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Quebec: 2021-2024 Covid19 cases

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    Analysis |More cases of COVID-19 in Quebec this summer than during the pandemic?

    Noovo Info
    Published on July 24, 2024 at 7:09 p.m.
    Updated July 24, 2024 at 7:18 p.m.

    COVID-19 cases reportedly spiked in Quebec this summer.

    According to epidemiologist Nimâ Machouf, the current number of COVID-19 cases is higher than during the pandemic.

    "We are seeing double the number of cases compared to last year," explained Ms. Machouf on Wednesday on the airwaves of Noovo Info.

    What explains this resurgence of the virus compared to recent summers? Dr. Machouf suggests that the end of security measures has something to do with it.

    “We no longer pay attention, we no longer wear masks.”

    Although the rise in COVID-19 cases is "still worrying", the number of deaths is lower.

    "We have all received at least three vaccines and the vast majority of the population has been infected at least once," she recalled.

    Dr. Machouf warns that we must, however, be vigilant about the virus.

    "We have to be careful and not think that it is completely over," she concluded.

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    COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations surge in midsummer

    Tuesday, July 9, 2024 7:00 p.m.

    UPDATE Tuesday, July 9, 2024 7:00 p.m.

    As the festival season is in full swing in Quebec, experts are closely monitoring the increase in the number of cases and hospitalizations related to COVID-19 that we have observed in recent weeks, even if their level of concern remains quite low.

    "We have seen a resurgence of cases in the United States in recent weeks due to the new JN.1, KP.2 and KP.3 variants, and this is a phenomenon that was expected here as well. There are several new cases and hospitalizations are also on the rise," notes microbiologist-infectious disease specialist and epidemiologist Caroline Quach.

    The National Institute of Public Health (INSPQ) counted 671 hospitalizations of patients who had a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 in its last report dated July 2.

    This new wave of Covid-19 is hitting in the middle of the summer period when there are many trips and gatherings.

    The percentage of positive tests has also been increasing since the week of April 7, 2024. According to the most recent data from the INSPQ, 12.9% of the 3,746 eligible tests taken during the week of June 30 obtained a positive result.

    "It has nothing to do with what happened last winter, but there is still a significant increase in the percentage," explains Dr. Quach .

    New variants

    As has happened in recent years, it is the rapid and efficient mutation of the COVID-19 virus that has caused the number of people infected to rise again.

    "These variants, including KP.3, are no more dangerous than the others, but they partially escape the immunity of the vaccine. That's how they manage to be transmitted from one person to another," explains Jean Longtin, infectious disease specialist at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval.

    This new wave of Covid-19 is hitting in the middle of the summer period when there are many trips and gatherings.

    According to Caroline Quach, the increase in the number of trips outside the country during the summer holidays partly explains how the new mutations of the virus were able to make their way to La Belle Province quickly.

    "Over time, herd immunity wanes and these new variants are able to better bypass our defenses when we bring them back here. When the last dose starts to get old, we lose antibodies."

    This new wave of Covid-19 is hitting in the middle of the summer period when there are many trips and gatherings.

    She points out that pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines are working hard to deliver a new product that will better combat the new variants by early fall.

    Not a seasonal virus

    The year 2024 was expected to be the first without two waves of COVID-19. The last few weeks have put an end to this hope that the virus that humanity has been grappling with since 2020 would enter the category of seasonal respiratory viruses.

    "We seemed to be heading for this, but that is less the case today. COVID-19 stands out for its ability to mutate and we have to know how to adapt," concludes Dr. Longtin .

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    Things are better in Quebec emergencies, says Christian Dubé

    Posted at 11:29 a.m.

    “We are not out of the woods yet, but there is definitely an improvement,” declared the minister upon his arrival at the pre-sessional caucus of his political party which is being held Wednesday and Thursday in Sherbrooke.

    Mr. Dubé said he relied on the most recent data from the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ) “which shows that there is really a drop in viruses”.

    “Just before the holidays, I said that we had almost 1,000 more visits to the emergency room every day. We were at more than 10,000. Yesterday, I looked, we were at 8,900,” he said.

    “It’s good news, there is a drop in viruses. […] We must continue to be careful, […], but I think it is encouraging that we are getting through this,” added the minister.

    More than a stroke of luck, Christian Dubé attributes the improvement in the situation in emergencies to the fact that “a lot of work […] was done by our teams”.

    He cited the Anna-Laberge hospital in Montérégie as an example. “They changed certain measures […] and there, suddenly, we saw, over two weeks, there was an improvement in the times on the stretchers.

    “So yes, things are better with the viruses, but there is a lot of work that is being done by our teams,” insisted Mr. Dubé in the press scrum.

    Last month, two people died in the crowded emergency room of Anna-Laberge hospital . One of the two patients died in the waiting room, reported La Presse .

    Les Québécois sont moins nombreux à devoir se rendre à l’urgence en raison de complications liées aux virus respiratoires, se réjouit le ministre de la Santé, Christian Dubé.

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    The occupancy rate in Quebec hospitals continues to be very high

    The situation in Quebec hospitals shows no sign of respite on Saturday, while the average occupancy rate of emergencies remains well above 100%.

    Published yesterday at 4:40 p.m.

    Saturday evening, the Index Santé site reported an overall average rate of 115% in Quebec emergencies, which falls into the “very high” category. This rate was 133% on Wednesday, 136% on Thursday and 127% on Friday.

    Only one region, namely Bas-Saint-Laurent at 69%, had a so-called “normal” occupancy rate on Saturday evening. In the other 14, the occupancy rate was either “high” or “very high”.

    It was in the Laurentians that the occupancy rate was the highest on Saturday evening, at 143%. The situation was particularly difficult at the Mont-Laurier Hospital, where an occupancy rate of 240% was reported.

    In Laval, Montérégie and Outaouais, occupancy rates ranged from 124% to 130%, while it was 123% in Lanaudière and 131% in Chaudière-Appalaches.

    On the Montreal side, the occupancy rate stood at 127%. The situation was particularly difficult at the Royal Victoria Hospital, which had an occupancy rate of 212%.

    Mauricie–Centre-du-Québec (113%) and Côte-Nord (117%) were the other regions where ridership exceeded 100% and where the lights were red.

    The occupancy rate was considered “high” in Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine (82%) and Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean (83%)

    No compromise

    Earlier this week, the office of Minister of Health Christian Dubé reminded us that “all patients who have urgent needs must go to the emergency room.”

    “All patients who have urgent problems will have the necessary care, we will never compromise on health and safety,” we added on this subject.

    However, “there is still too large a proportion of patients who go to emergency rooms with viruses who can be treated directly at home or by consulting another health professional,” argued the minister's office.

    The latter reminded that other options are available before going to the emergency room, such as winter clinics, 811, the pediatric line and the First Line Access Desk.

    “In addition, we are putting in place a central measure to free up more than 500 additional accommodation places over the coming weeks, so that patients, often seniors, who find themselves in hospital and who no longer need to be there, can be in a living environment adapted to their needs,” we promised.

    Hospitals continue to be challenged by the circulation of respiratory viruses such as COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus and influenza.

    La situation dans les hôpitaux du Québec ne montre aucun signe de répit, samedi, alors que le taux d’occupation moyen des urgences demeure bien au-delà de 100 %.

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    “Vaccine fatigue” in Quebec despite the rebound in the number of COVID-19 cases

    However, the number of daily appointments has increased from 11,500 to 20,000 since Tuesday's reminder.

    Daniel Boily
    Davide Gentile
    Posted at 3:00 a.m. CST

    At a press conference on Tuesday, the national director of public health of Quebec spared no effort to convince the population to get vaccinated, particularly against COVID-19, at a time when cases of infections with respiratory viruses multiply.

    We have a more contagious JN1 variant [and whose number of cases] doubles every week , said Dr Luc Boileau. According to his estimates, there are currently 40,000 to 50,000 new cases of COVID-19 per day , not forgetting influenza (the flu), which has been taking root for several weeks .

    Over the past two weeks, there have been a million Quebecers who have said they have had a respiratory infection , said Dr. Boileau.


    Le nombre de prises de rendez-vous quotidiennes est passé à 20 000 depuis le rappel de mardi, mais le nombre de personnes vaccinées est en deça des espérances.

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    CHUM brings back mask mandate as COVID-19 cases rise

    Keila DePape
    CTVNews Digital Reporter
    Published Sept. 30, 2023 11:14 a.m. CST

    Amid a rise in COVID-19 cases, the University of Montreal Hospital (CHUM) is bringing back its mask mandate starting Monday.

    The rule applies to anyone entering a patient’s room or care area—including visitors, staff and physicians, a CHUM spokesperson confirmed in a statement to CTV News on Saturday.

    It attributes the move to an increased spread of COVID-19, a growing number of employees testing positive for the virus, and the spread of other respiratory illnesses.

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    Long COVID cases continue to rise

    Three years after the start of the pandemic and despite several vaccination campaigns, the number of people on sick leave due to long COVID-19 continues to increase in the province, show new data from the Standards Commission, the equity, health and safety at work (CNESST).

    Posted at 1:19 a.m. Updated at 5:00 a.m.
    Alice Girard-Bossé

    As of September 3, 867 workers had been covered by the CNESST for more than 90 days due to an occupational injury linked to COVID-19. The majority of them come from the health sector. In August 2022, the CNESSST counted 733. The increase over a period of a little over a year is therefore around 18%.

    However, these figures only represent a portion of people affected by long-term COVID-19, since they only include infections that have been shown to have been acquired in the workplace. “Imagine all the cases of long COVID which probably have a link to work, but for which the worker is no longer able to establish a link,” illustrates Dr. Anne Bhéreur, family doctor, herself at the faced with long COVID since December 2020.

    According to researcher Simon Décary, professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Sherbrooke, this increase in cases is not surprising. “We know that there are cases of long-term COVID-19 that go beyond vaccination. It’s a phenomenon that is seen in all major countries,” he says.

    Although vaccination reduces the risk of long-term COVID-19, it does not eliminate it, specifies Dr. Bhéreur .

    Available studies show a 15 to 50% reduction in risk. As long as we continue to have cases of COVID-19, we will continue to have cases of long-term COVID-19.
    Dr. Anne Bhéreur, family doctor with long COVID

    In total, 1,565 workers have received compensation from the CNESST for more than three months due to COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. Of these, 698 have since returned to work and the average duration of their leave was 230 days. Since these are working days, we can estimate the duration of their work stoppage at approximately one year. “This delay is entirely logical, because moderate cases of long-term COVID-19 last approximately one to two years,” notes Mr. Décary.

    " I'm exhausted "

    Manon Lapointe is a worker compensated by the CNESST. The 58-year-old nurse contracted COVID-19 in January 2021 while working in the emergency room in the Capitale-Nationale region.

    Nearly three years later, Manon Lapointe still lives with persistent symptoms of COVID-19: headaches, shortness of breath, tinnitus, itching and burning sensations on the skin, tachycardia, swallowing problems and memory problems. “My symptoms are so intense and I have so many. I’m exhausted,” she breathes on this subject.

    The Quebecer moves around in a wheelchair or with a walker, due to lack of energy. Her daughter helps her with daily tasks, such as meals and grocery shopping.

    Despite trying all the medications and vitamins possible, my condition continues to deteriorate. The doctors are powerless.
    Manon Lapointe, nurse with long COVID

    “I didn’t think I would experience this. I was a person who traveled a lot, I went wild camping, motorcycling, water skiing. It was my daily life, she remembers. I would like to go out, walk outside again. I want to get better. It’s the hope that keeps me going. »

    Recently, several avenues have been raised regarding the factors that contribute to long COVID. “A study published a few weeks ago clearly demonstrated that the virus affects the mitochondria, which create energy in our body. This probably explains the problems at the inflammatory level,” says researcher Simon Décary.

    The latter also expects to see great advances in clinical pharmacology trials, for possible treatments, in the coming months and years.


    The back-to-school wave of COVID-19 is increasingly felt in hospitals. Nearly 1,000 hospitalized patients are positive and the number of deaths has jumped over the past week. Quebec currently has 995 people hospitalized with COVID-19. Of this number, only 19 are in intensive care. Over the past week, almost half of positive people have been admitted due to their COVID-19 infection (48%). The province is also seeing a sharp increase in deaths. Quebec has reported 43 deaths over the past week, or 6 per day on average. This is significantly more than the previous week, when 26 deaths were recorded, or less than 4 per day. As since the start of the pandemic, deaths are concentrated among seniors, particularly in the group aged 80 and over. The wave of COVID-19 is affecting the entire province, where the positivity rate continues to increase rapidly.

    Pierre-André Normandin, La Presse

    Trois ans après le début de la pandémie et malgré plusieurs campagnes de vaccination, le nombre de personnes en arrêt de travail dû à la COVID-19 longue continue d’augmenter dans la province, montrent de nouvelles données de la Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST).

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    Press release

    835 Jolliet Blvd.
    Baie-Comeau (Quebec) G5C 1P5
    Telephone: 418 589-9845
    Fax: 418 589-8574


    Baie-Comeau, May 25, 2023 – The Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) of the
    Côte-Nord wishes to inform the population of the Lower North Shore that visits are currently
    restrictions on the short-term care unit of the Center multiservices de santé et de services sociaux de
    the Lower North Shore in Blanc-Sablon due to an outbreak of COVID-19.

    Visits are permitted only for caregivers (one at a time) or for reasons
    humanitarian (e.g.: person at the end of life). Caregivers with signs of cough or fever
    should postpone their visit if possible. If the visit cannot be postponed, you are asked to respect
    precautionary measures, including wearing a mask at all times.

    In case of visits for humanitarian reasons, precautionary measures must be applied, including
    compliance with isolation rules. In addition, in order to protect users and staff, all
    employees are currently wearing the mask.

    We remind you that washing your hands (with a hydroalcoholic solution or with water and
    soap) remains the best way to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, and that no one
    showing signs of cough or fever should not report as a visitor.

    If you are concerned about your condition or that of a loved one and have questions or concerns,
    you can contact the Info-Santé service at any time at 811 to receive advice, or
    refer to the website.

    Aware of the inconvenience caused by this situation, the CISSS de la Côte-Nord thanks the population
    for his cooperation.

    - 30 -

    Source: Pascal Paradis
    Assistant to the CEO – media relations, communications and corporate affairs (interim)
    Côte-Nord Integrated Health and Social Services Center
    418 589-9845, ext. 252268

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  • Shiloh

    Quebec reports no new COVID-19 deaths, 43 fewer hospitalizations
    Daniel J. Rowe Digital Reporter
    Published Jan. 16, 2023 1:02 p.m. EST

    The Quebec Ministry of Health reported on Monday that no new deaths would be added to the overall COVID-19 total to start the week.

    That number remains 17,811 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

    In addition, there are 43 fewer COVID-19-positive patients in Quebec hospitals, dropping that total to 1,946. Of those, 50 people are in intensive care units, an increase of one.

    There are 2,073 health-care workers absent from their posts for COVID-19-related reasons...

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    XBB.1.5 sub-variant arrives in Quebec

    Marie-Eve Cousineau
    January 12, 2023

    The XBB.1.5 subvariant, which has spread like wildfire in the United States , is beginning to spread in Quebec. It accounted for 2.4% of cases between December 25 and 31, according to the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ), which released new data on Wednesday. Twenty cases have been identified.

    Inès Levade, clinical specialist in medical biology at the Quebec Public Health Laboratory at the INSPQ, expects this percentage to increase. “The question is more: will it increase as quickly as in the United States? " she says.

    According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 28% of COVID-19 cases detected there last week were attributable to XBB.1.5. Following the collection of new data, the CDC revised down the 40% estimate first reported in the media. "In the northeastern United States, it's gone to just over 70%," adds Ms. Levade.

    It remains to be seen whether the XBB.1.5 — which is part of the Omicron family — will supplant the variants already present in Quebec. During the holiday season, BQ.1.1 dominated (65% of infections).

    “For several months, we have been dealing with a kind of soup of variants, indicates Inès Levade. We are quite cautious about predictions, about what we observe in another country and if it can happen here. You can never really be sure. She cites as an example the first line of XBB, which “took over” in other countries, but never took root in Quebec. XBB remained below 1% of cases in the province.

    The INSPQ is however closely monitoring XBB.1.5, the first case of which in the province was detected towards the end of November.

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is the most contagious subvariant to date. It combines mutations that would give it "a great ability to evade our antibodies, the first line of defense of the immune system", as well as a "greater ability to bind to the receptor of the cells it infects", specifies M. Levade me .

    "He doesn't seem any more virulent," she continues. It doesn't seem to trigger a more severe disease. Despite this, if it is transmitted much more, it is still annoying, in the sense that we would have more cases and therefore more hospitalizations, potentially. »

    A network already under pressure

    The Quebec health network remains under pressure. On Wednesday afternoon, the average occupancy rate on stretchers in the emergency room was around 130%, according to Index Santé. The Suroît Hospital (Salaberry-de-Valleyfield), the Royal Victoria Hospital (Montreal) and the Lanaudière Regional Hospital Center (Saint-Charles-Borromée) recorded rates of around 200%.

    According to Dr. Guillaume Lacombe, vice-president of the Association of Emergency Medicine Specialists of Quebec, many patients needing to be hospitalized are stuck in the emergency room, for lack of available beds on the floors. He reports that around 2 p.m. Wednesday, “50 to 70% of patients on stretchers in the emergency room in Greater Montreal” were “waiting for a bed upstairs”. "It's catastrophic," he said. The lack of staff is glaring.

    Asked about this during a press scrum on Wednesday, the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, recalled that the crisis unit had made recommendations to reduce the pressure on emergencies. This cell held a meeting on Wednesday, sources confirmed to Le Devoir .

    But what can be done in the short term to improve the situation? "It's not so much new measures, but implementing those that have been suggested to us," replied Minister Dubé.

    Since December 19, hospitals in the greater Montreal area have had to implement an “overcapacity protocol” so that the floors can accommodate more patients when the emergency room is overflowing. A directive has been sent on this subject to the CEOs of healthcare establishments.

    In a scrum, the minister acknowledged that this measure had not been implemented everywhere. He added that those who have not implemented their overcapacity plan “often do not act for lack of will”. "They may not have the resources or the expertise to do it," he said.

    Christian Dubé says he has asked Assistant Deputy Minister Daniel Desharnais, head of the crisis unit, to check “why” certain hospitals do not have recourse to overcapacity and “how we can help them”.

    As for the XBB.1.5 sub-variant, Christian Dubé indicated that “so far, there is no concern”.

    In its latest update, the National Institute for Excellence in Health and Social Services (INESSS) predicts “a slight decrease in new hospitalizations” of patients with COVID-19 over the next two weeks. The number of occupied hospital beds will stabilize at around 2150 (confidence interval between 1990 and 2326), as will the number of intensive care beds (57, with a confidence interval between 53 and 62).

    However, INESSS points out that "this week's projections are fraught with uncertainties, since the decline observed during the holiday period may be partly linked to certain delays in data entry".


    Quebec reported 698 new cases and 6 new deaths related to COVID-19 on Wednesday. Authorities count 2,095 hospitalizations, including 716 due to COVID-19, a decrease of 42 from the previous day. In intensive care, the number of patients is down 5 compared to Tuesday: 48 people are there, including 25 due to COVID-19.

    In the public health network, 2,553 workers are absent for reasons related to this disease, such as isolation or preventive withdrawal.

    Il représente désormais 2,4% des cas de COVID-19. L’INSPQ suit sa propagation de près.

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  • Shiloh

    Quebec reports 18 new COVID-19 deaths, drop in hospitalizations
    Daniel J. Rowe Digital Reporter
    Published Jan. 10, 2023 11:35 a.m. EST

    Quebec's Ministry of Health reported on Tuesday that COVID-19 hospitalization numbers dropped by 43 with four fewer people in hospital intensive care units across the province.

    There are now 2,137 patients with COVID-19 who are hospitalized and 53 people in ICUs.

    There are now 105 more health-care workers absent for COVID-19-related reasons than there were on Monday, bringing that total to 2,595.

    The province logged 18 new deaths due to the disease, bringing that total to 17,768...

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    A newcomer named XBB.1.5

    The Public Health Agency of Canada told La Presse that as of January 4, 2023, it was "aware of 21 detections of XBB.1.5" in the country.

    It is called XBB.1.5 and could cause surprises in the coming weeks. Will this sub-variant of Omicron, which is experiencing “impressive growth” in the United States, come to play the spoilsport after the holidays?

    Updated yesterday at 11:24 p.m.
    Marie-Eve Morasse

    COVID-19 has not said its last word. At the start of the new year, it is the XBB.1.5 sub-variant that is attracting attention.

    As of late December, XBB.1.5 was responsible for more than 40% of COVID-19 infections in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC).

    This sub-variant is “Born from the recombination of two viruses, descendants of BA.2”, explains Gaston De Serres, medical epidemiologist at the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ).

    There is an increase in the contagiousness of this virus compared to its predecessors because it is able to "attach itself well", he explains. “It probably takes a smaller infective dose to make someone sick,” says Dr. De Serres.

    The growth of the virus is "impressive", says infectious disease specialist and microbiologist Donald Vinh, of the McGill University Health Center, who cites the example of the United States, where XBB.1.5 is on the way to becoming the predominant variant. .

    A growth rate still unknown in Canada

    What about Quebec? Among all the variants of the COVID-19 virus identified by the INSPQ, XBB.1.5 is found in the “other” category. We will have to wait until next week to have more precise data, explains Dr. Vinh.

    The Public Health Agency of Canada told La Presse that as of January 4, 2023, it was "aware of 21 detections of XBB.1.5" in the country.

    "Proportions and growth rates will not be known until there are sufficient data," we were told.

    There is no evidence so far that XBB.1.5 causes more severe disease, says Gaston De Serres.

    “At the moment, there is no data that seems to indicate that the virus is more virulent. Virulence is the ability to cause serious symptoms, hospitalizations or deaths,” explains Dr. De Serres. But, he says, the more contagious a virus is, the more people it will affect.

    Donald Vinh recalls that "the severity of the disease is also a function of the protection we have".

    “If we are adequately vaccinated with a booster dose, that's the best thing to protect us,” says Dr. Vinh.

    This is also what the Ministry of Health and Social Services says.

    “According to the scientific data currently available, there is currently no evidence that the XBB subline is more virulent than the BA.5 subline. Bivalent vaccines also appear to provide better protection against these sublines than monovalent vaccines,” writes spokeswoman Noémie Vanheuverzwijn.

    A sub-variant to watch

    Just before the holidays, the multiplication of respiratory viruses was felt in schools across the province. One in ten students in Quebec was absent the week of December 19.

    What should we expect next week, when everyone returns to class?

    “For respiratory viruses in general, school is the driving force behind these epidemics of annual respiratory infections”, observes Gaston De Serres.

    We can nevertheless think that “it will be less intense” than before the Christmas holidays, says the epidemiologist, because influenza is in “fairly marked” regression, as is the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

    The “uncertain part” remains XBB.1.5.

    “What part will it take and how fast will it develop? I would be embarrassed to predict it precisely,” says Dr. De Serres.

    Infectiologist Donald Vinh believes for his part that we risk seeing a “small increase” in influenza and RSV in the community, but also in the XBB.1.5 subvariant.

    “We are going to have an increase in cases. Are we going to have an increase in the number of people hospitalized because of this? It is fear. We will see the effect on the health system in two or three weeks,” says Dr. Vinh.

    Il s’appelle XBB.1.5 et pourrait causer des surprises dans les prochaines semaines. Ce sous-variant d’Omicron qui connaît une « croissance impressionnante » aux États-Unis viendra-t-il jouer les trouble-fête au retour des vacances ?

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  • Shiloh

    COVID-19 update: Quebec reports 28 deaths as hospitalizations keep risingThe number of people in the province's hospitals with COVID-19 is at its highest level since early August.
    Author of the article:
    Montreal Gazette
    Published Dec 20, 2022 • 1 minute read

    Quebec announced on Tuesday that 28 more deaths had been attributed to COVID-19, bringing its death toll to 17,570.

    The province also announced that 2,099 people were hospitalized with COVID-19 — an increase of 31 since the last time such data was published.

    That’s the most hospitalizations the province has reported since early August.

    Of those patients, the number in intensive care remained stable at 57...

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  • Shiloh

    More than 4,000 Quebec health-care workers absent for COVID-related reasons
    Lillian Roy Digital Reporter
    Published Dec. 8, 2022 12:52 p.m. EST

    There are currently 4,102 Quebec healthcare workers absent from the job for COVID-19-related reasons, the province reported Thursday.

    Quebec also reported 11 more COVID-19 deaths, bringing the total deaths to 17,426 since the pandemic began.

    There are 1,981 people with COVID-19 in Quebec hospitals, an increase of seven from the previous day, with 177 entries and 170 discharges. Of those currently hospitalized, 646 were admitted for reasons directly related to COVID-19, while the rest tested positive seeking treatment for other ailments.

    Meanwhile, there are 53 people with COVID-19 in intensive care, an increase of two from the previous day, with seven entries and five discharges. Thirty patients were admitted for reasons directly related to the virus...

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  • Shiloh

    Quebec COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to rise, 15 more patients admitted
    Cindy Sherwin
    CTV News Montreal Videojournalist
    Updated Dec. 7, 2022 2:08 p.m. EST
    Published Dec. 7, 2022 1:49 p.m. EST

    Hospitalizations for illnesses related to COVID-19 continue to rise in Quebec, bringing the total to 1,974 after 15 more patients were admitted, according to the province's Wednesday update.

    According to the most recent health ministry report published on Dec. 7, 51 people are in intensive care, including 26 due to COVID-19, a decrease of two compared to the previous day.

    There were six new deaths reported. Three people are reported to have died in the last 24 hours, and three others died between two and seven days ago.

    Since the beginning of the pandemic, 17,415 people have died from complications associated with coronavirus...

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