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Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Reported To Have Tested Negative

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  • Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Reported To Have Tested Negative

    Five individuals from one family in South Sulawesi are suspected H5N1 cases and have been transferred to the hospital in Makassar. Chickens tested positive.

    The Maintenance Of Five Bird Flu Patients In Gowa Moved

    Tuesday, February 21 2012 04:00 WIB, Gowa: Five residents Kunjung Manje Village, Palangga Subdistrict, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, that infected the bird flu virus had finally been reconciled to the hospital in the Makassar City, on Monday (20/2). The five patients were one family.

    Several days ago, the five of them received the maintenance in the Hospital Sheikh Yusuf, Gowa Regency, after experiencing the sign of the high fever and influenza. However, after the maintenance for five days, the high fever the patient will never recover. The team of the doctor RS Sheikh Yusuf then reconciled him to RS bird flu reconciliation in Makassar.

    The five patients were expected infected the bird flu virus after several tails of their poultry died suddenly. Three including being children.

    Livestock Official Gowa Regency that entered to the field stated the livestock that died this was positive infected bird flu.

    credits to dbg for translation and bolding.

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Treated in Makassar Hospital

    Indonesia 2012 Human H5N1 Cases - WHO, DEPKES, and Local Public Health Dept. Confirmed Cases + Current Suspected Human Cases Chart

    Please see 2011 chart here.

    #183 - Male, 23, onset date December 31, hospitalized January 3, 2012, died January 7 - Jakarta province Death

    #184 - Female, 5, family member of case #183, onset date unknown, hospitalized January 7, died on January 16 - Jakarta province Death


    Current suspected cases from reports compiled on FluTrackers. This may be only a partial list of the total number of H5N1 suspected cases in Indonesia:

    Indonesia - Five Family Members from South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Treated in Makassar Hospital February 20

    Kalimantan: Bird Flu Suspect Hospitalized in Palangkaraya February 20

    Indonesia, East Java: 5 Pasuruan Residents Suspected To Be Infected With Bird Flu Virus February 17

    Indonesia - Man, 37, Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Died In Bandung Hospital, West Java - February 7

    2 Children, ages 3 and 12, being treated at home in Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi - January 28

    Indonesia - Man, 50, suspected H5N1 bird flu - Cibadak Village, District Land Sareal, Bogor - West Java - January 27 - diagnosed as "common flu" January 30

    Unnamed person suspected bird flu case mentioned in a reference - Cibadak Village, Bogor - West Java - diagnosed as "common flu" January 30

    Man 42, and his wife, & possibly 1 more person, from Sukamandang, Seruyan District hospitalized in Sampit, Kalimantan province, Borneo - January 25

    Boy, 4 years old, a resident Kanonang, Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi - January 25 - Declared Negative

    Man, 81, from Bintauna, Bolmon District, North Sulawesi - January 25 - Declared Negative

    Indonesia - Child, 4, died suspected H5N1 bird flu in Bekasi, West Java - January 24

    Indonesia - Boy - 3-years-old - Allegedly Killed by Bird Flu from Jakarta, Java - January 24 - Tested Negative

    Indonesia - Boy, 10 months, suspected H5N1 from Batang Balakka Sipunggur Bahal, Padangsidimpuan Batunadua District, Padangsidimpuan City - Sumatra - January 24

    Indonesia - Bird Flu Suspect from RT 29 Guntung, North Bontang, Kalimantan - Bontang Hospital - January 23

    Indonesia, Man, 18, Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Died - from Tangerang, Java - January 21 - Declared H5N1 Negative, A/H1N1 positive

    Boy, 3, from Village Kanonang, North Sulawesi - January 21

    Boy, 12, from Village Kanonang, North Sulawesi - January 21

    Man, 61, from Kanonang II, North Sulawesi - January 21

    Man, 47, from Kanonang II, North Sulawesi - January 21

    Summary of Suspected H5N1 Cases, South Sulawesi Dec. 2011 ? Jan. 2012

    Three brothers from hamlet Matteko, Erelembang Village, District Tombolopao, Gowa regency {Dusun Matteko, Desa Erelembang, -5.1548463 119.8997855, Kecamatan Tombolopao, Kabupaten Gowa} have died.

    A. Zul Asril (6 years) - Hospitalized on December 20, 2011, died December 26, 2011
    B. Amiruddin (17 years) - Symptom onset on December 25, 2011, died December 30, 2011
    C. Nurmiati (14 years) - Died January 3, 2012. This sibling was believed to have died from a virus.

    15 other individuals remain in intensive care at the department of Wahidin Sudirohusodo.

    D. Nismawati (16 years) a relative of four individuals listed above is being treated (post #3)
    E. Risnawati (post #1)
    F. Nurbaya (post #1)
    G. Arsil (post #1)
    H. Wahid (post #1)

    10 remaining unidentified individuals being treated.


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Treated in Makassar Hospital


      Empat Warga Gowa Diduga Suspect Flu Burung
      Penulis : Lina Herlina
      Selasa, 21 Februari 2012 10:26 WIB

      Google translation:

      Four residents Gowa Suspected Bird Flu Suspect
      Author: Lina Herlina
      Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:26 PM

      MAKASSAR - AFP: Four Kunjungmange Hamlet, Village Panaikang, Pallangga District, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi, which is a family suspected of suspect H5N1 virus (bird flu) and had to be rushed to the Regional General Hospital Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar. They are still undergoing treatment until Tuesday (21/2).

      Of the four people suspected suspect bird flu, only an adult and the other three were children.

      Prior to intensive care at the hospital Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, the four had undergone treatment and observation in the RSD Syech Yusuf, Gowa regency, until Monday (20/2) evening.

      According to Ibrahim Gratitude doctor, who treated four patients, four were sent to hospital immediately Wahidin having received the standard treatment of operational handling of bird flu, because all four showed symptoms of the disease such as high fever and colds.

      Based on information obtained from family pasieng Recalls Daeng, 40, before the fourth person is sick, in their area were hundreds of his chickens died suddenly with no known causes. (LN/OL-10)


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Treated in Makassar Hospital

        And another translated and bolded post by dbg . . .

        Four Gowa Residents It Was Suspected Contracted Bird Flu [South Sulawesi]
        At the same moment, dozens of tails of the chicken in their village died suddenly
        Tuesday, February 21 2012, 06:35 WIB
        Arfi Bambani Amri, RHA (Makassar)

        VIVAnews: Four residents Gowa, South Sulawesi, were run off with to the local public hospital after being suspected of being attacked by the virus H5N1 or bird flu. The four residents of Kunjung Mae Hamlet, Panakkukang Village, Pallangga experienced the high fever, the cough, and flu that were expected because of the sign of this bird flu.

        The four residents were SM (3 months), R (7 months), Ma (6 years), and S (32 years).
        Their family did not want to take the risk after the last three days, dozens of tails of the chicken belonging to the resident died suddenly with the characteristics was attacked by the virus H5N1.

        "Therefore we directly take to RS, because of the family has worried," said Daeng Kenna, one of the families, on Monday night, on February 20 2012.

        In the meantime, the side of RSUD Sheikh Yusuf Gowa at once handled this patient with the standard of the virus H5N1, with treated in isolation space. According to one of the officials, Dr Nurul, the four patients were still undergoing the maintenance to know the condition for the patient.

        Nevertheless, his side still could not give the certain cause of their illness, because of RSUD Gowa not including as the hospital of the virus of handling reconciliation H5N1. The hospital side plan to reconcile this patient to RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar.


        • #5
          Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Treated in Makassar Hospital

          The location of the residence of these family members is uncertain. The media reports are in agreement that these individuals reside in the subdistrict of Pallangga, but the specific village (desa-dusun) is not clear.

          Desa Kunjung Manje, Kecamatan Palangga, Kabupaten Gowa (post #1)

          Dusun Kunjungmange, Desa Panaikang, Kecamatan Pallangga, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan (post #3)

          Dusun Kunjung Mae, Desa Panakkukang, [Kecamatan] Pallangga,[Kabupaten Gowa] (post #4)


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Treated in Makassar Hospital


            Tiga Ratus Ekor Ayam Dimnusnahkan di Gowa
            Penulis : Lina Herlina
            Rabu, 22 Februari 2012 06:13 WIB

            Google translation:

            Three Hundred Chickens Dimnusnahkan tail in Gowa
            Author: Lina Herlina
            Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:13 pm

            Sungguminasa - AFP: Gowa District Veterinary Office, Tuesday (21/2), destroyed 300 chickens owned by residents Kunjungmange Hamlet, Village Panaikang, Pallangga District, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi who had previously died suddenly, allegedly infected with bird flu virus.

            Head of Gowa DVO Hatta Kanna, hundreds of cattle are destroyed by burning in a hole and then buried.

            "Although it is not certain death for the chickens because of bird flu are still awaiting the results of the examination, but we quickly perform a precaution," he said.

            In the meantime, patients with suspected bird flu suspect from the area that is now hospitalized in Makassar Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo grow to five persons, namely Masnaeni, 39, Surti, 32, of the Holy Empress(Suci Maharani), 3 months, Agung M (M Agung), 6, and the Holy Ramadani(Suci Ramadani), 7 months . They still have family.

            Dr Khalid Director of Medical Services Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, said patients were still in intensive care, but they are not yet certain pisitif H5N1 virus or not.
            "What is certain blood and saliva samples are taken to be scrutinized carefully in the laboratory,'' he said. (OL-11)


            • #7
              Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Treated in Makassar Hospital

              Suspect Bird Flu, Residents Gowa was rushed to hospital

              Tuesday, 21/02/2012 15:32 pm

              Abdurrahman Muhammad Nur - Detiknews

              Makassar Four Kunjungmange Hamlet, Village Panaikang, Pallangga District, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi, was rushed to Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Regional Hospital, Makassar, on Tuesday (21/02/2012). They are suspected of contracting bird flu virus. Of the four people who still have family ties, just an adult. The other three were children. They are Surti (32), Holy Maharani (3 months), M. Supreme (6), and nephew Surti, Holy Ramadani (7 months).

              Before receiving intensive care at the hospital Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, they could be treated and observed in hospitals Sheikh Yusuf, Sungguminasa, Gowa, Monday (02/20/2012) yesterday.
              Based on examination of Sheikh Yusuf Hospital, Gowa, four patients had high fever and colds. They were sent to hospital to receive treatment Wahidin in accordance with the operational standards of handling bird flu patients.

              Families of patients, Daeng Recalls (40), who met reporters at the hospital Wahidin, said before the ill family members, hundreds of chickens died suddenly in his home. He is concerned that the two events were unrelated.

              The RS Wahidin are now taking blood samples and four patients waiting for laboratory results to infer the existence of suspected cases of H5N1 virus in four patients suspect bird flu in Gowa. Yet unknown outcome of the investigation.


              Credits to bgw in MT for translation and bolding . . . .


              • #8
                Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Treated in Makassar Hospital

                Five patients suspect Bird Flu Still Treated

                Wednesday, February 22, 2012

                Makassar - Five patients suspect bird flu in Makassar, South Sulawesi, is still undergoing intensive treatment in special isolation space bird flu infection center Wahidin Sudirohusodo Kardinah Hospital.

                Patients are still awaiting results of laboratory examination of Jakarta.

                A patient of which were one month old baby. The baby is still having fever so high that continues to cry.

                Director General and Operations Kardinah Hospital Patonangi Wahidin Sudirohusodo Andi Kulthum, Wednesday (02/22/2012), said five patients have symptoms such as bird flu, which include high fever for five days.

                Related Case this, the municipal government adopted Makassar outbreak of bird flu vigilance status. Moreover, dozens of dead birds around the house dramatically confirmed bird flu positive patients.

                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #9
                  Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - reported to have tested negative

                  Note that these five residents of Gowa have now tested negative for bird flu yet they were all treated for several days including one in isolation.
                  As noted in this thread posted, another suspected cluster of human H5N1 infections has been reported today, also from Pallangga, the same subdistrict in Gowa Regency.

                  Laboratory results of 5 Patient Suspect Bird Flu Negative

                  Monday, February 27, 2012 - 16:34 ? Topics: flu-bird

                  Makassar, - A total of 5 patients suspect bird flu, or H5N1, are treated in hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo (RSWS), Makassar laboratory showed negative results.

                  The remark was made Head of Legal and Public Relations Sudirohusodo Wahidin Hospital, dr. Ilham, Monday (02/27/2012). "We have received laboratory results from Jakarta. Saliva and saliva test results are negative the five patients, "said Ilham.

                  With these results, the handling of cases of bird flu RSWS sure, if the flu that these five patients suffered not because of the H5N1 virus. Ilham also said that the condition of five patients are already getting better.

                  "God willing, they can go 2 or 3 days. It's still just the recovery phase, "said dr. More inspiration.

                  As is known, five residents from Gowa regency last Monday referred to the RSWS Tamalanrea, Makassar, Monday (2/20/2012), then. The fifth resident of the hamlet Kunjungmae, Village Panakkukang, Pallangga, Gowa regency is suspected of having bird flu. All five are Masnaeni, 39, Surti, (32), M Agung (6), Holy Ramadani, 7 months and the Holy Empress, 3 months.

                  The fifth
                  patient who was treated in a special isolation room that bird flu has symptoms similar to symptoms of illness due to H5N1 virus, which is a high fever above 38 degrees, cough, and flu.

                  Meanwhile, dr. Ilham is also admitted again to receive a patient suspected suspect bird flu, on Sunday night. Patient named Rusdi, Parang village residents Banua, Pallangga District, Gowa, South Sulawesi.

                  Patients suffering from high fever, cough and shortness of breath accompanied by flu, which is similar to bird flu disease. "In the interim, patients are also treated in a special isolation room H5N1 virus," said Ilham. [HSB]

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                  • #10
                    Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - reported to have tested negative

                    Selasa, 28 Februari 2012 | 21:07:32 WITA

                    Sungguminasa, DAWN - mass chicken deaths occurred again in Pallangga. This time, hundreds of chickens owned by the farmers in the village Parang Banoa died suddenly.

                    Information collected by DAWN mentions the death of hundreds of chickens that happen in the next three days. But the cause is unclear.

                    Head of Department of Livestock Gowa, Muhlis admitted his team is conducting an investigation into the death of the chicken. Until this news was revealed, Muhlis not sure what caused the death of the chickens had been done despite the rapid test.

                    "Not positive (bird flu). Still suspect," he said when contacted Monday, February 27th.

                    SOPs appropriate handling of bird flu, Animal Husbandry Department team directly to biosecurity at the scene. The cages were sprayed with disinfectant. Avian bird flu suspect indicated immediately destroyed by fire.

                    Also had no reports of a citizen named Rusdi (45) together with fever death chickens. However Muhlis Mile Daeng is denied if the suspect bird flu.

                    "I believe he was suffering from stomach disorders. Certainly not suspect bird flu," he said.

                    Chief Medical Officer Dr. Herry Gaffar Gowa also claimed to not know of any new cases of bird flu. "If there is, there must be the same reports we are," said Herry apart.

                    Herry confirmed so far there are only five people admitted to hospital because Wahidin Sudirohusodo suspect bird flu. That, too, he said, five people are almost certainly not infected with the H5N1 virus.

                    "There is already a sample test results. Not bird flu. But we have not received an official report," he said. (Aha / sap)

                    machine translated from


                    • #11
                      Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Reported To Have Tested Negative

                      Wednesday, February 29, 2012 | 21:46:38 AM | 44 HITS
                      Residents Gowa Free Bird Flu

                      Sungguminasa, DAWN - Gowa Health Department insists none of the people in Gowa who contracted avian influenza, aka bird flu. The assertion was made following the results of the Central Health Laboratory (BBLK) Makassar on blood samples of five victims of suspected bird flu some time ago.

                      "The results are already there and we release today (yesterday). So a negative result of bird flu," said Head of Public Health BP3 Gowa, Sangkala N SKM, through PR releases sent Gowa regency, Tuesday, February 28th.

                      Sangkala explained that bird flu case stems from the sudden death of about 312 chickens in the Village Visit the Mange, Panakkukang Village, District Pallangga. At the same time, 32 people were sickened. But once observed, only five of which are specially treated in hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo because suspect bird flu. Even so, no mention of the type of disease suffered by the five residents.

                      A similar incident occurred in the Village Parangbanoa, District Pallangga. Hundreds of chickens died suddenly and a citizen named Rusdi Daeng Mile complained of pain. But after review, Daeng Mile diagnosed only suffer stomach upset.
                      Where dozens were showing bf signs this thread

                      With the release of test results of samples from Makassar BBLK it, then certainly Gowa people are safe from bird flu virus. However, the Public Health Service and the Animal Husbandry Department will continue to monitor the progress of two cases of chicken deaths which occurred in the District Pallangga. (sap)

                      32 people were sickened
                      ..with what??



                      • #12
                        Re: Indonesia - Five Family Members from Kunjung Mange Hamlet, South Sulawesi Supected with Bird Flu Infection - Now Reported To Have Tested Negative

                        Wednesday, 29-02-2012
                        Residents Pallangga Free Bird Flu
                        Isolated Immediately Parangbanoa

                        Sungguminasa, Upeks --- The results of laboratory examinations, the Central Laboratory (BBL) Makassar, ensuring no Kunjungmange Hamlet, Village District Panaikang Pallangga bird flu.

                        This was revealed, Chief (Head) DP3 Gowa Health Department, told reporters in Sangkala N Sungguminasa, Tuesday (28/2). All people are admitted to hospital Kunjungmange Regional Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo none contracted the flu, he said.'' The results of laboratory , five patients with suspected bird flu are being treated in the department of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo and examination of BBL, all negative'' paparnya.Menyinggung death of dozens of chickens in the village and nursed Rusdi Parangbanoa Dg Mile (45) in hospitals Sheikh Yusuf, Sangkala confirmed, nor has it been found burung.Kadis flu Fisheries, Marine and livestock (DPKP) Gowa, Muhlis asserts, his team immediately isolate traffic in Parangabonoa poultry.


