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USC Upstate nursing student first to have poliovirus injected into brain tumor
By Jenny Arnold
jennifer.arnold@shj.comMay 11, 2014
Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2014/05/11/3440929/usc-u...
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USC Upstate - poliovirus injected into brain tumor
Aggiornamento delle raccomandazioni di immunoprofilassi in relazione alla protratta emergenza immigrati dall?Africa settentrionale ed al rischio di re-introduzione di poliovirus in Italia (Min. Sal., 15/5/14)
[Fonte: Ministero della Salute, documento PDF originale: (LINK). Adattato.]Ministero della SaluteDIPARTIMENTO DELLA SANITÀ PUBBLICA E DELL”INNOVAZIONE / DIREZIONE GENERALE DELLA PREVENZIONE / UFFICIO V...
Poliovirus, Aggiornamento delle raccomandazioni di immunoprofilassi (EpiCentro, 15 maggio 2014)
[Fonte: EpiCentro, pagina originale: (LINK).]
15 maggio 2014
Aggiornamento delle raccomandazioni di immunoprofilassi
A seguito della dichiarazione da parte dell?Organizzazione mondiale...
Giuseppe started a topic International spread of wild-type poliovirus in 2014 declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (ECDC/RRA, May 8 2014, abstract)in PolioInternational spread of wild-type poliovirus in 2014 declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (ECDC/RRA, May 8 2014, abstract)
[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), full PDF document: (LINK). Abstract.]
International spread of wild-type poliovirus in 2014 declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern under...
Giuseppe started a topic The Lancet. Mandatory polio vaccination for travellers: protecting global public healthin PolioThe Lancet. Mandatory polio vaccination for travellers: protecting global public health
[Source: The Lancet, full page: (LINK). Extract.]
The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 8 May 2014 / doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60756-X
Copyright ? 2014 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
Poliomielite: l?Oms dichiara l?emergenza sanitaria internazionale (EpiCentro, 8 maggio 2014)
[Fonte: EpiCentro, pagina originale: (LINK).]
Poliomielite: l?Oms dichiara l?emergenza sanitaria internazionale
Donato Greco - membro del Comitato indipendente della Regione europea dell?Oms per la certificazione...
Giuseppe started a topic WHO statement on the meeting of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee concerning the international spread of wild poliovirus (May 5 2014)in PolioWHO statement on the meeting of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee concerning the international spread of wild poliovirus (May 5 2014)
[Source: World Health Organization, full page: (LINK).]
WHO statement on the meeting of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee concerning the international spread of wild poliovirus
WHO statement...
Giuseppe started a topic Update of polio outbreak in the Middle East ? ongoing transmission in Syria with international spread (WHO, March 22 2014): 1st case in Iraq confirmedin PolioUpdate of polio outbreak in the Middle East ? ongoing transmission in Syria with international spread (WHO, March 22 2014): 1st case in Iraq confirmed
[Source: World Health Organization, full page: (LINK). Edited.]
Update of polio outbreak in the Middle East ? ongoing transmission in Syria with international spread
Poliovirus in Cameroon ? update (WHO, March 17 2014)
[Source: World Health Organization, full page: (LINK).]
Poliovirus in Cameroon ? update
Disease outbreak news / 17 March 2014
In Cameroon, three additional wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1)...
Giuseppe started a topic Euro Surveill. Silent reintroduction of wild-type poliovirus to Israel, 2013 ? risk communication challenges in an argumentative atmospherein PolioEuro Surveill. Silent reintroduction of wild-type poliovirus to Israel, 2013 ? risk communication challenges in an argumentative atmosphere
[Source: Eurosurveillance, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Eurosurveillance, Volume 19, Issue 7, 20 February 2014
Silent reintroduction of wild-type poliovirus to Israel, 2013...
Poliovirus: i rischi per i Paesi Ue e See (EpiCentro, 12 dicembre 2013)
[Fonte: EpiCentro, pagina originale: (LINK).]
12 dicembre 2013
Poliovirus: i rischi per i Paesi Ue e See
La circolazione di poliovirus selvaggio (Wpv) in Israele e il focolaio di poliomielite...
Giuseppe started a topic Outbreak of poliomyelitis - Syria ?2013 (ECDC/CDTR, November 29 2013): No Confirmed Poliovirus isolation in Austria so farin PolioOutbreak of poliomyelitis - Syria ?2013 (ECDC/CDTR, November 29 2013): No Confirmed Poliovirus isolation in Austria so far
[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Contro, full PDF document: (LINK). Extract.]
Outbreak of poliomyelitis...
Giuseppe started a topic Austria, Polio suspected in a refugee camp in Traiskirchen (der Standard, November 26 2013, edited): Tested negativein PolioAustria, Polio suspected in a refugee camp in Traiskirchen (der Standard, November 26 2013, edited): Tested negative
[Source: der Standard, full page in German: (LINK). Automatic translation.]
Austria, Polio suspected in a refugee camp in Traiskirchen
Julia Herrnb?ck / 26 November 2013, 18:27
Giuseppe started a topic Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Cross-neutralizing human anti-poliovirus antibodies bind the recognition site for cellular receptorin PolioProc Natl Acad Sci USA. Cross-neutralizing human anti-poliovirus antibodies bind the recognition site for cellular receptor
[Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Cross-neutralizing human anti-poliovirus antibodies bind the recognition site for cellular recep...
Giuseppe started a topic Expert consultation on scientific evidence linked to polio virus in Israel and Syria, Stockholm, 5 November 2013 (ECDC, November 22 2013)in PolioExpert consultation on scientific evidence linked to polio virus in Israel and Syria, Stockholm, 5 November 2013 (ECDC, November 22 2013)
[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), full PDF document: (LINK). Excerpts.]
Expert consultation on scientific evidence linked to polio virus in Israel and Syria, Stockholm,...