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Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on 2nd Turkey Farm

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  • Re: Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on Turkey Farm

    06/02/2009 00:45:41
    Canada-Bird flu hits more farms.

    <TABLE style="MARGIN-TOP: 12px; PADDING-TOP: 12px" border=0 width="100%" align=center><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    More farms have been added to the quarantined farm list in Canada as a precaution in light of the recent avian bird flu scare. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is continuing its investigation as to whether the disease has spread. The have issued a report about their containment efforts.

    Last week 60,000 turkeys on one farm were put to death after it was determined they were infected with the bird flu. At this point, authorities have said that the flu was contained to the one farm.

    ? ? In-barn composting is underway in two barns in British Columbia where H5 avian influenza was detected late last week. Temperatures are being monitored inside the compost piles to ensure the virus is effectively inactivated. These procedures are consistent with provincial environmental regulations and internationally accepted disease control guidelines.

    ? ? The CFIA is conducting various surveillance activities to determine if the virus has spread. These activities include testing of commercial flocks within a three-kilometre radius of the infected premises and those premises identified as being linked with the infected premises.

    ? ? To date, 36 premises have been quarantined through the investigation.

    ? ? Seven more quarantines have been applied to premises outside the three-kilometre radius and to two additional premises within the three-kilometre radius. These premises have been identified as a result of the assessment of the movement of people, products and equipment through the investigation. Investigations and surveillance activities are continuing and as new information becomes available, this number may change.

    ? ? Thus far, all flocks under surveillance, have tested negative for avian influenza. Monitoring and testing continue on all premises that have been declared infected places.

    ? ? Earlier this week, approximately 60,000 birds were humanely destroyed on the affected premises. Federal and provincial animal welfare experts, along with a representative from the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (BC SPCA), were on hand to oversee the destruction process.

    ? ? Prior to moving poultry or poultry products off the quarantined farms, samples must be tested, confirmed negative and licensed by the CFIA before transportation to market.

    ? ? People are rarely affected by avian influenza, except in a limited number of cases when individuals were in close contact with infected birds. Nevertheless, public health authorities have taken precautionary measures as warranted.

    ? ? Poultry owners in the area are encouraged to take an active role in protecting their flocks by immediately reporting any signs of illness that could be consistent with avian influenza by calling (604) 227-1753.


    • Re: Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on Turkey Farm

      Hmmm, this is timely

      2009 Risk Communication seminar

      Alerting, Reassuring, Guiding:

      Three Risk Communication Toolkits

      for Environmental Health &Safety (EH&S) Professionals

      March 9 & 10, 2009

      Renaissance Vancouver Hotel Harbourside

      1133 West Hastings

      Vancouver, BC

      Speakers Peter M. Sandman, PhD

      Risk communication specialist,

      Princeton, New Jersey

      Jody Lanard, MD

      Risk communication specialist,

      Princeton, New Jersey


      About Dr. Peter M. Sandman | About Dr. Jody Lanard


      • Re: Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on Turkey Farm

        Bird flu found on second Western Canadian farm
        11 Feb 2009 22:59:56 GMT
        11 Feb 2009 22:59:56 GMT Source: Reuters

        VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb 11 (Reuters) - Avian influenza has been found on a second poultry farm in British Columbia, but it appears to be the same less-virulent strain as found on a farm last month, officials said on Wednesday.
        The virus was found on a farm within the 3 km (2 mile) quarantine and testing zone that was set up around a turkey farm in Abbotsford, where the disease was first detected, the Canada Food Inspection Agency said.
        The case poses little if any threat to human health, officials said.
        Initial testing indicated the virus is H5 avian influenza but more testing will be needed to determine the exact strain. The first case involved H5N2, a low-pathogenic strain of the disease.
        "Tests to date indicate that the strain of avian influenza on the new premises is also low pathogenic and similar to the original strain identified on the index premises," the agency said in a statement.
        Forty-three poultry farms in the Fraser Valley east of Vancouver have been placed under quarantine for testing because of the discovery.
        Twelve thousand breeding chickens on the latest farm will have to be destroyed because of the virus. Last month's discovery of the virus led to the destruction of 60,000 turkeys.
        CFIA said it is not known yet how the birds at the second farm became infected and they are not aware of any connection between the two farms.
        "So it is quite likely this is an independent introduction of a virus into the barn," said Sandra Stevens, a CFIA disease control expert.
        The cause of the first outbreak has also not been determined, but experts have speculated the commercial birds contracted the virus from wild birds that frequent the area. (Reporting Allan Dowd, editing by Rob Wilson)
        AlertNet news is provided by
        Thomson Reuters empowers professionals with cutting-edge technology solutions informed by industry-leading content and expertise.


        • Re: Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on 2nd Turkey Farm

          Second bird flu outbreak detected in western Canada
          <!-- end: .tools --><CITE class=caption>AFP/File – Parrots for sale are displayed at a roadside stall in Beijing on February 4, 2009. China may have experienced … </CITE>

          <!-- end #main-media -->
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          <!-- end .related-media -->OTTAWA (AFP) – A second outbreak of bird flu in less than a month has been detected on another poultry farm in Canada's westernmost British Columbia province, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said Wednesday.
          Like the first outbreak in late January, it is believed to be a strain of avian influenza with a low risk of spreading or "low pathogenicity," CFIA disease control specialist Sandra Stephens told a press conference.
          The government agency quarantined 36 premises last month around an Abbotsford farm, about 70 kilometers (43 miles) southeast of Vancouver, and slaughtered some 60,000 birds at risk of infection.
          On Wednesday, the quarantine zone was extended to include 10 new properties around the second farm in the same vicinity, and 12,000 more chickens are to be slaughtered by Thursday, said Stephens.
          Three properties have also been removed from the first quarantine, she said.
          The subtype of the two H5 viruses are still being determined in laboratory tests.
          According to the World Health Organization some 250 people have died from bird flu worldwide since 2003, mostly in Asia.
          The H5N1 virus typically spreads from birds to humans through direct contact, but experts fear it could mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans, with the potential to kill millions in a pandemic.

          The latest news and headlines from Yahoo News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.
          Last edited by AlaskaDenise; February 28, 2009, 08:37 PM. Reason: remove photo


          • Re: Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on 2nd Turkey Farm

            CFIA confirms avian flu at second B.C. farm

            Updated: Wed Feb. 11 2009 15:49:16

            <SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript> var byString = ""; var sourceString = ""; if ((sourceString != "") && (byString != "")) { document.write(byString + ", "); } else { document.write(byString); }</SCRIPT>
            An outbreak of avian flu has been detected on a second farm in British Columbia's Fraser Valley, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said Wednesday.
            Sandra Stephens, veterinary program specialist with the agency, said testing confirmed the presence of an H5 virus on the second property.
            The latest outbreak in the southwestern corner of the province is located fairly close to the farm where H5N2 virus was detected last month in two barns.
            It's believed to be a low-pathogenicity virus, like the first one, said Stephens.
            But what may be alarming to commercial poultry producers in the Fraser Valley is the possibility that the latest outbreak may not be connected to the first.
            "Investigations to this point would indicate that we do not have any direct contact (between the latest property and the one last month) so it is quite likely that this is an independent introduction of a virus into the barn," said Stephens.
            The first outbreak was of an H5N2 virus. In the latest outbreak, the specific type of virus -- or N number -- has not yet been determined.
            The H5N2 virus is not related to the H5N1 avian flu virus that has decimated poultry flocks and resulted in human fatalities in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and parts of Eastern Europe.
            It is, however, the same type of virus that caused an avian flu outbreak in the Fraser Valley in late 2005.
            This second property has 12,000 breeder birds laying chicken eggs and officials say all will be destroyed.
            There are now 43 properties in the area under quarantine, including 10 new ones as a result of the new discovery.
            "The (most recent) flock was tested as part of a surveillance activity within three kilometres of the commercial poultry operation where low pathogenic H5N2 avian influenza was detected Jan. 24," Stephens said.
            "Tests to date indicate the strain of avian influenza on the new premises is also low pathogenic and similar to the original strain identified at the initial premise."
            The latest detection came from samples collected Jan. 31 along with followup samples taken Feb. 5.
            The new premise is "toward the outer limit of that initial three-kilometre radius drawn around the initial premise."
            Approximately 60,000 turkeys on the first affected farm were euthanized and they are being composted in the two barns at temperatures that should ensure any viruses are destroyed, the agency said.
            More than 62,000 poultry had to be destroyed when avian flu was found in the Fraser Valley in late 2005.
            With files from The Canadian Press

            Get the latest stories shaping the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, directly from our expert journalists on the ground.


            • Re: Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on 2nd Turkey Farm

              Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Canada (2/13/2009) [WAHID Interface - OIE]
              Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Canada

              Information received on 12/02/2009 from Dr Brian Evans, Chief Veterinary Officer, 59 Camelot Drive, Room 146 W, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, OTTAWA, Canada

              -- Summary
              Report type Follow-up report No. 3
              Start date 12/01/2009
              Date of first confirmation of the event 23/01/2009
              Report date 11/02/2009
              Date submitted to OIE 12/02/2009
              Reason for notification Reoccurrence of a listed disease
              Date of previous occurrence 2005
              Manifestation of disease Sub-clinical infection
              Causal agent Low pathogenic avian influenza virus Serotype H5N2
              Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (advanced)
              This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
              Related reports
              * Immediate notification (24/01/2009)
              * Follow-up report No. 1 (31/01/2009)
              * Follow-up report No. 2 (03/02/2009)
              * Follow-up report No. 3 (11/02/2009)

              -- New outbreaks

              - Outbreak 1 (2009-BC-002) - Abbotsford, BRITISH COLUMBIA
              Date of start of the outbreak 05/02/2009
              Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
              Epidemiological unit Farm
              Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
              - Birds - 12000 - 0 - 0 - 0
              Affected population: Silkie breeders (meat type, specially chickens)

              -- Summary of outbreaks
              Total outbreaks: 1
              Outbreak statistics: Species - Apparent morbidity rate - Apparent mortality rate - Apparent case fatality rate - Proportion susceptible animals lost*
              - Birds - ** - 0.00% - ** - 0.00%
              * Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
              ** Not calculated because of missing information

              -- Epidemiology
              Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
              * Unknown or inconclusive
              * Wild birds

              -- Epidemiological comments
              A second infected premises has been detected by the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) during enhanced surveillance activities. This premises is located within 3km of the first infected premises.
              The CFIA is in the process of depopulating the farm.
              The presence of notifiable avian influenza H5 was confirmed with conventional RT-PCR and gene sequencing. The sequence is highly similar to the virus isolated from the first infected premises and is thus also low pathogenic according to the cleavage site sequence.
              Attempt of virus isolation in embryonated eggs is still in progress.
              As a precautionary measure, additional farms will be quarantined within the 3km radius of the second infected premises.
              To date, a total of 43 premises are maintained under quarantine by the CFIA within 3km of or with epidemiological link with the two infected premises, with active surveillance in place. CFIA continues tracing, surveillance and control activities as defined in the Notifiable Avian Influenza Hazard Specific Plan.

              Note by the OIE Animal Health Information Department: H5 and H7 avian influenza in its low pathogenic form in poultry is a notifiable disease as per Chapter 10.4. on avian influenza of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code (2008).

              -- Control measures
              Measures applied
              * Stamping out
              * Quarantine
              * Screening
              * Vaccination prohibited
              * No treatment of affected animals
              Measures to be applied
              * Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)

              -- Diagnostic test results
              Laboratory name and type CFIA National Centre for Foreign Animal Diseases (National laboratory)
              Tests and results: Species - Test - Test date - Result
              - Birds - polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - 11/02/2009 - Positive

              -- Future Reporting
              The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.
              <cite cite="" >WAHID Interface - OIE World Animal Health Information Database</cite>


              • Re: Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on 2nd Turkey Farm

                From Statistics Canada's "The Daily, February 18, 2009"

                Stocks of frozen poultry meat
                February 1, 2009 (preliminary)

                Stocks of frozen poultry meat in cold storage on
                February 1 totalled 65 684 metric tonnes, up 4.4% from
                a year ago.

                Available on CANSIM: tables 003-0023 and 003-0024.


                • Re: Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on 2nd Turkey Farm

                  Avian Influenza - Events and News

                  February 14, 2009

                  On February 11th, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced the presence of H5 avian influenza virus in a second commercial poultry operation in southern British Columbia.

                  All birds on the second infected premises have been humanely destroyed and will be disposed of in accordance with provincial environmental regulations and internationally accepted disease control guidelines.

                  Tests to date indicate the strain of avian influenza virus on the second premises is of low pathogenicity and similar to the original virus identified on the first infected premises. Further testing is underway to confirm the precise pathogenicity, subtype and strain of the virus.

                  The CFIA has applied movement restrictions on commercial poultry operations within three kilometres of the second infected premises. This new 3-km radius overlaps the 3-km radius previously established around the first infected premises. The CFIA has placed quarantines on an additional 12 premises as a result. Ten of the new quarantines are within the new 3-km radius and two are for premises that have had some contact with the second infected premises. Surveillance activities will be undertaken of these newly quarantined premises for a minimum of twenty-one days.

                  The total number of quarantined premises as of February 13, 2009 is 45.


                  • Re: Canada - LPAI H5 Confirmed on 2nd Turkey Farm


                    Apr 03, 2009 17:33 ET
                    Avian Influenza Movement Restrictions Lifted in British Columbia

                    OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 3, 2009) - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has lifted all remaining movement restrictions on birds and bird products in southern British Columbia. No additional cases of avian influenza were found during extensive testing of commercial poultry in the area.

                    Humans are rarely affected by avian influenza, except in a limited number of cases when individuals were in close contact with infected birds. Nevertheless, public health authorities took all precautionary measures as warranted and there was no reported human illness associated with this outbreak.

                    The movement restrictions were put in place following the discovery of low pathogenicity H5N2 avian influenza in a commercial poultry operation on January 24, 2009. During the ensuing investigation, the CFIA declared a second operation infected on February 11. All birds on the two farms were humanely destroyed and composted on-site in accordance with international standards and provincial environmental requirements.

                    "The fact that this outbreak was quickly contained and eliminated clearly demonstates why Canada's animal health system is among the best in the world ," said Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. "The cooperation of affected bird owners, industry and our provincial and municipal partners played a key role in the success of our response."

                    Infected farms must remain under CFIA surveillance for 21 days following the cleaning and disinfection of barns, vehicles and equipment. Both farms have passed this 21-day period and are free to introduce new birds onto the property and resume regular operation.

                    "The coordinated efforts of all levels of government provided an unprecedented response to this outbreak," noted Ron Cantelon, B.C. Minister of Agriculture and Lands. "By working together, we were able to minimize the impact to industry and get those affected back into business as quickly as possible."

                    As a final step in the outbreak response, the CFIA will conduct broader testing of poultry operations in B.C. Consistent with the guidelines of the World Organization for Animal Health, this surveillance will allow Canada to regain its status as an avian influenza-free country.

                    For more information, visit the CFIA website at

