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Proc Royal Soc B. Inferring the causes of the three waves of the 1918 influenza pandemic in England and Wales
[Source: Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Inferring the causes of the three waves of the 1918 influenza pandemic in England and Wales
Daihai He 1, Jonathan...
Giuseppe started a topic Measles - Multistate (EU) - Monitoring European outbreaks (ECDC/CDTR, July 8 2013)in MeaslesMeasles - Multistate (EU) - Monitoring European outbreaks (ECDC/CDTR, July 8 2013)
[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), full PDF document: (LINK). Extract.]
Week 27, 30 June-6 July 2013
Giuseppe started a topic Measles & Rubella - Multistate (EU) - Monitoring European outbreaks (ECDC/CDTR, March 26 2013): Wales, Sweden and Polandin MeaslesMeasles & Rubella - Multistate (EU) - Monitoring European outbreaks (ECDC/CDTR, March 26 2013): Wales, Sweden and Poland
[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), full PDF document: (LINK). Edited.]
Week 12, 17-23 March 2013
Giuseppe started a topic Euro Surveill. Pet rats as a source of hantavirus in England and Wales, 2013in OtherEuro Surveill. Pet rats as a source of hantavirus in England and Wales, 2013
[Source: Eurosurveillance, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Eurosurveillance, Volume 18, Issue 9, 28 February 2013...
Rapid communications
Pet rats as a source of hantavirus in England and Wales, 2013
Emerg Infect Dis. Invasive Pneumococcal Disease after Routine Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination in Children, England and Wales
[Source: Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Invasive Pneumococcal Disease after Routine Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination in Children, England and Wales
Euro Surveill. Haemophilus influenzae serotype B (Hib) seroprevalence in England and Wales in 2009
[Source: Eurosurveillance, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Eurosurveillance, Volume 17, Issue 46, 15 November 2012...
Surveillance and outbreak reports
Haemophilus influenzae serotype B (Hib) seroprevalence in England
Giuseppe started a topic Euro Surveill. Ongoing outbreak of Shigella flexneri serotype 3a in men who have sex with men in England and Wales, data from 2009?2011in OtherEuro Surveill. Ongoing outbreak of Shigella flexneri serotype 3a in men who have sex with men in England and Wales, data from 2009?2011
[Source: Eurosurveillance, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Eurosurveillance, Volume 17, Issue 13, 29 March 2012...
Rapid communications
Ongoing outbreak of Shigella flexneri serotype 3a in men who have sex with
Euro Surveill. Increased detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in children in England and Wales, October 2011 to January 2012
[Source: Eurosurveillance, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Eurosurveillance, Volume 17, Issue 6, 09 February 2012...
Rapid communications
Increased detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in children in England
Giuseppe started a topic Salmonella Enteritidis PT 14b investigation continues - Latest (Health Protection Agency, UK, August 18 2011, edited)in Food SafetySalmonella Enteritidis PT 14b investigation continues - Latest (Health Protection Agency, UK, August 18 2011, edited)
[Source: Health Protection Agency, United Kingdom, full page: (LINK). Edited.]
Salmonella Enteritidis PT 14b investigation continues - Latest...
18 August 2011
A multi-agency investigation
Giuseppe started a topic Salmonella Enteritidis PT 14b investigation - Latest (UK HPA, August 12 2011, edited)in Food SafetySalmonella Enteritidis PT 14b investigation - Latest (UK HPA, August 12 2011, edited)
[Source: Health Protection Agency, United Kingdom, full page: (LINK). Edited.]
Salmonella Enteritidis PT 14b investigation - Latest...
12 August 2011
A multi-agency investigation is continuing
Giuseppe started a topic Salmonella Enteritidis PT 14b investigation - Latest (Health Protection Agency, UK, August 9 2011, edited)in Food SafetySalmonella Enteritidis PT 14b investigation - Latest (Health Protection Agency, UK, August 9 2011, edited)
[Source: Health Protection Agency, United Kingdom, full page: (LINK). Edited.]
Salmonella Enteritidis PT 14b investigation - Latest...
8 August 2011
A multi-agency investigation established
Young and middle aged 'hit hardest' by flu this winter (UK HPA, May 26 2011, edited)
[Source: Health Protection Agency, United Kingdom, full page: (LINK).]
Young and middle aged 'hit hardest' by flu this winter...
25 May 2011
Young and middle aged adults bore the brunt of
Euro Surveill. Long term trends introduce a potential bias when evaluating the impact of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccination programme in England and Wales
[Source: Eurosurveillance, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Eurosurveillance, Volume 16, Issue 20, 19 May 2011
Research articles
Long term trends introduce a potential bias when evaluating the impact of...
Euro Surveill. Increased incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in England and Wales in 2010: multiocus variable number tandem repeat analysis typing and macrolide susceptibility
[Source: Eurosurveillance, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]...
Eurosurveillance, Volume 16, Issue 19, 12 May 2011
Rapid communications
Increased incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in England and