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Netherlands - Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 found in wild birds and commercial poultry - Oct 2020 - OIE - HP H5N1 in poultry

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  • Netherlands - Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 found in wild birds and commercial poultry - Oct 2020 - OIE - HP H5N1 in poultry

    October 22, 2020

    On Tuesday 20 October 2020, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) discovered highly pathogenic H5N8 avian influenza in two dead mute swans. The two swans sent to WBVR were part of a group of six swans found dead in the Netherlands’ Groene Hart region, near Kockengen.

    H5N8 virus and bird migration

    H5N8 virus was detected in dead mute swans in Western Russia in August and was later found in a tufted duck and mallard as well. The virus was then detected in dead wild birds in Kazakhstan in September. H5N8 was found in swans at a zoo in Jerusalem (Israel) in October. Wild migratory birds can bring the virus from these areas to Europe during their autumn migration. However, H5N8 viruses have yet to be reported along the migration routes towards the Netherlands from countries to the east.

    It is particularly striking that the H5N8 virus was detected in dead swans in Russia, Israel, and now the Netherlands. Swans may be very sensitive to this specific virus, but this will have to be investigated further. The wild mute swan populations in Russia are known not to migrate to Europe for hibernation. The virus was probably introduced to the Netherlands through other bird species, after which local bird populations became infected. This suggests that the virus is circulating locally among wild birds in the Netherlands. No dead birds from other areas in the Netherlands have been tested as of yet, so it is unclear whether the virus has spread further.

    Risk of introduction to poultry

    The H5N8 virus can spread from the wild bird population to poultry farms, in particular through faeces from wild birds infected with the virus. The current risk of introducing highly pathogenic avian influenza into the poultry sector is therefore high, especially in areas with many wild waterfowl. Biosecurity and vigilance with regard to clinical signs of avian flu in poultry farms are of great importance at the moment for preventing avian influenza outbreaks.

    Genetic composition of avian influenza viruses

    Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses were previously introduced to the Netherlands by wild migratory birds, after which several poultry farms became infected. In 2014 this involved an H5N8 avian influenza virus, and in 2016 it also concerned an H5N8 avian influenza virus, but with a different genetic composition. The H5N6 virus was introduced to the Netherlands in 2017. WBVR will conduct further research to determine the sequence of the entire virus genome. This should reveal how this new H5N8 virus is related to other highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses currently circulating.

    Dead wild bird monitoring programme

    The dead wild bird monitoring programme is of great importance for the rapid detection of highly pathogenic viruses in the Netherlands. This programme also makes it possible to monitor the further spread of the virus among wild birds in the Netherlands. Wild birds found dead can be sent in to be tested for infection with avian influenza. Click here for the guidelines on sending dead wild birds to WBVR.
    On Tuesday 20 October 2020, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) discovered highly pathogenic H5N8 avian influenza in two dead mute swans. The two swans sent to WBVR were part of a group of six swans found dead in the Netherlands’ Groene Hart region, near Kockengen.
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Obligation to house poultry due to new bird flu

    There will be a housing requirement for all poultry farms that keep 250 or more animals. Minister Schouten is taking this measure in response to the recent find of six dead mute swans in Kockengen, near Utrecht. Avian influenza of the H5N8 variant was found in two of the animals. A dead wigeon from the same area is now also being tested.

    The virus probably comes from Russia and was brought to the Netherlands by migratory birds. According to the 'animal diseases expert group', there is a high risk that the virus will show up on poultry farms through wild birds. Poultry farms with an outdoor range have a greater chance of catching bird flu.
    De maatregel gaat om middernacht in. Minister Schouten wil voorkomen dat dieren besmet raken door een virus van wilde vogels.
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3
      Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
      Information received on 30/10/2020 from Dr Christianne Bruschke, Chief Veterinary Officer , Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The Hague, Netherlands
      Report type Immediate notification
      Date of start of the event 29/10/2020
      Date of confirmation of the event 29/10/2020
      Report date 30/10/2020
      Date submitted to OIE 30/10/2020
      Reason for notification Recurrence of a listed disease
      Date of previous occurrence 10/07/2018
      Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
      Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
      Serotype H5N8
      Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (advanced)
      This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
      New outbreaks (1)
      Outbreak 1 Altforst, Gelderland
      Date of start of the outbreak 29/10/2020
      Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
      Epidemiological unit Farm
      Affected animals
      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
      Birds 35750 10500 400 35350 0
      Affected population Broiler parent stock poultry
      Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
      Total animals affected
      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
      Birds 35750 10500 400 35350 0
      Outbreak statistics
      Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
      Birds 29.37% 1.12% 3.81% 100.00%
      *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
      Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
      • Unknown or inconclusive
      Control measures
      Measures applied
      • Movement control inside the country
      • Screening
      • Stamping out
      • Control of wildlife reservoirs
      • Zoning
      • Disinfection
      • Vaccination prohibited
      • No treatment of affected animals
      Measures to be applied
      • No other measures
      Future Reporting
      The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.
      Map of outbreak locations
      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        Wild birds with avian flu at various places in Friesland province

        Today, also in Friesland birds have been found with bird flu in various places. Bird rescue center De F?gelspits near the Lauwersmeer has had five birds tested: four of them had the virus.

        The municipality of Ameland also reports that several barnacle geese have been found with bird flu on the east side of the island, in the area of It Fryske Gea.
        Omrop Frysl?n is de regionale stjoerder fan Frysl?n. De omrop bringt nijs op ynternet, radio en tv.
        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #5

          Two wigeons found in IJmuiden and Bloemendaal have been confirmed to be infected with the highly pathogenic virus type H5N8

          Oct 30 , 2020
          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


          • #6
            bump this


            • #7
              Novel incursion of a highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N8 virus in the Netherlands, October 2020


              The HPAI H5N8 virus detected in mute swans in the Netherlands in October 2020 shares a common ancestor with clade viruses last detected in Egypt in 2018-2019 and has a similar genetic composition. The virus is not directly related to European H5N8 viruses detected in first half of 2020.

              bioRxiv - the preprint server for biology, operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a research and educational institution
              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


              • #8
                Hundreds of dead barnacle geese and other bird species have been found dead on the pier of Holwerd. Presumably the animals are all infected with bird flu.

                “We have now found about 300 dead birds”, estimates Jan Jelle Jongsma, district head Noard of It Fryske Gea. Yesterday afternoon, together with a colleague and two employees of De F?gelpits Lauwersmeer, they spent quite some time cleaning up the birds, including barnacle geese in particular.
                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #9
                  Multiple bird flu cases were found at West Frisian shelter Bonte Piet

                  MIDWOOD - In one week bird and wild animal shelter Bonte Piet received 27 birds with symptoms of bird flu. Test results from the NVWA confirm that these are two different types of bird flu. One of those variants was not previously found in the Netherlands this season and can be passed on to humans, although according to the RIVM this only occurs in rare cases.

                  Two birds were infected with avian influenza variant H5N8. This variant of the virus pops up in various places in the Netherlands and as far as is currently known is not contagious to humans. The other bird was found to be infected with variant H5N1 of the virus. This season is the first time that this variant of the bird flu has been found in the Netherlands. H5N1 is also contagious to humans. Although this hardly occurs and the disease has not occurred in people in Europe, says Hans van den Kerkhof, who is an infectious disease control doctor at RIVM.

                  "We currently see with the variants of H5N1 in Europe, that they are hardly or not at all contagious to humans," said Van den Kerkhof. You can only become infected yourself through direct and intensive contact with infected animals. "Walking past is not a problem, but you should not touch them with unprotected hands and then touch your nose, for example."
                  "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                  • #10
                    Bird flu diagnosed in backyard flock

                    News release | 06-11-2020 |

                    Bird flu (H5) has been diagnosed in chickens from a backyard flock in Middelie (municipality of Edam-Volendam). It is probably a highly pathogenic variant of bird flu. The chickens are culled in accordance with European regulations. It concerns a total of 25 chickens. The culling is carried out by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

                    There are no commercial poultry farms in the area around this infected location. The infected hobby chickens do not pose a greater epidemiological risk than wild birds. Therefore, culling the animals in combination with the national measures already in force is sufficient to prevent further spread.
                    In Middelie (gemeente Edam-Volendam) is bij kippen van een hobbyhouder vogelgriep (H5) vastgesteld. Het gaat waarschijnlijk om een hoogpathogene variant van vogelgriep. De kippen worden conform de Europese regelgeving geruimd. Het gaat om in totaal 25 kippen. De ruiming wordt uitgevoerd door de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA).
                    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                    • #11

                      Bird flu diagnosed at a laying hen farm in Lutjegast, Groningen

                      November 10, 2020

                      Lutjegast - Highly pathogenic avian influenza has been diagnosed at a laying hen farm in Lutjegast in Groningen. The laying hen farmer called his vet yesterday (Monday, November 9) after he suddenly had increased mortality in his free-range barn. His vet contacted the NVWA shortly afterwards and an investigation showed that the hens were infected with highly pathogenic avian flu.
                      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                      • #12
                        Bird flu at duck farm in Terwolde

                        Bird flu of the type H5 has been diagnosed at a duck farm in Terwolde, Gelderland. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, this is probably a highly pathogenic variant of bird flu.

                        To prevent the virus from spreading, the approximately 20,000 ducks are culled. The culling is carried out by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

                        In the area of 3 kilometers around the infected farm in Terwolde, located in the municipality of Voorst, there are six other poultry farms. These companies are sampled and examined for avian flu. There are thirteen other poultry farms in the 10 kilometer zone around this farm. A transport ban applies to this zone.
                        Bij een eendenhouderij in het Gelderse Terwolde is vogelgriep van het type H5 vastgesteld. Het gaat volgens het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit waarschijnlijk om een hoogpathogene variant van de vogelgriep.<br/>
                        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                        • #13
                          Bird flu confirmed at a poultry farm in Witmarsum

                          News release | 21-11-2020 |

                          Bird flu (H5) has been diagnosed at a farm with broilers in Witmarsum (Friesland). It is probably a highly pathogenic variant of bird flu. There are no other poultry farms within a radius of 1 kilometer around the company. The chickens are being culled to prevent the virus from spreading. In total, this concerns approximately 90,000 animals. The culling is carried out by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

                          In the area of 3 kilometers around the infected farm in Witmarsum there are 3 other poultry farms. These companies are sampled and examined for avian flu.
                          In Witmarsum (Friesland) is bij een bedrijf met vleeskuikens vogelgriep (H5) vastgesteld. Het gaat waarschijnlijk om een hoogpathogene variant van de vogelgriep. In een straal van 1 kilometer rond het bedrijf liggen geen andere pluimveebedrijven. Om verspreiding van het virus te voorkomen, wordt het bedrijf geruimd. In totaal gaat het om circa 90.000 dieren. De ruiming wordt uitgevoerd door de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA).
                          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                          • #14
                            Bird flu at poultry farm in Hekendorp

                            News release | 22-11-2020 |

                            Bird flu (H5) has been diagnosed at a laying hen farm in Hekendorp (municipality of Oudewater, province of Utrecht). It is probably a highly pathogenic variant of bird flu. There are no other poultry farms within a radius of 1 kilometer around the company. The animals are being culled to prevent the virus from spreading. In total, this concerns approximately 100,000 animals in the laying and rearing stables of the company. The culling is carried out by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

                            There is 1 other poultry farm in the area of 3 kilometers around the infected farm in Hekendorp. This farm is sampled and tested for bird flu.
                            In Hekendorp (gemeente Oudewater, provincie Utrecht) is bij een leghennenbedrijf vogelgriep (H5) vastgesteld. Het gaat waarschijnlijk om een hoogpathogene variant van de vogelgriep. In een straal van 1 kilometer rond het bedrijf liggen geen andere pluimveebedrijven. Om verspreiding van het virus te voorkomen, wordt het bedrijf geruimd. In totaal gaat het om circa 100.000 dieren in de leg- en opfokstallen van het bedrijf. De ruiming wordt uitgevoerd door de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA).
                            "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                            • #15
                              Bird flu at poultry farm in Maasland

                              News release | 05-12-2020 | 3:45 PM

                              In Maasland (municipality of Midden-Delfland, province of South Holland) bird flu (H5) has been diagnosed at a small-scale poultry farm with chickens. It is probably a highly pathogenic variant of bird flu. The chickens are being culled to prevent the virus from spreading. In total, it concerns approximately 500 chickens. The culling is carried out by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

                              There are no other poultry farms in the area of ​​3 and the area of ​​10 kilometers around the infected farm in Maasland. Because it is a commercial poultry farm, Minister Schouten of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality has taken immediate measures in accordance with European regulations in a zone of 10 kilometers around the location in Maasland. This concerns rules for visitors and bio-security measures. There is also a ban on the transport of poultry, eggs, poultry manure and used bedding, as well as other animals and animal products from companies with commercially kept poultry.
                              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

