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China's third batch of aid arrives in Senegal to fight Ebola
Airlines Fly Away From Ebola, Leaving Aid Workers Stranded
Airlines Fly Away From Ebola, Leaving Aid Workers Stranded
Now the travel restrictions are going the other way, too: British officials over the weekend told an African-based carrier, Gambia Bird, it could not operate...
Senegal - Ebola outbreak: 1 confirmed case, 0 deaths as of September 21, 2014 (WHO Ebola Response Roadmap September 24, 2014)
computertranslation says "she", the patient could be male or female.
Friday august 29 2014
Senegal recorded its first Ebola case
This is confirmed Senegal recorded its first case of Ebola patient....
Yellow Fever in Senegal (WHO, December 1 2011)
[Source: World Health Organization, full text: (LINK).]
Yellow Fever in Senegal...
1 December 2011
The Ministry of Health in Senegal notified the WHO of three cases of yellow fever in K?dougou and
WHO, Yellow fever in Senegal (10/05/10, edited)
WHO, Yellow fever in Senegal (10/05/10, edited)
[Source: World Health Organization, full text: <cite cite="">WHO | Yellow fever in Senegal</cite>. Edited.]...
Giuseppe started a topic Transcript of virtual press conference with Dr Keiji Fukuda, Special Adviser to the Director-General on Pandemic Influenza (WHO, 2/24/10, edited)in WHO (OMS)Transcript of virtual press conference with Dr Keiji Fukuda, Special Adviser to the Director-General on Pandemic Influenza (WHO, 2/24/10, edited)
Transcript of virtual press conference with Dr Keiji Fukuda, Special Adviser to the Director-General on Pandemic Influenza (WHO, 2/24/10, edited)
[Source PDF Document: LINK. MP3 Audio File: LINK. EDITED.]
Transcript of...
Giuseppe started a topic Transcript of virtual press conference with Dr Keiji Fukuda, Special Adviser to the Director-General on Pandemic Influenza - 11 February 2010 (WHO, edited)in WHO (OMS)Transcript of virtual press conference with Dr Keiji Fukuda, Special Adviser to the Director-General on Pandemic Influenza - 11 February 2010 (WHO, edited)
Transcript of virtual press conference with Dr Keiji Fukuda, Special Adviser to the Director-General on Pandemic Influenza - 11 February 2010 (WHO, edited)
[Source PDF Document: LINK. EDITED.]
Transcript of virtual press...
FrenchieGirl started a topic Archive: WHO, 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Influenza - Updates (until the end of July 2010)in WHO (OMS)Archive: WHO, 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Influenza - Updates (until the end of July 2010)
Influenza A(H1N1) - update 17
6 May 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 6 May 2009, 22 countries have officially reported 1516 cases of influenza A (H1N1) infection.
Mexico has reported 822 laboratory confirmed human cases of infection,...
Archivio Notizie, anni precedenti (2008, 2009)
LOTTA ALLA ZANZARA TIGRE - Disponibile in farmacia il larvicida
Guerra alla zanzara tigre, soprattutto in questo periodo particolarmente...