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Three people in Singapore latest to test positive for COVID-19 after visiting Indonesia

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  • Three people in Singapore latest to test positive for COVID-19 after visiting Indonesia


    BREAKING: Three people in Singapore latest to test positive for COVID-19 after visiting Indonesia
    News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
    Mon, March 2, 2020 / 11:49 am

    Three people, two Singaporean citizens and one Myanmar national, have tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, after visiting Batam, Riau Islands, Singapore’s Ministry of Health announced on Sunday.

    The three cases bring the number of COVID-19 patients who tested positive after visiting Indonesia to seven...

  • #2

    COVID-19: Two Batam residents evade quarantine over fears of losing income
    The Jakarta Post
    Batam / Wed, March 4, 2020 / 06:30 am

    Two men in Batam, Riau Islands, who had been in close contact with a Singaporean COVID-19 patient have evaded quarantine, the city's health authorities said on Tuesday.

    Both residents work as app-based ojek (motorcycle taxi) drivers and are among the 15 people identified as having been in close contact with three Singapore residents who tested positive for COVID-19 after visiting Batam. The two were supposed to be quarantined with nine other people at the haj dormitory complex in Batam from March 2 to 8, while the four other contacts are being quarantined in their homes.

    "One of them was already quarantined but then ran away. Another has refused since the beginning and can't be reached now. They refused to be quarantined because they're afraid of losing their jobs and income,” Riau Islands Health Agency head Tjeptjep Yudiana told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday. “We're currently looking for ways to give them money [to replace their lost earnings].”

    He said his agency had requested the local police's help to search for the two men so they could proceed with the quarantine...

