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Quebec: Covid-19 Cases - 64,463 cases; 5,774 deaths

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  • Quebec reports no new COVID-19 deaths, 176 more cases:


    • Quebec reports three more COVID-19 deaths, 122 more cases:


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        COVID-19: the explosion of cases continues among 15 to 35 year olds in Quebec

        Young people now outnumber seniors among new coronavirus cases

        Thursday, July 30, 2020 3:17 PM
        UPDATE Thursday, July 30, 2020 10:19 PM

        The explosion of new cases of COVID-19 continues among those aged 15 to 35, who in some areas now outnumber the elderly.

        Earlier this week, Deputy Prime Minister Genevi?ve Guilbault was worried about the increase in outbreaks resulting from private parties among young people under 35.

        These now represent the majority of new cases of COVID-19 across the province.

        In the Capitale-Nationale region, for which Ms. Guilbault is the minister responsible, the number of cases in this age category has increased by 40% since deconfinement.

        "For the first time [since the start of the pandemic], in the Capitale-Nationale, the number of [active] cases among young people exceeds that of the elderly", reported the spokesperson for the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale , Annie Ouellet.

        Indeed, out of nearly 90 active cases in this region, nearly 50% are young people and about 30% are elderly.

        On the other side of the river, the CISSS de Chaudi?re-Appalaches reported Thursday 10 new confirmed cases, including 9 who are between 15 and 35 years old.

        Half of these new cases stem from a "pool party" which resulted in the isolation of some twenty individuals in Lac-Etchemin.

        "These people had several social contacts, followed by small meetings with friends [restaurants, visits] and generating a lot of contacts [from 10 to 50 contacts per person]", specified in an email the spokesperson of the CISSS of the region. , Mireille Gaudreau.

        Call for influencers

        During a press conference on another subject, the Deputy Prime Minister called on web influencers to make young people aware of the risks of COVID-19.

        "What I would like is [...] that influencers, whether on YouTube, Instagram and others, get on board and try to get the message across as well," said Ms. Guilbault.

        She considers that influencers have important power with young people, who do not always follow the authorities' press briefings. The minister also took the opportunity to urge these web stars to be cautious.

        “Influencers, the ones I see on Instagram who have a lot of followers, be careful,” she said. When you do stories and you yourself are glued to your friends, and it seems like you have a lot of friends at home, it doesn't send a good message. "

        Communication campaign

        At the same time, the government is currently working on a new communication campaign that will aim to reach young people through social networks, said Ms. Guilbault.

        Ultimately, she hopes that as many young people as possible will become aware of the risks that COVID-19 represents for their health and that of others.

        "They may very well [...] end up in a hospital center," said Ms. Guilbault. Then infect a vulnerable person, who may suffer greatly and then die. It is not pleasant to have that on your conscience either. "


        • Translation Google

          A first case of COVID-19 confirmed in Wemotaci

          5:30 a.m.

          The Integrated Center for Health and Social Services of Mauricie-et-du-Center-du-Qu?bec (CIUSSS MCQ) informed, on Saturday, the Council of Atikamekws of Wemotaci that one of its residents had received a positive diagnosis at the COVID-19.

          The infected person had gone to the Wemotaci health center for a screening test. The CIUSSS immediately warned local authorities of this positive result on Saturday.

          The infected resident and those with whom he has had significant contact have been notified, so that they can go into isolation for 14 days.

          For there to have been significant contact, you must have been in direct contact for 15 minutes with an infected person, regardless of health measures.

          This positive diagnosis resulted in the closure of the administrative center of the Council of Atikamekws until August 16 to clean and disinfect the premises.

          In a note posted on Facebook, we can read that the infected person was in contact with several employees of the Council.

          The Council of Atikamekws also says that it has noted concern among several of its members.
          Le CIUSSS MCQ a informé le Conseil des Atikamekws de Wemotaci qu'un résident avait reçu un diagnostic positif.


          • Quebec reports two new COVID-19 deaths, 123 new cases:


            • 60,000 cases; 5,687 deaths:


              • Quebec reports no new COVID-19 deaths, 133 new cases:


                • Quebec reports 108 new COVID-19 cases, no new deaths:


                  • Quebec reports five additional deaths, 126 new COVID 19 cases:


                    • Quebec reports 104 more COVID-19 cases, three deaths:


                      • Quebec reports one new COVID-19 death, 156 new cases:


                        • Quebec reports fewer than 100 new cases of COVID-19 for second day in a row, one new death:


                          • 60,813 cases; 5,709 deaths:


                            • Quebec reports three new COVID-19 deaths, 87 new infections as cases surpass 61,000:


                              • Quebec reports 55 new COVID-19 cases, one new death:

