, latest announcements, about the virus, your health and information for health professionals.


          • News Release


            Confirmed monkeypox case in New Brunswick

            12 August 2022

            FREDERICTON (GNB) – Public Health has been made aware of a confirmed case of monkeypox in New Brunswick.

            The individual is currently in isolation and is being monitored. This individual had not recently traveled outside of the province. Public Health contact tracers are working to determine the source of the infection and identify and notify close contacts of the individual.

            “New Brunswickers should know that monkeypox virus spreads by close contact with infected humans or animals and does not spread like COVID-19”, said Dr. Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health. “The general public is not at a similar level of risk but should still be aware of how to reduce their personal risk.”

            Public Health is notified of any presumptive Monkeypox cases and will follow up in accordance with public health guidelines for case and contact management. Cases are then confirmed by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg.

            Public Health will report any future confirmed cases through the website. For more information, visit:

            The province is working closely with the Public Health Agency of Canada and associated partners to ensure that additional vaccines will be available. Based on the available supply, the department’s current strategy is to offer the vaccine to close contacts of a case.

            Public Health Canada is reporting that: In line with international trends, the majority of cases in Canada are men who reported intimate sexual contact with other men. However, it's important to stress that the risk of exposure to the monkeypox virus is not exclusive to any group or setting.

            Having multiple sexual partners may increase your overall risk of infection.



            • We asked African experts for their advice to Canada on monkeypox. Here’s what they said

              By May Warren Staff Reporter
              Mon., Aug. 15, 2022

              When Yap Boum saw the first headlines this year about an outbreak of a strange disease in several countries, instead of surprise, he felt a sense of déjà vu.

              Not only had he heard of monkeypox — it had long been endemic in West Africa, including Cameroon, where he’s based — the attention being paid to it was following a familiar pattern to what he’d seen during his work on Ebola. That was: generally ignored until cases appeared in the U.S. and Europe.

              “If you see the house of your neighbour burning, don’t close your window, go and help him; because if you don’t, it will come to you at some point,” Boum, an epidemiologist with Epicentre, the research arm of Doctors Without Borders, told the Star from Yaoundé, Cameroon’s capital.

              ... For experts in West and Central Africa, regions where the disease is endemic in about a dozen countries, it’s a familiar, yet deeply frustrating story.

              They warned for years about the threat, pushed for more research funding to address the outstanding questions around the disease, and are now watching the West get access to vaccine while they continue to grapple with infections.

              These researchers have insight into how best to keep outbreaks under control, and to prevent the next big health threat. Now, finally, the world is paying attention.

              ... In 2017, an 11-year-old boy was the first suspected case in that country in almost 40 years. Nigerian scientists wrote in an article that was published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases in 2019, describing how more cases, mostly among young adults, were quickly confirmed in multiple states. The disease was also spreading person-to-person in cities, whereas in the past outbreaks had been more in rural areas.

              ... It’s still hard to answer many of the big questions on monkeypox, because it was so neglected before the West took notice, Boum said. For example, experts don’t believe it’s historically been sexually transmitted, but Boum said hearing about the recent cases in gay men made scientists want to go back and look at this question again.

              “The challenge is that there has not been any funding for that,” he said, from western governments or from aid agencies. “If we had done so, we would be better equipped to respond to what’s happening in the West today.”

              ... There isn’t monkeypox vaccine available anywhere in Africa ...


              • As of August 17, 2022 there are 1,112 cases:


                • 1,168 cases in 7 provinces (Aug. 19, 2022 update):


                  • Source:

                    Manitoba confirms first case of monkeypox
                    Danton Unger
           Editorial Producer
                    Updated Aug. 19, 2022 3:59 p.m. EDT
                    Published Aug. 19, 2022 12:20 p.m. EDT

                    Manitoba has confirmed its first case of monkeypox, saying a public health investigation is ongoing.

                    The province said it won't release information on the confirmed case, including the person's region of residence, gender and age to protect their identity.

                    "We can appreciate that many people will have questions about this case. However we need to balance that with our responsibility to protect the identity of this person," said Dr. Jazz Atwal, deputy chief provincial public health officer.

                    Public health officials confirmed an investigation is ongoing, which includes contact tracing. However, officials said the investigation indicates the virus was likely picked up outside of the province. Atwal would not say if public health believes the case was acquired outside of Canada...


                    • Media Bulletin - Manitoba

                      August 19, 2022


                      Manitoba Health is advising of the first confirmed case of monkeypox in the province. Due to the risk of identifying the individual, information about their region of residence, gender and age will not be released. Public health officials will provide notification to close contacts, and to specific locations if the risk to others is considered high and contacts may be unknown. A public health investigation, including contact tracing, is ongoing but indicates acquisition likely occurred outside of the province.

                      Anyone can become infected with monkeypox. However, in Canada and around the world, at this time infections have been primarily reported among people who self-identify as belonging to the gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) community. These individuals are eligible for a preventative vaccination if they also meet at least one of these criteria:
                      • have received a diagnosis of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and or syphilis in the past two months;
                      • have had two or more sexual partners in the last 21 days;
                      • have attended locations for sexual contact (e.g. bath houses or sex clubs) or are planning to;
                      • have had anonymous sex in the past 21 days or are planning to; or
                      • engage in sex work or plan to, either as a worker or a client.

                      As of Aug. 14, 168 doses of the vaccine have been administered to eligible people in Manitoba. This information will be updated online on Tuesdays, based on information entered in the provincial immunization registry. The registry is routinely updated by health-care providers, but is not intended to provide real-time data.

                      Walk-in vaccinations will be available to eligible people in Winnipeg at 490 Hargrave St. on Aug. 23, 24 and 25 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

                      Appointments are available in communities across the province. Preventive immunization for eligible people can be booked using the online booking tool at People who do not have internet access can call Health Links-Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or (toll-free) at 1-888-315-9257 for assistance booking appointments.

                      Public health will also be reaching out to eligible populations to support immunization efforts. If appointments in the online system are not easily accessible, individuals can also contact their local public health office to discuss other options.

                      Individuals who are a close contact to someone with monkeypox continue to be eligible for post-exposure vaccination and should contact their local public health office to make an appointment.

                      People who need additional information about monkeypox or immunizations can contact their local public health office, their health-care provider or Health Links-Info Santé.

                      More information is also available at


                      • Source:

                        Monkeypox Case Confirmed in Nova Scotia

                        Health and Wellness
                        August 23, 2022 - 2:53 PM

                        Nova Scotia has its first confirmed case of monkeypox in a resident in the province.
                        The person got the illness while travelling outside the province. Symptoms appeared after the person’s return to Nova Scotia. Public Health has been following this case closely and has identified only one low-risk contact.
                        “Monkeypox cases have been reported in other Canadian jurisdictions, but the risk of exposure remains low,” said Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health. “Nova Scotia is working closely with the Public Health Agency of Canada to monitor the situation here and across the country.”
                        Monkeypox is spread through very close, intimate person-to-person contact, and so far, has been reported mostly among men who identify as gay or bisexual, or men who have sex with men.
                        The Province is currently reserving its very small allotment of 160 doses of vaccine for those at the highest risk of infection, such as those who are deemed close contacts of someone with monkeypox.
                        The Province is working with the federal government to quickly increase Nova Scotia’s supply of the monkeypox vaccine, Imvamune. The Province has also been working closely with groups including Sexual Health Nova Scotia, prideHealth and the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia as it moves to establish a pre-exposure vaccination program targeted to high-risk groups.
                        More information about monkeypox, including how it spreads and what symptoms to look for, can be found at:


                        • Translation Google

                          First cases of monkeypox confirmed in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean

                          John Houle | VAT News| Published on August 23, 2022 at 6:45 PM

                          Public Health confirmed its first cases at the very end of the afternoon. The authorities want to be reassuring despite everything.

                          The Public Health Department of Saguenay−Lac-Saint-Jean confirms less than 5 cases, specifying that the risks of transmission in the community are low.

                          The regional health administration refuses to comment publicly on the situation, but was reassuring in an email.

                          “Monkey pox is contracted by prolonged and close contact with an infectious person,” writes the Regional Director of Public Health, Dr. Donald Aubin. “Its contagiousness is therefore considered limited compared to other viruses, such as influenza or COVID-19.”

                          The main symptoms are skin lesions that can appear in different places on the body, as well as on the genitals. Also watch for fever, night sweats, headaches, swollen glands, and joint or muscle pain.

                          Since June 16, 122 doses of the monkeypox vaccine have been administered to people aged 18 and over in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean.


                          • 1,206 cases in 9 provinces/territories (Aug. 24, 2022 update):


                            • Translation Google

                              The spread of simian pox in Quebec “is not surprising”

                              VAT News| Published on August 24, 2022 at 7:17 PM

                              The spread of simian pox in Quebec was predictable according to a doctor.

                              “It is not surprising (…) As long as vaccination is not accessible everywhere in Canada, it is certain that it will remain problematic because people travel,” says Doctor Réjean Thomas, founding president of the Current medical clinic.

                              Even if the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region has discovered its first cases, the situation in Montreal seems to be stabilizing with the arrival of vaccination in the last few weeks.

                              “We saw in Montreal a great improvement after the awareness campaign, but we are wondering more and more how effective the vaccine will be. The COVID-19 vaccine comes in five doses, normally the monkeypox vaccine has two doses,” says Dr. Thomas.

                              Vaccination is a very useful way to combat the spread of this disease, which can be serious.

                              "Yes, it's a mild disease because there are no fatalities, but people are sick with big ulcers and are in pain for two to four weeks," he says.

                              Watch the full interview in the video above.



                              • 1,228 cases in 9 provinces/territories (Aug. 26, 2022 update):

