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Madagascar - Plague outbreak 2016-17

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  • Madagascar - Plague outbreak 2016-17

    Translation Google

    Epidemic in Ambalarano-Befotaka: about ten deaths

    By The News on 05/12/2016

    General panic in Ambalarano. In the last few months, a dozen people have succumbed to an epidemic that remains unrecognized until now. The suspicion of plague is not to be dismissed.

    On the alert. The Ministry of Health has dispatched a multidisciplinary medical team to this village in Bafotaka district, Atsimo-Andrefana region. Having left the capital last weekend, the latter comes to reinforce the staff of the Health on the spot to circumscribe the epidemic and to treat the sick. "They are provided with medicines and other necessary inputs which will make it possible to take charge of all the possible epidemic cases which may be the cause of this situation", informed yesterday the director of the Health Watch and Epidemiological Surveillance (DVSSE), Dr. Maherison Ratsitorahana, on the phone.

    Although the supervisory ministry has avoided further information on this subject at this time, due to a lack of reliable statistics, it has been learned from consistent sources that the situation has worsened in recent weeks. Yesterday, during a telephone conversation, Maroriky, the MP for Befotaka, confirmed that he had received reports that about 10 deaths were reported in Ambalarano. Consulted by us, a gendarmerie officer in this district, said he had already been informed of this information on Wednesday.

    The suspicion of plague is not to be ruled out

    According to a source at Migondy Atsimo, the epidemic would have started already two months ago where cases of death were noted. The patients did not consult the Basic Health Centers (CSB) since they considered the phenomenon as a result of an act of witchcraft. Some of the patients who visited CSB in Migondy Atsimo last week had symptoms similar to those of plague. "For now, we can not confirm or deny this assumption," according to the DVSSE. The latter added that "only bacteriological analyzes will confirm or not such a case".

    Meanwhile, in order to be able to control the epidemic in time, Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) and medicines for treatment have already been sent to the site, in case of plague. For years, coastal areas have ceased to be included in the list of plague areas on the Big Island. "Generally, plague-infected homes are found only in the Central Highlands," said the head of the plague unit at the Pasteur Institute in Madagascar, Dr. Minoarisoa Rajerison.


  • #2
    Translation Google

    Befotaka: A devastating epidemic makes about 60 victims

    Redaction Midi Madagasikara 5 December 2016

    According to a local source in the Befotaka district, Atsimo-Atsinanana region, there are about sixty casualties. Yet another source to mention that this "devastating disease" has caused about 30 deaths. But these sources point out that it could be the plague, given the number of victims. Indeed, the geographical remoteness of the place where the incident occurs makes it difficult to verify this fact. Even the Ministry of Public Health is not yet able to verify whether it is the plague, or not. Nevertheless, a source from this ministry confirmed that the epidemiological response team and the Pasteur Institute of Madagascar (IPM) had already been sent to the site to see the situation closely for a few days . And these teams will stay for about 10 days in this district to support those already there. Main missions: to define the epidemic and treat all the patients.

    Around 10%. In fact, according to our sources, it takes at least two days of walking to get to the exact spot where this devastating disease has appeared. As a result, the source at the supervisory ministry said that the acquisition of true information could only take place that day in the afternoon. Before pointing out in the same passage that Befotaka is a non-plague area. "By the way, we were about to say that the prevalence rate of plague has dropped sharply this year, at around 10%. What would become a sort of victory for us. But with this new data, the situation could change, "says the source. Plague or not, almost all our interlocutors on the spot did not fail to confirm that there were deaths. Only their number remains to be verified. In any case, in the case of plague, details will be reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Arnaud R.

    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

    Mysterious epidemic in Befotaka: Still no official information

    Redaction Midi Madagasikara 6 December 2016

    The rescue and reinforcement teams sent to the Befotaka district by the Ministry of Public Health a few days ago have still not given a sign of life. Thus, there is as yet no official information regarding the evolution of the situation regarding this mysterious disease. The latest information received on this subject is, let us recall, the existence of "many victims". "We have not received anything yet. Which leads us to worry about our teams sent to the scene, "our source told the ministry. What then is the content of the situation? And our correspondents on the spot are not able to give information on this "devastating" disease. This, although the situation is of more interest to our dear readers. Nevertheless, the ministry responsible for affirming that a press briefing will be given immediately after receipt of news from the mysterious teams sent to Befotaka.

    New technology. Even so, should it be emphasized that the rapidly evolving new technology should facilitate the transmission of information even in remote areas? Moreover, the discovery of information about this disease was made via social networks. In any case, the weekly newsletter (special edition), dated 17 October last, on the plague season in Madagascar, shows that four cases of plague were reported (between the 34th and the 40th epidemiological week) Without death. From the beginning of the season until the 40th week, 109 cases of plague were reported, of which 86 were bubonic and 20 were pulmonary, with three unspecified cases. To be continued.

    Arnaud R.


    • #3
      Translation Google


      Monday, December 5, 2016 10:25 p.m.

      Sary SOS Children

      On Thursday, December 1, 2016 has been heard that there are 12 people killed by a strange epidemic in tan?nan'Ambalarano, Commune ni?os, District Befotaka, Southeast Region.

      The next day it was reported that he had come up to 30 people were killed. Today elected MP in Befotaka, Maroriky, said that 31 people lost their lives, according to the media received from the mayor's son ni?os.

      Sent messengers to the local Ministry of Health, from a weekend in Antananarivo, cars, heal the sick, and the fight to eliminate this epidemic. Tomorrow is estimated to come to a place where growing epidemic Iran.

      An increasing number of sick and dying when it came to medical teams sent. Here is the question: is known that many destructive epidemics is in ni?os-Befotaka and medical teams were sent by helicopter to speed up the pace?

      It should not be difficult, because there is a helicopter in Madagascar. Alouette 2 Army or lease of the private sector. To hear that he is who approves the budget in the palm of the various ministries in the latter part of this year should be the end of each ministry's budget before the end of the year, or rather spend of the other things the money than to save the life of their fellow citizens?

      So far no official what many destructive progress Befotaka. However, many suspect that plague this event, the bubonic plague which is classified as a disease of the poor countries, and there is no longer rare in the world.

      Copyright ?


      Plague Suspicion in Befotaka Atsimo

      06.12.2016 | 8:31 pm News, Social0

      The teams of the Ministry of Public Health and the Pasteur Institute of Madagascar (IPM) have not yet arrived in the small community of Inosy Ambalarano yesterday, when suspected cases of plague were reported by local authorities. It is an almost inaccessible zone, there are still about thirty kilometers to walk, between Midongy Atsimo and this commune. They should arrive on the spot today to carry out their investigations.


      • #4
        Bubonic plague kills 31 in southern Madagascar

        RIVONALA RAZAFISON in Antananarivo Tuesday, December 6 2016 at 18:09

        Bubonic plague has killed at least 31 people in Madagascar?s southern district of Befotaka Atsimo, official said.

        ?The victims are from two adjacent rural communes: 25 in one and six in another one,? said local lawmaker Col Maroriky.
        Reports of a mysterious disease outbreak first emerged last week but it has now been confirmed as bubonic plague.


        • #5
          Befotaka Atsimo: The number of deaths due to the still undetermined epidemic reaches 30 people at the moment in the district of Befotaka (Atsimo Atsinanana region). 60 other people have the same symptoms of this disease.


          • #6
            Translation Google

            Public health

            About 30 victims of an epidemic in Befotaka Sud

            Wednesday 7 December | Yvan Andriamanga

            What is the epidemic that ravages South Befotaka? A "mysterious" epidemic or plague. What is certain is that it has made no less than thirty victims in a few weeks. The Ministry of Health does not provide any official information on this subject but has nevertheless sent teams on site with the Institut Pasteur.

            The deputy-elect of Befotaka South, Maroriky says for his part that it is the plague that rages in his constituency. But since he is neither physician nor laboratory worker of the Pasteur Institute, it is a little difficult to confirm his statements. This deputy also reports that the lack of health infrastructure is aggravating the situation. One reason why medical staff sent by the Ministry of Health has all the trouble in the world to work properly according to him. You have to walk tens of kilometers on foot, up to 60 km to reach the sick.


            Befotaka Atsimo - Thirty-one Deaths Announced by a Member of Parliament

            07.12.2016 | 8:33 AM News, Social0

            The number of people who died from the suspicion of plague would go up to thirty-one in the small community of Inosy Ambalarano. The information was given by Colonel Maroriky, deputy of the district of Befotaka Atsimo, yesterday. "It was the son of the mayor of the commune who informed me by telephone. There is no telephone network in this commune, so it is difficult to get the exact information in real time, but I am sure that what I was told is close to reality, "clarifies this MP . The latter states that the victims presented signs approaching the bubonic plague.

            On the side of the Ministry of Public Health, Professor Mamy Lalatiana Andriamanarivo, informs about six deaths. He said, however, that "the biological analysis does not yet confirm that it is plague," he answers a senator, during a session of questions answers between the government and the senators in Anosikely , Yesterday. Minosoa Rajerison, head of the plague unit at the Institut Pasteur in Madagascar, said that the Befotaka district of Atsimo, a coastal area, was not a plague zone.



            • #7
              Translation Google

              Madagascar: four deaths caused by bubonic plague in the south-east of the country

     | Updated on 08-12-2016

              Four deaths were recorded by bubonic plague Tuesday in the southeastern part of Madagascar, officials from the Ministry of Public Health said on Wednesday.

              "Four deaths caused by bubonic plague were recorded on Tuesday, including three deaths in the commune of Inosy and one in Bevao, localities in the Befotaka district in the south-east of the country, more than 550 km from Antananarivo, The Malagasy capital, "said Wednesday to the press Willy Randriamarotia, director of the cabinet of the Malagasy Ministry of Health.

              "The results could be heavier in the days to come, however it would be necessary to rely solely on the epidemiological investigation of the team on the spot," he added on Wednesday at a press conference.

              Mr Randriamarotia stressed that "only the investigation can shed light on the situation in these areas concerned in relation to the rumors circulating since 15 November last that more than 30 deaths were caused by plague in these southern enclaved localities East of the Big Island ".

              "A riposte team dispatched to these locations since Friday confirmed the plague outbreak in Bevao and Inosy on Tuesday, and there were four suspected deaths," Randriamarotia said.

              In Madagascar, several communes were newly created during the municipal elections in August 2015. Of the 1695 Malagasy communes, 1617 are rural.

              "Inosy is a new commune and these localities where the plague epidemic is confirmed are very enclaved areas," said Randriamarotia, adding that "the journey to reach these localities lasts four days of which one third Indeed on foot ".

              According to the latest ministerial data, Madagascar recorded 51 cases of bubonic plague in several localities in the country, particularly in the uplands during the plague season between 2016 and 2017. End

              Quatre décès ont été enregistrés par la peste bubonique mardi dans la partie sud-est de Madagascar, ont révélé mercredi de hauts fonctionnaires du ministère de la santé publique au pays.


              • #8
                Translation Google

                Befotaka Atsimo - The plague is more victims

                08.12.2016 | 3:52 News

                A person living in the fokontany of Bevao, in the commune of Inosy, district of Befotaka Atsimo again succumbed to the plague on Tuesday. It was yesterday, according to the report of the teams of the Ministry of Public Health and its partners on the spot, joined to the telephone via the satellite network. Arrived in this small town Tuesday, after four days of travel, this is the first case they could confirm with a rapid diagnostic test. Another victim in this same fokontany, is being treated.

                The first information from these teams, since their brief intervention, indicate that there have been four deaths probably caused by plague in this commune since 15 November. Colonel Maroriky, deputy of Befotaka Atsimo, said on Tuesday that there were thirty-one cases. "There are surely more than four cases, but for now this is what our team has confirmed," said Professor Willy Randriamarotia, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Public Health.

                It is still too early to confirm the cause of this epidemic in this non-plague area. "It is probable that these victims contracted it in the village of Tanambao where they attended a funeral," said Herlyne Ramihantaniarivo, Director General of Public Health. Teams and means of reinforcement are envisaged, to support those already dispatched on the spot.

                Since the beginning of the plague season, there have been fifty-one cases and no cases of death in plague-affected areas, including Manjakandriana, Ankazobe, Anjozorobe, Itasy, Ambositra, Andramasina, and Tsiroanomandidy. The epidemic in Befotaka Atsimo will inflate these figures, if the dozens of cases supported by the local authorities will be confirmed.

                Miangaly Ralitera


                • #9
                  Translation Google

                  Mysterious deaths in Befotaka: the suspicion of plague confirmed

                  By The News on 08/12/2016

                  A coastal zone is added to the list of plague zones on the Big Island. The insalubrity, combined with the magnitude of the bush fires, leading to the invasion of rats carrying fleas, which are vectors of plague in the villages, could be the cause of this unpleasant surprise.

                  Tested positive. A sick person, in the fokontany of Bevao, in the rural commune of Inosy Ambalarano, is well suffering from the plague. The Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) confirmed this. A death there also occurred the day before yesterday. The Ministry of Health, through its chief of staff, Dr. Willy Randriamarotia, affirmed the existence of the plague epidemic in this area, although the first observation was made by the medical team dispatched to the site. It is located outside the plague. It was on the occasion of a press conference on this subject, which took place yesterday in Ambohidahy.

                  Contrary to what local sources have announced, that there are about thirty deaths, this team has so far reported only four cases of death (yesterday morning). Three have occurred in Inosy since last November 15th. They are believed to have died as a result of this epidemic, as their relatives and local authorities reported similar symptoms to plague before death, including lymph nodes and high fever. The other case occurred the day before yesterday at Ambalarano. But, in any case, this statistic is likely to evolve in the coming days since the investigations are only beginning. According to information received on the spot, patients in the fokontany of Ambalantsoa and Morarano were tested positive for malaria and not for plague.

                  Risk of spread of the epidemic

                  This discovery risks leaving the hope of being able to control the plague in a few years flying in the air. It appears that the epidemic is currently spreading because, according to information from the Ministry of Health, the likely source of the epidemic comes from the village of Antanambao in the rural commune of Iakora.

                  People who attended the funeral vigil in this village reportedly transmitted the disease in the commune of Inosy. And a similar situation is likely to happen in other villages since many inhabitants have already fled their village to avoid catching this disease, while the latter may have carriers of the virus. In any case, the ministry and its partners are doing their best to control the situation. Medicines are available on site to treat patients free of charge. "Another team will come to reinforce those who are already on the scene to speed up the treatment," reassured the director of the Health Watch and epidemiological surveillance, Dr. Mahery Ratsitorahina.



                  • #10
                    Translation Google

                    Manjakandriana - The plague kills a person

                    12.12.2016 | 8:35 pm News, Social0

                    A person succumbs to the bubonic plague a few kilometers from Antananarivo. The epidemic is under control.

                    The region of Analamanga records its first death caused by the plague, in this plague season 2016-2017.

                    It is a woman, living in Ranovao commune, Manjakandriana district, according to the confirmation of the Ministry of Public Health on Saturday. The death occurred in December. "The rapid diagnostic test for bubonic plague on the victim was positive," said Dr. Luc Michel Sendratiana, medical inspector in Manjakandriana, who was contacted yesterday. The latter added that it was an isolated case. "There are no new cases so far," he continues.

                    Since the beginning of this plague season, plague cases have been reported in the Analamanga region. There were victims in Ankazobe, Anjozorobe and lately in Manjakandriana. Other cases have been reported in Plague Places, as in Arivonimamo, Tsiroanomandidy and Andilamena.
                    In the small municipality of Inosy Ambalarano, Befotaka Atsimo district and Atsimo Atsinanana region, on the other hand, ten people (and not thirty-one as supported by the deputy of Befotaka, conol Maroriky in our newspaper on December 7 ), Have succumbed to the plague since November, according to an investigation carried out by thirty missionaries from the Ministry of Public Health and the Pasteur Institute of Madagascar, mobilized in this very isolated community without a health center after the call To local authorities. Seventeen other patients were cared for.

                    The Minister of Public Health, Professor Mamy Lalatiana Andriamanarivo, went down to see the reality on Friday, discovered another plague "unrecognized". It is a small town called Tanambao, in the district of Iakora and the region of Ihorombe. "The inhabitants of Ambalarano told us that this epidemic came from another locality. When he arrived at this place, an elderly man came out of his hut and explained that his nine children died as a result of severe fevers accompanied by lymph nodes (symptoms of plague). Thirty to fifty people, with the same symptoms, would have been dead for two years, "he says.

                    Other teams will be dispatched to Tanambao this week. The Ministry of Public Health is also setting up a mobile clinic in Inosy Ambalarano and assigning four doctors and seven paramedics to the district of Befotaka Atsimo.

                    The number of cases has risen to seventy-eight of which eleven deaths since the beginning of this season. "The disease is curable if treated in time, so, in case of high fever or ganglion, it is essential to see a doctor", hammer the doctors.

                    Miangaly Ralitera



                    • #11
                      Translation Google

                      Plague Epidemic - Southeast in Emergency

                      17.12.2016 | 8:15 News, alaune, Social0

                      The plague epidemic kills in three districts in the Southeast and Ihorombe regions. The state declares an emergency.

                      Central Highlands under control, threatened coastal cities. The state declares an emergency situation in the southeastern part of the Big Island, at the 15 December Council of Ministers held in Iavoloha. This, after confirmation of about 20 cases of plague in Befotaka district Atsimo, the presence of cases in the Midongy Atsimo district, both in the Southeast region. But also, the discovery of a new plague in the district of Iakora and Ihorombe region which would have made nearly fifty deaths, for two years, according to the testimony of the inhabitants met by the Minister of Public Health , Professor Mamy Lalatiana Andriamanarivo, having made a descent on the spot, on 9 December.

                      Evasive numbers

                      Another team from the Ministry of Public Health was dispatched to Iakora, more precisely, in the fokontany of Tanambao and Mahanoro, in the commune of Begogo, this week, after the first equipment mobilized in Befotaka Atsimo at the beginning of the month. "They are already there and are working on the treatment of the sick," says Dr. Maherisoa Ratsitorahana, Director of Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Surveillance (DVSSE), who is also on his way to support the team in Iakora, where the situation seems to be more Threatening. Yesterday, Dr. Maherisoa Ratsitorahana and other teams from the Ministry of Public Health, supported by technical and financial partners, organized a review in Ihosy before their descent to Tanambao and Mahanoro.

                      The exact statistics of the cases in Iakora and Midongy Atsimo remain, for the moment, unclear. "It is difficult to do the census of cases in such a short time. Our team arrived only yesterday (note: Thursday), "says Dr. Maherisoa Ratsitorahana. To present the existing threat, it will be necessary to recall the striking testimony of a father of ten children who saw his nine children die one by one after severe fevers and ganglions. In addition, a patient tested positive for bubonic plague at a health center in Midongy Atsimo, fled without treatment, endangering the people who frequent him. Indeed, without treatment, a bubonic plague turns into pulmonary plague and is transmitted very easily

                      Miangaly Ralitera


                      Iakora - The plague terrace fifteen people

                      19.12.2016 | 8:36 News, alaune, Social0

                      The plague epidemic is wreaking havoc in Iakora. About 20 victims, the sick and the dead, are listed.

                      The first results of the investigation of the Ministry of Public Health, on the situation of the plague in the district of Iakora, unveiled 23 patients including 15 deaths. "The first cases occurred around October, we have only been able to discover the epidemic," Josea Ratsirarson, general secretary of the Ministry of Public Health, said yesterday.

                      Maherisoa Ratsitorahana, Director of the Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Surveillance (DVSSE), on-site, said that it was largely bubonic plague, although cases of pulmonary plague were also recorded in the small Hamlet of Tanambao Mahanoro, commune Begogo and district of Iakora. For now, the Ministry of Public Health is not yet able to specify the causes of this epidemic in this region of Ihorombe. "It takes biological analyzes to determine the factors of the epidemic," adds Maherisoa Ratsitorahana.

                      Under treatment

                      The discovery of this plague, declared unrecognized, follows the epidemic of plague that killed ten and seventeen patients at Befotaka Atsimo in November.

                      The victims of the disease in the commune of Inosy Ambalarano of this district, informed the Minister of Public Health, Professor Mamy Lalatiana Andriamanarivo during his descent on December 9 that they noticed similar cases with deaths, In Begogo.

                      Having cross-checked the information on the spot, this first official of the Ministry of Public Health was able to confirm, with some testimonies, that of an elderly man who told him that his nine children succumbed to high fevers Accompanied by the appearance of ganglia. The state declared an emergency plague epidemic in three southern districts, Midongy Atsimo, Befotaka Atsimo and Iakora, at the council of ministers on 15 December.

                      At the latest news, patients are being treated at Iakora. Their condition would no longer be disturbing and the epidemic would be controlled.

                      Miangaly Ralitera


                      • #12
                        Translation Google

                        Madagascar: outbreak of plague in the south-east, state of emergency declared

                        By RFI Published on 22-12-2016 Modified on 22-12-2016 at 03:05

                        As almost every year since the 1980s, the plague epidemic is back on the Big Island. If plague is present in some twenty countries around the world, Madagascar is the country most affected by the epidemic according to the WHO. The Republic of the Congo and Peru follow. Madagascar declared a state of emergency for three districts in the southeast to ask the UN to intervene. If last year the plague caused 68 deaths, the balance may be heavier this year.

                        Fifty-eight cases of plague have been recorded over the past three months, including 26 deaths in southeastern Madagascar. Cases occurred in the districts of Befotaka and Iakora in October and November.

                        According to the Minister of Health, Maamy Lalatian Andriamanarivo, the multiplication of bushfires has favored the spread of the epidemic. In fact, the rats leave the forest to take refuge in the houses. The disease is then transmitted by the bites of the fleas of rodents.

                        The thirty patients are now out of danger and the epidemic is under control, according to the Ministry of Health because the patients were taken care of on time.

                        The aggravating factors of the epidemic are the insalubrity but above all the isolation of the villages and the lack of hospitals. For example, a team of doctors from the Ministry of Health, the Pasteur Institute and the WHO visited Befotaka for diagnoses. She traveled 50 kilometers on foot in four days.


                        • #13

                          Translation Google

                          Epidemic - Plague suspicions in Ambohimahasoa

                          16.01.2017 | 8:35 pm News, Social0

                          An epidemic of plague to be feared. After the cases recorded in the district of Befotaka Atsimo and in Iakora, suspicions of plague were recorded in the district of Ambohimahasoa. Seven people died in the fokontany of Andovoka and Valozora in the rural commune of Fiadanana and district of Ambohimahasoa, according to a report sent by the gendarmerie yesterday. The first case was recorded on 31 December 2016.

                          On the telephone, the commander of the gendarmerie brigade at Camp Robin, Richard Manahira said that these figures remain to be verified. "Rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) performed on two of the victims, cared for in health centers, proved to be suffering from the disease. They succumbed, on leaving the hospital. Other sources told us that there were other cases, which gave this statistic, "said the source.

                          Negative tests

                          The Ministry of Public Health is trying to calm down. "This is false information. There were not seven deaths, according to our team there. The epidemic is already under control in Ambohimahasoa, "says Dr. Mahery Ratsitorahana, Director of Health Surveillance and Epidemiology (DVSSE).

                          While teams, composed of elements of the gendarmerie and the district chief on site, still saw two suspicious cases yesterday in the health center in Ambatofitorahana. "The doctors kept them because they had suspicious symptoms. The TORs have been negative but it is still to be confirmed with the Pasteur Institute of Madagascar, "continues the commander of the gendarmerie brigade at Camp Robin.



                          • #14

                            Plague Outbreak Hits Remote Part of Madagascar
                            January 18, 2017 10:09 AM
                            Anita Powell

                            JOHANNESBURG ?

                            Even for Madagascar, this is no ordinary bubonic plague outbreak.

                            The African nation has the world?s highest incidence of the bacterial infection that earned the grim name ?the Black Death? after it killed an estimated 50 million people in the 14th century. The rat- and flea-borne illness hits the island nation every year from about December to April.

                            But this year is different, says the World Health Organization?s Dr. Eric Bertherat. This latest outbreak has popped up in a completely new area. The mountainous area of Befotaka in southeastern Madagascar has seen 68 cases ? of which 27 have died ? since the end of last year, according to WHO estimates.

                            Bertherat said there also are unconfirmed reports of a nearby second cluster, of some 30 cases.

                            ?This outbreak occurred in a place where they had no plague case reported since 1950,? he told VOA from Geneva, after returning from a recent visit to Madagascar to assess the situation...

