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South Korea COVID-19 Cases - 22,055 cases; 331 deaths

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  • South Korea COVID-19 Cases - 22,055 cases; 331 deaths

    S. Korea reports 1st confirmed case of China coronavirus

    National 13:30 January 20, 2020

    SEOUL, Jan. 20 (Yonhap) -- South Korea on Monday reported the first confirmed case of China coronavirus amid concerns that a pneumonia-like illness is set to spread across China and Asia.

    According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), a Chinese woman suffered fever, respiratory problems and other symptoms after arriving at Incheon International Airport and tested positive for the virus.

    She traveled to the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei Province last week. The patient has been given treatment at a local hospital, the country's public health and safety agency said.
    Last edited by tetano; February 29, 2020, 06:15 AM.

  • #2
    Government report -

    Confirmation of new coronavirus confirmed patients in the quarantine phase.
    • Created 2020-01-20
    • Last modified date 2020-01-20
    • Department of Response to Crisis Response Terrorism

    Confirmation of new coronavirus confirming foreign patients

    Raising and responding to an infectious disease crisis alert

    -Operation of the Central Defense Response Headquarters and Reinforcement of Local Surveillance and Response-

    The Office of Disease Control confirms patients with confirmed swine coronavirus infection * in the quarantine process, and raises the level of warning of infectious disease to caution.

    * Patients (35-year-old female, Chinese nationality) are in quarantine of nationally-designated inpatient beds

    ◇ Strengthen patient monitoring and infection control in local communities by operating central and local countermeasure groups to prevent early detection and spread of new coronavirus infection

    -Ask the public to comply with the preventive rules and ask the medical community to strengthen patient monitoring and infection control

    In the morning of January 20, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CEO Eun-Kyung Chung) confirmed the influx of patients with new coronavirus infections in Wuhan, China. It said that it will strengthen the surveillance and response of the community by operating the anti-determination countermeasure headquarters and local government countermeasure team.

    ○ Incheon Airport Quarantine Service quarantines patients with symptoms such as fever during the quarantine * process for entrants to Wuhan City, China, on January 19, 20, and classifies them as 'insured box' for investigation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the patient's diagnosis this morning by conducting a new coronavirus infection test **.

    * Flight Name: China Southern Airlines CZ6079, 2020.1.19. 12:11

    ** Positive of plate-coronavirus PCR test, confirmed by PCR gene sequence analysis

    ○ As a confirmed patient, a 35-year-old woman (who resides in Wuhan, China) of Chinese nationality developed on January 18, the day before entry, and had symptoms such as fever, chills, and muscle pain. There were no visits to the market (including angry seafood markets), no contact with confirmed patients and wildlife, and a central epidemiologist is conducting an in-depth epidemiological investigation.

    ○ Confirmed patients are identified at the quarantine stage, and there is no exposure to the community. Contact persons, such as passengers and crew members, are currently under investigation.

    * For 14 days from the last contact, check the fever and respiratory symptoms for 1, 2, 7 days by wire contact, and isolate and test if suspicious symptoms occur.

    □ The Centers for Disease Control announced that it will strengthen cooperation with relevant ministries, local governments, the medical community, and private experts to prevent the early detection of new coronavirus infections and prevent the spread of local communities.

    ○ The Center for Disease Control is operating the Central Defense Response Headquarters (CEO: Head of the Center for Disease Control) and is expanding the 24-hour emergency response system by strengthening the patient surveillance system, diagnosing suspected cases, and strengthening patient management.

    ○ The city plans to launch a local disaster prevention countermeasure to reinforce community patient monitoring and contact management, and to operate a 24-hour emergency defense system such as New Year's holidays.

    □ The Centers for Disease Control and Emphasis emphasized the importance of cooperation between the public and the medical community for the early detection and prevention of new coronavirus infections.

    ○ For people visiting Wuhan, China

    -Avoid contact with wild animals and poultry in China, refrain from visiting markets and medical institutions that are at risk of infection, and refrain from contact with respiratory illnesses (fever, dyspnea, etc.)

    -When entering Korea, cooperate with quarantine investigation by filling out health status documents and reporting to quarantine officer if you have fever or respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, etc.).

    -If fever and respiratory symptoms occur within 14 days after returning to Korea, they were advised to consult the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (1339) or the Public Health Center.

    ○ Medical institutions thoroughly screen screenings such as checking the travel history of Wuhan city in China through medical checkups and DUR * when visiting patients with respiratory diseases, strengthening infection control in medical institutions, and calling the Center for Disease Control Division (1339). To be reported).

    * Notification of the list of entrants in Wuhan, China

    ○ On the other hand, in Korea, there are many respiratory donations due to the influenza epidemic, and all citizens wear hand masks, coughing etiquette, and respiratory donation boxes when they visit medical institutions. I asked you to abide by.

    <National Infection Prevention Code of Conduct>

    ○ If you have respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wear a mask!

    -Must be worn when going out and visiting medical institutions

    ○ Wash your hands in running water for 30 seconds or more!

    ○ Let your medical staff know about your travel abroad!

    -Within 14 days of respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough visited Wuhan, China

    Nationals (including via transit, (e.g.) after entering Wuhan and entering Hong Kong)

    This press release is a quick and transparent way to disclose information about relevant events, and may be amended or supplemented based on additional epidemiological findings.


    • #3
      .....On March 20, the Center for Disease Control said, "A, 35, a Chinese national, who lives in Wuhan, Hubei, China, has been infected with a new coronavirus called Wuhan pneumonia." Said. The patient was quarantined at the Arrival Hall of Incheon International Airport due to high fever and related symptoms, and is currently being treated at a national quarantine bed (Incheon Medical Center). The official said, "Mr. A has been quarantined at quarantine and there is no community exposure."

      Zilbon raised the level of infectious disease crisis warning from 'interest' to 'caution' as more patients were confirmed in Korea. According to Zilbon, Mr. A was a resident of Wuhan in China and had a cold, after seeing her at a hospital in Wuhan City on the 18th of the day, because of symptoms such as fever, chills and muscle pain....


      • #4

        All 10 suspected new cases of pneumonia in South Korea are released
        January 21, 2020 20:56 Source: CCTV News Client Participate in Interactive Participation

        The Korea Disease Management Division said on the 21st that the test results of 3 suspected cases of new coronavirus pneumonia were negative on that day. So far, the 10 suspected cases reported since 3rd day have all been negative and all have been quarantined.

        Currently, there is one confirmed case in South Korea, and the patient is receiving isolation treatment at a designated medical institution. The 35 patients who had contact with the confirmed patient and were in Korea, as well as 14 other observers, are also being monitored for the disease.

        To prevent the spread of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic situation, airports and ports in South Korea have strengthened their epidemic prevention measures. Among them, flights from Wuhan to Incheon International Airport will use a dedicated port of arrival, and the number of times of airport disinfection will also be doubled. The quarantine department of Cheongju International Airport will also increase the quarantine of incoming passengers and will use the infrared thermometer's body temperature. The screening standard was lowered from the usual 37.5 degrees, and those who exceeded the standard had to be tested by a handheld thermometer.

        At present, South Korea has raised the warning level of new coronavirus pneumonia from "care" to "attention". (Mainland reporter Li Dajie)
        [Edit: Liu Huan]


        • #5
          Source: Novel Coronavirus – Republic of Korea (ex-China)

          Disease outbreak news
          21 January 2020

          On 20 January 2020, National IHR Focal Point (NFP) for Republic of Korea reported the first case of novel coronavirus in the Republic of Korea. The case is a 35-year-old female, Chinese national, residing in Wuhan, Hubei province in China.

          The case-patient had developed fever, chill, and muscle pain on 18 January while in Wuhan. She visited a local hospital in Wuhan and was initially diagnosed with a cold. On 19 January , the case-patient was detected with fever (38.3 ?C) upon arrival at the Incheon International Airport. The case-patient was transferred to a national designated isolation hospital for testing and treatment. She was tested positive for pancoronavirus reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay, and subsequently was confirmed positive for novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) on 20 January by sequencing at the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC). Upon detection, the patient had chills, runny nose, and muscle pain.

          The case-patient did not report visiting any markets, including Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, nor did she have known contact with confirmed 2019-nCoV cases or wild animals in Wuhan city.

          The case-patient is currently under isolation, receiving treatment and is in a stable condition. Public health response

          • Contact tracing and other epidemiological investigation are underway;
          • The government of the Republic of Korea has scaled up the national alert level from Blue (Level 1) to Yellow (Level 2 out of 4-level national crisis management system);
          • The Republic of Korea health authority has strengthened surveillance for pneumonia cases in health facilities nationwide since 3 January 2020;
          • Quarantine and screening measures have been enhanced for travelers from Wuhan at the point of entries (PoE) since 3 January 2020;
          • Public risk communication has been enhanced.
          WHO risk assessment

          This is the fourth internationally exported case of 2019-nCoV from Wuhan City, China by travelers. Since the initial report of cases on 31 December 2019, and as of 20 January 2020, 278 laboratory-confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV infection including six deaths were reported to WHO globally from China, two cases from Thailand, one case from Japan, and one case from the Republic of Korea. In China, 51 are severe cases, and 12 cases are critically ill. They are all under isolation treatment at designated medical institutions in Wuhan. Among the cases reported in China, 14 cases have been reported from Guangdong province, five from Beijing municipality and one from Shanghai municipality.

          The source of the outbreak is still under investigation in Wuhan City. Preliminary investigations have identified environmental samples positive for nCoV in Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan City, however some laboratory-confirmed patients did not report visiting this market. Cases continue to be reported from Wuhan City, and from other provinces in China. Additional investigations are needed to determine how the patients were infected, the extent of human-to-human transmission, the clinical spectrum of disease, and the geographic range of infection. WHO advice

          It is prudent to remind populations and health workers of the basic principles to reduce the general risk of transmission of acute respiratory infections by following the below mentioned measures:
          • Avoiding close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections;
          • Frequent hand-washing, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment;
          • Avoiding unprotected contact with farm or wild animals;
          • People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practice cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands);
          • Within healthcare facilities, enhance standard infection prevention and control practices in hospitals, especially in emergency departments.

          WHO does not recommend any specific health measures for travelers. In case of symptoms suggestive of acute respiratory illness either during or after travel, the travelers are encouraged to seek medical attention and share their travel history with their health care provider. Health authorities should work with travel, transport and tourism sectors to provide travelers with information to reduce the general risk of acute respiratory infections via travel health clinics, travel agencies, conveyance operators and at points of entry.

          WHO has provided interim guidance for novel coronaviruses

          WHO advises against the application of any travel or trade restrictions on Korea based on the information currently available on this event.

          For more information on novel coronavirus, please see:


          • #6
            (2nd LD) S. Korea reports 2nd confirmed case of Wuhan coronavirus

            11:43 January 24, 2020

            SEOUL, Jan. 24 (Yonhap) -- South Korea on Friday reported its second confirmed case of the China coronavirus amid mounting fears the pneumonia-like illness that is spreading throughout China and other parts of the world during the Lunar New Year holiday.

            According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), a South Korean who arrived at Gimpo International Airport, western Seoul, late Wednesday, tested positive for the new type of virus.

            The 55-year-old man, who has been working in Wuhan, visited a Chinese clinic last week after suffering from a sore throat and other symptoms, the agency said.


            • #7

              Google translation:

              Details: Third New Coronavirus Pneumonia Confirmed in South Korea
              January 26, 2020 11:14

              Associated Press, Seoul, January 26. According to news from the South Korean Disease Management Division on the 26th, a Korean male (54 years old) who entered China from Wuhan on the 20th was diagnosed with the new coronavirus. This is the third case of new pneumonia in South Korea.

              The patient stayed in Wuhan, China, and returned to South Korea from Wuhan on the 20th. There were no abnormal symptoms at the time of returning home. On the 22nd, he had symptoms of warmth and chills. On the 25th, he had intermittent cough and sputum symptoms.

              Because the patient was active in the community without knowing he was infected from 20th to 25th, he could become a spreader of the new coronavirus. Experts have previously worried that if the infectious person in the incubation period enters the community or becomes a "super communicator".

              Based on the preliminary test results, the health station listed the patient as an observation object. On the 25th, the patient was isolated and admitted to a designated hospital (Gyeonggi-do Mingchi Hospital). The patient was diagnosed with a new coronavirus-infected pneumonia on the 26th, and an epidemiological investigation is being conducted by the Department of Disease Management.

              This is the third case of new pneumonia in South Korea. On the 19th, a Chinese female (35 years old) who entered China from Wuhan was first diagnosed with the new coronavirus. The patient is currently being treated at Incheon Medical Center. On the 24th, a Korean male (55 years old) who entered China from Wuhan via Shanghai was also diagnosed with the new coronavirus and is currently undergoing isolation treatment at the National Central Medical Center.

              As of now, 47 of the 48 observation subjects have tested negative and have been quarantined, and the remaining 1 is still undergoing testing. (Finish)


              • #8

                New swine coronavirus identified in Korea -54-year-old Korean male from Wuhan, China-



                • #9
                  S. Korea reports 4th confirmed case of Wuhan coronavirus

                  Welfare/Medicine 11:57 January 27, 2020

                  SEOUL, Jan. 27 (Yonhap) -- South Korea on Monday reported its fourth confirmed Wuhan coronavirus case amid mounting concerns the pneumonia-like illness is spreading to other parts of the world from China despite concerted quarantine efforts.

                  According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), a 55-year-old South Korean man who returned from the Chinese city of Wuhan on Jan. 20 tested positive for the new strain of the virus that has killed 80 people so far.


                  • #10
                    Government report -

                    New Outbreaks of Corona Virus in Korea -55-year-old Korean male from Wuhan, China, fourth confirmed patient-

                    □ The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CEO Eun-kyung Jung) confirmed on January 27 that he confirmed the fourth confirmed case of a new swine corona virus infection in Korea (55-year-old male, Korean).

                    ○ The patient visited Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, and returned home on January 20, and visited a domestic medical institution on January 21 due to cold symptoms.

                    -On January 25, during high fever (38 ℃) and myalgia, I visited a medical institution and reported the health center,

                    -On January 26, pneumonia was diagnosed through a screening clinic for worsening muscle pain and classified as a suspected case box.

                    -On the same day, a new coronavirus test was conducted after being quarantined as a national hospital treatment hospital (Seoul National University Hospital).

                    -The morning of January 27th confirmed that it was the fourth infected patient in Korea.

                    ○ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that in-depth epidemiologic investigations are currently underway along patients' movements, so they will share additional results with the survey results.

                    □ Meanwhile, the contact and movement route of the third confirmed person (54-year-old male, Korean) were also identified.

                    ○ As of now, 74 persons have been identified. Among them, one of the hotel workers has been identified as a deceased box and quarantined as a national hospitalization treatment bed. 14 members including their family members and acquaintances) and active monitoring.

                    There are currently four domestic confirmed patients, including additional confirmed patients today. So far, there were 57 suspected cases, except for those who were diagnosed. * Including contact of one of the third patients □ The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that cases that occur after recent arrivals have been quarantined after being treated by the local public health center or the medical institution with the screening clinic through 1339 report. ○ If fever or respiratory symptoms occur after the visit to Hubei, such as Wuhan, China, the government repeatedly asked to minimize the external activities and visit the public health center or the 1339 report.

                    Last edited by sharon sanders; January 27, 2020, 01:40 AM.


                    • #11

                      Two new cases of pneumonia confirmed by new coronavirus infection in South Korea

                      First Financial 2020-01-30 17:15:49
                      previous, Next
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                      According to news from the South Korean media on the 30th, South Korea added two new cases of pneumonia confirmed by a new coronavirus infection. So far, 6 confirmed cases of pneumonia infected with the new coronavirus have been reported in South Korea. (CCTV News)



                      • #12

                        The number of patients with Korean coronavirus infection, which had no additional confirmation for a while, has increased to six. In particular, one of the newly identified patients did not go to China, but was identified as a secondary infection infected by a third confirmed patient. This is the first time that secondary infection has been confirmed in Korea.

                        The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CEO Eun-Kyung Chung) said on Tuesday that he had identified two additional patients with new coronavirus infection.

                        According to Gilbon, the fifth patient is a 32-year-old Korean male who returned to Korea on the 24th after visiting Wuhan, China. The patient had an intermittent cough due to asthma, but was classified as an active monitor because she had no fever. However, Gilbon explained that the test result was positive and was quarantined at Seoul Medical Center today.

                        The sixth patient was a 56-year-old Korean male who was the contact of the third patient. Until now, all confirmed coronaviruses confirmed in Korea have been to Wuhan, China. This is the first time a so-called 'secondary infection' has occurred, in which a person who has not been to Wuhan in Korea has been infected by an infected person.

                        The patient was also managed for active surveillance and positively confirmed by a test that was conducted in Seoul National University Hospital.

                        'The immediate response team is dispatched and we will release additional information as soon as the investigation is completed,' Gilbon said.

                        한동안 추가 확진자가 없던 국내 코로나바이러스 감염증 환자 수가 총 6명으로 늘어났다. 특히 새롭게 확인된 환자 중 한 명은 중국에 다녀오지 않고, 세번째 확진자를 통해 감염된 2차 감염자로 확인됐다. 국내에서 2차감염이 확인된 것은 이번이 처음이다. 질병관리본부(본부장 정은경)는 30일 오후 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 환자 2명을 추가로 확인했다고 밝혔다. 질본에 따르면 5번째 환자는 32세 한국인 남성으로, 업무 차 중국 우한시를 방문한 뒤 지난 24일에 귀국했다. 이 환자는 평소부터 천식으로 인해 간헐적인 기침이 있었고, 다만


                        • #13
                          [Breaking] Korea confirms its 7th coronavirus patient
                          By Lee Han-soo
                          Published 2020.01.31 10:11
                          Updated 2020.01.31 10:15

                          The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday that it has confirmed an additional coronavirus patient.

                          The seventh confirmed patient is a 28-year-old male who entered into Incheon International Airport from Wuhan, Hubei Province, via Chengdu, on Jan 23...


                          • #14
                            S. Korea reports 12th confirmed case of novel coronavirus

                            Welfare/Medicine 10:03 February 01, 2020
                            SEOUL, Feb. 1 (Yonhap) -- South Korea on Saturday reported its 12th confirmed case of the novel coronavirus, as the country tightens quarantine efforts to stem the spread of the contagious disease.

                            According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), the latest case involves a 49-year-old Chinese man who arrived from Japan on Jan. 19.



                            • #15
                              S. Korea reports 3 more cases of novel coronavirus, total now at 15

                              All Headlines 10:15 February 02, 2020

                              SEOUL, Feb. 2 (Yonhap) -- South Korea on Sunday reported three more cases of the novel coronavirus, bringing the total here to 15, amid concerns over person-to-person transmission.

                              The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said the 13th case involved a 28-year-old man who was one of the 368 Koreans that were brought back from the Chinese city of Wuhan on Friday.

                              The country's 14th case is a 40-year-old Chinese woman who is a family member of the Chinese man diagnosed with the new coronavirus strain here Saturday.

                              The 15th case is a 43-year-old South Korean man who arrived back home from China on Jan. 20 and was under observation.

