Clinical test for heart muscle sheet to begin
Japanese medical equipment maker Terumo is planning to carry out the world's first clinical test with cell sheets that restore weakened heart muscles.
Wednesday, February 29,...
No announcement yet.
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19 results in 0.0502 seconds.
Japan - Clinical test for heart muscle sheet to begin
makoto started a topic Japan - Influenza nosocomial infection in Kashimoto hospital, Osaka prefecturein JapanJapan - Influenza nosocomial infection in Kashimoto hospital, Osaka prefecture
52 inpatients and 22 medical staffs infected with Influenza A
83 and 93 years old women died of pneumonia
83 years old woman: cerebellar hemorrhage, pneumonia
93 years old woman: bladder calculus, pneumonia...
Japan - How immune cells enter nerves discovered
How immune cells enter nerves discovered
A Japanese research group has unraveled for the first time how immune cells in blood enter the brain and spinal cord and cause inflammation.
Friday, February 03, 2012 06:14 +0900...
Japan - Explosions rock science room at Osaka school, no injuries reported
Explosions rock science room at Osaka school, no injuries reported
OSAKA (Kyodo) -- A fire broke out at an Osaka primary school Tuesday morning after a string of explosions in a science room, prompting 250 pupils and teachers to evacuate...
Japan - Detergent leaked into river from Osaka factory
Detergent leaked into river from Osaka factory
KASHIWARA, Osaka -- A massive amount of detergent leaked into a river from a detergent factory here on Jan. 20, company officials have said.
Japan - Osaka students build eco-friendly hydrogen fuel cell car
Osaka students build eco-friendly hydrogen fuel cell car
A group of students at Osaka Sangyo University have built a hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, and unveiled it to the public in Tokyo on Jan. 13.
Japan - Medical intern saves man's life on her way to Christmas date
Medical intern saves man's life on her way to Christmas date
HIRAKATA, Osaka -- A medical intern's courage and her quick, apt response to an emergency resulted in a Christmas miracle here last year.
Japan - 1074 prisoners afflicted with food poisoning in Osaka prison
1074 prisoners afflicted with food poisoning in Osaka prison
<iframe width="150" height="180" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" ;q=%C5%8Csaka-fu,+Sakai-shi,+Sakai-ku,+Tadeich%C5%8D,+6%E2%88%921&aq=&sll=34. 579506,135.492789&sspn=0.008692,0.020792&v psrc=6&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Japan,+%C5%8C saka-fu,+Sakai-shi,+Sakai-ku,+Tadeich%C5%8D,+%EF%BC%96%E2%88%92%EF%BC%91& ;t=h&ll=34.579836,135.492797&spn=0.00636,0 .006394&z=15&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe><br...
Japan - Osaka pref. eyes ordinance against child sex offenders
Osaka pref. eyes ordinance against child sex offenders
OSAKA--Osaka Gov. Ichiro Matsui said Wednesday he plans to propose to the Osaka prefectural assembly next year an ordinance requiring people with records of sexual crimes against children...
makoto started a topic Japan - University students design miniature research satellite to test power charging in spacein JapanJapan - University students design miniature research satellite to test power charging in space
University students design miniature research satellite to test power charging in space
SAKAI -- Students at Osaka Prefecture University are designing a miniature satellite that will be launched into orbit, where it will be used to test...
Japan - Lunar eclipse observed on Japan's Pacific coast
Lunar eclipse observed on Japan's Pacific coast
People on the Pacific coast of Japan were able to view a total lunar eclipse on Saturday night.
Sunday, December 11, 2011 04:41 +0900 (JST)
Japan - Paralyzed Patients Move Robots with Mind
Paralyzed Patients Move Robots with Mind
Tokyo, Nov. 3 (Jiji Press)--A research team including members from Osaka University said Thursday it has succeeded in moving robots with a high degree of accuracy using the brain waves of partially...
Japan - New material to pave way for battery-free cardiac pacemaker
New material to pave way for battery-free cardiac pacemaker
OSAKA -- Researchers have developed a new material that can generate power after being embedded in a human body and absorbing light from outside, paving the way for a battery-free...
makoto started a topic Japan - Hospital pays doctor large sum following transfer of 220 patients from another hospitalin JapanJapan - Hospital pays doctor large sum following transfer of 220 patients from another hospital
Hospital pays doctor large sum following transfer of 220 patients from another hospital
SAKAI -- A hospital operator has paid a doctor approximately 130 million yen for treating about 220 patients, who had transferred from another hospital...
Japan - a midwife contracts TB in Rinku General Medical Center, Osaka
a midwife contracts TB in Rinku General Medical Center, Osaka
349 neonates or infants & 128 women have been tested for suspected tuberculosis infection
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