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Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 4 deaths in Bamako
A total of 4 confirmed and probable cases, including 4 deaths, have now been reported in Mali (figure 1). The most recent cases are in Bamako. They are not related to the country?s first EVD case, who died in Kayes on 24 October.
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
November 12, 2014 Mali | Mali: a suspect Ebola, dozens of people quarantined case in Bamako
Malian doctor considered a suspected case of Ebola after being in contact with two people died from the virus in a clinic in Bamako, was watching Wednesday near the capital, told AFP from sources.
In addition, dozens of people were quarantined at the Pasteur Clinic, nearly half of them soldiers of the UN Mission in Mali (Minusma) who were in the facility at the time of the announcement Tuesday two deaths from Ebola.
These two people are dead and a nurse Guinea sick. The Ministry of Health confirmed in a statement Tuesday that the death of nurse 25, tested positive for the virus after "reported having had contact with a patient from Guinea", also died.
"A doctor who is actually a suspected case of Ebola is observation, because he has been in contact with the two dead people, and we are looking also others who surrounded the deceased but who returned home ", told AFP an official clinic on condition of anonymity.
The Guinean patient Go?ta Sekou, 66, arrived "there are 16 days" by bus from Guinea to Bamako for treatment of a "kidney failure," according to another medical source. "At his death, it was discovered that two members of his family have died of Ebola. but he hid it, "Has it explained the same source. The nurse died, named Saliou Diarra, was "very close contact" with the Guinean patient, and knew that he was suffering from Ebola, according to a close. A safety device was still visible around the clinic, found the AFP correspondents.
"We are thirty quarantined in the clinic. There are doctors, patients, fifteen soldiers of the UN mission in Bamako. We do not understand this measure of isolation, "said a doctor told AFP, reached by telephone. "We do not have room, this is the big mess, mess," he has said. Soldiers from Minusma from Burkina Faso, Chad, C?te d'Ivoire and Bangladesh, especially in hospital for "injuries" and "TB" before the discovery of Ebola cases are quarantined in the clinic, said AFP a source of security.
The announcement of these two new cases came as Mali, last countries affected by the epidemic in West Africa, was preparing to lift the quarantine of more than 100 people have approached the first identified case, a girl 2 years came from Guinea and died October 24 in Kayes (west). There is no link between this case and the following first.
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
Mali: PRESS: The twenty MINUSMA confirms that military personnel are in quarantine at the Clinique Pasteur
Bamako, November 12, 2014 - The MINUSMA confirms that twenty military personnel, who were admitted to the Clinique Pasteur during the month of October for injuries sustained in the performance of their mission in northern Mali, are currently in the same clinic.
The MINUSMA closely following the evolution of their condition to take, if necessary, all necessary measures including on possible exposure to Ebola virus infection. At this stage, the relevant staff of the MINUSMA show no symptoms of the disease. However, they are kept under observation for the whole prescribed time virus detection.
MINUSMA follow scrupulously the measures implemented by the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene Mali in close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO).
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
Outbreak In Mali Eclipses Early Success
By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.NOV. 12, 2014
The outbreak was detected only after a nurse at the clinic fell ill and died, and the chief W.H.O. representative in Mali heard from his counterparts in Guinea that members of the imam?s family were dying.
?It was a real failure by the clinic,? the W.H.O. representative, Dr. Ibrahima Soce Fall, said in a telephone interview.
Now the clinic is closed and under quarantine ? as are the mosque in Bamako, one or two other Malian clinics where the imam was treated, and the family compound where the nurse lived.
Among the patients quarantined at the clinic are 10 United Nations peacekeepers stationed in Mali who were wounded in fighting in the north.
On Wednesday evening,Malian health authorities confirmed that one of the clinic?s doctors also had Ebola.
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
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Death of young nurse with Ebola virus: The President of the policyclinique Ben Baba gives his version of events
November 13, 2014 at 03:00 AM
After the death of the young nurse policyclinique pastor after contact with a patient from Guinea, President of policyclinique pastor wanted to host a press conference to give his version of events. It was last Wednesday at the Hotel Salam.
According Dr.Ben Baba cardiologist no less President policyclinique pastor, the young nurse named Salif Diarra was a nursing student in his establishment. Before he died Tuesday, November 11, he was in contact with a patient come Kour?mal? (Guinea) aged about 65 years. The latter was called Umar Ko?ta. The case dates back according to him, October 25 or deceased patient Oumar Ko?ta was received emergency clinic pastor at about 22 hours per Dr.doumbia who was guarding. He examined. And he was suffering from a serious pneumatopie. That is a serious lung infection. This condition worsened and he died on 27 October. Following his death, he said, the Ministry of Health has alerted us to say a suspected case of Ebola was admitted to the clinic and he died. After his death his family claimed the body that was given to them. From this information the department, we have produced a list and handed a copy to the department with the names of all those who had contact with the patient. Every day, he says, are carried out temperature measurements to monitor. It is in this condition that the young Salif Diarra was presented Saturday, November 8 in an alarming picture characterized by vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding. The doctor on duty was immediately detained and Ebola specialist headed by Samba Sow was alerted. He was subjected to a levy on Sunday 09.Le result did not fall on Monday. and support an issue. Thus, the result fell Tuesday as two hours after the death of the young. Since the clinic pastor was quarantined with 35 patients including 22 elements of Minusma and 13membres staff. And a team from the Ministry of Health has disinfected the premises. However, he said that there's a doctor named Diomand? which has been declared a suspect because he had evidence and was made available to the department. He held reassured that all persons who had contact with the deceased are known individually and they are under surveillance. To the question of whether an agent clinical pastor had received money. He will say that this is really wrong and that the family of Guinea could not pay the bill for his care. "I have no scientific proof that the old man died of Ebola," he has argued. Therefore, it said that after the announcement there was panic in the clinic. "Some nurses have fled, but they are located and are under surveillance," he has said. Adding that the clinic is facing supported. Some patients he says, could not receive care. "We need the state to support us in this situation to stop the chain propagation and care for patients who are inside," he said.
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
Media report from @MaliBooknews (and others) this morning: Another confirmed case of Ebola at Gabriel Tour? hospital: 2 suspected cases, 1 confirmed
MoH website is down.
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
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After the death of the nurse aged 25 following the Ebola virus - Pasteur's clinical cordoned off by the security forces - 50 people including 20 of the MINUSMA isolated
November 13, 2014 at 15:15 PM
More than fifty people put in isolation in Daoudabougou and Djicoroni, the Pasteur clinic quarantined and forbidden access. These are the measures taken by the Ministry of Health after the death of the nurse suffering from Ebola virus. Other measures have been taken to search for people who have had contact with the nurse or Guinea marabout who contaminated and died on October 27 in the same health facility for. A doctor said ultrasound clinic with symptoms of the disease has been isolated.
After the death of the nurse, questions remain. How the virus could get into this clinical sub-regional fame with all that as a device? The reason is simple. According to statements of Professor Samba Sow, director of national support for the fight against the disease center, a patient whose age is between 55 and 60 year old from Kour?mal? the Mali-Guinea border, received care from October 25 before dying on 27...
"The patient, who suffered from acute renal failure, died after surgery. His body made a stop at a mosque in Djicoroni before arriving at the village where he was buried "said the speaker. Adding that at the time of admission of the patient to the clinic, he had no symptoms of the Ebola virus. The nurse has been contaminated by treating the patient came from Guinea....
... - Plus d’une cinquantaine de personnes mises en isolement à Daoudabougou et à Djicoroni, la polyclinique Pasteur placée en quarantaine et interdite
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
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Ebola four victims in Mali, people are worried
Published: Thursday, November 13, 2014 5:07 p.m. Views: 72
Also according to the World Health Organization, four probable or confirmed cases of Ebola causing death, were counted in Mali. One of the victims had visited the Imam during his hospitalization.
A doctor at the Pasteur clinic where the nurse worked, could also have contracted the disease.
On the second day of the crisis, the management of persons placed under observation goes well according to the president of the Pasteur Clinic. Dr. Ben Baba Arwata also denies rumors on the flight of persons quarantined.
He was joined by Sekou Gadijigo.
"Since our appeal to the government, we felt that the provisions come more easily. We put back the kitchen to work in order to be able to feed our patients regularly internally. What we need today is assistance from the Ministry of Health to allow us to have additional staff because some of the staff who panicked did not come to work. We need the assistance of the Ministry to secure our people through effective means. The staff who had the courage to come to work. I also want to confirm that there was no leakage of patients, and it is technically impossible because it is quarantine. So I categorically denies any patient has fled the clinic. "
The nurse at the clinic who died at Pasteur was domiciled in Daoudabougou, commune V of Bamako district. The deputy for the district has made a visit this morning in some health facilities in the municipality. For him, "the situation is far from reassuring." For the deputy Amadou Thiam, there is a severe lack of protective equipment for health workers. Issa Fakaba Sissoko met him.
"We found a real deficiency in protective suits for health workers. I think this statement is quite general even at the community health centers, but also at other referral centers in the capital. Pistols, which are used for temperature measurement, missing a lot. We also do not have much insurance relative to the quarantine of the victims' families, because we do not know so far if the family of the deceased in Douadabougou is actually quarantine. There is a blur around it. We also believe that the commune V risk of being a large source of this epidemic if measures are not taken in time. "
Plus de 90 personnes, dont une vingtaine de casques bleus blessés lors d’opération dans le nord, ont été mises en quarantaine hier à Bamako après la mort d’un infirmier de 25 ans qui avait contracté la fièvre Ebola en soignant un Imam Guinéen également décédé il y a deux semaines. A ce jour ébola a […]
The Ebola virus has claimed another victim in Bamako. On Thursday, a fourth person died in isolation center in Bamako. Last night, a little girl was brought by her family at the Gabriel Touré Hospital in Bamako. An Ebola test was performed and was positive.
This Thursday, the girl died in the Ebola isolation center in Dijicoroni Para. "When the girl arrived at the hospital, a first Ebola test was performed, which was positive. This morning, we made two donations to two new tests to be sure that it is Ebola. But even before the arrival of the results of these tests, the girl is dead, "said Mary Adama Traoré, spokesperson Gabriel Touré hospital. Despite these disturbing circumstances at 18:00 Thursday the hospital was open as if nothing had happened.
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
After the second death from Ebola to the Pasteur Polyclinic: 106 people already quarantined
November 13, 2014 at 12:56 PM
Public health clinic closed after the death of a nurse caused by the Ebola virus Pasteur
After the girl Kayes, Mali just seen die on its soil a second person with the disease Ebola. It was late in the evening of Tuesday, November 11 at the Polyclinic Pasteur in ACI 2000.
The information was confirmed by the departments of the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene last Wednesday during a press briefing hosted by the Secretary General of the Department, Prof. Ousmane Doumbia, who was accompanied by coordinator emergency, Dr. Samba Sow and the WHO Resident Representative in Mali, Ibrahima Fall Soc? operations center.
In response to the current situation, the Minister of Health has decided to place the Pasteur Polyclinic in quarantine, with thirty people inside, pending regulatory sanctions.
This is not all. A family of 45 members is in the same situation Daoudabougou. One that hosted the old patient came from Guinea who died at the General Hospital, located in Para Djicoroni nearby ceramics factory, has also been identified and quarantined.
According to the Coordinator of the Emergency Operations Center, the family has established a list of 16 people to have been in close contact with the old Guinean. They are now also deprived of their liberty.
This makes a total of 106 people already quarantined. According to Professor Sow, services have also identified the mosque in which the body of the old has passed before the transfer of the remains in Guinea. As the Polyclinic and the two concessions, she in turn been disinfected.
The second fatal case concerns a trainee nurse who was on duty at the Pasteur Polyclinic. According to our information, this is the one who cared for a sick, come to Guinea heal at this property.
According to our sources, it would also be old patient died of the disease Ebola and the clinic would not be realized. What made the Polyclinic Pasteur had made no special provision for the protection of its employees to put them to the notice of this evil.
Consequently, after the death of nursing care, all agents, all patients treated in the clinic, and by extension all their families are now at risk of contamination.
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
The Mali strengthen its border controls to face Ebola November 13, 2014 16:33 PM
North, South, airplane, overbilling, justice ... Bamako (Reuters) - Mali has tightened sanitary controls at its borders but has no intention of closing them after the arrival of Guinea a man with Ebola fever that has infected several people, including a nurse who died of the disease.
President Ibrahim Boubacar Ke?ta has also asked the World Health Organization (WHO), the health services in Mali and neighboring countries hers to set up a permanent mechanism for exchange of information on public health and hygiene.
The results of the current Ebola outbreak now exceeds 5,160 deaths in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, the latter sharing a border with Mali 800 km.
"The President of the Republic has asked the Prime Minister to review uncompromising the whole system set up in the framework of the prevention and the fight against Ebola virus disease, and strengthen controls and to cordon various border crossings, "said a statement released Wednesday night by the government.
The death of the nurse Mali Bamako Tuesday led to quarantine more than 90 people.
The young man was the second person formally affected by the disease in Mali. He may have contracted virus haemorrhagic fever in treating a patient came to Guinea.
This contamination had no connection with that of a two year old girl from Guinea, who died last month.
A doctor at the Pasteur Clinic in Bamako have been in contact with the nurse who died may have been too infected by the virus.
The Malian authorities are now looking for all the people who may be coming into contact with the nurse and recently with three other infected people.
WHO has reported for Mali four confirmed or probable deaths Ebola virus.
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
...But the country intends to fight now to stem the spread. The latest warning of Tuesday evening after the death of the nurse 25 years of clinical Pasteur tested positive the same day, who treated a 66-year-old imam come to Guinea. The hotel, frequented by hundreds of people every day, has been placed in quarantine.
The Imam is he died on October 27, and a friend came to visit him, said WHO AFP, adding that both are considered probable cases of Ebola, while the clinic was initially diagnosed at an imam "malaria", according to a reporter
The Mali starts again in screening
The announcement of this new contamination occurs when the Mali was preparing to lift the quarantine of more than 100 people have approached the single case of the virus so far, that of a two year old girl came from Guinea and died Oct. 24 in Kayes in western Mali.
To believe, Doctors Without Borders (MSF), in an email to 20 Minutes, it is back to square one for Mali with this new "imported" cases. "We must again identify new suspects, isolation, find contacts, make case by case basis, carefully carry the cremated upon death and start a campaign of health prevention."
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
November 13, 2014 Mali | Ebola in Mali: Government accused of withholding information from
Faced with the rise of concern about the discovery of new cases of Ebola, the government is suspected of not delivering all the information.
After the second Malian death caused by the Ebola virus, the questions begin to abound on the effectiveness of measures taken by the authorities to prevent the spread of dangerous viruses in the country.
Indeed, the fiasco that is the history of the second case does not reassure anyone. It is especially worrying that the contamination of the deceased, a young nurse, was caused by a patient came from Guinea who was hospitalized in the clinic where the young Malian worked. This Guinean died ten days before his caregiver. Between the input of Mali and Guinea the day after the death of the young nurse, fifteen days have passed without any authority triggers the alert.
Neither the health personnel of the clinic, nor the government, no one doubted the presence of Ebola virus on Malian soil. The government would try to hide it the shortcomings of the system of prevention?
There was a time, October 29, Le Point Africa, the continent's version of the French magazine had carried a story in the border area between Mali and Guinea. Our colleagues constataient that when away from the axis Bamako Conakry, going to Koul?mal? "border soon becomes a sieve." In a town near Kour?mal?, a man confided to the point that Africa is working on panning for gold side Guinea before returning to his family in Mali, but it ensures that the inspections took place only on the axis Bamako Conakry.
"Here, there is nobody to check our temperature. Every week I go to work on panning for gold to Siguiri to feed my family. No problem for me, "he had said.
These flaws, the government would not they know. Why, under the pretext of avoiding psychosis, he keep quiet some information to journalists. "We want to avoid psychosis," argues near the Malian Ministry of Health. The Point and Africa, which obviously wanted a new authorization, states that "in recent weeks, the ministries of communication and health no longer were issuing permission for reporters to produce subjects Kour?mal?. "
The Government provides little on the Ebola virus. Proof, since Monday, only one official release is out of the Ministry of Health. Meanwhile, Mali, Bamako in particular, lives on rumors. Rumors that happen to be the best means to create psychosis.
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
After the death of the nurse aged 25 following the Ebola virus - Pasteur's clinical cordoned off by the security forces - 50 people including 20 of the MINUSMA segregated
November 13, 2014 at 15:15 PM Category: Health
More than fifty people put in isolation and Daoudabougou Djicoroni the Pasteur clinic quarantined and forbidden access. These are the measures taken by the Ministry of Health after the death of the nurse suffering from Ebola virus. Other measures have been taken to search for people who have had contact with the nurse or Guinea marabout who contaminated and died on October 27 in the same health facility for. A doctor said ultrasound clinic with symptoms of the disease has been isolated.
Taking a walk yesterday Wednesday at the Pasteur clinic we realize the important security arrangements put in place to prevent the curious from approaching the building or people to visit their hospitalized relatives. The atmosphere was gloomy. Malian police and peacekeepers cordoned off the area. And those outside the institution were kept at a distance. The place that was usually reserved for vendors and parking of taxis was stormed by security forces. We see police officers with protective equipment such as gloves and mufflers .. For good reason, a nurse at the polyclinic died of Ebola. The Ministry of Health and the Public Health made the decision to quarantine the hospital patients, physicians and visitors who were in the clinic since November 11. Practical steps have been taken to provide meals to people in isolation. Therefore, regular monitoring of these individuals was undertaken..
Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako
November 13, 2014
Mali: The main shareholder of the Pasteur Clinic, Dr. Ben Baba: "We are seeking the support of the state for the management of patients" "We are the victims: Two doctors are in isolation"
Following the death from disease Ebola a nurse trainee Polyclinic Pasteur virus, on the evening of Tuesday, November 11, the principal shareholder of the institution reference Dr. Ben Baba, better known by the sobriquet of Alwata, cardiologist by profession, hosted a press conference at the Hotel Salam.
It was in the afternoon yesterday at the Hotel Salam. The Ministry of Health and WHO, which were due to him, are left invisible. Fortunately, his wife was there to accompany and support.
According to the narration of the facts by Dr. Ben Baba, trainee nurse died in his clinic called Salifou Diarra. Since then, the clinic is put under quarantine and monitored by security forces, including MINUSMA, which also has patients in the lot.
"A preliminary assessment has been made. An epidemiological investigation is ongoing. It will include many things. Meanwhile, it must be said that the Guinean patient Ko?ta Umar, 65, came to consultation on October 25 (Saturday) between 21 h and 22 h. He was admitted to the emergency. The attending physician, Dr. Doumbia, has examined and hospitalized. I do not have yet not seen the file, but according to information I have been given, the patient suffered from pneumonia. Two days later, on October 27, he had complications. He died. The body was returned to his family in Daoudabougou, which then went according to our information, to make the funeral Kour?mal?.
It was only well after the team from the Ministry of Health has informed us that the patient who died was a suspect Ebola cases. Immediately, the process of monitoring and prevention began: hand washing, taking the temperature at the entrance to Shepherd. This is not all. All those who have had contact with the old were listed and the Department of Health all addresses. Saturday, November 8, the nurse trainee Salifou Diarra appeared at the clinic. He was hospitalized and isolated in a room, not without alerting the team of Prof. Sow in charge of the fight against Ebola epidemic. On Sunday, there were samples. The result of that would fall a few hours later, we were contacted forty-eight hours later, that is to say, two days after the death of the patient. (Note: this is called the doctor after death).
WHO, MSF, CDC and the team of Prof. Sow are now disinfecting the rooms. The clinic is quarantined. There are 35 patients hospitalized, 22 of MINUSMA. We have problems to feed them, to give them something to drink, because we do not have access to the clinic. It is difficult that we could send them to eat through the security forces. Patients who are not doctors or nurses have to care for them. We want the support of the state for the care of these patients or their transfer, "said Dr. Ben Baba to the press. Before adding that he was in contact with the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health. He found that his normal clinic is closed for 21 days. During this period, there will be no consultation or hospitalization. Following questions from reporters, the speaker will argue that this case of Ebola was imported from Guinea, as the nurse trainee has been in contact with the old Ko?ta, who was imam Kour?mal?. It also says that three nurses fled the Pasteur Clinic after the death of Salifou Diarrra, along with three other patients. As for Dr. Doumbia, who examined the Guinean, it is under surveillance, while his colleague who was in charge of the nursing student, Dr. Djoumand? is declared suspect. What did tell Dr. Ben Baba "we are victims".
Finally, he insisted that the state should help them to manage patients through trained and equipped personnel. He also invited each other to observe strict hygiene rules on the matter.