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Netherlands - H5N8 Avian Influenza Outbreak - 150,000 Chickens Culled - No New Cases - Transport Ban Lifted

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  • Netherlands - H5N8 Avian Influenza Outbreak - 150,000 Chickens Culled - No New Cases - Transport Ban Lifted


    Strain is not known yet.

    Netherlands - Bird flu in Hekendorp, Utrecht province

    News item | 15-11-2014

    In Hekendorp (municipality Oudewater) in a poultry farm with six stalls total around 150,000 laying hens bird flu (avian influenza, AI) has been confirmed. This farm has not free range chickens. The farm is being cleared. This is based on European rules. Depopulation is by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

    From Saturday, November 15th, 2014 at 20.30 applies in an area of over one kilometer around the holding in Hekendorp a ban on transporting poultry, eggs, poultry manure and used bedding. This prohibition applies in principle to 21 days. Within this area are two other poultry farms. These companies are sampled and tested for avian influenza.

    Utrecht province

  • #2
    Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled

    Poultry destroyed after bird flu found at Dutch farm

    (Reuters) - A poultry farm in the central Dutch village of Hekendorp is being cleared and a local ban has been imposed on transporting poultry after the discovery of avian influenza, Dutch authorities said in a statement late on Saturday.

    The government said the 150,000 birds kept at the farm were not free range and were being destroyed in accordance with European rules on avian influenza.

    Authorities gave no details of what strain of bird flu had been found, but previous outbreaks in Europe and Asia have proven highly contagious and have on occasion jumped the species barrier to humans, prompting fears of an epidemic.



    • #3
      Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled

      they won't tell us the subtype and whether it's HP or LP ?

      H5N8 tested on a dutch biosafety farm ...
      H5N1 escaped from a Dutch lab ...
      same H5N8 as in Germany, eggs bought from Bernard Mathews ...

      OK, maybe it's too early, and Sunday=Zondag

      'Vogelgriep Hekendorp is ook gevaarlijk voor mensen'

      [looks like H5N8 ?! , or maybe they found HP-H5 sofar, the exact N to be determined tomorrow]


      goes from Sunday, 11:30 am in the Netherlands a total ban on transporting poultry, eggs, manure
      and used bedding. The ban applies for up to 72 hours. During that period indoor confinement.
      I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
      my current links: ILI-charts:


      • #4
        Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled

        It's HP but the strain hasn't been identified in the media yet from the articles to date online...

        Dutch authorities find "highly pathogenic" bird flu strain

        Dutch authorities said they had identified a "highly pathogenic" strain of bird flu at a farm in the central area of the Netherlands and announced a temporary ban on all transport to and from poultry farms across the country.
        Read more:


        • #5
          Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled

          and again there is a bird-reservoir nearby

          Broekvelden, ~5km NW

          Kleine Zwaan = Bewick’s Swan

          Voor Broekvelden, Vettenbroek en Polder Stein zijn dat de kleine zwaan,
          de wijde omgeving bezoeken dan duizenden watervogels (onder meer kleine zwaan, ...
          dienen als foerageer- en rustgebied voor watervogels, met name kleine zwaan en smient.
          als speciale beschermingszone vanwege Kleine Zwaan en Smient.
          De aantalsontwikkelingen van de Kleine zwaan in de ZBZ-Broekvelden
          voor de kleine zwaan tevens Polder Stein

          It is concluded that the proposed housing development in the Triangle creates a small
          decrease in foraging area for the Little Swan and Wigeon, about 0.1%.
          This is still less than the estimate of de Vries from 2008. contlusie that report therefore
          stand still, still can be expected 4at the on | ents in the Triangle a // a, no significant
          effect veroocaken by decreasing foraging smienteh from Broe | acted, Fat Pants & Polder Stein.
          For the Little Swan
          This also applies, the reduction of foraging is almost identical for both types.
          In other land on | kkelingen bears decrease veroocaakt by the Triangle or to a
          roter cumulative effect. In total disappears gelijksoodige land on | ents at least 3%
          suitable foraging. On the basis of the information now available ovef the field use of the
          Wigeon and Little Swan, Ieved cropping the Triangle Area probably not important
          contribution to the cumulative effed. This is mainly because other suitable and much gebtuikte
          foraging areas closer overlie (as Natura Sooo area), the relatively favorable trend
          t and Little Swan also by the limited use of the Triahgelgebied in the past.
          I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
          my current links: ILI-charts:


          • #6
            Re: Dutch Ban Poutry Transport: Dangerous Bird Flu "Variant" Discovered

            Wording taken directly from the notice on the Central government site for the Netherlands ( Strongest language I've seen about a poultry outbreak in years.

            De pagina die u wilde zien of het bestand dat u wilde bekijken is niet gevonden. Controleer de URL.

            Severe bird flu in Hekendorp
            News | 16-11-2014

            This morning has been determined that the bird flu highly pathogenic variant appears at a poultry farm in Hekendorp (municipality Oudewater) are. The highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza is very contagious among poultry. This version is for chickens fatal. Avian flu is a zoonosis, which means that contamination of the animal can be transmitted to humans. Protective measures for that reason made for people who can come into direct and close contact with infected poultry. A temporary standstill for poultry and mixed farms with poultry also proclaimed in the Netherlands.

            As reported yesterday, the company is cleared. It is a six poultry houses with a total of around 150,000 laying hens. This company has no outdoor access. The depopulation is by the Dutch Food and Consumer Authority (NVWA).

            Standstill poultry transport throughout the Netherlands
            From Sunday, November 16th, 2014 at 11.30 am a total transport ban applies to poultry and other poultry, eggs, poultry manure and used bedding from poultry farms. For mixed farms with poultry applies these bans also for other animals and manure from other dierenvan those companies. This prohibition applies to up to 72 hours. Is also a ophok- and cover requirement for poultry and other poultry in the Netherlands set. For this period
            This standstill period set because of the high risk of infection. In this period also applies a rating scheme on all poultry farms and mixed farms with poultry. Also applies to the Netherlands a ban on hunting the animals. Too, and a collective exhibition ban ban for poultry and other birds. The obligations also apply to hobby farmers of poultry and other birds.
            For poultry farms in a zone of 10 kilometers around the holding in Hekendorp physical movement of poultry, eggs, poultry manure and used bedding applies in principle to 30 days. Within this area are 16 other poultry farms. The restrictions also apply to mixed farms with poultry. The ban also applies here for other animals from other animals. And manure These companies are sampled and tested for bird flu. For these companies, applies to this period a visitor control and should also be extra hygiene observed here.
            All medical discussions are for educational purposes. I am not a doctor, just a retired paramedic. Nothing I post should be construed as specific medical advice. If you have a medical problem, see your physician.


            • #7
              Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled

              They do not say which strain, guess we'll have to wait till the OIE-report.


              Severe form of bird flu in Hekendorp

              News item | 16-11-2014

              This morning it has been confirmed that the bird flu at a poultry farm in Hekendorp (municipality Oudewater) appears to be the highly pathogenic variant .

              The highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza is very contagious among birds. For chicken, this version is deadly. Bird flu is a zoonotic disease, which means that the infection from animals to humans can be transferred.

              For this reason, protective measures for people who may come into direct and close contact with infected poultry. Also, a temporary standstill for poultry farms and mixed farms with poultry proclaimed throughout the Netherlands.

              More: Rijksoverheid


              • #8
                Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled - High Pathogenic - Nationwide transport ban

                I assume that such a farm with 150000 chickens stinks a lot
                and maybe that's what attracts the waterfowl from the nearby lakes.

                winddirection Utrecht, Nov.01-Nov.16, 2014 in degrees:
                182,188,185,174,144,150,158,175,153,176,122,144,13 2,131,142,202
                rain, sometimes fog

                same for Rotterdam:
                196,191,191,182,161,158,169,181,169,182,121,156,14 4,137,142,113

                180 would be South-wind
                ~135 would be the direction from the farm to the bird-reserve

                checking Heinrichswalde ...
                winddirection Neubrandenburg in degrees, 1.Nov-16.Nov, 2014
                148,177,198,156,173,249,179,201,118,187,130,96,116 ,118,99,99

                same for Szczecin:
                148f,152f,169,151f,141f,239r,150fr,154fr,123f,181r ,106fr,98f,123,122,106,96r

                Heinrichswalde --> Gelenbecker Lake would be ~90-120 degrees, 2-6 km distance (1.5-4 miles)
                I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                my current links: ILI-charts:


                • #9
                  Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled - High Pathogenic - Nationwide transport ban

                  H5N8 according to Reuters:


                  • #10
                    Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled - High Pathogenic H5N8 - Nationwide transport ban

                    Dutch National Radio: HP H5N8

                    In Dutch:


                    • #11
                      Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled - High Pathogenic H5N8 - Nationwide transport ban

                      leichte Entwarnung fuer Menschen auch von hier:

                      Von 397 Blutseren war beim MNT Test keins positiv fuer H5N8
                      H5N8 (Buan2 Typ) war zwar hochpathogen in Maeusen, aber am unteren Ende

                      Frettchen waren asymptomatisch oder nur leicht symptomatisch
                      (vorlaeufige Betrachtung)

                      auf der anderen Seite ist es aber im wesentlichen dasselbe H5 wie vorher.
                      Und die waren bisher in fast allen Varianten sehr gefaehrlich fuer Menschen,
                      falls denn jemand erkrankte. (~50% Sterberate)
                      I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                      my current links: ILI-charts:


                      • #12
                        Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled - High Pathogenic H5N8 - Nationwide transport ban

                        Originally posted by gsgs View Post
                        leichte Entwarnung fuer Menschen auch von hier:

                        Von 397 Blutseren war beim MNT Test keins positiv fuer H5N8
                        H5N8 (Buan2 Typ) war zwar hochpathogen in Maeusen, aber am unteren Ende

                        Frettchen waren asymptomatisch oder nur leicht symptomatisch
                        (vorlaeufige Betrachtung)

                        auf der anderen Seite ist es aber im wesentlichen dasselbe H5 wie vorher.
                        Und die waren bisher in fast allen Varianten sehr gefaehrlich fuer Menschen,
                        falls denn jemand erkrankte. (~50% Sterberate)

                        Of 397 blood sera non were positive for the MNT test for H5N8
                        H5N8 (Buan2 type) was indeed highly pathogenic in mice, but at the lower end

                        Ferrets were asymptomatic or only slightly symptomatic
                        (preliminary analysis)

                        on the other hand, it is substantially the same as before H5.
                        And have been very dangerous for people in almost all variants,
                        because if someone fell ill. (~ 50% mortality rate)

                        Some highlights:

                        Risk assessment of human infection with
                        currently circulating H5N8 avian influenza
                        virus in Korea, 2014

                        Interpretation of mammalian pathogenicity

                        u In experimental mice model,
                        § The virus was moderately high pathogenic
                        § Viral replication showed limited tissue tropism but intestinal
                        replication was also scored.

                        u In ferret model,
                        § There was no significant symptomatic feature of high pathogenicity
                        (interim result).

                        u Accelerated animal investigation is underway
                        § intra-tracheal inoculation
                        § receptor preference of different strain of viruses
                        § low immune response after virus inoculation

                        u It should be addressed that there is a possibility of sporadic
                        infections or small clusters of human cases whenever influenza viruses
                        are circulating in poultry

                        u Especially in people exposed to infected household poultry or
                        contaminated environments, public health concern should be

                        u This influenza A(H5N8) virus does not currently appear to jump over
                        species barrier in nature.

                        u Nevertheless, the risk communication among poultry, environment
                        and human health should be continued to minimize possible public
                        health crisis


                        • #13
                          Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled - High Pathogenic H5N8 - Nationwide transport ban

                          The European Commission adopts protective measures to try to contain a bird flu outbreak after new cases in the Netherlands and UK.

                          The European Commission is to discuss emergency protective measures after a highly contagious strain of bird flu was discovered at a poultry farm in the Netherlands.

                          The commission will hold an urgent meeting on Monday to look at how to contain the outbreak.
                          The farm at Hekendorp reportedly sold eggs rather than poultry. Its produce was sold primarily in the Netherlands, with some also exported to Germany.

                          Earlier this month, a farm in Germany detected cases of the highly infectious H5N8 strain, which had previously not been reported in Europe.


                          • #14
                            Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled - High Pathogenic H5N8 - Nationwide transport ban

                            From reliable agriculture journalist some good news: Ministry reports no avian flu virus has been found in the 2 other poultry farms in the 1-km zone in Hekendorp .

                            Mariska Vermaas ‏@Mariska_Vermaas 10m10 minutes ago
                            Ministerie meldt dat bij de twee pluimveebedrijven in 1-km zone rondom besmette bedrijf #vogelgriep in Hekendorp geen virus is gevonden.
                            Surrounding farms not contaminated

                            Added: Monday 17 Nov 2014

                            Bird flu has not hit two farms in close proximity of the affected poultry farm in Hekendorp in Oudewater, reports the Ministry of Agriculture.

                            "The companies are clean," says a spokesman. The companies are located in a radius of one kilometer to the company. There are fourteen other poultry farms investigated. The Ministry hopes as soon as possible to provide clarity.



                            • #15
                              Re: Netherlands - Avian Influenza in Hekendorp, Utrecht province - 150,000 chickens culled - High Pathogenic H5N8 - Nationwide transport ban

                              EU: no additional bird flu measures

                              Monday, 17 Nov 2014

                              The European Commission considers the measures that the Netherlands has taken to prevent a further outbreak of bird flu to be sufficient for the moment. The EU has agreed on the steps to to be taken by countries in case of a bird flu outbreak, and the Netherlands has stuck to that script.

                              In an outbreak, the poultry of a farm where the flu is establisched is to be culled. In addition, a safety zone of 10 kilometers should be in place around the farm. In that area there is a indoor confinement for poltry. Poultry and eggs from this area must not be exported to other countries.

                              export stopped
                              Netherlands itself imposed even more stringent measures: to stop the export from the Netherlands. Therefore today no severe measures are expected from Brussels.

                              Britain has taken the same measures.


