23:45 Feb 02 2021
Chen Qingqing and Cao Siqi
The WHO expert team visited the P4 lab inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) on Wednesday, a place that became target of a storm of Western public opinion following a massive smear campaign led by some US politicians. The visit came after days of intensive field work looking for the origins of the novel coronavirus.
The WIV has played a crucial role in global scientific cooperation. In addition to being fully transparent in its operations, it has also refuted conspiracy theories and unproven allegations about its links to COVID-19.
Peter Ben Embarek, the scientist leading the WHO team, confirmed with the Global Times that the experts visited the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the P4 lab in the institute on Wednesday.
He told the Global Times in an earlier interview that the team would meet Shi Zhengli, a leading virologist from the lab, who has been dubbed “Bat Woman” due to her years of research in bats and viruses and achievements in this field.
Link to a couple of Wuhan Videos posted on Feb 3 2021 from the twitter account of
Peter Daszak
@EcoHealthNYC President.@theNASEM
Forum on #microbialthreats Chair. Zoologist. Parasitologist. Ecologist. British. American.
Here’s the press pack today at Wuhan Institute of Virology from our car. We’re trying to do our best to keep information flowing while being respectful of our hosts here in China & not preempting the work. We see you guys out there & appreciate your attention to this@WHO mission...
VIDEOS HERE: https://twitter.com/PeterDaszak/stat...24574169255937
Chen Qingqing and Cao Siqi
The WHO expert team visited the P4 lab inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) on Wednesday, a place that became target of a storm of Western public opinion following a massive smear campaign led by some US politicians. The visit came after days of intensive field work looking for the origins of the novel coronavirus.
The WIV has played a crucial role in global scientific cooperation. In addition to being fully transparent in its operations, it has also refuted conspiracy theories and unproven allegations about its links to COVID-19.
Peter Ben Embarek, the scientist leading the WHO team, confirmed with the Global Times that the experts visited the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the P4 lab in the institute on Wednesday.
He told the Global Times in an earlier interview that the team would meet Shi Zhengli, a leading virologist from the lab, who has been dubbed “Bat Woman” due to her years of research in bats and viruses and achievements in this field.
Link to a couple of Wuhan Videos posted on Feb 3 2021 from the twitter account of
Peter Daszak
@EcoHealthNYC President.@theNASEM
Forum on #microbialthreats Chair. Zoologist. Parasitologist. Ecologist. British. American.
Here’s the press pack today at Wuhan Institute of Virology from our car. We’re trying to do our best to keep information flowing while being respectful of our hosts here in China & not preempting the work. We see you guys out there & appreciate your attention to this@WHO mission...
VIDEOS HERE: https://twitter.com/PeterDaszak/stat...24574169255937