CHICAGO, July 8 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- "World MRSA Day, Oct. 2, 2010 is a day to remember those who suffer and died from this disease and a call for bold action to eradicate the ongoing epidemic," founder Jeanine Thomas states.
MRSA Survivors Network, the Chicago-based nonprofit who founded World MRSA Day in 2009 urges MRSA survivors and their families, community and faith-based organizations, healthcare facilities, governments, schools and individuals around the world to organize their World MRSA Day event on Oct. 2nd or during the month of October, World MRSA Awareness Month by holding candlelight events, etc. Downloadable posters and materials are available at:
The Global theme for 2010 is "The MRSA Epidemic - A call to Action." The theme brings attention to the critical need for MRSA prevention, treatment, educational and awareness campaigns and support to the public awareness that is sweeping across the globe.
The Annual World MRSA Day kick-off event will be held on Oct. 1, 2010 at Loyola University Chicago (Lake Shore Campus) starting with the press conference at 10:00 a.m. and followed by the Remembrance Ceremony at 10:30 a.m. and main event. MRSA survivors, family members, health officials, legislators and healthcare workers will unite to raise awareness. The 2010 sponsors are: StaphAseptic, 3M, Roche, Loyola University Chicago with media sponsor NBC5 Chicago.
More Americans die every year from invasive MRSA infections than from HIV/AIDS, H1N1 influenza and Parkinson's disease. The tragic reality is that over the last decade, the United States Congress along with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have failed to provide the resources and leadership to focus on the response to the MRSA epidemic. In fact, this month, 40 million doses of expired H1N1 vaccine at a cost of $260 million were destroyed (another 30 million will expire soon and be destroyed) accounting for nearly 43% of the vaccine purchased by DHHS and the CDC. The $260 million wasted is more than DHHS and the CDC spend annually on the control of MRSA.
MRSA Survivors Network applauds the action of the U.K., The Netherlands and Scandinavian countries along with the VA System in the United States who have taken decisive action by implementing ADI (i.e., active detection and isolation) in their healthcare facilities and also for conducting effective awareness campaigns to the public and healthcare industry. It is unclear why the U.S. government (i.e., DHHS and CDC) refuse to make the same stand on patient safety.
Governments and health officials must learn from the mistakes and lessons of the HIV/AIDS epidemic that started in the 1980s and act immediately, as the true magnitude of the ongoing epidemic is still unknown, but continues to increase at alarming rates in many countries - MRSA is the leading cause of multidrug-resistant healthcare-acquired infections and a rapidly increasing cause of community-acquired infections. Why is there no response from the (WHO) World Health Organization?
The MRSA Survivors Network, along with their alliance partner, MRSA Action UK work to promote patient safety, human dignity, and greater awareness to governments, the healthcare industry and to the public on how MRSA and healthcare-acquired infections affect MRSA victims and their families. Several World MRSA Day events are already being planned throughout the Unites States, England and Ireland.
The MRSA Survivors Network has named Derek Butler, Chair of MRSA Action UK the "Man of the Year" and presented him with an award during the July 8, 2010 MRSA Memorial Event at Westminster Abbey in London.
The MRSA Survivors Network applauds the Association for Professionals in Infection Control for their decision to conduct a second MRSA Prevalence Study (currently underway), but hope that this time they will listen to their members and recommend to DHHS and CDC that more measures be taken to control MRSA and other multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) using ADI, which include active detection of infected and colonized patients, barrier precautions, hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, and prudent use of antibiotics. Recently, APIC conducted a survey of its members and found that > 50% said more should be done to control MRSA and MDROs. The time is now.
Let us hope at the APIC Conference and International Meeting in New Orleans July 11-15, 2010 that APIC will become a leader and make a commitment to real zero tolerance for MRSA and MDRO infections.
For information or sponsorship opportunities for World MRSA Day contact at: and also, Tel: 630 325-4354 USA, and
MRSA Survivors Network, the Chicago-based nonprofit who founded World MRSA Day in 2009 urges MRSA survivors and their families, community and faith-based organizations, healthcare facilities, governments, schools and individuals around the world to organize their World MRSA Day event on Oct. 2nd or during the month of October, World MRSA Awareness Month by holding candlelight events, etc. Downloadable posters and materials are available at:
The Global theme for 2010 is "The MRSA Epidemic - A call to Action." The theme brings attention to the critical need for MRSA prevention, treatment, educational and awareness campaigns and support to the public awareness that is sweeping across the globe.
The Annual World MRSA Day kick-off event will be held on Oct. 1, 2010 at Loyola University Chicago (Lake Shore Campus) starting with the press conference at 10:00 a.m. and followed by the Remembrance Ceremony at 10:30 a.m. and main event. MRSA survivors, family members, health officials, legislators and healthcare workers will unite to raise awareness. The 2010 sponsors are: StaphAseptic, 3M, Roche, Loyola University Chicago with media sponsor NBC5 Chicago.
More Americans die every year from invasive MRSA infections than from HIV/AIDS, H1N1 influenza and Parkinson's disease. The tragic reality is that over the last decade, the United States Congress along with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have failed to provide the resources and leadership to focus on the response to the MRSA epidemic. In fact, this month, 40 million doses of expired H1N1 vaccine at a cost of $260 million were destroyed (another 30 million will expire soon and be destroyed) accounting for nearly 43% of the vaccine purchased by DHHS and the CDC. The $260 million wasted is more than DHHS and the CDC spend annually on the control of MRSA.
MRSA Survivors Network applauds the action of the U.K., The Netherlands and Scandinavian countries along with the VA System in the United States who have taken decisive action by implementing ADI (i.e., active detection and isolation) in their healthcare facilities and also for conducting effective awareness campaigns to the public and healthcare industry. It is unclear why the U.S. government (i.e., DHHS and CDC) refuse to make the same stand on patient safety.
Governments and health officials must learn from the mistakes and lessons of the HIV/AIDS epidemic that started in the 1980s and act immediately, as the true magnitude of the ongoing epidemic is still unknown, but continues to increase at alarming rates in many countries - MRSA is the leading cause of multidrug-resistant healthcare-acquired infections and a rapidly increasing cause of community-acquired infections. Why is there no response from the (WHO) World Health Organization?
The MRSA Survivors Network, along with their alliance partner, MRSA Action UK work to promote patient safety, human dignity, and greater awareness to governments, the healthcare industry and to the public on how MRSA and healthcare-acquired infections affect MRSA victims and their families. Several World MRSA Day events are already being planned throughout the Unites States, England and Ireland.
The MRSA Survivors Network has named Derek Butler, Chair of MRSA Action UK the "Man of the Year" and presented him with an award during the July 8, 2010 MRSA Memorial Event at Westminster Abbey in London.
The MRSA Survivors Network applauds the Association for Professionals in Infection Control for their decision to conduct a second MRSA Prevalence Study (currently underway), but hope that this time they will listen to their members and recommend to DHHS and CDC that more measures be taken to control MRSA and other multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) using ADI, which include active detection of infected and colonized patients, barrier precautions, hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, and prudent use of antibiotics. Recently, APIC conducted a survey of its members and found that > 50% said more should be done to control MRSA and MDROs. The time is now.
Let us hope at the APIC Conference and International Meeting in New Orleans July 11-15, 2010 that APIC will become a leader and make a commitment to real zero tolerance for MRSA and MDRO infections.
For information or sponsorship opportunities for World MRSA Day contact at: and also, Tel: 630 325-4354 USA, and