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DRC: outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 in birds in Ituri

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  • DRC: outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 in birds in Ituri

    Translation Google

    An unknown disease decimates ducks and chickens in Djugu

    Posted on Sun, 07/05/2017 - 21:53 | Modified on Sun, 07/05/2017 - 21:53

    About three hundred and fifty head of poultry, including ducks and chickens, died within a week of a disease not otherwise identified in the localities of Joo and Kaf? on the shores of Lake Albert in the territory of Djugu. The information was delivered on Sunday (May 7th) in Bunia by the head of animal production and animal health division in Ituri, fearing "adverse consequences in family economies" in the area.

    The head of Livestock Production and Animal Health Division in Ituri, Dr. Andr? Lobho, reports that, on the basis of reports from local breeders, ducks die in large numbers, while these palmiped birds often resist diseases Chickens or roosters.

    This is what worries Dr. Andr? Lobho. He confirms the presence at Joo and Kaf? of the agents of this division dispatched for appropriate investigations:

    "We needed an animal health expert to give us the exact symptoms. He will take pictures to edify us more. I recommended to him, if there are bodies of waterfowl, that they take pictures of us. "
    According to Dr. Andr? Lobho, the loss of these birds constitutes an "economic catastrophe" for the breeders of the region who "are interested in ducks. And when ducks die massively like that, it's a hard blow, because these are the resources with which they are living. [The schooling of] children, medical care ... it goes in. "

    The Livestock and Animal Health Division in Ituri has banned the consumption of poultry meat, which is dying from a disease not otherwise identified in these localities.

  • #2
    Translation Google

    DRC / Ituri: Provincial Government Commits to Fight Poultry Epidemic

    11 May 3 Health (3639), Society (24557),

    Kinshasa, May 11, 2017 (ACP) .- The provincial government reaffirms its commitment to fight an epidemic that ravages poultry in the territory of Aru in Ituri, reports the meeting of the provincial council of ministers held in Bunia under the presidency of the governor of Ituri Jefferson Abdallah Pene Mbaka.

    The council is asking the population not to consume poultry meat affected by this still unknown epidemic at risk of being contaminated, notes government spokesman and ITPR minister Gilbert Lomo Wamukaika in a report read to the press .


    • #3
      Translation Google

      DR Congo - Bas-Uele, Haut-Uele, Ituri & Tshopo
      Humanitarian information note no
      6 (17/5/2017)


      Overview of the situation
      An unidentified epizootic decimates poultry in the region on the shores of Lake Albert in Ituri.
      Since mid-March, the Provincial Inspectorate for Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock (IPAPEL) observes an epizootic disease, which decimated about 4 000 ducks and hens in the localities of Joo and Kafe, on the shores of Lake Albert in the Health of Tchomia (Territory of Djugu, Province of Ituri). A team of experts from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is in the area to investigate this disease which remains still unknown.

      Restez informé des opérations humanitaires en République démocratique du Congo. Trouvez des ressources, des évaluations, des réunions et des contacts sélectionnés localement pour coordonner les efforts de secours.


      • #4
        Translation Google

        DRC: bird flu kills more than 5,000 ducks and chickens in Ituri

        Posted on Fri, 19/05/2017 - 13:03 | Modified on Fri, 19/05/2017 - 13:18

        In an address to the press Thursday (May 18th) in Bunia, the governor of Ituri, Abdalah Pene Mbaka, declared the epidemic of avian flu in the localities of Joo and Kaf? on the shores of Lake Albert. The disease has already killed more than five thousand chickens and ducks.

        Experts note its progression towards the localities of Kasenyi, Nyamavi, Kapuru, Mandje, Mokambo and Mahagi - port, along Lake Albert.

        According to the Head of Livestock Production and Animal Health Department in Ituri, Dr. Andr? Lobo, cases of deaths of chickens and ducks at this stage in three territories of Ituri: Djugu, Irumu and Mahagi.

        To prevent the spread of the disease, the provincial governor announces the suspension of commercialization of poultry:

        "The movement of poultry of all kinds in these localities is strictly forbidden. And the markets there are closed to the poultry trade. Poultry within a radius of 3 kilometers around these localities must be systematically destroyed within the framework of sanitary cleansing ".

        The Head of Production and Animal Health reported that other surveillance measures were already in place, notably at the central market in Bunia, which naturally supplies poultry in these different localities. It therefore calls for the non-handling of infected poultry or found dead, to avoid contamination.

        Dans une adresse à la presse jeudi 18 mai à Bunia, le gouverneur de l’Ituri, Abdalah Pene Mbaka, a déclaré l’épidémie de la grippe aviaire dans les localités de Joo et de Kafé au bord du lac Albert. La maladie a déjà tué plus de cinq mille poules et canards. Les experts notent sa progression vers les localités de Kasenyi, Nyamavi, Kapuru, Mandje, Mokambo et Mahagi – port, le long du lac Albert. Selon le chef de service de production et santé animale en Ituri, Dr André Lobo, des cas des décès des poules et canards à ce stade dans trois territoires de l’Ituri: Djugu, Irumu et Mahagi.


        • #5
          Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
          Congo (Dem. Rep. of the)
          Information received on 26/05/2017 from Mr Honor? Robert N'Lemba Mabela, Directeur et Chef de service, Service de la Production & de la Sant? Animale, Minist?re de l'Agriculture, P?che et Elevage , KINSHASA, Congo (Dem. Rep. of the)
          Report type Immediate notification
          Date of start of the event 25/04/2017
          Date of confirmation of the event 24/05/2017
          Report date 26/05/2017
          Date submitted to OIE 26/05/2017
          Reason for notification First occurrence of a listed disease in the country
          Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
          Serotype H5
          Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (advanced)
          This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
          New outbreaks (3)
          Outbreak 1 Kafe, DJUGU, ITURI
          Date of start of the outbreak 25/04/2017
          Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
          Epidemiological unit Village
          Affected animals
          Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
          Birds 6573 6569 6558 10 1
          Affected population Males and females of all ages
          Outbreak 2 Joo, DJUGU, ITURI
          Date of start of the outbreak 25/04/2017
          Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
          Epidemiological unit Village
          Affected animals
          Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
          Birds 8148 6998 6031 0 0
          Affected population Males and females of all ages
          Outbreak 3 Tchomia, DJUGU, ITURI
          Date of start of the outbreak 25/04/2017
          Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
          Epidemiological unit Village
          Affected animals
          Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
          Birds 6215 2218 167 0 0
          Affected population Males and females of all ages
          Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 3
          Total animals affected
          Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
          Birds 20936 15785 12756 10 1
          Outbreak statistics
          Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
          Birds 75.40% 60.93% 80.81% 60.98%
          *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
          Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
          • Unknown or inconclusive
          Epidemiological comments Ducks are mostly raised in these localities near Lake Albert. Mortality has been higher in ducks than in hens. Positive samples have been taken on 21 ducks and one hen. Quantitative information provided concerns the ducks. H5N8 avian influenza virus is present in the neighbouring country Uganda. Dense trade exchanges, mainly of poultry and poultry products, between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda should not be overlooked. Duck mortality is high in Joo and Kafe. Surveillance has been reinforced in the containment zone to prevent the spread of the disease to the other Ituri territories. Other investigations are planned shortly in other territories of the province.
          Control measures
          Measures applied
          • Movement control inside the country
          • Surveillance within containment and/or protection zone
          • Quarantine
          • Zoning
          • Vaccination prohibited
          • No treatment of affected animals
          Measures to be applied
          • Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone
          • Stamping out
          • Disinfection
          Diagnostic test results
          Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
          Central veterinary laboratory of Kinshasa (National laboratory) Birds real-time reverse transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction (RRT-PCR) 24/05/2017 Positive
          Future Reporting
          The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


          • #6
            Translation Google

            Avian influenza declared in the DRC

            Posted on Sat, 03/06/2017 - 08:58 | Modified on Sat, 03/06/2017 - 08:58

            Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, Daniel Paluku Kisaka, declared officially on Friday June 2 the epidemic of avian flu in the DRC. This disease affects the localities of Joo, Kafe Tchomia in the territory of Djugu (Ituri), where it has already killed more than five thousand chickens and ducks.

            The disease, which mainly affects poultry, is transmissible to humans, said Daniel Paluku Kisaka. He also asked the people of that part of the country not to manipulate the birds in their bare hands:

            "Avian influenza is a disease with a considerable negative socio-economic and health impact. At present, the disease is prevalent in the localities of Joo, Kafe Tchomia ... To avoid the spread of avian influenza to other territories in Ituri, it is strictly forbidden for the population to manipulate hand birds Collect and consume the dead bodies of domestic or wild birds. "

            The technical services of his ministry are in the process of carrying out control of the poultry in the affected area, he announced before the press in Kinshasa.

            The governor of Ituri, Abdalah Pene Mbaka, had already declared this epidemic on Thursday May 18 in Bunia, specifying that the disease had already killed more than five thousand chickens and ducks.

            Cette maladie touche les localités de Joo, Kafe Tchomia dans le territoire de Djugu (Ituri), où elle a déjà tué plus de cinq mille poules et canards.


            • #7
              Translation Google

              Ituri: Fraudulent importation of eggs into Uganda, a factor in the spread of avian influenza

              5 June 2017

              Bunia, 05 June 2017 (ACP) .- The fraudulent importation of eggs in Uganda by some economic operators is one of the causes of the spread of avian influenza in the province of Ituri, lamented this weekend the veterinary doctor In charge of Animal Health within the Inspection of Agriculture Fishing and Livestock / Ituri Andr? Lobo.

              As a result, he continued the epidemic of avian influenza now spreading in several villages in Mahagi territory including Kpongbo, Kolokoto, Uvolu, Adji towards Mahagi port in the chieftaincy of Wagongo after certain localities of Djugu territories and Irumu where chickens and ducks are ravaged.

              He urged the security services to redouble their efforts by supporting the health team deployed on the ground at different levels, in order to curb this epidemic in accordance with the decree of the governor of Ituri, Jefferson Abdallah Pene Mbaka. Cordons sanitaires in order to hunt down the economic operators who said that the eggs fraudulently imported by recalcitrant economic operators are from old stocks when the avian flu was still raging in Uganda in February and March.

              He also pleaded with the provincial government to have the health team on the ground equipped with a protective kit, disinfectants, financial means to purchase fuel to incinerate poultry decimated by avian flu and Than the means of transport for the collection of poultry dead through the localities affected by this scourge. ACP / FNG / Kayu / KJI


              • #8
                Translation Google

                Ituri: avian influenza threatens the livelihood of the population

                Posted on Wed, 07/06/2017 - 18:57 | Modified on Wed, 07/06/2017 - 18:57

                The avian influenza outbreak in Ituri, with the presence of the highly pathogenic H5N8 strain for poultry and other birds, threatens the livelihood of the population, says Fabien Lef?vre of the communication group United Nations.

                He gave this information on Wednesday June 7th at the UN weekly conference in Kinshasa. According to Fabien Lef?vre, this flu can affect almost all species of domestic and wild birds.

                He noted that a joint team of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Transboundary Animal Diseases Emergency Center and the Government had visited the area to carry out a diagnostic And strengthen the capacity of local veterinary services.

                These field workers were trained in the detection of disease and in the slaughter of contaminated poultry.
                It recommends that the public report "any suspicious poultry mortality to the provincial departments of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock".

                Fisheries and Livestock Minister Daniel Paluku Kisaka officially declared the outbreak of avian flu in the DRC on Friday. This disease affects the localities of Joo, Kafe Tchomia in the territory of Djugu (Ituri), where it has already killed more than five thousand chickens and ducks.

                L’épidémie de grippe aviaire déclarée dans la province de l’Ituri, avec la présence de la souche H5N8 très pathogène pour les volailles et d’autres oiseaux, menace les moyens de subsistance de la population, indique Fabien Lefèvre du groupe de communication des Nations unies. Il a donné cette information ce mercredi 7 juin lors de la conférence hebdomadaire des Nations unies à Kinshasa. Selon Fabien Lefèvre, cette grippe peut toucher presque toutes les espèces d’oiseaux domestiques et sauvages.


                • #9
                  Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
                  Congo (Dem. Rep. of the)
                  Information received on 14/06/2017 from Mr Honor? Robert N'Lemba Mabela, Directeur et Chef de service, Service de la Production & de la Sant? Animale, Minist?re de l'Agriculture, P?che et Elevage , KINSHASA, Congo (Dem. Rep. of the)
                  Report type Follow-up report No. 1
                  Date of start of the event 25/04/2017
                  Date of confirmation of the event 24/05/2017
                  Report date 14/06/2017
                  Date submitted to OIE 14/06/2017
                  Reason for notification First occurrence of a listed disease in the country
                  Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
                  Serotype H5N8
                  Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (advanced)
                  This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
                  Related reports Immediate notification (26/05/2017)
                  Follow-up report No. 1 (14/06/2017)
                  New outbreaks (11)
                  Outbreak 1 Anguza Pajulu, MAHAGI, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 17/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 45 45 0 0
                  Affected population Mortality in ducks of all ages in this village on the shore of the lake Albert
                  Outbreak 2 Kolokoto, MAHAGI, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 19/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 665 665 0 0
                  Affected population Mortality in ducks of all ages in this village on the shore of the lake Albert
                  Outbreak 3 Pongo 1, MAHAGI, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 19/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 421 421 0 0
                  Affected population Mortality in ducks of all ages raised by the population near the shore of the lake Albert
                  Outbreak 4 Mahagi-port, MAHAGI, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 19/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 6474 587 431 0 0
                  Affected population Males and females of all ages affected
                  Outbreak 5 Cit? Angomoko, MAHAGI, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 20/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 44 44 0 0
                  Affected population Mortality in ducks and chickens of all ages. Ducks are more affected.
                  Outbreak 6 Umvodu 1, MAHAGI, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 20/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 1274 1274 0 0
                  Affected population Mass mortality in ducks of all ages in these villageq on the shore of the lake Albert
                  Outbreak 7 Kasenyi, IRUMU, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 21/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 10798 2234 2210 0 0
                  Affected population Ducks and chickens of all ages and sexes affected. Mortality.
                  Outbreak 8 Muguma, MAHAGI, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 23/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 138 138 0 0
                  Affected population Mortality in ducks of all ages in this village on the shore of the lake Albert
                  Outbreak 9 Kwero, MAHAGI, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 23/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 478 478 0 0
                  Affected population Mortality in ducks and chickens of all ages in these villages on the shore of the lake Albert
                  Outbreak 10 Umvodu 2, MAHAGI, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 23/05/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 1192 1192 0 0
                  Affected population Mortality in ducks and chickens of all ages in these villages on the shore of the lake Albert
                  Outbreak 11 Mandje, IRUMU, ITURI
                  Date of start of the outbreak 03/06/2017
                  Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                  Epidemiological unit Village
                  Affected animals
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 29 29 0 0
                  Affected population Ducks and chickens of all ages affected in this village on the shore of the lake Albert
                  Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 11
                  Total animals affected
                  Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                  Birds 17272 7107 6927 0 0
                  Outbreak statistics
                  Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                  Birds ** ** 97.47% **
                  *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
                  **Not calculated because of missing information
                  Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
                  • Unknown or inconclusive
                  Epidemiological comments Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N8 serotype clade was confirmed.
                  Control measures
                  Measures applied
                  • Movement control inside the country
                  • Surveillance within containment and/or protection zone
                  • Quarantine
                  • Zoning
                  • Vaccination prohibited
                  • No treatment of affected animals
                  Measures to be applied
                  • Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone
                  • Stamping out
                  • Disinfection
                  Diagnostic test results
                  Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
                  Central veterinary laboratory of Kinshasa (National laboratory) Birds real-time reverse transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction (RRT-PCR) 24/05/2017 Positive
                  Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute (IZS), Veneto, Italy (OIE Reference Laboratory) Birds real-time reverse transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction (RRT-PCR) 13/06/2017 Positive
                  Future Reporting
                  The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


                  • #10
                    Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
                    Congo (Dem. Rep. of the)
                    Information received on 01/07/2017 from Mr Honor? Robert N'Lemba Mabela, Directeur et Chef de service, Service de la Production & de la Sant? Animale, Minist?re de l'Agriculture, P?che et Elevage , KINSHASA, Congo (Dem. Rep. of the)
                    Report type Follow-up report No. 2
                    Date of start of the event 25/04/2017
                    Date of confirmation of the event 24/05/2017
                    Report date 30/06/2017
                    Date submitted to OIE 01/07/2017
                    Reason for notification First occurrence of a listed disease
                    Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
                    Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
                    Serotype H5N8
                    Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (advanced)
                    This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
                    Related reports Immediate notification (26/05/2017)
                    Follow-up report No. 1 (14/06/2017)
                    Follow-up report No. 2 (30/06/2017)
                    New outbreaks (9)
                    Outbreak 1 Ubongwa, MAHAGI, ITURI
                    Date of start of the outbreak 01/06/2017
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 356 356 0 0
                    Affected population Mortality in chicken and ducks of all ages in this locality on the shore of the lake Albert.
                    Outbreak 2 Kalingwa, MAHAGI, ITURI
                    Date of start of the outbreak 03/06/2017
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 67 67 0 0
                    Affected population Mortality in ducks of all ages in this locality of the territory of Mahagi.
                    Outbreak 3 Kisindja, MAHAGI, ITURI
                    Date of start of the outbreak 03/06/2017
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 130 130 0 0
                    Affected population Ducks and chickens of all ages are affected by the pathology.
                    Outbreak 4 Tabeta, MAHAGI, ITURI
                    Date of start of the outbreak 03/06/2017
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 334 334 0 0
                    Affected population Mortality in chicken and ducks of all ages. This locality is on the shore of the lake Albert.
                    Outbreak 5 Camp Lendu, MAHAGI, ITURI
                    Date of start of the outbreak 03/06/2017
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 12 12 0 0
                    Affected population Mortality in chicken and two ducks of all ages in this locality on the shore of the lake Albert.
                    Outbreak 6 Djupalitho, MAHAGI, ITURI
                    Date of start of the outbreak 05/06/2017
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 38 38 0 0
                    Affected population Mortality in ducks of all ages in this locality on the shore of the lake Albert.
                    Outbreak 7 Wikidi, MAHAGI, ITURI
                    Date of start of the outbreak 06/06/2017
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 138 138 0 0
                    Affected population Mortality in chicken and ducks of all ages.
                    Outbreak 8 Mukashi, MAHAGI, ITURI
                    Date of start of the outbreak 07/06/2017
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 4800 4800 0 0
                    Affected population Mortality in ducks of all ages in this locality on the shore of the lake Albert and on the border of the territory of Djugu.
                    Outbreak 9 Djupanyarabi, MAHAGI, ITURI
                    Date of start of the outbreak 10/06/2017
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 408 408 0 0
                    Affected population Mortality in chicken and ducks of all ages in this locality on the shore of the lake Albert.
                    Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 9
                    Total animals affected
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                    Birds 6283 6283 0 0
                    Outbreak statistics
                    Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                    Birds ** ** 100.00% **
                    *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
                    **Not calculated because of missing information
                    Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
                    • Unknown or inconclusive
                    Epidemiological comments Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N8 serotype clade was confirmed.
                    Control measures
                    Measures applied
                    • Movement control inside the country
                    • Surveillance within containment and/or protection zone
                    • Quarantine
                    • Zoning
                    • Vaccination prohibited
                    • No treatment of affected animals
                    Measures to be applied
                    • Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone
                    • Stamping out
                    • Disinfection
                    Future Reporting
                    The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


                    • #11
                      Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
                      Congo (Dem. Rep. of the)
                      Information received on 03/03/2018 from Mr Honor? Robert N'Lemba Mabela, Directeur et Chef de service, Service de la Production & de la Sant? Animale, Minist?re de l'Agriculture, P?che et Elevage , KINSHASA, Congo (Dem. Rep. of the)
                      Report type Follow-up report No. 4
                      Date of start of the event 25/04/2017
                      Date of confirmation of the event 24/05/2017
                      Report date 03/03/2018
                      Date submitted to OIE 03/03/2018
                      Reason for notification First occurrence of a listed disease in the country
                      Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
                      Serotype H5N8
                      Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (advanced)
                      This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
                      Related reports Immediate notification (26/05/2017)
                      Follow-up report No. 1 (14/06/2017)
                      Follow-up report No. 2 (30/06/2017)
                      Follow-up report No. 3 (19/07/2017)
                      Follow-up report No. 4 (03/03/2018)
                      New outbreaks (5)
                      Outbreak 1 Kolokoto, MAHAGI, ITURI
                      Date of start of the outbreak 26/11/2017
                      Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                      Epidemiological unit Village
                      Affected animals
                      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                      Birds 2926 1365 0 0
                      Affected population Ducklings from one day to four weeks old were decimated with a mortality rate ranging from 80 to 100% for some households. The ducklings regularly in contact with the waters and the vicinity of the lake are more affected as compared to those from households located far from the lake.
                      Outbreak 2 Umvodu 1, MAHAGI, ITURI
                      Date of start of the outbreak 27/11/2017
                      Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                      Epidemiological unit Village
                      Affected animals
                      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                      Birds 2388 1779 0 0
                      Affected population Ducklings from one day to four weeks old were decimated with a mortality rate ranging from 80 to 100% for some households. The ducklings regularly in contact with the waters and the vicinity of the lake are more affected as compared to those from households located far from the lake.
                      Outbreak 3 Pongo 1, MAHAGI, ITURI
                      Date of start of the outbreak 29/11/2017
                      Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                      Epidemiological unit Village
                      Affected animals
                      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                      Birds 1060 689 0 0
                      Affected population Ducklings from one day to four weeks old were decimated with a mortality rate ranging from 80 to 100% for some households. The ducklings regularly in contact with the waters and the vicinity of the lake are more affected as compared to those from households located far from the lake.
                      Outbreak 4 Kisindja, MAHAGI, ITURI
                      Date of start of the outbreak 29/11/2017
                      Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                      Epidemiological unit Village
                      Affected animals
                      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                      Birds 924 470 0 0
                      Affected population Ducklings from one day to four weeks old were decimated with a mortality rate ranging from 80 to 100% for some households. The ducklings regularly in contact with the waters and the vicinity of the lake are more affected as compared to those from households located far from the lake.
                      Outbreak 5 Camp Lendu, MAHAGI, ITURI
                      Date of start of the outbreak 01/12/2017
                      Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                      Epidemiological unit Village
                      Affected animals
                      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                      Birds 184 4 0 0
                      Affected population Ducklings from one day to four weeks old were decimated with a mortality rate ranging from 80 to 100% for some households. The ducklings regularly in contact with the waters and the vicinity of the lake are more affected as compared to those from households located far from the lake.
                      Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 5
                      Total animals affected
                      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                      Birds 7482 4307 0 0
                      Outbreak statistics
                      Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                      Birds ** ** 57.56% **
                      *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
                      **Not calculated because of missing information
                      Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
                      • Unknown or inconclusive
                      Epidemiological comments Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N8 serotype clade was confirmed.
                      Control measures
                      Measures applied
                      • Movement control inside the country
                      • Surveillance within containment and/or protection zone
                      • Quarantine
                      • Zoning
                      • Vaccination prohibited
                      • No treatment of affected animals
                      Measures to be applied
                      • Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone
                      • Stamping out
                      • Disinfection
                      Future Reporting
                      The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.

