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Japan - COVID-19: 75,400 cases, 1,441 deaths

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  • #16
    Here is the Japan Times article in English

    Authorities bolster health screenings at airports and urge companies to clamp down on business travel as throngs of Chinese tourists land in Japan wearing masks.


    • #17
      Tokyo confirms a third case of coronavirus infection

      The patient is a 30-year-old woman from Wuhan. It is not clear whether she is Japanese or Chinese. Fearing xenophobic reactions, the authorities are maintaining maximum confidentiality about those infected. Fear hasn’t stopped lunar New Year celebrations. Yesterday thousands of people watched the Tokyo Tower lit in red to usher in the Year of the White Rat.

      Tokyo (AsiaNews/Agencies) – The Japanese Ministry of Health confirmed the country’s third coronavirus infection this morning.

      The patient identified by the authorities is a woman who comes from the Chinese city of Wuhan (the epicentre of the infection). She arrived in Japan on 18 January. It is not clear whether she is Japanese, Chinese or of a third nationality.

      Health officials have said that they will maintain absolute confidentiality in such cases, given the very high risk of creating a media circus and sparking xenophobia or classism.

      In any case, the 30-eyar-old woman shows no symptoms since catching the disease.

      She went to a hospital in Tokyo of her own free will, where the infection was confirmed..

      At 11 am today, Chinese authorities released the latest infection data, reporting at least 1,326 cases, 729 in Hubei province alone. Wuhan is Hubei’s provincial capital...


      • #18
        Japan Confirms 4th Case of New Coronavirus

        Tokyo, Jan. 26 (Jiji Press)--Japan's health ministry said Sunday that it has confirmed the fourth case of pneumonia caused by a new type of coronavirus from China.

        The patient is a man in his 40s from the inland China city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the new virus, the ministry said.

        The man arrived in Japan on Wednesday and developed a fever on Thursday.

        His infection was confirmed on Sunday afternoon after he visited a medical institution in Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, for treatment, according to the ministry.



        • #19

          See new Tweets Conversation

          The Japan Times

          BREAKING: Japan is reporting its first case of an individual who has not been to Wuhan, China, but has contracted the novel coronavirus. The case is one of two new infections reported Tuesday.
          8:51 AM ? Jan 28, 2020?Hootsuite Inc.
          "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


          • #20
            Japan sees 1st coronavirus case not linked to travel to China

            KYODO NEWS - 24 minutes ago - 18:45
            TOKYO - The government on Tuesday confirmed two more cases in Japan of the new coronavirus, including a tour bus driver who has never been to the central Chinese city of Wuhan, where the outbreak of the deadly virus began in a seafood and poultry market.

            The findings bring the total number of confirmed infections in Japan to six.

            The bus driver in his 60s drove two groups of Chinese tourists from Wuhan earlier this month, Japanese health minister Katsunobu Kato said.

            The driver from Nara Prefecture, western Japan, was diagnosed with pneumonia on Saturday and has been hospitalized in the prefecture.

            The other case newly confirmed is of a man in his 40s from Wuhan who has been in Japan since Jan. 20. He too has developed pneumonia.

            The ministry said it is checking the health condition of people who had contact with the two new patients.
            The first case of a new coronavirus infection not linked to a person recently arrived from China has been confirmed in Japan, Health Minister Katsunobu Kato says.


            • #21
              New type pneumonia may be infected from the first person in Japan

              Nara bus driver who has never stayed in Wuhan

              jan 28, 2020

              The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced on February 28 that two new cases of new coronavirus infection have been identified in Japan. One is a Japanese man in his 60s living in Nara prefecture. He took a tour from Wuhan, Hubei Province, China as a bus driver, but had no history of his stay. It may have been transmitted from an infected person in Japan, and if confirmed, this is the first case of human-to-human transmission in Japan. The other is a man in his forties living in Wuhan City.

              A total of six patients were confirmed infected in Japan.

              Meanwhile, the government dispatched one charter aircraft from Japan to return to Japan for a stay in Wuhan on the night of the 28th. About 200 people will arrive at Haneda Airport on the morning of the 29th.
              厚生労働省は28日、国内で新たに2例の新型コロナウイルス感染者が確認されたと発表した。1人は奈良県在住の60代日本人男性。バス運転手として中国湖北省武漢市からのツアー客を乗せたが、自身の滞在歴はなかった。国内で感染者からうつった可能性があり、確認されれば、国内で人から人に感染した初の事例となる。もう1人は武漢市在住の40代男性。国内で感染が確認された患者は計6人となった。 一方、政府は28日夜、武漢滞在の邦人帰国に向け、チャーター機1機を日本から派遣。
              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


              • #22
                New Coronavirus-Associated Pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China (January 28, 1980)

                We will inform you of the situation as of January 28 and the response of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

                (January 28 based on the content that has been announced from the national agencies and WHO, etc. of up to noon, January 27
                has been updated underlined from the daily report.)


                2.About outbreak situation in Japan
                ・ As of January 28 , there are four infected people confirmed.
                ? First case of infected persons is already complete recovery . All 38 close contacts were identified, and health observation was completed in 24 days.
                ・ The second infected person has already been relieved. At present, 16 close contacts have been identified and health observations are being conducted. No infected cases have been identified at this time.
                ・ The third infected person is now calm. At the moment, three close contacts have been identified and health observations are underway. No infected cases have been identified at this time.
                ・ The fourth infected person is now calm. At the moment, two close contacts have been identified and health observations are underway. No infected cases have been identified at this time.
                ・ In addition, three persons have been identified as contacts of infected people abroad and departed on the 25th.
                ・ At the present time (as of 12:00 on January 28), a total of 18 tests were conducted based on the pseudo-surveillance system. Four were positive and 14 were negative.

                3.MHLW's response so far
                ? In Japan arrival flights from China to the ship agency, the distribution of ship announce implementation and health card of the request
                for-airline Te in Japan arrival flights from China, the distribution of ship announce implementation and health card of the request
                from Wuhan City in quarantine booths, etc. - Airport Update of posters calling for self-declaration for returnees and immigrant
                ・ Continuation of the current quarantine system for returnees , using thermography or the like, and check for any symptoms such as fever implementation), and carried out in conjunction with the understanding of the health status for immigrants from the Wuhan City
                against and aviation company, Wuhan in-flight announcement Call for self-declaration for returnees and immigrant from the city The requesting cooperation with 
                on cooperation request in accordance with the occurrence of infections associated with, the new coronavirus (airline addressed)
                 Https: // Www.

                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #23
                  About outbreak of patient of pneumonia associated with new coronavirus (the seventh case)

                  Around 18:00 today (January 28), the National Institute of Infectious Diseases reported a case of infectious disease associated with this new type of coronavirus.

                  This patient is a resident of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, and was reported to have reported a stay in Wuhan when he visited a medical institution on January 27. is.

                  It is the seventh case in Japan that the outbreak of patients with infectious diseases related to the new coronavirus was confirmed.
                  We will carry out proactive epidemiological investigations on this matter, including the identification of close contacts.

                  (1) Age: 40's
                  (2) Gender: Female
                  (3) Place of residence: People's Republic of China (Wuhan City, Hubei Province)
                  (4) Symptoms and progress:
                  He came to Japan on January 21 and visited Hokkaido from the 22nd. Tourism.
                  January 26 I couldn't go out due to poor physical condition. Cough and fever at night.
                  January 27 Visited a medical institution in Hokkaido and was hospitalized.
                       Pneumonia on chest x-ray.
                  January 28 Fever remains, but condition is stable.
                  (5) Action history:
                  On January 21, two people came to Japan and stayed at an acquaintance's house in Tokyo.
                  On January 22, three people moved from Tokyo to Hokkaido for sightseeing.
                  I couldn't go out on January 26 due to poor physical condition.
                  Wearing a mask after coming to Japan.
                  No visit to Wuhan City's South Seafood Market (Seafood Market).

                  Outbreak of patients with pneumonia associated with novel coronavirus (6th case)

                  Around 16 o'clock today (January 28), the National Institute of Infectious Diseases reported a case of infectious disease associated with this new type of coronavirus.

                  This patient is a resident of Nara prefecture and had no history of staying in Wuhan when he visited a medical institution on January 25, but was contacted by a tour visitor from Wuhan. Therefore, it was reported as simulated disease surveillance.
                  This is the sixth case in Japan where the occurrence of a patient with an infectious disease related to the new coronavirus was confirmed.
                  Proactive epidemiological investigations, including the identification of close contacts, are being carried out on this matter.
                  A press conference on this matter will be held from 19:00.

                  (1) Age: 60s
                  (2) Gender: Male
                  (3) Residence: Nara
                  (4) Symptoms, course:
                  January 14 Chills, cough, joint pain.
                  He visited a medical institution in Nara Prefecture on January 17 and followed up without any abnormalities in various tests. Contact health center.
                  January 22: Joint pain and exacerbation of cough symptoms.
                  He was consulted again on January 25 and consulted a health center from a medical institution. Chest radiographs revealed findings in both lower lung fields, so he was adjusted and admitted to a medical institution in Nara Prefecture.
                  Sample sent on January 26.
                  (5) Action history:
                  On January 8-11, a tour passenger from Wuhan was put on a bus as a driver.
                  On January 12-16, another tour passenger from Wuhan boarded the bus as a driver.

                  About outbreak of patient of pneumonia associated with new coronavirus (fifth case)

                  At around 14:00 today (January 28), the National Institute of Infectious Diseases reported a case of an infectious disease related to this new type of coronavirus.

                  The patient was a traveler living in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, and was reported to have reported a stay in Wuhan when he visited a medical institution on January 26. Thing.

                  This is the fifth case in Japan where the outbreak of a patient with an infectious disease related to the new coronavirus has been confirmed.
                  We will carry out proactive epidemiological investigations on this matter, including the identification of close contacts.

                  A press conference on this matter will be held from 19:00.

                  (1) Age: 40s
                  (2) Gender: Male
                  (3) Place of residence: People's Republic of China (Wuhan, Hubei Province)
                  (4) Symptoms, progress:
                  He came to Japan on January 20 (no symptoms).
                  I am sick from the morning of January 22nd.
                  37.2 degrees fever since January 23.
                  On January 24, he had normal fever and malaise, but was followed up.
                  He had a fever of 37.5 degrees on January 26, and was diagnosed with pneumonia at a medical institution in Aichi Prefecture. Not hospitalized, waiting at the place of stay.
                  36.6 degrees on January 28. No other obvious symptoms. Currently hospitalized.
                  (5) Action history: According to his report, he has not stopped at the seafood market in Wuhan (South China Seafood Castle).
                          No clear contact with pneumonia patients has been identified in China. In addition, he said that he wore a mask when moving.
                  "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                  • #24
                    From MOH :

                    2.Domestic outbreaks
                    As of 12:00 on January 29, the following seven infected cases have been confirmed .
                    Fixed date Age sex residence Medical condition Hospitalization
                    Infected people around
                    the occurrence
                    Close contact
                    1 1/16 30s Man Kanagawa Prefecture Perfect Discharge None 38 people specified
                    health observation 1/24 end
                    2 1/24 Forties Man China
                    Light Hospitalized None Undergoing specific
                    health observation for 32 people
                    3 1/25 30s woman China
                    Light Hospitalized None 7 people under specific
                    health observation
                    4 1/26 Forties Man China
                    Hospitalized None Under specific
                    health observation
                    5 1/28 Forties Man China
                    Hospitalized None 3 people under specific
                    health observation
                    6 1/28 60s Man Nara Prefecture Symptom
                    Hospitalized investigating 3 people under specific
                    health observation
                    7 1/28 Forties woman China
                    Hospitalized None Under specific
                    health observation
                    ・ Wuhan stay history is allowed for 6 persons except 6th case.

                    ・ By the present time (as of 12:00 on January 29 ), a total of 23 tests were conducted based on surveillance of sickness . Seven of them were positive. 16 cases were negative.

                    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                    • #25
                      Returning Japanese nationals on charter flights related to the new coronavirus

                       As of today, about 206 Japanese nationals who arrived at about 8:40 and returned to Japan on a charter flight from Wuhan City, four doctors showed symptoms such as fever as a result of an in-flight quarantine examination and consultation by a doctor. For those with symptoms, measures were taken to prevent infection of the surroundings on board the aircraft, and they were transported to medical institutions after arriving in Japan. In addition, one of the patients was transported to a medical institution after alighting because of nausea while waiting at the airport.

                       Of the 201 people other than 5 who were transported to a medical institution, 199 with consent were obtained. ) Was again interviewed by a physician at the National Center for Medical Research (NCGM), consulted, and examined, and 191 people were again confirmed to have no particular symptoms. We ask these people to stay out for at least two weeks and follow up on their health regularly.

                       A close examination at NCGM revealed that 8 patients had symptoms such as fever, cough, nasal discharge, and headaches, and 7 of these patients will be hospitalized, except for 1 headache.

                       We have tested 199 new coronaviruses with or without symptoms, and will announce the results again.

                      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                      • #26

                        Two Japanese evacuated from Wuhan have pneumonia symptoms, second flight being dispatched
                        by Reuters
                        Wednesday, 29 January 2020 12:08 GMT
                        By Kiyoshi Takenaka

                        TOKYO, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Two Japanese nationals evacuated on the first chartered flight from Wuhan, epicentre of the coronavirus epidemic, have pneumonia symptoms but a coronavirus diagnosis has not been confirmed, hospital representatives said on Wednesday.

                        Among 206 Japanese nationals evacuated to Tokyo, five have been hospitalized, with two of those showing signs of having pneumonia following scans.

                        A further seven will be sent to hospital as they are showing symptoms like fever or coughing, government officials said, with a second flight being dispatched to Wuhan on Wednesday evening.

                        Passengers have been asked to return home or stay at a nearby hotel to receive check-ups, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said earlier on Wednesday...


                        • #27

                          Osaka resident tests positive for coronavirus - Japan's NHK
                          Reuters•January 29, 2020

                          TOKYO, Jan 29 (Reuters) - A woman working as a tour-bus guide in Japan has tested positive for the coronavirus, public broadcaster NHK cited Osaka's prefectural government as saying on Wednesday.

                          The woman, a resident of Osaka city, worked on the same bus as the driver who was confirmed with the virus on Tuesday, NHK said...


                          • #28
                            About outbreak of patient of pneumonia associated with new coronavirus (the eighth case)

                            At around 19:00 today (January 29), the National Institute of Infectious Diseases reported a case of infectious disease associated with this new type of coronavirus.
                            This patient is a resident of Osaka Prefecture and was reported to have reported a history of contact with a traveler from Wuhan when he visited a medical institution on January 23. is.

                            This is the eighth case in Japan of the outbreak of a patient with an infectious disease related to the new coronavirus.
                            We will carry out proactive epidemiological investigations on this matter, including the identification of close contacts.
                            A press conference on this matter will be held at 22:30.

                            (1) Age: 40's
                            (2) Gender: Female
                            (3) Place of residence: Osaka
                            (4) Symptoms, progress:
                            January 20 Fever, consulted a medical institution in Tokyo, and followed up.
                            January 21 Due to persistent fever, another medical institution in Tokyo was consulted, and a chest X-ray was followed without any abnormalities.
                            January 22 He visited a medical institution in Osaka Prefecture and followed up.
                            January 23 Consulted a health center without improving symptoms and consulted a medical institution in Osaka Prefecture. He was hospitalized for fever, respiratory symptoms, and pneumonia on chest CT.
                            January 29 Symptoms only improved with cough. Currently hospitalized for follow-up.
                            (5) Action history: From
                            January 12 to 17, I took a bus as a guide on a bus from Wuhan, China (the same bus as the sixth in Japan). From the evening of January 17 to January 22, I took a guide on a bus for another tour from Henan, China. He had been wearing a mask since he was on the job at a medical institution on January 20.

                            * A total of 28 tests have been conducted by the present time (as of 20:00 on January 29) based on surveillance of sickness. Eight of them were positive and the remaining 20 were negative. (Excluding returnees on charter flights)
                            "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                            • #29
                              Inspection results of returning Japanese on charter flights related to new coronavirus

                              jan 30, 2020

                               Yesterday (January 29), out of 206 Japanese returning to Japan on a charter flight from Wuhan City, five of the Japanese transported to a medical institution were examined at 22:00 yesterday at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, etc., for a new type of coronavirus. We will inform you that all five people have reported negative results.

                               In addition, medical institutions will continue to provide appropriate medical care to five people.

                               In addition, we will announce the results of those who are testing for new coronavirus as soon as they become clear.
                              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                              • #30
                                The three arrived in Japan on Wednesday, on the first flight to evacuate Japanese citizens from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of a deadly outbreak that has killed 170 people and injected thousands.

                                TOKYO - Three Japanese citizens among more than 200 on a first evacuation flight from China have tested positive for a new strain of coronavirus, Japan's health minister said Thursday.

                                The three people arrived in Japan on Wednesday, on the first flight to evacuate Japanese citizens from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of a deadly outbreak that has killed 170 people and injected thousands.

                                The three evacuees raise the number of cases in Japan so far to 11, including two people who appear to have contracted the virus without traveling to China.

                                "In addition to the eight cases, among the people who returned from Wuhan yesterday, infection (with the new coronavirus) has been confirmed in one person with symptoms and two other people who have no symptoms," Health Minister Katsunobu Kato told parliament.

                                The new cases come after authorities on Wednesday confirmed a second instance in which a person tested positive for the virus without having traveled to Japan.

                                The woman was a tour guide who worked on the same bus as a driver who also contracted the virus without traveling to China.

                                The driver told authorities he had driven two groups of tourists from Wuhan earlier in January and developed symptoms afterwards.

                                "The eighth case is the second suspected incident of human-to-human transmission in Japan," Kato said.

                                "We are in a truly new situation."

                                ? Agence France-Presse

                                (note: So is it now 11?)

