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Algeria - Four influenza deaths reported , attributed to avian flu - January 28, 2018 - officials deny

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  • Algeria - Four influenza deaths reported , attributed to avian flu - January 28, 2018 - officials deny

    Note: these are probably fatalities caused by seasonal flu (pandemic H1N1?). News reports like these are published all the time in Arab news sources. No known recent reports regarding avian flu in wild birds or poultry in Algeria.

    Avian flu: four deaths at Bejaia University Hospital

    Jan 28, 2018

    Four people between the ages of 30 and 50 died in bird flu at Khellil Amrane Hospital in Bejaia in less than 48 hours, hospital sources said Sunday. The deceased had been evacuated to the hospital for aggravated flu conditions. But they were not saved. They are from Aokas, Amizour and the city of Bejaia.

    Three other patients, suffering from the same illness, have been hospitalized in the hospital emergency room since yesterday. No special action has been taken by the hospital management to deal with the situation, according to our source. "An isolation service for the sick had to be created, but it was not done," laments our source.

    Quatre personnes ?g?es, entre 30 et 50 ans, sont d?c?d?es en moins de 48 heures de la grippe aviaire ? l?h?pital Khellil Amrane de B?jaia, a-t-on appris ce dimanche de source hospitali?re. Les personnes d?c?d?es avaient ?t? ?vacu?es ? l?h?pital pour des ?tats de grippe aggrav?s. Mais ils n?ont pas ?t? sauv?s. Ils sont originaires ?
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Translation Google

    The CHU of Bejaia writes to us

    Society and Consumption 29 Jan 2018 at 16:52

    "The general management of the B?ja?a University Hospital brings to public opinion a formal denial of the allegations reported in the article" Avian flu; four deaths at the CHU de Bejaia ", broadcast by the electronic daily Tout Sur l'Algerie (TSA) dated January 28, 2018, and relayed by some social networks.

    Indeed, the B?ja?a Teaching Hospital has recorded cases of complicated seasonal flu since ten (10) days and we have lamented three (03) deaths to date. These are immunocompromised patients with chronic diseases including; unbalanced diabetes, severe anemia, malignant hypertension and COPD.

    In accordance with the notes of December 25, 2017 and January 9, 2018 from the Department of Prevention and Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform, a monitoring and care device cases of complicated flu have been established at the hospital of Bejaia combining the efforts of the departments of intensive care (Dr KHIAR, DR BOUDJIT, Dr. MENHOUK), the Department of pneumo-phtisiology (Professor MALKI, Dr. Si HADJ MOUHAND) , Department of Infectious Diseases (Professor NOUASRIA, Dr. BOULAHIA, Dr. BOUDRAHEM), Department of UMC (Dr. MEKROUD), Department of Microbiology (Dr. AZOUAOU), Department of Occupational Medicine (Dr. DERRADJ) under the coordination of the service Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (Dr. MEDKOUR, Dr. LAOUSSATI).

    Therefore, we would like to reassure the population of Bejaia that the long-established watch cell has already made the necessary arrangements to know;

    Reservation of two (02) beds per service, pneumology, infectiology, pediatrics and maternity;
    Reservation of two (02) beds in the intensive care unit for complicated seasonal influenza cases;
    The samples were taken from hospitalized patients and kept waiting to be sent to the Institut Pasteur Algeria.
    "Everyone knows that we can only talk about bird flu if the results are confirmed by the Institut Pasteur Algeria".

    We would like to remind you that the CHU of B?ja?a has a communication cell, the only one able to communicate the information related to the life of the establishment and this one, has never been contacted to confirm or refute the information. . However, we invite all media to get closer to the cell for more information. "
    "Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."
    -Nelson Mandela

