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Outbreak of undetermined flu in Goma, 800 cases - likely Pandemic H1N1

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  • Outbreak of undetermined flu in Goma, 800 cases - likely Pandemic H1N1

    Hat-tip dutchy. The word that I translate as flu, Google mistranslates as bird.

    North Kivu: a strange [flu] in Goma
    Nord Kivu | Vendredi 30 Octobre 2009 ? 12:29:27 North Kivu | Friday, October 30, 2009 at 12:29:27

    Hits : Hits:
    800 cas suspects de la grippe non encore identifi?s, ont ?t? notifi?s dans la ville de Goma depuis deux semaines maintenant. 800 suspected cases of influenza have not yet identified, have been reported in Goma for two weeks now. Le charg? de la lutte contre la maladie ? la division provinciale de la sant? fait remarquer que cette grippe ?trange touche consid?rablement les enfants dans la tranche de moins de 5 ans ainsi que des adultes. The charge of the fight against the disease in the Provincial Division of Health noted that this strange [flu] substantially affects children in the group under 5 years and adults. A ce jour, 18 cas ont ?t? pr?lev?s et envoy?s ? Kinshasa pour analyse en Afrique du Sud, a d?clar? le Dr Guy Mutombo. To date, 18 cases were collected and sent to Kinshasa to analysis in South Africa, said Dr. Guy Mutombo. Toutefois, ce responsable appelle la population ? ne pas c?der ? la panique en attendant les r?sultats de laboratoire dans deux semaines, rapporte radiookapi.n However, the official called the people not to panic while awaiting laboratory results in two weeks, reports radiookapi.n

  • #2
    Congo : a strange flu in Goma ; 800 suspect cases

    North Kivu: a strange flu in Goma

    North Kivu | Friday, October 30, 2009 at 12:29:27

    800 suspected cases of influenza have not yet identified, have been reported in Goma for two weeks now.

    The responsible health official in the Provincial Division of Health noted that this strange flu substantially affects children in the group under 5 years and adults.

    To date, 18 cases were collected and sent to Kinshasa to analysis in South Africa, said Dr. Guy Mutombo.

    However, the official called the people not to panic while awaiting laboratory results in two weeks, reports radiookapi.n

    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

