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Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory

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  • Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory


    Google translation:

    New pathogenic avian influenza virus entered the Primorye

    A new type of avian influenza virus detected in Hasanskom and Hankayskom areas Proimorya. Perhaps a new infection recorded an obligation to Vietnam or Laos, said "KP in Vladivostok." In this case, the director of research
    Institute. Ivanovo Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Dmitry Lvov said that panic is not worth it.

    According to him, it was the first time in Primorsky Krai in Russia was a reliable barrier to avian influenza in April this year when the focus of infection was detected in a farm Ussuriyska. Enhanced security measures, widespread awareness among the people of literate veterinary virologist, an epidemiologist - all this has not spread the infection outside of a farmstead.
    bird flu

  • #2
    Re: New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primorye

    <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>The new virus of bird flu penetrated in the littoral

    </td></tr><tr><td>Main thing/of the incident

    </td></tr><tr><td><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr valign="center"><td align="center" bgcolor="#e7e7e7" width="80">26.09.2008</td><td bgcolor="#e7e7e7"> Source: To [pravda].[Ru]</td><td align="center" bgcolor="#e7e7e7" width="120"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100"><tbody><tr><td>
    </td><td width="5"> </td><td></td><td width="5"> </td><td></td><!--<td width="5"> </td><td></td>--></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>The new form of the virus of bird flu is discovered in the Khasan and The [khankayskom] The [proimorya] regions. Probably, to new infection littoral is obliged to Vietnam or Laos, it reports ?KP in Vladivostok?. In regard to this the director of the scientific research the institute [im]. of Ivanovskiy of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Dmitriy [Lvov] noted that he is not worthwhile to panic.

    According to him in the seaside edge for the first time in Russia was, precisely, set reliable barrier to bird flu in April of this year, when the center of infection was discovered in one of the farmer economies it was Ussuri. The intensive safeguards, wide explanatory work among the population, the competent actions of veterinarians, virusologists, epidemiologists - all this did not give to be extended infection beyond the limits of one [podvorya].


    • #3
      Re: New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primorye (April '08)

      Updated map


      • #4
        Re: New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primorye

        The repeated vaccination of poultry from the influenza began in Kamchatka

        The vaccination of poultry from bird flu on particular [podvoryakh] and in the farmer economies will be carried out in the course of two months. The state veterinary service of Kamchatka edge achieves measure. On this on September 3 to the correspondent [IA] REGNUM reported the leader of agency on the veterinary science of Kamchatka edge the sea-scape Of [nishtan].
        Inoculations from bird flu will be made repeatedly to the birds, vaccinated spring, for the fastening of immunity, and to appeared to the light in this year young animals.
        <noindex>More than 17 thousand poultry were this spring inculcated in Kamchatka. 3 additional thousand young animals were inculcated in the summer months.


        • #5
          Re: New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primorye (April '08)

          OIE report on earlier outbreak (April)

          PRIMORSKIY KRAY Ussuriysk Unit Type Location Latitude Longitude Start End
          PRIMORSKIY KRAY Ussuriysk Village Vozdvizhenka 43,89 131,94 08/04/2008
          Species Measuring units Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
          Birds Animals 42 28 28 14 0
          Affected Population
          28 susceptible chickens (21 cases), 8 susceptible guinea fowls (7 cases), 3 susceptible muscovy ducks (no cases) and 3 susceptible ducks (no cases) in a backyard.
          Poultry in the village were not vaccinated.


          • #6
            Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory

            Is there any information as to what subtype. Also, is there anything stating if the new strain is a low or high pathogenic. Looks like this information would have to be known before they could say it is a 'new strain'.


            • #7
              Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory

              Originally posted by Labrador - Sadie View Post
              Is there any information as to what subtype. Also, is there anything stating if the new strain is a low or high pathogenic. Looks like this information would have to be known before they could say it is a 'new strain'.
              Fujian clade 2.3.2/2.3.4


              • #8
                Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory



                • #9
                  Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory

                  Originally posted by Labrador - Sadie View Post
                  Is there any information as to what subtype. Also, is there anything stating if the new strain is a low or high pathogenic. Looks like this information would have to be known before they could say it is a 'new strain'.
                  Fujian is relatively new to long range migratory birds. It was first reported in long range migratory birds in the spring (in Japan - Russia and South Korea reported outbreaks in poultry) as birds migrated north. No one (Russia or Alaska) reported where the virus was over the summer. Now with birds flying back south, it has re-emerged in Russia, a few miles from the borders of China and North Korea (and almost certainly also in South Korea and Japan and possibly Canada and the US).


                  • #10
                    Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory

                    <TABLE width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=ntitle3 vAlign=top align=left> In Primorye find a local variant of avian flu </TD><TD></TD><TD class=copy_big align=right>
                    Вчера, 09:47
                    Yesterday, 09:47 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
                    <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff; HEIGHT: 1px"><TABLE width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=news vAlign=top colSpan=2>
                    Вчера во Владивостоке с журналистами встретился академик Дмитрий Львов, директор НИИ вирусологии имени Ивановского Российской академии наук.
                    Yesterday in Vladivostok with journalists met academician Dmitry Lvov, director of the Research Institute of Virology of Ivanovo, Russian Academy of Sciences.

                    - Вирус птичьего гриппа распространяется очень быстро, - рассказал Дмитрий Константинович.
                    - The virus of avian influenza spreading very quickly - told Dmitry Konstantinovich.
                    - Переносчиками заразы являются птицы, которые постоянно мигрируют, откладывают яйца, заражают своих птенцов.
                    - Carriers of infection is poultry, which are constantly migrating, lay eggs, infect their chicks.
                    Процесс этот бесконечен.
                    This process is endless.
                    Единственное, что может сделать человек, - принять всевозможные меры предосторожности.
                    The only thing that can make a person - to take all possible precautions.
                    Во-первых, это вакцинация домашних птиц.
                    First is the vaccination of poultry.
                    Ведь если дикая птица и может бороться с вирусом, то неприспособленные домашние пернатые после заражения не выживают.
                    After all, if a wild bird and can fight the virus, it unsuitable pets, birds do not survive after infection.

                    Есть несколько правил, которые необходимо соблюдать, чтобы уберечься от болезни пернатых.
                    There are a few rules to be followed to avoid avian diseases.

                    - Ни в коем случае не трогайте умершую птицу, - несколько раз подчеркнул академик.
                    - Do not touch dead birds - several times stressed the academician.
                    - А если нашли такую, немедленно сообщайте в ближайшие санитарные учреждения.
                    - And if that were to immediately inform the next care facilities.
                    Маленькие дети особенно восприимчивы к вирусу.
                    Young children are especially susceptible to the virus.
                    Однажды я был свидетелем того, как девочка из стран ближней Азии схватила мертвую птицу и начала делать ей искусственное дыхание.
                    Once, I witnessed how the girl from the Middle Asia caught dead birds and began to make her artificial respiration.
                    Наутро ребенок умер.
                    Morning the child died.
                    Первым делом болезнь поражает органы дыхания, но распространяется она настолько стремительно, что даже такой показательный симптом, как кашель, не успевает возникнуть.
                    First disease affects the respiratory system, but extends it so fast that even such a telling symptom of cough, failing arise.

                    Как утверждает ученый, любой вирус истребить невозможно.
                    According to the scholar, a virus can not be cut off.
                    Либо он мутирует в другой подвид, либо затаится, как дремлющий вулкан, и будет ждать своего часа, возможно, целыми столетиями.
                    Or it mutates into a different subspecies, or zataitsya as dormant volcano, and will wait in the wings, perhaps intact for centuries.
                    Вот и сейчас, едва ученые разработали вакцину от птичьей напасти, как был обнаружен новый вид вируса в Хасанском и Ханкайском районах.
                    Here and now, barely scientists have developed a vaccine against avian scourge, as was discovered a new type of virus in Hasanskom and Hankayskom areas.
                    Вероятно, новой заразе Приморье обязано Вьетнаму или Лаосу.
                    Perhaps a new infection recorded an obligation to Vietnam or Laos.
                    Потому вполне вероятно, что эпизоды заболевания в Приморье будут возникать не раз.
                    Because it is likely that episodes of illness in Primorye will not occur again.

                    - Но паниковать не стоит, - успокаивает Дмитрий Львов.
                    - But do not panic - calms Dmitry Lvov.
                    ? Главное - соблюдать все меры предосторожности.
                    - Home - observe all safety precautions.
                    Тем более что вирусная лаборатория в Приморье сейчас лучшая в России.
                    All the more so that the virus laboratory in Primorye is the best in Russia.

                    <SMALL>Источник: ГАЗЕТА ?КОМСОМОЛЬСКАЯ ПРАВДА? []</SMALL>
                    <SMALL>Source: NEWSPAPER ?Komsomolskaya Pravda? []</SMALL> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


                    • #11
                      Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory

                      > and will wait in the wings, perhaps intact for centuries.

                      no evidence for that
                      I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                      my current links: ILI-charts:


                      • #12
                        Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory

                        In the littoral the new virus of bird flu is found
                        The new virus of bird flu was fixed in the territory of seaside edge. This occurred in The [khankayskom] and the Khasan the regions of edge, writes [Pravda].[ru], referring to the publication “KP in Vladivostok”. This situation commented Dmitriy [Lvov], director of the Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences [im]. of Ivanovskiy. He stated that the position is not critical. In April already it was possible to hold in control the wave of bird flu and not to give present year in the littoral to it to be extended into the depths of Russia. This time will be repeated the same. In April all forces were mobilized in the territory of seaside edge to the fight with the terrible infection. Among the population explanatory works conducted. Medical workers, virusologists, epidemiologists and veterinarians, acted together. For this very reason the single cases of bird flu then did not develop into epidemic.

                        На территории Приморского края был зафиксирован новый вирус птичьего гриппа. Это произошло в Ханкайском и Хасанском районах края, пишет Правда.ру, ссылаясь на издание «КП во Владивостоке».


                        • #13
                          Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory

                          Commentary at


                          • #14
                            Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory


                            Re-emergence of Fujian H5N1 in Southeastern Russia
                            Recombinomics Commentary 14:48
                            September 26, 2008

                            The new form of the virus of bird flu is discovered in the Khasan and The [khankayskom] The [proimorya] regions.

                            Probably, to new infection littoral is obliged to Vietnam or Laos

                            According to him in the seaside edge for the first time in Russia was, precisely, set reliable barrier to bird flu in April of this year, when the center of infection was discovered in one of the farmer economies it was Ussuri.

                            The above translation describes new bird flu outbreaks in southeastern Russia. The translations do not identify the infected birds or provide direct comments on the identity of the bird flu, but the comparison to outbreaks in southeast Asia and comments on the earlier outbreak in the spring, strongly suggest the Fujian strain of H5N1 has re-emerged in Russia at locations along the coast in areas adjacent to China and North Korea (see satellite map).

                            Full sequences from an isolate from the outbreak in the spring have been released. The HA is clade 2.3.2, while the remaining seven gene segments are clade 2.3.4. These sequences are virtually identical to multiple isolates from northern Japan from Akita, Hokkaido, and Aomori. Although South Korea has not released sequences, media reports indicate the H5N1 from the spring Korean outbreak are also closely related to the published sequences.

                            The spring outbreaks in the whooper swans in Japan were linked to migration to the north. Although Russia reported excessive poultry deaths in Kamchatka over the summer, H5N1 outbreaks were denied.

                            The recent report on the re-emergence of H5N1 in the Primorie region in Russia suggests unreported H5N1 is also circulation in China, Korea, and Japan.

                            More detail on the Russian outbreaks would be useful.

                            "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                            • #15
                              Re: Russia - New pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Primory

                              Originally posted by niman View Post

                              Spread of Fujian H5N1 in Southeastern Russia
                              Recombinomics Commentary 23:02
                              September 28, 2008

                              The new virus of bird flu was fixed in the territory of seaside edge. This occurred in The [khankayskom] and the Khasan the regions of edge,

                              In April already it was possible to hold in control the wave of bird flu and not to give present year in the littoral to it to be extended into the depths of Russia. This time will be repeated the same. In April all forces were mobilized in the territory of seaside edge to the fight with the terrible infection. Among the population explanatory works conducted. Medical workers, virusologists, epidemiologists and veterinarians, acted together. For this very reason the single cases of bird flu then did not develop into epidemic.

                              The above translation describes the spread of the Fujian strain of H5N1 in southeastern Russia. However, although the news circulated widely in Russian media last week, there has been no follow-up, suggesting the above translation is describe H5N1 spread last spring. Spread last spring would not be unexpected, because H5N1 was widely reported in South Korea and Japan (see satellite map) . In South Korea H5N1 was reported at record levels in the spring. The high level of activity in South Korea led to enhanced surveillance in Japan, which led to reports of H5N1 in whooper swans in a number of locations in northern Japan. Five outbreaks were reported to OIE, and sequences from isolates in Hokkaido, Akita, and Aomori have been released.

                              Russia only filed one OIE report, which was for a poultry outbreak in Ussurysk. Sequences from a chicken isolate were virtually identical to the sequences from isolate in Japan, which also matched isolates in South Korea. Thus, it is likely that H5N1 in southeastern Russia extended beyond the one outbreak on the farm, but outbreaks in wild birds may not have been reported.

                              H5N1 is a notifiable disease, but some countries limit reports to confirmed outbreaks in domestic poultry. Reports of wild bird outbreaks began in earnest with the Qinghai Lake outbreak in May, 2005. Although China initially denied that the bar headed geese at the reserve died from H5N1, but an OIE report was filed later in the month, which described fatal H5N1 infections in five species of long rang migratory birds. This was followed by reports from Mongolia, which also had outbreaks which were limited to wild birds.

                              When H5N1 spread west in late 2005 and early 2006 many countries in Europe filed OIE reports, even though outbreaks only involved wild birds. However, in many countries, outbreaks in wild birds that did not involve poultry were not reported. Of the more notable outbreaks was in Mongolia and Russia in the summer of 2006. The outbreak rivaled Qinghai Lake, but neither Russia nor Mongolia filed OIE reports on the outbreak at Uvs Lake and surrounding regions in Mongolia and Russia. However, sequences of isolates from dead wild birds in both countries were made public. These sequences were Qinghai clade 2.2, which was the case for all H5N1 west of China. The sub-clade was 2.2.3 and had a few additional changes not seen in clade 2.2.3 isolates in Europe and India.

                              The Uvs Lake strain was subsequently reported in South Korea and Japan by the end of 2006 and in Kuwait in the beginning of 2007. In the summer of 2007, Uvs Lake was reported in wild birds in Germany, the Czech Republic, and France. In the fall the strain spread throughout Europe, and recent outbreaks in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo appear to also be the Uvs Lake strain.

                              Thus, the outbreak in the spring in Russia may have been markedly greater than the one outbreak reported in the spring. Although the H5N1 was in long range migratory birds, it was not the Qinghai strain that had spread to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Instead, the outbreaks in Russia, Japan, and South Korea were the Fujian strain, which had an HA from the clade 2.3.2 sub-clade, and the other seven genes from clade 2.3.4.

                              More detail on the spread in southeastern Russia would be useful.

                              "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation

