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Online tool for farmers to calculate and monitor the use of antibotics on the farm

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  • Online tool for farmers to calculate and monitor the use of antibotics on the farm

    The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Gent University (Belgium) developed an online tool for farmers to calculate and monitor the use of antibotics on the farm. Available in English, French and Dutch.

    The website also has interesting links and downloads.

    ABcheck: Check, improve and reduce!

    On this website you can quickly and easy calculate the antibiotic use on your farm through a scientific based method. It is even possible to compare your score with other farmers.

    Use of the website is free of charge, unconditional and confidential.

    At this moment the website is available for the calculation of antibiotic use on pig, poultry and turkey farms. The modules for ruminants is under construction and is expected soon.

    Besides the calculation method the website also offers extensive background information on antibiotics, antimicrobial resistance and the used calculation method. (see About ABcheck)

    Furthermore free literature from studies involving antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance is available as well as links to websites where you can easily find information regarding the antibiotics and their dosage prescriptions used in Belgium. For an overview, click here!

    read more: ABcheck

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