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Ebola in Mali - 8 cases, 6 deaths

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  • Ebola in Mali - 8 cases, 6 deaths

    Translation Google

    New suspected Ebola case in Mali

    By with Reuetrs
    Updated 11/11/2014 at 14:04
    Published on 11/11/2014 at 13:55

    Health authorities in Mali have identified a new suspected case of contamination with the Ebola virus, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health.

    No additional information has been provided at this stage ...

    Les autorités sanitaires du Mali ont identifié un nouveau cas suspect de contamination par le virus Ebola, a annoncé un porte-parole du ministère de la Santé.Aucune information supplémentaire n'a été ...

  • #2
    Re: New suspected Ebola case in Mali

    Bamako (AFP) - Mali has suffered a new case of Ebola infection -- separate from its only other one detected last month -- with the death of a nurse who treated a patient from Guinea, medical sources said late Tuesday.

    "The nurse, who had been in contact with a Guinean national who died of the illness, died in turn," the head of the Pasteur Clinic in the capital Bamako told AFP, adding that tests had confirmed the Ebola virus.


    • #3
      Re: New suspected Ebola case in Mali

      BAMAKO (Reuters) - Police in the Malian capital Bamako locked down a clinic in an upscale neighbourhood on Tuesday evening after authorities said earlier in the day that they were testing a new suspected case of Ebola.
      One medical officer said the person suspected to have Ebola was a nurse in the clinic who died on Tuesday evening.
      Medical officials and diplomats said the nurse had been in contact with a man who arrived from Guinea and died in Mali with Ebola-like symptoms in late October. The man, whose body was returned to Guinea, was not tested for Ebola while he was being treated at the clinic, the officials said.


      • #4
        Re: New suspected Ebola case in Mali

        Google translated from French

        "Indeed, according to our information, this new contamination is again taking its source in Guinea. A Guinean family suffering from Ebola have used a marabout in Mali who had traveled to Guinea to care for sick family.

        Unfortunately the family died, and the marabout healer infected by the virus returned to Mali after his Guinean stay. Taken discomfort, the marabout went to the Pasteur clinic. patients admitted to the clinic had all the symptoms of Ebola.

        Supported without any precaution by the clinic, and without having informed the authorities, the patient will die afterwards. The death of the marabout was in two weeks. Even more surprising, Clinical pastor gave no warning, but worse, she allowed the family to recover the body of the deceased marabout, to wash and then bury it without any protection. Today it is a doctor of clinical Shepherd who alerted the authorities anonymously because the nurse who was responsible for the management of this marabout symptoms of Ebola haemorrhagic fever. This is in response to this alert, the nurse was supported and tests are underway to determine if the nurse is contaminated.

        His death due to this new Ebola cases of contamination posed several questions to know the irresponsibility of clinical pastor accused in a while bad practices, yet with a good reputation. This also raises the question of maintaining the openness of our borders with Guinea Conakry. Risk-taking populations with respect to this disease are also noteworthy. It would certainly continue to intensify awareness campaigns around this highly contagious disease that continues to claim victims. "


        • #5
          Re: New suspected Ebola case in Mali

          (Reuters) - The government of Mali confirmed the country's second case of Ebola late on Tuesday and police deployed outside a clinic in the capital, Bamako, that authorities said had been quarantined.
          Medical officials and diplomats said Mali's new Ebola case was a nurse who had been in contact with a man who arrived from Guinea and died in late October at the now locked down Pasteur Clinic.

          One medical officer, who asked not to be identified, said the nurse who had Ebola died on Tuesday evening while another doctor was ill and had been quarantined. A government spokesman was not available to comment on the nurse's reported death.
          Officials said the man believed to have brought the second case of Ebola to Mali was an imam from Guinea. He was not tested for Ebola while he was ill in Mali and his body was returned to Guinea without necessary precautions for the disease being taken, raising the prospect of further infections that will now have to be traced.


          • #6
            Re: New case of Ebola in Mali - a nurse who died in Bamako after treating a patient from Guinea, another ill health care worker quarantined

            11 November 2014 Last updated at 20:14 ET

            Ebola crisis: Mali confirms second death

            A Malian nurse has died of Ebola, the second confirmed death from the disease in the country.

            Officials say the nurse had treated a man who arrived from Guinea at the Pasteur Clinic in Bamako, and the clinic was now in quarantine.

            The latest case is unrelated to the first, when a two-year-old girl died from the disease in late October.

            A Malian nurse dies of Ebola, the second confirmed death in Mali, but officials say it is unrelated to the first case.


            • #7
              Re: New case of Ebola in Mali - a nurse who died in Bamako after treating a patient from Guinea, another ill health care worker quarantined

              Translation Google

              ALERT Ebola - Death of a patient and his nurse at the Clinique Pasteur Bamako

              By Malijet - Date: 30 minutes ago

              A nurse from the polyclinic Pasteur just past away as a result of Ebola fever after being in contact with a patient deceased there two weeks ago (October 28) in the same clinic.

              It should be noted that these deaths are not related to the suspected case previously announced by the Malian authorities on November 11.

              This new contamination would once again take its source in Guinea. A Guinean family suffering from Ebola would have called a marabout who is none other than the imam of the city of Kour?mal? (Guinea side) and would have gone to Guinea to care for the sick family.

              Unfortunately the family died, and the marabout healer infected by the virus returned to Mali after his Guinean stay. Taken discomfort, the marabout went to the Pasteur clinic.

              It is also also reported that before his return to the Malian territory, the first wife of the imam in question and one of his children died of Ebola.

              Cared for without any precaution by the clinic, and without having informed the authorities, the patient will die afterwards. The death of the marabout goes back to two weeks. Even more surprising, Clinical Pasteur gave no warning, but worse, it has allowed the family to recover the body of the deceased marabout, to wash it and then bury it without any protection. Today it is a doctor at Pasteur clinic that alerted the authorities anonymously because the nurse who was responsible for the management of the marabout had symptoms of Ebola hemorrhagic fever.

              At the time of this writing, medical sources announced the death of the nurse.

              Malian authorities announced that the Pasteur Polyclinic is quarantined from the night of November 11 to 12.


              • #8
                Re: New case of Ebola in Mali - a nurse who died in Bamako after treating a patient from Guinea, another ill health care worker quarantined

                Mali reports 2 new Ebola deaths in capital
                BAMAKO, Mali (AP) - A Malian official says the country has two new Ebola deaths that are not connected to the first case in this West African country.


                On Wednesday, officials announced that a sick imam had died from Ebola in the capital, Bamako. A nurse who treated him has also died.
                Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                • #9
                  Re: New case of Ebola in Mali - a nurse who died in Bamako after treating a patient from Guinea, another ill health care worker quarantined

                  EBOLA: nouveau cas confirmé à Bamako
                  Nouveau cas d'Ebola confirmé à Bamako.Un infirmier de la clinique Pasteur de Bamako a
                  succombé à Ebola. La clinique Pasteur à été mise en quarantaine. Il est important d'intensifier
                  les mesures de prévention et de signaler tout cas suspect aux numéros verts : 80 00 88 88/ 80 00 77 77.

                  Ebola: new confirmed case in Bamako
                  New Ebola cases confirmed in clinical nursing Bamako.Un Pasteur Bamako
                  succumbed to Ebola. The Pasteur Clinic has been quarantined. It is important to intensify
                  prevention measures and to report any suspected case to the green numbers: 80 00 88 88/80 00 77 77.

                  Portail officiel du Ministère de la Sante de la Répulique du Mali

                  Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                  The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                  • #10
                    Re: New case of Ebola in Mali - a nurse who died in Bamako after treating a patient from Guinea, another ill health care worker quarantined

                    Statement from the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene in Mali via Google Translate

                    Ebola: new confirmed case in Bamako

                    As part of the fight against Ebola virus disease in the country, health services conducted Monday, November 10, 2014 to investigate a health worker reported having had contact with a patient from Guinea made charge by a private clinic located in Commune IV in Bamako District.
                    During the investigation, a blood sample was taken Monday, November 10, 2014 on the subject. The results of the analysis of the samples were positive to Ebola Tuesday, November 11, 2014. The Mali and knows his second case of Ebola virus disease.
                    While her care were administered agent aged 25 health unfortunately died Tuesday, November 11, 2014.

                    In these painful circumstances, the Government extends its condolences to the bereaved family and reminds the public that hygiene measures enacted remain effective means of disease prevention.
                    The Government assures that according to protocol for the management of patients with Ebola virus in force, all measures are taken to identify the persons who had contact with the deceased. The premises of the private clinic who supported and the patient's home has been completely disinfected and placed under observation.
                    The Government informs the public that the health services, with the support of partners are hard at work to prevent the spread of the virus from this case linked to an imported case of Guinea.
                    It called on the population to remain calm, serenity but also and especially to the vigilance and compliance with hygiene measures regulate the matter.
                    Accordance with the guidelines of the President of the Republic, the Government of the Republic of Mali to thank all its partners for their assistance to him in the fight against this disease, reminds people to avoid unnecessary travel to areas epidemic and observe hygiene measures and safety regulate the matter.


                    • #11
                      Re: New case of Ebola in Mali - a nurse who died in Bamako after treating a patient from Guinea, another ill health care worker quarantined

                      Mali quarantines dozens after Ebola kills second victim

                      By Joe Penney
                      BAMAKO Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:10am EST

                      (Reuters) - Authorities in Mali quarantined dozens of people on Wednesday at the home of a 25-year-old nurse who died from Ebola in the capital, Bamako, and at the clinic where he treated an imam from Guinea who died with Ebola-like symptoms.

                      The imam from the border town of Kouremale was never tested for the disease and his body was washed in Mali and returned to Guinea for burial without precautions against the virus.

                      Two aid workers said that another person who lived in the house where the imam stayed in Bamako had died this week and was buried without being tested.

                      A doctor at the Pasteur Clinic where the nurse worked - one of Bamako's top medical centers - is also suspected to have contracted Ebola.



                      • #12
                        Re: New case of Ebola in Mali - a nurse who died in Bamako after treating a patient from Guinea, another ill health care worker quarantined

                        Translation Google

                        Ebola case in Mali: A nurse died Tuesday and possible suspected cases

                        (Reporting by Adam Thiam)
                        November 12, 2014 at 07:31 AM

                        At 0:12 Wednesday, our taxi could not cross the impressive barrier of police vehicles and police who were blocking the road to the very popular clinic of the most coveted neighborhood of the capital. The informant who we had put the chip in the ear was so right: the clinic where the cream of Bamako go for care is under quarantine.

                        A patient came from the Guinean border.

                        Three weeks ago, reveals our source crosscut by two members of the medical staff of the clinic, a patient - imam of his city - from the main border town in Mali with Guinea, 150 km from Bamako, was admitted to the HCF. The diagnosis was a "malaria". But a rebellious malaria which caused the death of the patient whose remains are carried in the border town to be buried. The story might have ended there if one of the nurses who followed the patient did not at his turn contracted the "same malaria" for which he was treated. He was believed cured when he relapsed a few days later when he was readmitted to the hospital. This time, he said "some characteristic symptoms of Ebola virus disease." Yesterday he succumbed early Tuesday evening. Consistent information but not confirmed by any medical authority shall state the contamination of two other providers of the clinic: the attending physician of the Imam who died and a second medical aid. Late at night, the director of the clinic recognizes the death of Ebola nurse in question.

                        Humanitarian alerted their staff

                        The day before, however, you could congratulate ourselves: the dozens of people under surveillance after the death of the girl in Kayes last month had reported no sign of disease Ebola three weeks of quarantine. The confirmed and suspected cases involving the clinic said that vigilance must be more than ever to set as recommended by the day the Malian Minister of Health. This American Ong had dissuaded by SMS his staff to go to the clinic concerned and that forty eight hours before the confirmation by the Government of Ebola cases. Minusma staff had also been warned before the official announcement of the case. With the case of the girl Kayes who traveled hundreds of kilometers in transit vehicles, a specialist of the Center of Disease Control confided the Washington Post that it is the Ebola Mali had "one of his greatest strategic advantage. "The discovery of at least one case in the clinic attended by hundreds of people every day confirms that the epidemic must be taken with the utmost seriousness by the Malians.

                        Adam Thiam pour


                        • #13
                          Re: New case of Ebola in Mali - a nurse who died in Bamako after treating a patient from Guinea, another ill health care worker quarantined

                          That's bad. So from this importation so far, we have one confirmed fatality (the 25M nurse), two probable fatalities (the imam and this other individual who died), and one probable case still alive (the ill doctor).

                          Counting the previous fatal confirmed case in Kayes, Mali is now 5 cases, 4 deaths as of today.


                          • #14
                            Re: New case of Ebola in Mali - a nurse who died in Bamako after treating a patient from Guinea, another ill health care worker quarantined

                            Background about the new case: the transmission chain starts in Guinea

                            According to the preliminary investigation, a 70-year-old male resident of Kour?mal? village, in the Siguiri prefecture of Guinea, had onset of symptoms from an undiagnosed disease on 17 October. On 18 October, he was admitted to a private clinic in the mining town of Siguiri.

                            The town, which is located along Guinea?s 800 km border with Mali, was an intense focus of Ebola virus transmission from early July to mid-August.

                            As his condition did not improve, he was transferred to another clinic located just across the border in Mali. On 25 October, he travelled by car, together with 4 family members to seek treatment at the Pasteur Clinic in Bamako.

                            He was suffering from acute kidney failure, a complication often seen in late-stage Ebola virus disease. Multiple laboratory tests were performed, but not for Ebola.

                            He was treated at the Pasteur Clinic from 25 October until his death, from kidney failure, on 27 October. In addition, a friend who visited him at the clinic also died abruptly from an undiagnosed disease. Both are considered probable Ebola cases. For both, no samples are available for testing.


                            • #15
                              Re: New outbreak of Ebola in Mali - 4 cases, 3 deaths in Bamako

                              The imam traveled in a private car, not on public transportation, and three members of his family who were in the car are now ill or dead in Guinea.

                              So...the child who had a bloody nose traveled on public transportation and nobody seemed to have been infected, but these people in the car are? Suppose they could have contracted from him either before or after as well tho...

