Vaccine. 2009 Aug 27;27(39):5357-62. Epub 2009 Jul 14.
Long-lasting immunogenicity of a virosomal vaccine in older children and young adults with type I diabetes mellitus.
Zuccotti GV, Scaramuzza A, Riboni S, Mameli...
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Giuseppe started a topic Vaccine. Long-lasting immunogenicity of a virosomal vaccine in older children and young adults with type I diabetes VaccinesVaccine. Long-lasting immunogenicity of a virosomal vaccine in older children and young adults with type I diabetes mellitus.
Giuseppe started a topic Vaccine. Eleven years of Inflexal((R)) V - a virosomal adjuvanted influenza VaccinesVaccine. Eleven years of Inflexal((R)) V - a virosomal adjuvanted influenza vaccine.
Vaccine. 2009 May 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Eleven years of Inflexal((R)) V - a virosomal adjuvanted influenza vaccine.
Herzog C, Hartmann K, K?nzi V, K?rsteiner O, Mischler R, Lazar H, Gl?ck R.
Giuseppe started a topic Vaccine. Economic benefits for the family of inactivated subunit virosomal influenza vaccination of healthy children aged 3-14 years during the annual health examination in private paediatric VaccinesVaccine. Economic benefits for the family of inactivated subunit virosomal influenza vaccination of healthy children aged 3-14 years during the annual health examination in private paediatric offices.
Vaccine. 2009 Feb 4. [Epub ahead of print]
Economic benefits for the family of inactivated subunit virosomal influenza vaccination of healthy children aged 3-14 years during the annual health examination in private paediatric offices....
Giuseppe started a topic Vaccine. Safe vaccination of children with a virosomal adjuvanted influenza VaccinesVaccine. Safe vaccination of children with a virosomal adjuvanted influenza vaccine.
Vaccine. 2008 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Safe vaccination of children with a virosomal adjuvanted influenza vaccine.
K?nzi V, Dornseiff M, Horwath J, Hartmann K. - Crucell, Berna Biotech Ltd, Rehhagstrasse 79, 3018 Berne,...