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Nigeria - Ebola: 20 cases, 8 fatalities (WHO Ebola Roadmap Response, September 24, 2014)

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  • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 17 cases, 6 fatalities as of August 26, 2014 (WHO report August 28, 2014)

    Nigeria records another Ebola case in Port Harcourt

    By Our Reporter / September 1, 2014 / 0 Comments

    Nigeria has a third confirmed case of Ebola disease in the oil hub of Port Harcourt, bringing the country?s total confirmed infections to 16, with around 200 people under surveillance, the health minister said on Monday.
    But one of Sawyer?s contacts in Lagos avoided quarantine and travelled east to Port Harcourt.
    He has since recovered from the disease, but he infected the doctor who treated him, who then himself died of Ebola. A third case in the oil city was a female patient in the same hospital as the doctor and caught the disease from him.

    - See more at:
    Twitter: @RonanKelly13
    The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


    • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 17 cases, 6 fatalities as of August 26, 2014 (WHO report August 28, 2014)


      Ebola situation in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

      Situation assessment - 3 September 2014

      The Minister of Health of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, has now reported 3 (4?) confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease in Port Harcourt, the country’s oil hub. Additional suspected cases are being investigated.

      Background on the Port Harcourt index case

      Ebola virus was imported into Nigeria via an infected air traveller, who entered Lagos on 20 July and died 5 days later. One close contact of the Lagos case fled the city, where he was under quarantine, to seek treatment in Port Harcourt.

      The close contact was treated, from 1 to 3 August, at a Port Harcourt hotel, by what would turn out to be the city’s index case. This case was a male physician who developed symptoms of weakness and fever on 11 August and died of Ebola on 22 August. His infection was confirmed on 27 August by the virology laboratory at Lagos University Teaching Hospital.

      The male physician in Port Harcourt is therefore indirectly linked to Nigeria’s first case.

      The case history of the index case in Port Harcourt is important, as it reveals multiple high-risk opportunities for transmission of the virus to others.

      After onset of symptoms, on 11 August, and until 13 August, the physician continued to treat patients at his private clinic, and operated on at least two. On 13 August, his symptoms worsened; he stayed at home and was hospitalized on 16 August.

      Prior to hospitalization, the physician had numerous contacts with the community, as relatives and friends visited his home to celebrate the birth of a baby.

      Once hospitalized, he again had numerous contacts with the community, as members of his church visited to perform a healing ritual said to involve the laying on of hands. During his 6 day period of hospitalization, he was attended by the majority of the hospital’s health care staff.

      On 21 August, he was taken to an ultrasound clinic, where 2 physicians performed an abdominal scan. He died the next day.

      The additional 2 (3 ?) confirmed cases are his wife, also a doctor, and a patient at the same hospital where he was treated. Additional staff at the hospital are undergoing tests.

      Given these multiple high-risk exposure opportunities, the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Port Harcourt has the potential to grow larger and spread faster than the one in Lagos.

      The response

      Nigerian health workers and WHO epidemiologists are monitoring more than 200 contacts. Of these, around 60 are considered to have had high-risk or very high-risk exposure.

      The highest-risk exposures occurred in family members and in health care workers and patients at the facility where the index case was hospitalized. Church members who visited the index case while he was hospitalized are also considered at high risk.

      The government, supported by WHO, UNICEF, and MSF (Doctors without Borders), has introduced a number of emergency measures. More will be introduced later this week.

      An Ebola Emergency Operations Centre has been activated, with support from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A mobile laboratory, with RT-PCR diagnostic capacity, is set up and functional.

      A 26-bed isolation facility for the management of Ebola cases is in place, with plans for possible expansion. WHO has 15 technical experts on the ground.

      Twenty-one contact-tracing teams are at work; they have good training, provided by WHO, and adequate transportation, thanks to government support. Two decontamination teams are equipped and operational, as is a burial team.

      Port Harcourt is the capital of Rivers State. WHO, together with the Rivers State Port Health Service, has assessed public health measures at airport gates and other points of entry. Screening is under way at domestic and international airport gates.

      Social mobilization efforts have been stepped up, initially targeting key community and religious leaders.

      However, civil unrest, security issues, and public fear of Ebola create serious problems that could hamper response operations. Military escorts are needed for movements into the isolation and treatment centre.



      • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 17 cases, 6 fatalities as of August 26, 2014 (WHO report August 28, 2014)

        Ebola: 4th case surfaces in Port Harcourt, 18 now confirmed in Nigeria

        Posted On 03 Sep 2014

        The number of confirmed Ebola cases in Nigeria has risen to 18, after a fourth case surfaced in Port Harcourt, home to Africa’s biggest oil and gas industry, the health minister said on Wednesday.

        The Ebola outbreak in Africa’s most populous country began on July 20 when a Liberian man with the disease collapsed at Lagos airport, spreading the virus to the hospital staff who treated him.

        A man who had travelled with him then skipped quarantine and travelled to Port Harcourt, bringing the disease there. A doctor died in the oil city last week. Health Minister Onyebuchi Chukwu said a patient he had treated had also now died.

        A total of 255 people were under surveillance in Port Harcourt, while 41 were in Lagos.

        African Spotlight


        • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 17 cases, 6 fatalities as of August 26, 2014 (WHO report August 28, 2014)

          Nigeria monitoring 400 contacts of doctor who died of Ebola

          Source: Reuters
          - Thu, 4 Sep 2014 12:03 GMT

          Author: Reuters

          * Sense of "hopelessness" in Nigeria, health official says

          * Nigeria quarantining high-risk contacts of late doctor

          * Doctor hid his exposure and infection, putting others at risk

          * WHO opens two-day talks on experimental drugs, vaccines

          By Stephanie Nebehay

          GENEVA, Sept 4 (Reuters) - Nigerian authorities are monitoring nearly 400 people for signs of Ebola after they came in contact with a Port Harcourt doctor who died of the disease but hid the fact that he had been exposed, a senior Nigerian health official said on Thursday.


          • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 7 fatalities as of August 31, 2014 (WHO report September 04, 2014)

            Hattip Sharon Sanders

            Ebola virus disease outbreak ? west Africa
            <!-- Default DIV wrapper for all story meta data -->
            Disease outbreak news

            4 September 2014
            As of 31 August 2014, 3685 (probable, confirmed and suspected) cases and 1841 deaths have been reported in the current outbreak of Ebola virus disease by the Ministries of Health of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

            In Nigeria, there have been 21 cases and 7 deaths.

            In Senegal, one case has been confirmed and there have been no Ebola deaths or further suspected cases.
            Initial case(s) and localized transmission as at 31 August 2014

            <!--begin table -->
            <TABLE class=borderOn><THEAD><TR><TD>Country </TD><TD>Case definition</TD><TD>Total</TD><TD>Total deaths</TD><TD>Case fatality rate (%)</TD></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR><TD>Nigeria </TD><TD>Confirmed </TD><TD>16</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>37.5</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Probable </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>100</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Suspected </TD><TD>4</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>All </TD><TD>21</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>33.3</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>



            • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 7 fatalities as of August 31, 2014 (WHO report September 04, 2014)

              UPDATE 1-Ebola toll tops 2,000, cases near 4,000 - World Health Organization
              Fri Sep 5, 2014 5:03pm GMT Print | Single Page [-] Text [+]
              The death toll in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone totalled 2,097 as at Sept 5, out of 3,944 cases, a WHO document said.

              A further eight people have died in Nigeria, out of 23 cases, and 1 confirmed case in Senegal. That puts the death toll at a total of 2,105 and the number of patients so far at 3,968.
              Twitter: @RonanKelly13
              The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


              • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 7 fatalities as of August 31, 2014 (WHO report September 04, 2014)

                Nigeria ​currently ​ha​s only one Ebola patient ? Health Minister

                Posted On 08 Sep 2014

                Nigeria?s Minister for Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu has said only one Ebola patient is now under treatment in the country.

                The minister said this on Monday during a press conference.

                According to him, ?Last Ebola patient in Nigeria at the moment is wife of late Port Harcourt doctor. She is recovering and will be discharged this week after tests?

                ?Another Ebola patient in Nigeria has been successfully managed and discharged. She is sister of late Port Harcourt doctor and was treated in the city.?

                ?Total number of deaths is still 7 while there are now 10 survivors of EVD in Nigeria so far.?

                ?19th case of EVD in Nigeria is fiance of a primary contact of Sawyer in Lagos who has made full recovery?

                ?Total number of contacts of EVD currently under surveillance in Lagos has reduced to 27″

                ?Total of 339 contacts previously on surveillance released after completing 21 days of observation?

                ?Port Harcourt has total of 477 currently under surveillance, 5 have been discharged after completing 21 days observation?

                ?Minister of Health again dispels rumours of Ebola cases in many states including Kebbi, Kaduna, Lagos, FCT, Oyo, Ebonyi, Delta, and Sokoto?

                ?Nigeria current EVD status Sept 8 Total confirmed cases 19 ? 7 dead, 11 survivors, 1 under treatment in Lagos. No more Ebola patient in Port Harcourt?

                ?Wife of late Port Harcourt doctor on treatment in isolation ward in Lagos no longer has EVD symptoms, undergoing series of tests preparatory to discharge?

                ?Today makes 50 days since Ebola was imported into Nigeria through Lagos, and 38 days since it was introduced into Port Harcourt, Health Minister, Prof Chukwu says.


                • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 7 fatalities as of August 31, 2014 (WHO report September 04, 2014)

                  One new suspect case here:

                  ''The good news is that the only Ebola positive patient we had at the quarantine centre has been treated and certified free to go home. She has been discharged,'' the Commissioner said. ''We have another one patient at the centre now. She is an 18-month-old baby who has been tested and we are still waiting for the result of the test.''

                  He said the state's health authorities continued to monitor some people to know their status, even though none of them has shown any symptoms.


                  So that's 19 confirmed (7 deaths, 11 recovered, Dr. Enemuo's wife still hospitalized in Lagos), 1 fatal probable case from Lagos from early August, and two suspect cases (one recovered in Lagos from mid-August, and now this ill baby in Rivers).

                  As Dr. Enemuo died on August 22nd, his contacts are now at least at 17 days. If no one else develops symptoms by the end of the week, Nigeria might be in the clear. - alert


                  • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 7 fatalities as of August 31, 2014 (WHO report September 04, 2014)

                    Originally posted by alert View Post
                    As Dr. Enemuo died on August 22nd, his contacts are now at least at 17 days. If no one else develops symptoms by the end of the week, Nigeria might be in the clear. - alert
                    This would be tremendously good news!


                    • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 8 fatalities as of September 6, 2014 (WHO Ebola Roadmap Response, September 8, 2014)

                      8 September 2014

                      Following the roadmap structure, country reports fall into three categories: those with widespread and intense transmission (Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone); and those with an initial case or cases, or with localized transmission (Nigeria, Senegal)1


                      As of 6 September 2014 2, 4269 (probable, confirmed and suspected) cases and 2288 deaths have been reported in the current outbreak of Ebola virus disease by the Ministries of Health of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone3

                      The increase in cases continues to accelerate in countries with widespread and intense transmission: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
                      All 21 8 38 8 4 50


                      • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 7 fatalities as of August 31, 2014 (WHO report September 04, 2014)

                        Originally posted by alert View Post

                        As Dr. Enemuo died on August 22nd, his contacts are now at least at 17 days. If no one else develops symptoms by the end of the week, Nigeria might be in the clear. - alert
                        From 9/3/14 "Given these multiple high-risk exposure opportunities, the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Port Harcourt has the potential to grow larger and spread faster than the one in Lagos"

                        Given the WHO announcement, above, so few new cases would be very surprising.


                        • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 8 fatalities as of September 6, 2014 (WHO Ebola Roadmap Response, September 8, 2014)

                          An encouraging sign is that the WHO report today:

                          contains no new suspect cases, with a count of 19 confirmed, 1 probable, and 1 suspected, for the entire country.


                          • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 7 fatalities as of August 31, 2014 (WHO report September 04, 2014)

                            Originally posted by alert View Post
                            One new suspect case here:

                            ''The good news is that the only Ebola positive patient we had at the quarantine centre has been treated and certified free to go home. She has been discharged,'' the Commissioner said. ''We have another one patient at the centre now. She is an 18-month-old baby who has been tested and we are still waiting for the result of the test.''
                            Quarantined 18-month-old child tests negative to Ebola

                            September 10, 2014 by Chukwudi Akasike

                            AN 18 month-old baby, who was quarantined after being suspected to have contracted the dreaded Ebola Virus Disease has tested negative.

                            The Rivers State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Sampson Parker, who revealed this while briefing journalists in Port Harcourt on Wednesday, explained that a second test would be carried out on the child on Thursday.

                            Parker also disclosed that the late Doctor Iyke Enemuo?s wife currently receiving treatment at the National Treatment Centre in Lagos was recovering fast and would soon be discharged.

                            It will be recalled that Enemuo had died of the Ebola virus after treating a diplomat in a hotel located in Port Harcourt.

                            The commissioner pointed out that the state government had so far covered 510 primary and secondary contacts in its effort to contain the Ebola virus.


                            • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 8 fatalities as of September 7, 2014 (WHO Ebola Roadmap Response, September 12, 2014)

                              Hattip Sharon Sanders

                              WHO: Ebola Response Roadmap Situation Report 3

                              12 September 2014

                              The total number of probable, confirmed and suspected cases in the current outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa was 4366, with 2218 deaths, as at 7 September 2014 (see table 1).
                              Cases: 21
                              Deaths: 8
                              Last edited by Pathfinder; September 12, 2014, 01:10 PM. Reason: link


                              • Re: Nigeria - Ebola: 21 cases, 8 fatalities as of September 7, 2014 (WHO Ebola Roadmap Response, September 12, 2014)

                                Hello Pathfinder,

                                I think it?s better to use this link:
                                (also in the other threads)


