[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), full PDF document: (LINK). Edited.]
Week 12, 17-23 March 2013
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Giuseppe started a topic Measles & Rubella - Multistate (EU) - Monitoring European outbreaks (ECDC/CDTR, March 26 2013): Wales, Sweden and Polandin MeaslesMeasles & Rubella - Multistate (EU) - Monitoring European outbreaks (ECDC/CDTR, March 26 2013): Wales, Sweden and Poland
Giuseppe started a topic Influenza virus detections - Year 2013 - Week 3 (13-19/01/2013) (WHO, FluNet, edited): H1N1pdm09 in N Europe, ME, Russiain WHO (OMS)Influenza virus detections - Year 2013 - Week 3 (13-19/01/2013) (WHO, FluNet, edited): H1N1pdm09 in N Europe, ME, Russia
Source: World Health Organization, FluView, complete page: http://www.who.int/influenza/gisrs_l.../en/index.html
Attached: Updated PDF document with Week 3/2013 virus isolation tables.
-- Increaseing...
Giuseppe started a topic Influenza virus detections - Year 2013 - Week 3 (13-19/01/2013) (WHO, FluNet, edited): H1N1pdm09 in Algeria, Polandin WHO (OMS)Influenza virus detections - Year 2013 - Week 3 (13-19/01/2013) (WHO, FluNet, edited): H1N1pdm09 in Algeria, Poland
Source: World Health Organization, FluNet, full page: http://www.who.int/influenza/gisrs_l.../en/index.html
Attached: PDF document, preliminary influenza virus isolations for week 3/2013.
To note:
Giuseppe started a topic Influenza virus detections - Year 2013 - Week 1 (30/12/2012 to 05/01/2013) (WHO, FluNet, edited)in WHO (OMS)Influenza virus detections - Year 2013 - Week 1 (30/12/2012 to 05/01/2013) (WHO, FluNet, edited)
Source: World Health Organization, FluNet, full page: http://www.who.int/influenza/gisrs_l.../en/index.html
Data source: FluNet ( www.who.int/flunet ), Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS)
Giuseppe started a topic Euro Surveill. Ensuring safety of home-produced eggs to control salmonellosis in Poland: lessons from an outbreak in September 2011in Food SafetyEuro Surveill. Ensuring safety of home-produced eggs to control salmonellosis in Poland: lessons from an outbreak in September 2011
[Source: Eurosurveillance, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Eurosurveillance, Volume 17, Issue 47, 22 November 2012...
Surveillance and outbreak reports
Ensuring safety of home-produced eggs to control salmonellosis
Giuseppe started a topic Euro Surveill. Surveillance of aseptic central nervous system infections in Poland: is it meeting its objectives?in EncephalitisEuro Surveill. Surveillance of aseptic central nervous system infections in Poland: is it meeting its objectives?
[Source: Eurosurveillance, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Eurosurveillance, Volume 16, Issue 29, 21 July 2011
Surveillance of aseptic central nervous system infections in Poland: is it meeting its obj
Weekly influenza surveillance overview (ECDC, Dec. 23 2010, extract, edited)
Weekly influenza surveillance overview (ECDC, Dec. 23 2010, extract, edited)
[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), full PDF document (LINK). Extract, edited.]
Weekly influenza surveillance overview - 22 October 2010 (ECDC, extracts, edited)
Weekly influenza surveillance overview - 22 October 2010 (ECDC, extracts, edited)
[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), full PDF document (LINK). Extracts, edited.]
Weekly influenza...
ECDC Bi-weekly influenza surveillance overview - 10 September 2010: increasing ILI activity in Estonia, Hungary and Poland.
Bi-weekly influenza surveillance overview - 10 September 2010 (ECDC, extracts, edited)
[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), full PDF Document (LINK). Extracts, edited.]
Giuseppe started a topic Euro Surveill. Outbreak of invasive meningococcal disease in Goleni?w County, north-west Poland, March 2009in MeningitisEuro Surveill. Outbreak of invasive meningococcal disease in Goleni?w County, north-west Poland, March 2009
Outbreak of invasive meningococcal disease in Goleni?w County, north-west Poland, March 2009 (Euro Surveill., abstract, edited)
[Source: Eurosurveillance.org, full text: <cite cite="http://www.eurosurveillance.org/...
Archive. EuroFlu.org, Influenza-like Illness, Geographical Spread Indicator Snapshot (2010)
July 22 2010 EuroFlu snapshot of influenza activity in European Region (http://www.euroflu.org/html/maps.html ).
* Ukraine reported sporadic geographical activity, as well as, Armenia, Norway and Estonia. Some regions of Russia...
Warsaw braces for flood, Slovakia and Hungary reel
Warsaw braces for flood, Slovakia and Hungary reel
[Source: Radio Netherlands Worldwide, View Original Article.]
Warsaw braced Monday for a new flood crest on the mighty Vistula river, as Budapest sandbagged its tourist...
Giuseppe started a topic Euro Surveill. Multiresistant Salmonella enterica serovar 4,[5],12:i:- in Europe: a new pandemic strain?in Food SafetyEuro Surveill. Multiresistant Salmonella enterica serovar 4,[5],12:i:- in Europe: a new pandemic strain?
Multiresistant Salmonella enterica serovar 4,[5],12:i:- in Europe: a new pandemic strain? (Euro Surveill., abstract, edited)
[Source: EuroSurveillance.org, View Original Article. Abstract, edited.]
A marked increase in...
Giuseppe started a topic Euro Surveill. Mass immunisation campaign in a Roma settled community created an opportunity to estimate its size and measles vaccination uptake, Poland, 2009in MeaslesEuro Surveill. Mass immunisation campaign in a Roma settled community created an opportunity to estimate its size and measles vaccination uptake, Poland, 2009
Mass immunisation campaign in a Roma settled community created an opportunity to estimate its size and measles vaccination uptake, Poland, 2009 (Euro Surveill., abstract, edited)
[Source: Euro Surveillance.org, View Original Articl...
Giuseppe started a topic Euro Surveill. Spotlight on measles 2010: An epidemiological overview of measles outbreaks in Poland in relation to the measles elimination goalin MeaslesEuro Surveill. Spotlight on measles 2010: An epidemiological overview of measles outbreaks in Poland in relation to the measles elimination goal
Spotlight on measles 2010: An epidemiological overview of measles outbreaks in Poland in relation to the measles elimination goal (Euro Surveill., abstract, edited)
[Source: EuroSurveillance.org, View Original Article.]