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Congo (RC) - Mpox (monkeypox) outbreak 2024

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  • Congo (RC) - Mpox (monkeypox) outbreak 2024

    Translation Google

    Mpox or “monkey pox”: the epidemic is starting again in Congo-Brazzaville with a resumption of circulation of the virus

    Mpox or “monkey pox”, which experienced a brief lull in Congo-Brazzaville after a wave in 2003 and 2017, is starting to take off again. A total of 43 cases of Mpox were reported from the first week to the tenth epidemiological week of 2024. From the seventh to the eleventh week, 15 cases were confirmed. This is what the Ministry of Health and Population detailed through a report from the Directorate of Epidemiology and Disease Control, a copy of which reached our editorial office.

    To date, 9 health districts in 5 departments of the country have reported cases of Mpox. Of the 43 cases notified, the Cuvette department reported 72.1% of cases (31 cases) followed by Likouala with 5 cases.

    In relation to confirmed cases, it appears that 14 cases are confirmed in the Cuvette department, 2 cases in Likouala, 2 cases in the Plateaux and 1 case in Pointe-Noire.

    4.2% of cases are aged 5 to 14 and 46.5% are 15 and over. Children under 5 years old represent 9.3% of cases.

    Among confirmed cases, more than half are men (57.9%).

    The government is working hard to stem the disease and slow its spread.

    The implementation of this plan to combat “monkey pox” therefore requires vigilance of the population and pooling of efforts.

    We recall that the Mpox virus (formerly “monkey pox”) is an infectious disease caused by an orthopoxvirus which is characterized in particular by a skin rash which can be isolated or preceded or accompanied by a fever or lymph nodes.

    The Mpox virus can be transmitted by direct contact with the skin lesions or mucous membranes of a sick person, as well as by droplets (saliva, sneezing, spit, etc.) and by indirect contact with the patient's environment (bedding, clothing, etc.). dishes, bath linens, etc.).

    The illness usually lasts 2 to 3 weeks.

    To date, the cases reported are mainly mild, no deaths have been reported in Congo-Brazzaville.

    Germaine MAPANGA / Les Echos du Congo-Brazzaville

  • #2
    Translation Google

    Monkey pox: first cases recorded in the Republic of Congo

    By Africanews Editorial with AP
    Last Updated: 1 hour ago

    The Republic of Congo has recorded its first cases of monkeypox in several regions, the health ministry said, showing how the disease can spread in Africa since sexual transmission was first confirmed on the continent last year.

    Mpox is a virus that begins in wild animals and sometimes jumps to humans, who can transmit it to other people. The virus was previously known as monkeypox , because it was first observed in research monkeys.

    The World Health Organization said in November that it had confirmed for the first time sexual transmission of mpox in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo. African scientists have warned this could make the disease difficult to contain.

    The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Congo released its report on Wednesday. According to this report, some 43 cases were reported to the ministry, notably in nine of the country's 12 departments. The government made no further comment on the publication, which was not officially distributed to the media and appears to have been intended for internal use.

    Mpox became a subject of global concern during an international outbreak in 2022 that saw the disease spread to more than 100 countries, primarily through sex between gay or bisexual men. Smallpox has been endemic in parts of central and west Africa for decades, but most cases have been infected by rodents, limiting the spread of the disease .

    The WHO has declared the outbreak a global emergency and more than 90,000 cases have been recorded to date. In Congo, where sexual transmission was first confirmed, it has recorded more than 12,500 cases and 580 deaths, the largest epidemic ever recorded.

    The WHO had previously warned that sexual transmission could mean the disease spread to other parts of the continent.

    In Africa, experts say the numbers are likely underestimated because testing resources are limited and victims may avoid coming forward due to prejudice and draconian laws targeting LGBTQ+ communities .

    While the monkeypox epidemic has given rise to mass vaccination campaigns in Europe and North America, nothing of the sort is planned in Africa.

    La République du Congo a enregistré ses premiers cas de variole dans plusieurs régions, a déclaré le ministère de la Santé, ce qui montre comment la maladie peut se propager en Afrique depuis que la transmission par voie sexuelle a été confirmée pour la première fois sur le continent.


    • #3

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      • #4
        Text and image translated with Google

        Ministry of Health and Population CONGO

        ​🚨Government declaration, dated April 23, 2024, of the Monkey-Pox or monkey pox epidemic by Mr. Gilbert MOKOKI , Minister of Health and Population!
        With this government declaration, the Minister of Health and Population had just activated the #publichealth emergency management system , in order to deal with the response to this epidemic.​

        Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	11 Size:	203.0 KB ID:	989361

        Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	10 Size:	219.8 KB ID:	989362

        Last edited by Pathfinder; April 24, 2024, 12:23 PM.


        • #5
          Translation Google

          COG: Outbreak - 04-2024 - MONKEY-POX OUTBREAK

          Epidemic Congo COG: Outbreak - 04-2024 - MONKEY-POX OUTBREAK

          Last updated by Patrick Marien YOMBO on 2024-04-26 (Africa - Cuvette, Likouala)

          Since January 2024, fifty-nine (59) cases of Monkey-pox or monkey pox have been reported in five (05) departments and nine (09) health districts in our country. Nineteen (19) cases have been confirmed by the national public health laboratory. To date, the epidemiological situation is as follows: Affected departments: La Cuvette, Likouala, Les Plateaux, Pointe-Noire and Brazzaville. Health districts affected: Bokoma with 8 confirmed cases, Mossaka 2 confirmed cases, Loukolela 2 confirmed cases, Oyo 2 confirmed cases Liranga 2 confirmed cases, Gamboma 2 confirmed cases, Ngoyo 1 confirmed case, Zero deaths. This disease manifests itself by the following clinical picture: Fever; Headaches; Tiredness ; The increase in the volume of the lymph nodes; Muscle pain; A generalized skin rash, In view of these results and in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005) of which the Republic of Congo is a signatory, the Government of the Republic, through my voice, declares the epidemic of monkeypox In our country, monkeypox is a disease that affects both animals and humans; it is very contagious and can become fatal if treatment is started late. It is transmitted from animals to humans and also from humans to humans through contact with infected animals, contaminated game meat and infected people. To protect themselves from this disease, the Government invites the population to observe the following measures: Basic hygiene measures; Avoid contact and sexual relations for 21 days with suspicious subjects; Avoid contact with animals and any handling of game meat with bare hands; Use a surgical mask and gloves if necessary contact with a suspected case or the personal effects of a confirmed case; As far as possible, avoid places where wild animals gather and their passageways. The Government reassures the population that executives and agents of the Ministry of Health and Population are hard at work on the ground to stem this epidemic. He urges the population to contact the nearest health services in the event of any suspected case.

          Sources for data marked as Other

          Dr. Jean-Médard KANKOU, DELM,; Mr. Jethro MASSALA PEYA, Epidemiologist, data manager, SURGE, DELM,


          Since the outbreak was declared, the Government of the Congo has set up a coordination unit, of which the Congolese Red Cross is a member, and this unit has the following challenges:  Mobilization of funds for the organization of community meetings and the management of community relays;  Acquisition of sampling kits for health facilities;  Organization of case isolation;  Acquisition of medicines for case management and collection kits;  Restoration of cases in isolation sites;  Active search for Mpox cases in health facilities and the community;  Preliminary investigation around suspected cases and in the Listing and contact tracing. To date, the populations of the Cuvette in the localities of Oyo, Mossaka and Loukoléla, Likouala in the locality of Liranga where the first cases were detected, live in a total and very worried psychosis given the isolated cases that still remain unknown to everyone in their community.


