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Japan: First H1N1 victim with no pre-existing health problems

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  • tyto
    Re: Japan: First H1N1 victim with no pre-existing health problems

    Sep 16th
    Update (Summary):

    It was announced today that the victim had died of a subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain). It wasn't stated if the virus caused the hemorrhage or if it occurred as a consequence of treatment in ICU for two weeks. Curiously, the reason she was initially given Relenza was because she didn't like taking pills (Tamiflu). It was erroneous reported earlier that other family members were treated with Relenza. They were treated with Tamiflu and recovered. She was the 14th victim of the new H1N1 influenza in Japan.

    インフル県内女性死亡/24歳 疾患なく重症化/国内の死亡患者で初/くも膜下出血 併発が死因に

     県は15日、新型インフルエンザで基礎疾患がない南風原町在住の女性(24)が死亡したと発表した。厚生 労働省などによると、国内の死亡患者では最も若く、基礎疾患がない患者が重症化し、死亡したのは初めて。国 内の死者は感染疑い例を含めて14人となった。家族からの感染とみられる。女性は新型インフルによる肺炎が 重症化して呼吸困難になり、入院して人工呼吸器などで集中治療を受けていたが、くも膜下出血を合併して亡く なった。新型インフルによる死者は県内2人目。県対策本部によると、女性は8月26日に発熱し、医療機関を 受診。簡易検査でA型と診断された。吸入薬リレンザで自宅治療していたが、発熱が続き、呼吸困難も出たため 、31日に医療機関を再受診した。

     ウイルス性肺炎の発症が認められたため、重度の呼吸困難を示す「成人呼吸窮迫(きゅうはく)症」の診断を 受け、県立南部医療センターに緊急入院。今月1日、遺伝子検査で新型インフル陽性が確定した。入院後は人工 呼吸器に加え、肺に代わり血液のガス交換を助ける「体外補助循環」などで集中治療を行ったが、白血球の減少 や血液の凝固が進むなど症状が改善せず、くも膜下出血を合併したことから、15日午前11時すぎに死亡した 。

     女性は母と弟の3人家族で、全員が新型インフルに感染していた。家族はタミフルを服用したが、女性はカプ セル剤の内服が苦手で、リレンザを使用していた。家族はすでに症状が回復している。県福祉保健部の宮里達也 保健衛生統括監は「基礎疾患がない若い人でも重症化する例は全国的に発生しているが、抗ウイルス薬も有効で 、慌てる必要はない」と、県民に予防と冷静な対応を呼び掛けた。

     県新型インフルエンザ対策本部によると15日現在、県内には集中治療室で管理されているインフル重症患者 はいない。
    Source: Regional Newspaper - OkinawaTimes

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  • tyto
    Re: Japan: First H1N1 victim with no pre-existing health problems

    Originally posted by kiwibird View Post
    Interesting that Relenza is the drug of first choice in Okinawa.
    Yes, it is interesting Relenza was used. I listened to the NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corp) news clip online again to confirm what I heard and yes it was Relenza. See link. The report is in Japanese, but you'll recognize "Relenza" at time 0:35~0:36.

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  • SteveoSteen
    Re: Japan: First H1N1 victim with no pre-existing health problems

    A 26 year old man dies of influenza A in Saint-Etienne
    C.J. ( with AFP and AP
    14/09/2009 | Updated: 13:48

    Suffering from "acute respiratory distress," he had presented to the emergency Saturday, before dying the next day. This is the fifth death on the mainland, but the first whose health was considered sound.

    For the hospital of Saint-Etienne is an exceptional case. A young man of 26 years reached by influenza A died late Sunday afternoon at University Hospital Saint-Etienne. The patient, who exhibited flu-like symptoms since Tuesday, was made Saturday night to the emergency hospital. He suffers from acute respiratory distress. The doctors immediately prescribe a treatment associating Tamiflu and antibiotics and placed on a respirator. In vain the young man died in ICU.

    If one refers to the recommendations of the High Council of Public Health, the young man belonged to the age group the lowest priority for vaccination. "This complication of such gravity is exceptional", is indeed the hospital. The CHU evokes the track of "possible bacterial superinfection lung" and conducts bacteriological tests to confirm the hypothesis. The hotel is now seeking to whether stephanois suffered from chronic underlying or displaying risk factors.

    25 deaths in France

    This is the first death in the metropolis of an individual apparently "healthy". Subject to the results of bacteriological examination and autopsy, it is the "first recorded case in metropolitan France from a patient who died did not suffer from an associated condition," confirmed DDASS Loire . In recent weeks, a young girl suffering from a serious illness and disability fifties this many risk factors had succumbed to the virus.

    A young woman of 18 who suffered from a chronic disease causing a severe immune deficiency, carrying the flu virus H1N1, is she died Sunday night at University Hospital Saint-Denis, Reunion. In total, since the beginning of the epidemic France has registered 25 deaths: 5 in the city, 4 in Reunion, Guyana 1, 9 in New Caledonia and French Polynesia 6.
    This is a translation of my Post, yesterday, in the Francophone section of Flutrackers. You can read the stranges analogies between cases in France and Japan, [First case - ~Age - Health Condition - Death] : at the same Time...

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  • kiwibird
    Re: Japan: First H1N1 victim with no pre-existing health problems

    Interesting that Relenza is the drug of first choice in Okinawa.

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  • tyto
    started a topic Japan: First H1N1 victim with no pre-existing health problems

    Japan: First H1N1 victim with no pre-existing health problems

    Sep 15th
    Okinawa, Japan

    Summary from nationally televised news report:

    24 year old female from Okinawa becomes first victim in Japan to die of H1N1 without pre-existing health problems nor history of travel abroad. The victim had flu symptoms on 26 Aug, was diagnosed with viral pneumonia on the 31st. She was admitted to an ICU unit and treated with Relenza. Died today. Family members also contracted H1N1 and was treated with Relenza and recovered.

    Online Newspaper

    新型インフルで24歳女性が死亡 南部保健所管内

    県新型インフルエンザ対策本部は15日、南部保健所管内在住の女性24が、新型インフルエンザ発症による成 人呼吸窮迫症候群などで死亡したと発表した。女性に基礎疾患はなかった。女性は8月26日、発熱症状を訴え 医療機関を受診し、簡易キットでA型陽性と判明した。その後、呼吸困難の症状も出たため、同月31日に南部 医療センター・子ども医療センターに転院。緊急入院となり人工呼吸器や体外補助循環などの集中治療が行われ たが症状は改善せず、15日午前11時すぎに死亡した。