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Chad - Diphtheria outbreak 2024

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  • Chad - Diphtheria outbreak 2024

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    Chad - Diphtheria epidemic in Batha Province: the Public Health Emergency Operations Center on alert (WHO Chad)

    Alwihda Info | By Peter Kum - January 26, 2024

    The Ministry of Public Health of Chad recently declared a diphtheria epidemic in Batha province on January 8, 2024. In response to this public health event, the Public Health Emergency Operations Center (COUSP) is currently in a state of alert. Its coordinator met with WHO experts under the leadership of the interim representative, Dr. Abdoulaye Yam, WHO Chad announced on January 25, 2024.

    Chad - Diphtheria epidemic in Batha Province: the Public Health Emergency Operations Center on alert (WHO Chad)

    The main objective of this meeting was the deployment of a SURGE team made up of 70 Chadian multidisciplinary executives. After reviewing the difficulties, challenges but also opportunities linked to this situation, the interim representative Dr. YAM announced that 14 experts from the SURGE program would be deployed to Batha province to support the health team in its response. to the diphtheria epidemic. This mission will be entirely funded by WHO.

    In addition to logistical and operational aspects, Dr. Yam shared sound advice aimed at enhancing this national team which can be mobilized to respond to all types of health events that the country could face.

    This initiative marks an important step towards effective international cooperation in the fight against infectious diseases and also strengthens national capacities in preparing and responding to health emergencies. The rapid and coordinated mobilization shows a strong commitment from health authorities to protect the population against these potentially fatal threats.

    This joint effort also illustrates international solidarity that aims to ensure that all nations have access to the resources needed to ensure global public health. In an interconnected world where no country is immune to these potential health crises, this type of intervention demonstrates our collective capacity to act quickly and effectively in the face of these global challenges.

    Le Ministère de la Santé Publique du Tchad a récemment déclaré une épidémie de diphtérie dans la province du Batha, le 08 janvier 2024. En réponse à cet événement de santé publique, le Centre des Opérations d’Urgences en Santé Publique (COUSP) est actuellement en état d'alerte. Son coordonnateur...

  • #2
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    Health: MSF launches emergency intervention against diphtheria in the villages of Yao and Soar

    Antoni Baina BY ANTONI BAINA February 7, 2024 in Health

    Epidemic diseases (measles, yellow fever, cholera, meningitis) represent recurring threats in Chad, particularly in the Batha province. It is with this in mind that Médecin Sans Frontières (MSF) is launching a vaccination campaign response in this region in order to warn of the circulation of diphtheria in Chad and neighboring countries.

    Diphtheria is a highly contagious and potentially fatal bacterial infection caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Since June 2023, Batha Province has recorded suspected cases of diphtheria. The most affected districts are Ati, Alifa, Yao and N'Djamena Bilala. There are a total of 825 cases of diphtheria reported in the provinces with 36 deaths mainly in the health areas mentioned above.

    This situation does not leave MSF indifferent, which attracts the attention of the authorities and partners by advocating on the recurrent outbreaks of diphtheria in order to provide strong, adequate responses. According to MSF, from a health and epidemiological perspective, vaccination coverage remains low for the population, especially the nomadic population with higher epidemic risks, and health services suffer from a structural deficit (technical platforms, qualified personnel, etc.).

    Les maladies épidémiques (rougeole, fièvre jaune, choléra, méningite) représentent des menaces récurrentes au Tchad, particulièrement dans la province du Batha. C’est dans cette perspective que Médecin sans frontières (MSF) lance une riposte de campagne vaccinale dans cette région afin d’alerter sur la circulation de la diphtérie au Tchad et dans les pays voisins. La diphtérie...


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      • #4
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        Diphtheria: mass vaccination in central Chad to counter the epidemic

        FEBRUARY 9, 2024

        In response to the diphtheria epidemic affecting several countries in West Africa, MSF teams launched a vaccination campaign in the Batha region, in central Chad, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health .

        Since June 2023, more than 825 cases of diphtheria and 36 deaths have been recorded in Chad. In response to this epidemic, MSF mobilized from December 2023, alongside the Chadian Ministry of Public Health, to ensure the management of diphtheria cases as well as epidemiological surveillance in the region of Batha.

        “ It is a very contagious infectious disease, without rapid treatment, and the risk of death is very high,” explains Dr Elie Fokzia, Regional Health Delegate in Batha. Vaccination remains the best way to protect against diphtheria and this protection is normally provided by routine vaccination programs. The problem is that to this day, many of our children still miss routine vaccinations and are vulnerable to this disease. »

        MSF launched a mass vaccination campaign on January 29, 2024 in collaboration with the health authorities in the Batha region. The objective was to vaccinate around 25,000 people aged 6 months to 40 years in the most exposed areas. In total, 24,489 people were vaccinated against diphtheria out of the 24,553 expected, representing vaccination coverage of 99.74%. In addition to vaccination, MSF carries out awareness and prevention activities among populations.

        Chad is not the only country in the Sahel zone affected by the return of diphtheria. Niger and Nigeria, neighboring countries, have notably faced epidemic outbreaks since 2022.

        “ It’s a disease that had almost disappeared and is now making a comeback in the Sahel countries,” laments Jean Bourgès, MSF Head of Mission in Chad. We thus find, in several villages far from urban centers, so-called “zero dose” children , that is to say who have never received any routine vaccination. »

        Intensifying the response to these epidemics, in particular through mass vaccination campaigns aimed at reaching isolated populations, and a large-scale collective effort, could help slow the resurgence of these preventable diseases.

        En réponse à l’épidémie de diphtérie qui touche plusieurs pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, les équipes MSF ont lancé une campagne de vaccination dans la région de Batha, dans le centre du Tchad, en collaboration avec le ministère de la Santé publique.

