During this one hour long interview with Amy Goodman in January of 2014, former PM Kan discusses the profound severity of the accident and why he opposes nuclear power.
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Former Prime Minister N. Kan on how the Fukushima crisis was worse than Chernobyl
Lessons learned: most previous estimates of max earthquake size in subduction zones should be considered suspect, & perhaps other fault systems as well
Japan - NOT - Avian influenza from dead swan in Miyagi prefecture
5 Jan., Miyagi prefecture announces
genetic test was positive for avian influenza virus
Ichinojo, Toyomuro, Kakuda city, Miyagi prefecture 37.967664,140.74988
*19 farms within a radius of 10 km, no massive fatalities...
Japan earthquake - 14:28 JST 01 Jan 2012 31.4N 138.6E 370 km M7.0 Torishima Kinkai
14:28 JST 01 Jan 2012 31.4N 138.6E 370 km M7.0 Torishima Kinkai
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/201201...91-011428.html
Powerful earthquake hits Tokyo
A strong earthquake...
Japan - Micro-organisms found in 460,000-year-old seabed layer
Micro-organisms found in 460,000-year-old seabed layer
Japanese researchers say they have confirmed the existence of a community of micro-organisms thriving in a seabed layer formed more than 400,000 years ago in northern Japan.
Japan earthquake - 13:34 JST 23 Jul 2011 38.9N 142.2E 40 km M6.5 Miyagi-ken Oki
13:34 JST 23 Jul 2011 38.9N 142.2E 40 km M6.5 Miyagi-ken Oki
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/201107...91-231334.html
Strong earthquake hits Iwate
Japan earthquake - 9:57 JST 10 Jul 2011 38.0N 143.5E 10 km M7.1 Sanriku Oki - Tsunami Advisory Cancelled
09:57 JST 10 Jul 2011 38.0N 143.5E 10 km M7.1 Sanriku Oki
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/tsunami/
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/201107...84-100957.html
Japan earthquake - 06:51 JST 23 Jun 2011 39.9N 142.5E 20 km M6.7 Iwate-ken Oki - Tsunami Advisory
06:51 JST 23 Jun 2011 39.9N 142.5E 20 km M6.7 Iwate-ken Oki
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/3/2011...91-230651.html...
Japan - Rainy season begins in Tohoku
Rainy season begins in Tohoku
The annual rainy season has begun in the disaster-hit Tohoku region in northeastern Japan, where the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station is located.....
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 20:23...
Animal life
tsunami crushed wildlife sanctuary "gamô tidal flats"
<iframe width="100" height="180" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.ch/maps?hl=fr&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=38.257054,14 1.015015&spn=0.012132,0.008583&z=14&ou tput=embed"></iframe><br...
Japan - Major Earthquake Magnitude 9.0 on Mar 11, Many thousands dead & missing - March 27+
Collective relocation of Fukushima residents
Municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture are relocating residents and administrative functions to remote areas. Many of them are located within the evacuation zone around the troubled Fukushima...
- Stuck
Japan - Recovery of Transportation
Recovery of Transportation 2011.3.22 06:00
Situation of restoration of transport infastructure
Joban and Tohoku expwy
upper: after earthquake
below: recovery status