Japanese macaque 'Makoto' becomes new leader of troupe after only 5 years
OITA -- A macaque at a zoo here has risen to become head of his troupe only five years after he was first seen in it, in an unusually fast change of leadership....
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makoto started a topic Japan - Japanese macaque 'Makoto' becomes new leader of troupe after only 5 yearsin JapanJapan - Japanese macaque 'Makoto' becomes new leader of troupe after only 5 years
Japan earthquake - 03:18 JST 30 Jan 2012 32.6N 132.0E 30 km M4.8 Hyuga-nada
03:18 JST 30 Jan 2012 32.6N 132.0E 30 km M4.8 Hyuga-nada
Japan - Sloth found dead in pool at Oita aquarium
Sloth found dead in pool at Oita aquarium
OITA -- A two-toed sloth at an aquarium here was found dead in a pool earlier this month, its caretakers revealed on Dec. 28.
Japan - Avian influenza from Heron in Oita prefecture - Oita city
16 Feb., Ôita prefecture announced http://www.pref.oita.jp/uploaded/attachment/126988.pdf
H5 subtype was detected from dead Heron by genetic test
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makoto started a topic Japan - Avian influenza from Mandarin Duck in Oita prefecture - Bungo-Ono cityin JapanJapan - Avian influenza from Mandarin Duck in Oita prefecture - Bungo-Ono city
12 Feb., Ôita prefecture announced http://www.pref.oita.jp/uploaded/attachment/126068.pdf
H5 subtype was detected from mandarin duck by genetic test
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Japan - Avian influenza from Mandarin Duck in Oita prefecture - Nakatsu city
11 Feb., Ôita prefecture announced http://www.pref.oita.jp/uploaded/attachment/126990.pdf
H5 subtype was detected from mandarin duck by genetic test
rice field, Yabakei town, Nakatsu city, Ôita prefecture...
Japan - H5N1 confirmed from Mandarin Duck in Oita prefecture - Oita city
9 Feb., Ôita prefecture announced http://www.pref.oita.jp/uploaded/attachment/125790.pdf
H5 subtype was detected from mandarin duck by genetic test
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makoto started a topic Japan - Avian influenza from 4 wildbirds in Oita prefecture, Tottori University confirmed H5N1 from 3 mandarin ducksin JapanJapan - Avian influenza from 4 wildbirds in Oita prefecture, Tottori University confirmed H5N1 from 3 mandarin ducks
9 Feb., Ôita prefecture announced http://www.pref.oita.jp/uploaded/attachment/125789.pdf
H5 subtype was detected from 4 wildbirds by genetic test
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Japan - Avian influenza from Mandarin Duck in Oita prefecture
8 Feb., Ôita prefecture announced http://www.pref.oita.jp/uploaded/attachment/125787.pdf
H5 subtype was detected from dead female mandarin duck by genetic test
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Japan - Avian influenza at farm in Oita prefecture confirmed
2 and 3 Feb., Ôita prefecture announced http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.p ref.oita.jp%2Fuploaded%2Fattachment%2F124432.pdf htt...
makoto started a topic Japan - suspected Avian influenza at farm in Oita prefecture - tested negativein JapanJapan - suspected Avian influenza at farm in Oita prefecture - tested negative
29 Jan., Oita prefecture announced
chickens were positive by simple test
Usa city, Oita prefecture
28 Jan.,
chickens died at farm
chickens were negative by simple test
29 Jan.,
Laidback Al started a topic Japan - Maps of prefectures with avian species confirmed with H5N1, updated February 26, 2011in JapanJapan - Maps of prefectures with avian species confirmed with H5N1, updated February 26, 2011
A map of Japan below shows prefectures with confirmed avian cases of H5N1 since mid-December 2010. Not shown are Kochi and Hyogo prefectures which are still waiting for confirmatory testing. Note that H5N1 has been widely confirmed in Japan recently....