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South Korea COVID-19 Cases - 22,055 cases; 331 deaths

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  • Seongju-gun female students confirm corona in Ulsan
    • Approval 2020.02.26 17:09

    Residents of Seongju County are infected with Corona 19.

    The residents were confirmed during their stay in Ulsan, but they stayed in Seongju County until recently, so they are nervous about other infected people in the area.

    According to the Ulsan Health Authority, A (13), a sophomore in middle school in Seongju-gun, Gyeongbuk, was confirmed with Corona19.

    A came to Ulsan sister's house in Samnam-myeon, Ulju-gun, Ulsan city by car at 9:00 pm on September 23rd.

    The next day, she stayed at her house and had a 39-degree fever and a runny nose.

    The student later seized herself at her sister's house and was confirmed on the day.

    My sister has no symptoms, but she has had a corona 19 test and is waiting for the results.


    • snip...
      South Korea confirms another 115 cases

      From CNN's Hyoungjoo Choi in Seoul
      South Korea announced another 115 cases of the novel coronavirus today, bringing the total number in the country to 1,261.

      The cases were spread across Daegu city, the broader North Gyeongsang Province, and Busan.

      The death toll stands at 12.

      Earlier, the country had reported 169 more cases and another death -- meaning there have been 284 new cases confirmed today alone.
      "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


      • Two more coronavirus cases confirmed in military, total at 20

        18:40 February 26, 2020
        SEOUL, Feb. 26 (Yonhap) -- Two more Air Force officers tested positive for the new coronavirus on Wednesday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the military to 20, the defense ministry said.

        As of 5 p.m., the number of COVID-19 patients among service personnel stood at 20, up from 18 tallied earlier in the day, according to the ministry. They were among the country's 1,261 confirmed cases, which includes 12 deaths.

        Of the 20, 13 are in the Army, five are in the Air Force and there is one each in the Navy and the Marine Corps, the ministry added.

        Around 9,570 service members are quarantined at their bases.

        Of them, about 540 have either shown symptoms or had direct contact with infected patients,...


        • Click image for larger version

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 oqJ||^||/WVyarkiHjNgb3y||^||Rv8Ydxj3OF5c=&comfile_fs=202002 26192129865662345&comfile_fn=Press+Release+%28Feb. 26%29_Evening.pdf&comfile_c=www1&comfile_fd=158271 6524677
          Twitter: @RonanKelly13
          The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


          • Source:

            (2nd LD) More mass infections may come from hospitals, medical facilities
            All Headlines 20:47 February 26, 2020
            (ATTN: ADDS more information in last 4 paras)

            SEOUL, Feb. 26 (Yonhap) -- More hospitals across the country started cohort isolation on Wednesday on fears that the country will see additional mass infections of the new coronavirus at such facilities.

            The country reported an additional 284 confirmed cases of COVID-19 throughout the day, bringing the total to 1,261 with 12 deaths.

            A hospital in the southeastern country of Cheongdo has been under cohort isolation since Saturday, and at least seven of the country's 12 deaths from the novel coronavirus are linked to the facility.

            Cohort isolation is the separating of a group of patients with the same infectious disease from others. The method has been proven to be effective in preventing the further spread of disease within medical facilities...


            • Originally posted by Shiloh View Post
              Scroll February 22, 2020 21:58

              Yonhap News Agency, Gyeongju, Seoul, February 22-South Korea's Central Epidemic Prevention Policy Headquarters said on the 22nd that a 40-year-old male in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do was diagnosed with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) after his death. This man is the third death in South Korea infected with the new crown virus.

              According to the Gyeongju City Government and the Gyeongju Police Department, at 9 pm on the 21st, the male friend reported that he had died at home and called the police. According to statements from surrounding personnel, the man had cough and bronchitis symptoms during his lifetime and was treated for it. The police commissioned a health department to test for the new coronavirus to confirm the cause of death. Since the man is dead, it is difficult to find out the route of infection and the movement route after infection.

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              • Reopened National Assembly… Corona 3 Law Processed at 'Mask Plenary'
                02-26 21:34

                In the aftermath of Corona19, Parliament, which had been closed for the first time in constitutional history, reopened.
                In the plenary session, which was further strengthened in defense guidelines, the Corona 3 Act was dealt with by agreement.

                ...The main entrance was limitedly open so that there would be no dead zones, and the Library of Congress, which is frequently accessed by outsiders, would not open.

                We also set up separate tent spaces outside the four buildings, including the main building, the House of Representatives, and the Constitution Memorial Hall to isolate suspected infections.
                ...Moon Hee-sang, Chairman of the National Assembly> Amendments to alternatives to some of the revised laws on the prevention and management of infectious diseases have been approved.

                The legislation included penalties for suspects of infectious diseases who refused to be tested or contained.

                The ruling and opposition parties also formed a special committee to develop measures for corona management.
                [뉴스리뷰][앵커] 코로나19 여파로 헌정 사상 첫 폐쇄 조치가 내려졌던 국회가 다시 문을 열었습니다. 한층 강화된 방역 지침 속 열린 본회의에...


                • Four additional coroners 19 confirmed Increased to 13

                  2020-02-26 21:01:45
                  Park Sang-sik, a reporter in Gyeongsangbuk-do, added four confirmed coronavirus infections (Corona 19).

                  Nine people were confirmed after five in the morning. The total number of confirmed patients has increased to 13.

                  According to Changzhou, A (37) of Sinbong-dong was positive.

                  A's two sons, five and three, were also confirmed.

                  They are the family of nurse B (37, female) who was confirmed on the 25th while working in a paradise village in Yecheon-gun disabled facilities.

                  After confirmation, all three families were self-contained.

                  Another confirmer is Mr. C (83).

                  The patient attended Mass at the Men's East Cathedral during the day.

                  After the Israeli pilgrimage, he attended Mass with D (60, Sinbong-dong), who was confirmed on the 24th.

                  The city is aware of the man's movements and contacts after attending the mass and before self-containment.

                  The city also keeps track of three family members, including children.
                  [상주=뉴시스] 박홍식 기자 = 경북 상주에서 26일 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 확진자 4명이 추가됐다. 이날 오전 5명에 이어 모두 9명이 확진됐다. 이로써 총 확진자는 13명으로 늘었다.상주시에 따르면 신봉동의 A(37)씨가 양성 판정을 받았다. A씨의 5살, 3살 된 아들 2명도 확진됐다. 이들은 예천군 장애인 시설인 극락마을에서 근무하다..


                  • Six Patients Confirmed for Non-infectious Sincheonji Group Infection in Daegu… Is Sporadic Spreading Begins

                    2020-02-27 04:30:00
                    [Seoul = News] Reporter of the Gu office = Sporadic spreading in this area was confirmed by six patients unrelated to 'Shincheonji Daegu Church', which was known to be infected in Daegu, where a large number of patients with a new type of coronavirus infection (Corona 19) are developing. It is a concern.

                    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, six patients were identified as a result of the Corona 19 test on 503 pneumonia patients aged 19 or older who were admitted to Daegu by 27th.

                    Kim Woo-ju, professor of infectious medicine at Korea University Guro Hospital, said, “This means a lot.” “Corona 19 symptoms begin and go to pneumonia. It is usually 7 days. "I was exposed to means," he said, "not just infected with nephropathy (why the infection) did not know why pneumonia began."

                    To date, a total of 710 patients with Corona19 occurred in Daegu. The authorities believe that most patients are associated with the Shinchon Daegu Church. In the Daegu area, there are 501 patients who have been identified as Shincheon Daegu Church.
                    However, the outbreak of infection outside the connection with the Shinchon Daegu Church has increased the possibility of sporadic spreading of infection in the region. In particular, pneumonia is a high-risk group that is concerned about future health because it is a base disease.

                    In addition, the government plans to test about 28,000 people with colds similar to those of early years, including fever and respiratory symptoms. In this test, sporadic spreading in the region is expected to be realized when a large number of patients with corona19 are not related to Shincheonji Daegu Church.

                    If a patient is added sporadically rather than a specific path of infection, contact and movement management will be unable to handle the patient itself. Already, there is a shortage of hospital beds and medical staff for confirmed patients.



                    • Coronavirus in South Korea

                      Warning - Level 3, Avoid Nonessential Travel—Widespread Community Transmission

                      Key Points

                      • CDC recommends that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to South Korea.
                      • There is a widespread, ongoing outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus that can be spread from person to person.
                      • Older adults and people with chronic medical conditions may be at increased risk for severe disease.
                      What is the current situation?

                      CDC recommends that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to South Korea. There is limited access to adequate medical care in affected areas.

                      A novel coronavirus is causing an outbreak of respiratory illness (COVID-19) in South Korea. Illness with this virus has ranged from mild to severe. Signs and symptoms of infection include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Sore throat also has been reported in some patients. Some patients also have reported diarrhea without other symptoms. This new coronavirus has caused severe disease and death in patients who developed pneumonia. Risk factors for severe illness are not yet clear, although older adults and those with chronic medical conditions may be at higher risk for severe illness.

                      More Information

                      Novel Coronavirus Information for Travelers

                      Health Information for Travelers to South Korea What can travelers do to protect themselves and others?

                      CDC recommends avoiding nonessential travel to South Korea. If you must travel:
                      • Avoid contact with sick people.
                      • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
                      • Discuss travel to South Korea with your healthcare provider. Older adults and travelers with chronic medical conditions may be at risk for more severe disease.
                      • Clean your hands often by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%–95% alcohol. Soap and water should be used if hands are visibly dirty.
                        • It is especially important to clean hands after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.

                      If you spent time in South Korea during the past 14 days and feel sick with fever or cough, or have difficulty breathing:
                      • Seek medical advice. Call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room. Tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.
                      • Avoid contact with others.
                      • Do not travel while sick.
                      • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
                      • Clean your hands often by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%–95% alcohol immediately after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. Soap and water should be used if hands are visibly dirty.
                      Clinician Information

                      Healthcare providers should obtain a detailed travel history for patients with fever or acute respiratory symptoms. For patients with these symptoms who were in South Korea and had onset of illness within 2 weeks of leaving, consider the novel coronavirus and notify infection control personnel and your local health department immediately.

                      Although routes of transmission have yet to be definitively determined, CDC recommends a cautious approach to interacting with patients under investigation. Ask such patients to wear a face mask as soon as they are identified. Conduct patient evaluation in a private room with the door closed, ideally an airborne infection isolation room, if available. Personnel entering the room should use standard precautions, contact precautions, and airborne precautions, and use eye protection (goggles or a face shield). For additional healthcare infection control recommendations, visit CDC's Infection Control webpage. For additional information, please see:

                      This notice was originally posted February 24, 2020.


                      • Negative pressure bed only for severe patients, medical staff isolation

                        Edit 2020-02-27 03:18

                        On the 25th, it is a support room for all new coronavirus infections (corona 19) located on the 5th floor of the National Medical Center in Jung-gu, Seoul. An urgent request has been received to find a hospital to transfer patients who are admitted to Kyungpook Qingdao University Hospital. Difficulty breathing was a serious condition requiring emergency medical care. The on-call doctor contacted 29 hospitals nationwide with state-designated negative pressure isolation beds and asked if there were any empty beds. But there was no bed left.

                        At 11:30 pm, Incheon Gachon University Gil Hospital received a reply saying, "It is possible to enter the room after 10 am on the 26th." Four out of five negative pressure beds are in use by a suspect, but one can be emptied. The patient waited about 15 hours before entering the negative pressure room on the 26th morning.

                        As Corona19 confirmed more than 1,000 patients on the 26th, the problem of hospital bed shortages is rising not only in Daegu-Gyeongbuk but also in the whole country. The number of confirmed patients with Corona19 was 1261, up by 284 from the previous day. The maximum increase in the day. The number exceeded 1000 in 37 days after the first patient occurred. The 12th died on the same day.

                        There are 161 nationally designated negative pressure isolation rooms and 198 beds. However, as the utilization rate has already reached 100%, there was no empty bed (full-bed) at 25 pm. As of this afternoon, only 408 (57.5%) of 710 patients in Daegu were hospitalized. The relatively mild 302 patients were self-contained because they were confirmed without confirmation of their condition. This is the reason why the standard of use of the room should be improved according to the severity of the patient.

                        이탈리아에서 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 확진자가 400명으로 늘어났다. 26일(현지시간) CNN과 현지 매체에 따르면 안젤로 보렐리 이탈리아 시민보호청장은 기자회…


                        • S. Korea's virus cases near 1,300, tests on church followers start

                          febr 26 2020

                          SEOUL, Feb. 26 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's confirmed cases of the new coronavirus approached 1,300 on Wednesday as health authorities started testing about 210,000 followers of a religious sect at the center of rapid infections here.

                          The 284 additional cases, the sharpest daily surge so far, brought the total infections to 1,261 from only 51 a week ago, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).

                          (ATTN: UPDATES 22nd para; TRIMS) SEOUL, Feb. 26 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's confirmed ...
                          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                          • Press release

                            Corona Virus Infection-19 Domestic Occurrence (Daily Statistics, 9 o'clock)
                            • Created 2020-02-27
                            • Last Modified Date 2020-02-27
                            • Department of Central Defense Response Headquarters
                            • Contact 043-719-9064
                            • 17,039

                            Coronavirus Infection-19 Domestic Outbreak (Based on 9:00)

                            □ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CEO Eun Eun-kyung) said that as of Feb. 27, 20, 334, more confirmed patients were confirmed compared to 16:00 on the day before.

                            <Note Status of national reporting and management ( 2.27 days 09 hour basis , total after 1.3 days)>

                            division sum Confirmation patient status Inspection Status
                            system Isolate In isolation Dead system Under inspection Result voice
                            2.26. ( Wed )

                            At 16 o'clock
                            53,553 1,261 24 1,225 12 52,292 20,716 31,576
                            2.27. ( Thur )

                            At 09 o'clock
                            57,990 1,595 24 1,559 12 56,395 21,097 35,298
                            increase +4,437 +334 0 +334 0 +4,103 +381 +3,722

                            The current status of 334 newly confirmed patients is as follows.



                            • S. Korea reports 334 new virus cases, total now at 1,595

                              Welfare/Medicine 10:10 February 27, 2020


                              • Source:

                                S.Korea confirms 334 more cases of COVID-19, 1,595 in total
                                Xinhua, February 27, 2020

                                SEOUL, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- South Korea confirmed 334 more cases of the COVID-19, bringing the total number of infections to 1,595 as of 9:00 a.m. local time (0000 GMT) Thursday.

                                The death toll was unchanged at 12...

                                ...Of the new patients, 311 were residents in Daegu, about 300 km southeast of the capital Seoul, and its surrounding North Gyeongsang province.

                                The total number of infections in Daegu and North Gyeongsang province increased to 1,338...

