12:55 JST 09 Feb 2012 31.5N 131.9E 20 km M4.6 Hyuga-nada
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makoto started a topic Japan - Influenza nosocomial infection in Junwakai memorial hospital, Miyazaki prefecturein JapanJapan - Influenza nosocomial infection in Junwakai memorial hospital, Miyazaki prefecture
30 inpatients and 25 medical staffs infected with influenza A
80s woman died of pneumonia and septicemia on 2 Feb
she was serious condition, hospitalized from 10 Jan
she had the flu on 29 Jan
cause-and-effect relationship...
Japan earthquake - 03:18 JST 30 Jan 2012 32.6N 132.0E 30 km M4.8 Hyuga-nada
03:18 JST 30 Jan 2012 32.6N 132.0E 30 km M4.8 Hyuga-nada
Japan - Heavy rain falls in western Japan, could spread to eastern Japan
Heavy rain falls in western Japan, could spread to eastern Japan
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Heavy rain fell on parts of western Japan on Friday, with more than 100 millimeters of precipitation recorded per hour in Shimanto, Kochi Prefecture, according...
Japan - Lottery for livestock farmers
Lottery for livestock farmers
A new lottery to raise funds to help businesses damaged by foot-and-mouth disease in Miyazaki Prefecture has begun nationwide.......
Saturday, October 15, 2011 22:21 +0900 (JST)
Japan - Typhoons dumped record summer rain
Typhoons dumped record summer rain
Record rainfall was recorded this summer, as Typhoon No. 12 brought more than 2,000 millimeters of torrential rain to the Kii Peninsula, and Typhoon No. 15 brought more than 1,000 millimeters of rain...
Japan - heavy rain and flood warning
heavy rain and flood warning
Weather agency continues to warn of water-related disasters
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- The Japan Meteorological Agency on Sunday continued to warn of water-related disasters, such as mudslides and flooding,...
makoto started a topic Japan - 15 years old boy dies in possible case of fulminant meningococcal meningitis in Miyazaki prefecturein MeningitisJapan - 15 years old boy dies in possible case of fulminant meningococcal meningitis in Miyazaki prefecture
15 years old boy dies in possible case of fulminant meningococcal meningitis
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Japan - suspected foot-and-mouth disease in Miyazaki prefecture - tested negative
25 Apr., Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries "MAFF" announced http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/english/web/?wb_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.maff.go.jp%2Fj%2Fpress%2F syouan%2Fdouei%2F110425.html&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2
Japan - One year since foot-and-mouth outbreak in Miyazaki
One year since foot-and-mouth outbreak in Miyazaki
One year after an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Miyazaki Prefecture, southwestern Japan, preventative measures are being conducted to ensure it doesn't happen again.....
Japan - equine infectious anemia at JRA Miyazaki farm
equine infectious anemia at Japan Racing Association Miyazaki farm
<iframe width="140" height="230" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.ch/maps?hl=fr&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=31.935593,13 1.432061&spn=0.008377,0.006008&z=15&ou tput=embed"></iframe><br...
makoto started a topic Japan - Avian influenza from Mandarin Duck in Miyazaki prefecture - Miyazaki cityin JapanJapan - Avian influenza from Mandarin Duck in Miyazaki prefecture - Miyazaki city
19 Feb., Miyazaki prefecture announced
H5 subtype was detected from dead Mandarin Duck by genetic test
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makoto started a topic Japan - Avian influenza from Mandarin Duck in Miyazaki prefecture - Nichinan cityin JapanJapan - Avian influenza from Mandarin Duck in Miyazaki prefecture - Nichinan city
18 Feb., Miyazaki prefecture announced
H5 was detected from dead Mandarin Duck by genetic test
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Giuseppe started a topic Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan (OIE, Feb 17 2011, extract, edited), poulty: Miyazakiin JapanHighly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan (OIE, Feb 17 2011, extract, edited), poulty: Miyazaki
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan (OIE, Feb 17 2011, extract, edited)
[Source: OIE, full text: (LINK). Extract, edited.]
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan
Information received on 17/02/2011...
Japan - Avian influenza from falcon in Miyazaki prefecture - Nobeoka city
15 Feb., Miyazaki prefecture announced
dead falcon was positive by simple test
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