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Near-Field Variability of Residential Woodsmoke Concentrations
Study of etiologic agents & outcome determinants of community-acquired pneumonia in urban children finds wood smoke exposure is a strong risk factor for mortality
Health effects of residential wood smoke particles: the importance of combustion conditions and physicochemical particle properties
Study finds one-third reduction in severe pneumonia diagnoses among children in homes with smoke-reducing chimneys on cookstoves
Emily started a topic Pooling studies from N. America, Europe, and Asia found elevated lung cancer rates from home heating with coal and woodin CancerPooling studies from N. America, Europe, and Asia found elevated lung cancer rates from home heating with coal and wood
Emily started a topic Wood smoke exposure and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with bronchogenic carcinomain CancerWood smoke exposure and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with bronchogenic carcinoma
Lung India. 2009 Apr-Jun; 26(2): 51?52. doi: 10.4103/0970-2113.48899
Copyright ? Lung India
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with bronchogenic carcinoma
Girija Nair,...
Emily started a topic Oxidative Stress, DNA Damage, and Inflammation Induced by Ambient Air and Wood Smoke Particulate Matter in Human A549 and THP-1 Cell Linesin OtherOxidative Stress, DNA Damage, and Inflammation Induced by Ambient Air and Wood Smoke Particulate Matter in Human A549 and THP-1 Cell Lines
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Oxidative Stress, DNA Damage, and Inflammation Induced by Ambient Air and Wood Smoke Particulate Matter in Human A549 and THP-1 Cell...
First Study on Wood Smoke Effects on COPD in US