Elisa Mazzoni, Ilaria Bononi, John Charles Rotondo, Chiara Mazziotta, Roberta Libener, Roberto Guaschino, Roberta GafĂ , Giovanni Lanza, Fernanda Martini, Mauro Tognon, "Sera from Patients...
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Emily started a topic Sera from Patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Tested Positive for IgG Antibodies against SV40 Large T Antigen: The Viral Oncoproteinin CancerSera from Patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Tested Positive for IgG Antibodies against SV40 Large T Antigen: The Viral Oncoprotein
Emily started a topic SV40 seroprevalence in two Latin American countries involved in field trials of candidate oral poliovaccinesin OtherSV40 seroprevalence in two Latin American countries involved in field trials of candidate oral poliovaccines
Case of the Month - SV-40 Associated Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma Case of the Month - SV-40 Associated Invasive Urothelial
Emily started a topic Serum antibodies from epileptic patients react, at high prevalence, with simian virus 40 mimotopesin OtherSerum antibodies from epileptic patients react, at high prevalence, with simian virus 40 mimotopes
Emily started a topic Immunologic evidence of a strong association between non-Hodgkin lymphoma and simian virus 40in CancerImmunologic evidence of a strong association between non-Hodgkin lymphoma and simian virus 40
Stowaways in the history of science: The case of simian virus 40 and clinical research on federal prisoners at the US National Institutes of Health, 1960
Radiation-induced transformation of SV40-immortalized human thyroid epithelial cells by single exposure to plutonium alpha-particles in vitro.
Fanconi Anemia Patients Are More Susceptible to Infection with Tumor Virus SV40 (Early polio vaccine contaminant)
Emily started a topic Evidence of simian virus 40 (SV40) infection in multiple organ transplant recipients with renal dysfunctionin OtherEvidence of simian virus 40 (SV40) infection in multiple organ transplant recipients with renal dysfunction
More on the PVAN threat here:
Emily started a topic Ethnic differences in polyomavirus simian virus 40 seroprevalence among women in Houston, Texasin VaccinesEthnic differences in polyomavirus simian virus 40 seroprevalence among women in Houston, Texas
The most common pediatric brain tumors share a common cause
Some previous research looking at viral mechanisms affecting that pathway, and the relationship to cancer: